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We are still active, meeting and blessing.

We no longer request attendees to wear face coverings but do ask that everyone recognise the importance of keeping people safe and of respecting others in their choice to either wear face coverings or not.

The morning service services are livestreamed to ensure that those who are vulnerable, or concerned about gathering in groups, remain an integral part of the worshipping community.

Children’s work and youth work continues without restriction.

In the meantime, if you need any help of any kind during this tricky time, do CLICK HERE, fill in the form and we’ll be in touch.

The church office remains open at the usual times.

The church is open, active and easy to find.

Looking after others and yourself

During these unprecedented times, it is our prayer that everyone stays safe and healthy and that no-one feels spiritually or relationally isolated.

Here are some ideas and resources for staying safe during the crisis.

Taking care of one another

We are trying to remain as connected as possible. We are doing this by:

  • Zoom coffee catch ups at 11.30 am on Sunday mornings, following our LiveStream service.

  • Here at NBC, we believe the best way to support each other is through our Lifegroups. Many of these Lifegroups are continuing to meet regularly using Zoom. If you would like to join one, please click NBC Lifegroups.

Receiving and offering help

Please do let us know if you need help. We have teams of people who are keen to assist, with shopping, providing food, collecting prescriptions among other things.
Email the office or Mary-Ann Mountford if you need help.

Open Door and Berkhamsted Food for Friends are organising meals for those who need them, particularly the elderly.
Email for more information or click on the link Open Door Berkhamsted.

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Taking care of ourselves

Many people are experiencing difficulties and anxiety during this time. It is important that we take care of ourselves, socially distance, maintain structure to our days, eat healthily, exercise and look after our mental health. Many organisations provide resources which you may find helpful. Here are a selection:

  • Care For The Family offer Marriage support, bereavement and parent support.

  • Christians Against Poverty offer help for people struggling with debt or unemployment.

  • Family Lives is a secular charity providing help and support to families who are struggling. They include advice on coping with family life during the Covid-19 outbreak, keeping your relationship healthy and supporting your teen’s mental health.

  • Age UK provide advice on caring for someone you live with, caring for someone in another household and other useful support.

  • The British Red Cross offer help and advice for those struggling in this time, with a helpline, tips and resources.

  • offer help and support using a network of churches and a helpline. They can help with a friendly phone call, shopping, prescriptions and advice as well as putting you in touch with local churches.

Mutual Aid Groups

Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK is a group of volunteers supporting local community groups organising mutual aid throughout the Covid-19 outbreak in the UK. They focus on providing resources and connecting people to their nearest local groups, willing volunteers and those in need.

To find out about Mutual Aid Groups in Berkhamsted and surrounding areas please click Mutual Aid Local Groups.

Above all - Be wise

We encourage you to follow the Government advice and stay at home, especially for those who are older or have health concerns. We also need to be careful as there are sadly people wanting to exploit the crisis and fraudsters are at work! Please be wise and if in any doubt speak to someone you trust.