NBC Creation Care
"Climate change", "Global warming", "Carbon footprint", "Net Zero", we hear these words a lot, and we may be tempted to leave understanding and solutions to the experts, letting the activists do their thing to raise awareness.
As Christians, we know that God made and cares deeply for all creation, so as we live out our faith let's consider how God may want us to respond to the current climate situation. Perhaps we should not be leaving it to the activists after all?
To start to address these vital issues, NBC has a Creation Care Group looking into these issues and what we can do as a church and as individuals.
Northchurch Baptist Church is working to gain an Eco Church Award (bronze-level) organised by the charity A Rocha UK (for more on A Rocha click here). This award covers the following areas:
Worship and Teaching
Management of Church Buildings
Management of Church Land
Community and Global Engagement
The current team is led by Ian and Pamela Gamble, and includes Steve Brehm, Verna Burgess, Mel Eckert, Fintan FitzPatrick, Sylvie Prouse and Bob Thompson. If you would like to join the group or help out occasionally with one of our projects, please speak to one of the group. We'd also love some younger members of the church to join in too!
Events, Activities and Campaigns
Helping our Northchurch Community.
Litter Picking - 10 May 2025 2.00 - 4.00 pm Nature Counts
Click here for more about litter picking … or here to find out about the nature counts
Christians Suffering from Climate Change
Climate Change affects all the countries of the world but there are some countries which are being disproportionately badly affected. Countries with widespread poverty and ineffective governments face the severest risks from Climate Change. Climate Change can be a ‘threat multiplier’ for these poor countries and when disasters strike it is exceptionally difficult for them to recover. It is also very hard for them to put in any type of preparation work for extreme yet natural disasters. Read more ….
Hurricanes in Haiti Drought and deforestation in Peru
Floods in Sri Lanka Misery in Malawi
Displaced farmers in Burkino Faso
Useful Organisations
National Organisations
Baptist Union Environment Network (BUEN)
BUEN aims to raise awareness and respond to the environmental crisis, by inspiring and enabling the Baptists Together network of churches, associations and colleges.
They aim to share in God’s mission to care for creation and respond to the climate crisis in practical ways at local, regional and national levels. BUEN works for justice for creation and people impacted by environmental change.
To find out more, please go to their website - The Baptist Union of Great Britain : Baptist Union Environment Network
Caring for God’s Acre
Caring for God’s Acre began as a small Shropshire based initiative in 1997 after being inspired by the National Living Churchyard and Cemetery Project (LCCP). Caring for God’s Acre was established in 2000 as a national charity, promoting the conservation of burial sites and supporting the volunteers who look after and maintain them.
To find out more, please go to their website - https://www.caringforgodsacre.org.uk.
The Climate Coalition
The Climate Coalition is the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action against climate change. Along with our sister organisations Stop Climate Chaos Cymru and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, we are a group of over 130 organisations — including the National Trust, Women's Institute, Oxfam, and RSPB — and 22 million voices strong. We are reaching across the UK to show our love for all the things we want to protect from climate change, and to ask politicians to put aside their differences and commit to doing whatever is necessary to protect them.
To find out more, please go to their website - https://www.theclimatecoalition.org.
Love Food, Hate Waste
Discover some simple hacks, tips and guidance to make the most of your food at home. Find out why it’s so crucial that we all do our bit to save our food from the bin - and protect our beautiful planet at the same time too.
Every little thing you do, everyday, makes a huge difference. By working together, it soon adds up if you times each small action by 66 million people living in the UK. And, you’ll save money on your shopping bill too!
To find out more, please go to their website - https://www.lovefoodhatewaste.com/.
Operation Noah
Operation Noah was set up in 2004 to provide a Christian response to the climate crisis, and it is a small charity with big ambitions. In 2022, we were shortlisted for the David & Goliath Award as part of the National Campaigner Awards presented by the Sheila McKechnie Foundation – a recognition of our small size but big impact in taking on a giant issue!
We work with churches of all denominations to address the climate crisis, particularly through our Bright Now campaign, which encourages churches to divest from fossil fuels and invest in climate solutions like renewable energy. Our Bright Now campaign is also starting to work with churches on large-scale, nature-based solutions, from increasing tree cover to other environmentally-sensitive ways of managing church land.
We are faith-motived, science-informed and hope-inspired.
To find out more, please go to their website - https://operationnoah.org/.
Local Organisations
Dacorum Climate Action Network
Dacorum Climate Action Network (Dacorum CAN) brings together local individuals and organisations to ‘think global and act local’.
The aim of the network is to bring about meaningful change and provide a platform that will support, educate, encourage and enable people to make positive environmental changes in their everyday lives. These collective actions will help to tackle the Climate and Ecological Emergency by reducing emissions and increasing biodiversity.
To find out more, please go to their website - https://www.dacorum.gov.uk/home/environment-street-care/climate-change/climate-action-network.
Open Door Repair Cafe
Held on the first Saturday morning of every month.
Throw it away? No way!
Do you have something that needs fixing? Prefer to mend it than throw it away?
The Open Door Repair Café takes place on the first Saturday of every month, 9:30-12:30, at Open Door, on Berkhamsted High Street.
You're invited to pop in with your broken things and let our experts take a look – you can even enjoy a cuppa and a cake whilst you wait – either inside, or in our lovely garden.
We ask for a voluntary donation in exchange for your repair, and any refreshments - all donations (after costs) will go towards the running of Open Door - your donations are very much appreciated.
We will have a range of expert repairers available each month, such as:
· electricals
· ceramics
· sewing and textiles
· bicycles
· jewellery
· glassware
Please do check the What's on page and social media for which experts will be there that month, or get in touch if you have a really specialist item to be repaired.
We think Repair Cafes are a brilliant idea, not least because they reduce waste and CO2, but also because they bring the community together to share skills and help each other out. We can't wait to see you and your broken items!
To find out more, please go to their website - https://www.opendoorberkhamsted.co.uk/repair-cafe.html.
This group is for giving away things you don’t need any more.
Join this local group and offer it to others.
Items must be legal, appropriate for all age-groups, and given away for free.
You can both give stuff and ask for stuff
To find out more, please go to their website https://www.ilovefreegle.org/explore/BerkoTringReuse
Sunnyside Rural Trust
Beyond the allotments off New Road, Northchurch, there is a shop selling organically-grown fruit, vegetables, herbs and plants - open Mon-Fri 10am - 3pm.
The team also run a customised veg box scheme where you can sign up and choose seasonal vegetables once a week and then collect your box.
To find out more, please go to their website https://www.sunnysideruraltrust.org.uk/our-sites/northchurch/