As a church we know that we can't do anything (and we don't want to) without God being the central part of it. So we ask that you pray with us, fast with us and do life with us. We also know that no one likes talking about money. But as a self supported Baptist Church it helps! We wouldn't be able to pay our staff, give to mission (we've committed to giving away 15% of our income to mission) or heat the building without it.
So we ask our members to join with us in tithing.
Giving financially is great for a number of reasons.
It's a great spiritual discipline
It's a biblical principle (2 Corinthians 8:9)
It breaks the power of greed
It’s easy - you can:
Use our bank details below to give straight from your own account.
Bank: Co-operative Bank
Account Name: Northchurch Baptist Church
Account Number: 67273786
Sort Code: 08-92-99
OR you can click the button below to use our online giving system.
OR you can give through our ChurchApp.