Following our recent series on Nehemiah we have become increasingly aware that prayer needs to be both a priority and foundational to all we do. We have any number of great answers to prayer in the history of the church and would love people to share these more frequently.
As a leadership we feel the Lord calling us to set aside the first fruits of the new year with prayer. Our plan is to soak each area of church life in prayer, before the new years activities begin, to take some-time to pray for and lay hands on leaders and volunteers, and to enable each member of the church to be able to attend at least one prayer gathering during the week. We will therefore be slightly delaying beginning some of our meetings and activities to set aside time to pray.
This will be different from our previous 24/7 prayer weeks where mostly people pray on their own This time we’d like to encourage prayer together, and as a result birth a regular church prayer meeting, we will be looking to see how this might work.
As church members we have committed to praying for each another and for the life of the church, we would like to urge each member to attend at least one of the gatherings, and hopefully many during the week. Prayer helps us to align with God’s purposes individually and corporately, helps us to listen to his instructions, and to pour out our hearts for the nation and nations of the world, the lost, the poor and also our own community and activity. Please have a look at the schedule for the week and commit to as many of the gatherings as you are able.
We look forward to you joining us.