Minutes of Northchurch Baptist Church
Part 2     1883 - 1897

[The following minutes are from the second Minute Book]                       

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[Revd Alexander Bosher commenced as Pastor December 1882 aged 27. he was worshipping in Holloway and was a student of Regent’s Park College.

He had some responsibilities for Aldbury and Wigginton Baptist fellowships too, his position being the second evangelist funded by the Hertfordshire Union of Baptist Churches to support work in the villages. (The first such evangelist was for Essendon near Hertford). Under his ministry there were to be significant changes.

At this time the fellowship met in the old Chapel building in the graveyard, established just over 40 years beforehand.  A new schoolroom had been provided in 1878 to help to cope with the 70+ children then attending.]

1883 Minute Book of Proceedings at Church Meetings in Connection with the Baptist Church Northchurch
1883 Monthly Church and Quarterly Meeting Sep 27th
Present The Pastor,
Br Sear, King, Sherman, G Wood, Reading, Pocock, G Dealey, A Dealey, A Wood, Smith, Timberlake, T Davis,
Sisters A Sear, Sherman, King, Reading, S Baldwin, Cooper, Johnson, E Timberlake, C King
Br King read over Minutes of the last meeting and were accepted as correctly reported.
Br Reading read over a/c of Table Money and the same was agreed to as correct.
Br Sear read over Treasurers a/c for the past Quarter which was accepted as correct.
After some discussion it was agreed that a formal recognition service in reference to the Pastorate would be relinquished. 
Br Reading and Pocock brought in a very satisfactory report of their interview with Wm Baldwin who is a candidate for Baptism and Church Membership.  Several of the Br and the Pastor confirmed the report as to the fitness of the Candidate for uniting with us and it was unanimously agreed to Accept W Baldwin into our midst soon as practicable.
[William Baldwin was then aged 16]
A proposition in reference to having the Baptist Visitor a monthly Periodical circulated amongst us and the neighbourhood was agreed to in the following terms.
Proposed by Br Reading seconded by Br Sherman
That a magazine being deemed necessary for our church the Pastor be desired to procure and edit same for two months providing 50 copies can be first guaranteed any deficiency to come out of church funds.  Notice of our intention be given out in the Chapel to the congregation.
It was thought desirable to have a Social Tea soon as practicable.
Br Sear said coal was wanted.
Br Pocock said new blinds were required.
It was agreed that the Officers should attend to providing coal and new blinds.
                                                A Bosher   Pastor
 Special Church Meeting Oct 16th 1883
This meeting was convened to consider the desireability of acceding to the request of the late Mrs Keen of the Cowroast Northchurch, that she be buried in the Chapel yard.  An alteration of the burial rules was passed to the effect that “Any application for interment for a person who is not a member shall be brought before the Church, discussed and voted upon, for or against as the case shall demand.”
Mrs Keen’s application was agreed to.
Monthly Church Meeting Oct 25th
Present The Pastor,
Br Fenn, Sherman, King, G Wood, Reading, Pocock, G Dealey, A Dealey, A Wood, T Davis, E Timberlake, C King
Br King read over minutes of past Meeting the same were accepted and carried.
The Pastor regretted that so few church Members were present as very important business was in hand and the Pastor did not know whether we ought to postpone the Meeting.
Br Reading proposed that we proceed with the Business seconded by Br G Wood carried.
The Pastor read a Document which he had prepared in complyance to Br Sears request.  Br Reading proposed Br Davis seconded that the Document read and which the officers had consented too be adopted and presented to Mr Sears carried.
The Pastor read a code of Rules for conducting the Sunday School.
Br Dealey proposed, Br Davis seconded that the Rules as read be adopted and carried out carried.
The Pastor read a set of Regulations which he had prepared for the carrying on of the Sunday School *  Br Reading proposed Br J Pocock seconded That the regulations as read be adopted. Carried.
*Br Fenn made an Amendment in reference to RegulationThat the school beopened at ½past 1 and not at ¼to 2Br A Wood seconded 4 voted for the amendment and 8 against it , the Amendment was therefore lost.
In the matter of this church being associated the Central Union of Baptist Church in Gt Britain and Ireland.
Br Sherman proposed Br Pocock seconded That we belong to the Central Union of Baptist Churches and that we give annually 10/- to the Association thereby securing the Baptist Annual Year Book. Carried.
                                                            A Bosher – PastorNov. 22nd/83
[These are the Rules referred to in the Meeting]
Rule 1  That this Sunday school be called the Northchurch Baptist Sunday school.
Rule 2  That the Pastor of the church be President ex-officio.
Rule 3  That the Superintendent, Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian, be elected annually at the close of the year.
Rule 4  That new Teachers shall be nominated and checked by the existing body of Teachers at any Teachers Meeting.
Rule 5  That the officers of the church as representing the Church, shall be entitled to attend any Teachers Meeting, and to discuss and to vote upon any matter relating to the school.
Rule 6  That one Teachers’ Meeting, at least be held every quarter.
Rule 7  That any alteration in or addition to these Rules be proposed and seconded at a Teachers’ Meeting and discussed and voted upon at the next Teachers’ Meeting.
[These are the Regulations referred to in the Meeting]
1  That the whole School assemble unitedly (except the Infant Classes) at
     9.30 a.m. and 1.45 p.m. and that it be opened punctually at these hours with singing and Prayer; the same times to be kept in the Infant Classes.
2  That the opening exercises shall terminate at 20 minutes to 10 in the morning and at 5 minutes to 2 in the afternoon.
3  That at the conclusion of the opening exercises the classes shall assemble.  The Secretary then to mark the Roll book, and the Teachers their Registers: all scholars then present to be marked as early
     but no others.  The Secretary and Teachers to mark all late attendances at the close of teaching.
4  That the school close at 10.25 a.m. and 2.40 p.m. punctually.
5  That whenever a Teacher is absent from class he or she shall find a substitute to take the class, or inform the Superintendent of the intended absence in sufficient time.
6  That a Teachers Prayer Meeting be held once a month.
7  That any alteration in, or addition to these Regulations be proposed and seconded at a Teachers Meeting and discussed and voted upon at the next Teachers Meeting.
 Monthly Church Meeting Nov 22nd/83
Present The Pastor,
Br Sear, Delderfield, King, Sherman, Wood, Reading, Pocock, Timberlake, A Dealey, Davis.
Sisters Sear, King, Sherman, Wood, Pocock, Johnson, Timberlake.
The meeting opened with Prayer.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
 The Pastor presented the Superintendent with a testimonial for long service in the Sunday School, the Superintendent acknowledged same with great thankfulness.
[In 1906 William James Sear was designated Honorary Superintendent “with a vote of thanks for past services” suggesting that he had recently retired. This suggests that he had another twenty or more years of service ahead of him as Sunday School Superintendent when this vote of thanks was made.  His gravestone in the Chapel Burial Ground states “for 50 years Superintendant of Baptist Sunday School”.  He died aged 77 in 1907.]


[Two cards presumed to be from the Sunday School.
Both have the initials N B S written on the back, presumably Northchurch Baptist School, the left hand one is dated 1873, the other 1877.They show the language and sentiments of their day and are reproduced solely as historical documents.]


It was decided that the new Rules and Regulations for the Sunday school should be hung up next Sunday.
The afternoon service be altered from ½ past 2 to ½ past 3 to ¼ to 3 and¼ to 4.
A letter was read from the Pastor of Union Chapel High Wycombe asking for Miss Pococks transfer.  Br Sherman proposed Br Reading seconded that the transfer be forwarded.
The Pastor Revd A Bosher asked for his transfer from the Baptist Church Meeting at Upper Holloway London to the Baptist Church Northchurch.  Br Reading proposed Br Sherman seconded that the Secretary write for Mr Bosher’s Transfer carried.
Br Pocock moved that a Noticeboard be put up on Mr Richbells premises directing to our chapel.  Br Davis seconded. 5 voted for the resolution.
Br Sherman moved an amendment That the Matter of finishing Infant Class room be done before anything elseBr Dealey seconded 11 voted.
[John Richbell, a grocer occupied shop on corner of Bell Lane - site much earlier of the Bell Inn giving the name to the street.]
It was proposed by Br Davis seconded by Br Davis [!] That a Tea and Entertainmentbe held on Dec 26th carried.
Br Reading proposed seconded by Br Timberlake That Mrs King, Sherman, Wood and E Timberlake provide for the Tea carried
Br Timberlake proposed that the price of Tea should be 6 d for adults and 4d for children Br Davis seconded carried
Br Reading suggested that arrangements for for the Entertainment be left in the hands of the Officers seconded by A Wood carried
Br Reading properly suggested the importance of Prayer and unity amongst us and then we should be blessed by the favour of Gods smile.
It was proposed by Br Delderfield seconded by Br Pocock that a Tea Meeting and Public Meeting after should be held on Dec 7th to Commemorate the first Anniversary of the Settlement of the Pastor the Revd A Bosher the price of the Tea to be 6d carried.
The above meeting was held and proved a very happy and beneficial gathering.

1883 Nov 26th

From the Church of Christ meeting at Northchurch Baptist Chapel to the Church of Christ meeting at Upper Holloway Chapel.
Dear Brethren
       As our Pastor Rev A Bosher desires to have his name transferred from your fellowship to ours I hereby beg in the name of the church to ask for his transfer.
       Wishing you long continued prosperity under the Master’s smile.
                   Yours in Christian fellowship
                                   W.D. King    Secy
Rev J.R. Wood, 56 St John’s Park Upper Holloway. N.


The Church of Christ Meeting in Northchurch Baptist Chapel to the Church of Christ at High Wycombe
Dear Brethren
        We have great pleasure in hereby sending to you the transfer of our Sister Kate Pocock, who was Baptized here last February.
        We commend her to your Christian sympathy.
        With our best wishes for the prosperity of our Master’s cause amongst you. 
                 Yours very truly
                               A. Bosher.  Pastor
                                  W.D. King.  Secy


Quarterly Church Meeting Dec 27th 1883
Present The Pastor,
Br Fenn, King, Sherman, G Wood, Dealey, A Dealey, Reading, Pocock, A Wood, Timberlake, Davis.
Sisters Gurney, Lewin, Pocock, S Baldwin, Timberlake, Johnson.
The Meeting opened with Prayer.
The Secretary read minutes of the past Meeting and with a slight alteration the same were agreed to.
The Secretary read a letter and transfer of the Pastor from the Baptist Church at Upper Holloway to us.
The Treasurer being absent Br Fenn proposed Br Timberlake seconded that “the Treasurers A/c [“] be presented at the next Church Meeting carried.
The Pastor brought forward the name of Mary Reading as a candidate for Baptism and Church Membership.  It was proposed by Mr Pocock seconded by Mrs Timberlake that Mr and Mrs Sherman interview Mary Reading as to her fitness for Church Membership carried.
It was proposed by Mr Timberlake seconded by Mr Davis that a magic lantern be held as early as convenient in January and that the charge be 2d for adults and children not belonging to us and our own children to be charged 1d  carried The matter is to be left in the Pastors hands.
It was proposed by Mr Reading seconded by Mr Wood that Mr King procure a load of firewood for chapel purposes that Mr Lewin chop up same and be paid for so doing carried.  [He was paid 1/6]
It was proposed by Mr Sherman seconded by Mr Davis that Mr Lewin have money and get 2 smaller pails and a new brush carried.
Mr Pocock said there was much need of a cupbd or something of that sort to keep the goods in belonging to the working Meeting.  Mr Sherman proposed Mr Dealey seconded That a box seat be provided with division for clothes and crockery.  Mr King was asked to provide same carried.
Church Meeting Sunday evening Jan 6th/84
Present Revd  A Bosher, Br Delderfield, Sear, Fenn, King, Pocock, Wood, Sherman, A Wood, A Dealey, Davis
Sisters Taylor, Gurney, Baldwin, Pocock, S Baldwin, Sherman, Reading, Sharpe,
C Sear, Timberlake, Richbell, A King.
The Pastor said our dear friend Mrs Nash wishes to be united with us by Baptism and come forward with her brother, you only have to appoint visitors, Br G Wood proposed Messrs Sear and Delderfield visit Mrs Nash and bring in a report of same soon as practicable carried
[Mrs Lucy Nash aged 31 in 1884 was sister to William Baldwin who had just become a member]
Monthly Church Meeting Jan 17th 1884
Present Rev A Bosher,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, Delderfield, Reading, Sear, Davis, A Wood, Pocock, Dealey.
Sisters Gurney, King, Sherman, Reading, Potter, Pocock, Cooper, S Baldwin, Timberlake.
The minutes of the past two meetings were read and confirmed.
The treasurer read a/cs over for past Qr and the same were accepted as correct.
Mr Sherman brought in a report of his interview with Mary Reading as to her fitness for baptism and Church Member.  Mr Sherman narrated in full the various questions and answers which past and Mr Sherman was satisfied that Mary Reading was a Christian and should be accepted by the Church.
Br Fenn, Pocock, Sear, Delderfield confirmed what Br Sherman had said and it was agreed to accept Mary Reading.
Br Sear proposed, Br Delderfield seconded carried.
Br Delderfield and Sear brought in a Report as to their visit to Mrs Nash who his a candidate for Baptism and Church Membership and their report being satisfactory it was agreed that Mrs Nash should be accepted.
Br Fenn proposed Br Reading secondedcarried
The Baptism to take place on the 31st January.
                                          A Bosher -  Pastor
                                               Feb 21st 1884
Monthly Church Meeting Feb 21st 1884
Present Revd A Bosher,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, G Dealey, G Wood, Reading, A Wood, Pocock, A Dealey, Timberlake, Davis
Sisters Gurney, Pocock, Reading, Timberlake, Johnson, Richbell, C King
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the last meeting which were accepted as correct.
The names of Mr and Mrs T Coughtry were brought forward as desirous of joining our Church they had been members of Hope Hall Bd.
Br Fenn proposed Br Timberlake seconded That Br Reading and G Wood visit the applicants and furnish a report of their interview at the next Church Meeting carried.
The name of Mrs Bignell was brought forward as a candidate for Baptism and Church Membership.  Br Reading proposed Mrs Pocock seconded that Mr and Mrs King be visitors and bring in a report at the next meeting.
The Pastor brought before the church for consideration the proposed United Tea Meeting of the Berkhamsted and Northchurch Non Con Coal and Clothing club which would take place on Tuesday March 4th.  This was an effort to meet and pay off something like 14£ which the society owed to the Treasurer.  The friends at Bd  hoped we should assist as far as we were able as it was for the benefit of all who payed into the club.
The following sums were promised for trays Messrs Sherman and King 5/- each, Revd A Bosher 5/-. Mr G Wood 1/3, Mr Reading 2/6, Mr Fenn 2/6, Mr J Pocock 6d,
J Timberlake 6 d, T Davis 6 d, Mrs Pocock 7½, Mrs Richbell 7½d, Mrs Johnson 6 d, Miss Timberlake 6 d.
Br King suggested that a Liberation Lecture would be very useful and would explain to the people the real meaning of Disestablishment of the Church, after some discussion Br King moved Br J Pocock seconded That the use of our Chapel be granted at some future time (order being maintained) for a lecture on Disestablishment Lecture cd
Mrs Pocock intimated that sometime about Easter a good Tea and sale of useful articles would be held for the purpose of raising money for the needs of our own place, the suggestion was well received.
It was thought desirable that a person should be selected for putting up and taking down Platform, Br Sherman proposed Br Reading seconded That James Timberlake undertake this matter, remuneration being given carried.
                                                        A Bosher – Pastor
                                                                 Mar 27th. 1884.
[In 1891 there was a painter, named James Timberlake (handily placed for this task), living in Bell Lane.  He was a widower, then aged 32 (his wife Sarah - previously Storr - having died the previous year).  In 1891 he was dwelling with his widowed mother Elizabeth and his 5-year old daughter Florrie]
Monthly and Quarterly Church Meeting
March 27th 1884.
Present Revd A Bosher,
Br Sear, Sherman, King, Wood, Lewin, Reading, Timberlake, A Dealey, T Davis,
W Baldwin [first meeting]
Sisters Wood, Potter, Johnson, S Baldwin, Timberlake
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meetings which were agreed to as correctly reported.
The Revd A Bosher read over Treasurers a/c as Mr Sear did not feel very well.  Br Fenn moved Br Davis seconded that the a/c pass as correct carried.
Br Reading read over Table money a/c Br Davis moved, Br Timberlake seconded that the same be accepted as correct carried.
Br Reading and Wood brought a report of their interviews with Mr and Mrs Coughtry who had desired to join our Church.  Mrs Coughtry was baptized and joined Hope Hall some 12 years ago, for some time was a communicant there but latterly had been attending our Chapel and she felt she could make herself at home with us, she would be able to get here oftener than Berkhamsted.  With regard to Mr Coughtry he did not join Hope Hall so soon as his wife he said he was placed in a trying position and many temptations surrounded him but he did hope by the grace of God to maintain a Christian Character.  He felt he could make himself at home with us, the Brethren gave Mr Coughtry a hint to keep from the world as much as he could, he took the hint and would endeavour to guard himself, he was desirous of serving God, the two Brethren thought it would be right to receive both into our Fellowship and it was agreed to accordingly.
Br King on behalf of himself and Mrs King brought in a report of their interview with Mrs Bignell who was desirous of joining our Church,  Br King stated the conversation that Mrs Bignell was induced to attend the Prayer Meetings by the solicitations of Mrs Potter and was gradually lead to do so and afterwards she had a desire to attend Chapel on Sundays, for sometime she was in great trouble lest she should be lost, afraid to retire lest she never wake again, she was much impressed under a sermon of Mr Bosher on Gethsemane but still peace did not come, but one evening while alone in her home she heard a voice very distinct saying to her Thy sins which are many are all forgiven thee and from that time she has felt very happy and she thought she ought to join us.  Br Fenn, Pocock and the Minister advanced their opinions and stated their conversations they had had with Mrs Bignell.  It was agreed to, to receive Mrs Bignell into our Church Fellowship.
The subject of bad gas light was discussed.  Br Reading moved Br Davis seconded that Mr Sear be deputed to see the Gas Directors and take to them the facts of the complaint carried
Easter Monday Arrangements
It was decided to open New Infant Class-room at 3, sale of goods immediately after, Tea at 5, Public Meeting at 7, ..
Br Reading proposed Br Timberlake seconded that the price of the Tea be 6d to the Public and 4d our scholars carried
The following trays were promised Mr Sherman 5/-  Rev A Bosher 5/-
The following were chosen as the Committee for carrying out the Arrangements with power to add to their number, 
Mrs Pocock, Mrs Sherman, Mrs Wood, Mrs Brooks, Mrs Reading, Mr J Pocock, Mr J Reading, Mr W Baldwin.
Mr Sherman proposed Mr Pocock seconded that the Charge into the sale room should be 2d each to have the amount returned in goods carried.
On Bank Holiday Easter Monday New Infant Class room was opened, a Sale of work, Public Tea and Public Meeting was held and a clear Balance of 17.15.8 was realized toward the Improvement Fund.
                                      A Bosher Pastor
                                                May 1st / 84
Monthly Church Meeting Thursday May 1st 1884
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Wood, King, Reading, Fenn, Pocock, A Wood, A Dealey, Davis.
Sisters Reading, Wood, Pocock, Johnson, Lewin, Sharpe, Cooper, Timberlake, S Baldwin.
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting and the same were approved.
Br King read a letter from the Gas Company which stated the gas meter was past repairing.  Br Fenn proposed Br Reading seconded that the gas piping in roof and Meter be left until the next Quarterly Church Meeting carried.
It was agreed that the Annual Meeting for the election of Officers should be held on Thursday evening May 15th and that a Tea Meeting be held at ½ past 5.  The following names were mentioned for providing the Tea, Mrs Reading, Miss Baldwin, Mrs Sharpe, Mrs Cooper, Mrs King, Mrs Pocock, Mrs Sherman, Br King and Sear.
Annual Church Meeting May 22nd
Present The Pastor,
Br Delderfield, Sherman, G Wood, King, Reading, G Dealey, A Dealey, Pocock, A Wood, Timberlake, Davis, W Baldwin, Coughtry[first meeting]   
Sisters Taylor, Emery, C Sear, King, Sherman, Wood, Reading, Sharpe, Fenn, Lewin, Pocock, P & S Baldwin, Cooper, Johnson, Rolph, Timberlake, Potter, Coughtry [first meeting]
The Annual Meeting was preceded by a Tea at which a goodly number were present.
After singing and Prayer Br Delderfield Proposed Br Wood seconded that Messrs King Reading and Pocock with the Pastor be scrutineers for the Ballot Papers cd unanimously.
The following were the results of Ballot Papers.
For DeaconsJ Baldwin 1 vote, the Pastor 1 vote, T Delderfield 2 votes, J Fenn 7 votes, WD King 34 votes, J Pocock 7 votes, C Reading 37 votes, J Sear 5 votes, W Sherman 35 votes G Wood 30 votes the following were elected as Deacons for the next year Br Reading, Sherman, King and Wood.
For Secretary the votes were as followsWD King 38, W Sherman 2, G Wood 1. WD King was elected as Secretary. 
For Assistant Secretary W Baldwin 2, J Pocock 32, C Reading 1, J Timberlake 1,           G Wood A Wood 1J Pocock was elected Assistant Secretary.
For Treasurer WD King 4, J Pocock 2, J Sear 34, W Sherman 1,  J Sear was elected Treasurer.
For Sexton J Sear 36, J Timberlake 1, G Wood 1J Sear was elected Sexton
For Chapel Keeper Maria Cooper 4, Delderfield 2, Johnson 1, Lewin 11, Nash 2, Potter 3, A Sear 1, C Sear 1, Sharpe 3, E Timberlake 6 Mrs Lewin declined and E Timberlake was chosen as Chapel Keeper.
[Proxy votes apparently being used as more votes cast than people present]
The Pastor made a few appropriate remarks in regard to the election and trusted all would work pleasantly etc.  The Pastor then referred to the money in hand resulting from Meetings which had been held the sum actually in hand at the Present time was [blank- never filled in] now what shall be done.  It was unanimous that the first thing should be a new W.C.  Sister Pocock and others spoke of the necessity of providing Crockery etc.  J Timberlake said a new Platform was needed for the Anniversary on the coming Sunday.  W Baldwin thought a new Harmonium should be procured.  Mr Reading said the Baptistry must be attended to,  Br Sherman said new blinds were required and it was thought the front gate should be seen to.  The Pastor thought it was very urgent that a Vestibule should be built it was very disturbing in Prayer time to have people coming in, it was also very desirable that new seats should be provided, that ground glass panes should be put in to the bottom panes in Schoolroom lower.  It was finally decided that a new W.C. should be built, Sister Pocock proposed Sister Reading seconded that a requisite sum for purchasing of Crockery should be forthcoming out of money in hand carried.
Br Timberlake proposed Br Pocock seconded that a Platform should be made at once carried.
Br Sherman proposed Br Timberlake seconded that Mr King make a Platform for the forthcoming Sunday carried  [Mr King was a builder]  Payment from funds in hand.
It was proposed by A Wood seconded by W Baldwin that a Sale of work be held in September carried
The Pastor stated that Rev J Wood of London would come down on July 29th.
It was proposed by Br Dealey and seconded by Br Timberlake that Tracts for distribution from house to house visitation be paid for out of Church fund carried
The following were appointed to distribute tracts :  Messrs J Pocock, G Dealey, A Dealey, A Wood, T Davis, Mrs Coughtry, E Timberlake, E Lewin, Mrs Johnson,
S Baldwin, Mrs Potter, A Pocock, A Pocock, Mrs Reading, G E Crawley.
Proposed by T Davis, seconded by Mr Reading that Mr King attend to window blinds and do whatever is necessary, soon as can.  Carried.
W D King to call a Meeting from Tract Society. 
                                         A Bosher – Pastor                                         June 26/84

Special Church Meeting Sunday evening June 8th 1884
Present The Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, G Wood, Reading, Delderfield, Pocock, Davis, A Wood, A Dealey, W Baldwin
Sisters C Sear, Sherman, King, Reading, Sharpe, Potter, Lewin, Baldwin, Pocock, Cooper.
The pastor read a letter from the Baptist Church at Pinner asking for Emma Strange’s transfer from us to them.  Br King proposed Br Davis seconded that the transfer be sent carried.
The Secretary sent the letter of transfer on Monday June 9th 1884.
A meeting of the reorganised Tract Society was held after the Prayer Meeting on Tuesday evening June 10th .
The following proposals were made as to Districts etc.

No 1 District    Gossoms End
Tract Visitors   Mrs Reading, Halsey, T Davis
No 2 District    the Bank and Bell Lane
                         Mrs Potter
No 3 District    Orchard End Piece
                         Albert Dealey and Mrs Coughtry
No 4 District    Left hand side High Street
                         Mrs Johnson
No 5 District   Right hand side High Street  
                        Miss Timberlake
No 6 District   New Road
                        Miss Lewin
No 7 District   Dudswell
                        Mr J Pocock
No 8 District   Cowroast
                        Miss Baldwin
No 9 District   The Green Hill etc
                        Mr Fenn
No 10 District    Heath End
                         Mr Wood


                                                 A Bosher – Pastor
                                                              June 26th / 84
Church Meeting June 26th 1884
Present Pastor,
Br Fenn, King, Sear, Reading, Pocock, A Dealey, A Wood, Davis
Sisters Reading, Gurney, Potter, Johnson, S Baldwin,
After singing and Prayer
The Secretary read over the minutes of the past meetings which were accepted as correct.
The Treasurers A/c for the past Quarter was read and accepted as correct.
Br Reading read over Table Money A/c which was accepted as correct.
The following were nominated to provide for Tea on July 29th Mrs Pocock, Reading, King, Sherman, Brookes, Wood with power to add to their number.
Br Reading moved Br Pocock seconded that 50 large Bills be printed announcing the Tea and Public Meeting on July 29th carried
The Matter of Seat accommodation was discussed.
On Tuesday July 29th 1884
A sermon was preached by the Rev J.R.Wood of Upper Holloway Chapel London at 3 oclock.  A Tea Meeting was held at 5 when a goodly number sat down.  A Public meeting was held at 7 presided over by J Marnham Esq J.P. of Boxmoor when addresses were given by the Pastor, Mr Marnham, Rev J.R.Wood and Mr Banks a deacon of Mr Wood’s Chapel.
All the gatherings were successful.
                                                                A Bosher – Pastor
                                                                      July 31st 1884

[Rev J R Wood was at one time President of the Baptist Union (pre -1903) , Chairman of its Spiritual Welfare Committee 1912.]
Monthly Church Meeting July 31 1884
Present The Pastor,
Br King, Sherman, Reading, Wood, Pocock, Fenn, Davis, A Dealey, A Wood
Sisters King, Sherman, Reading, Johnson, Timberlake
The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting which were accepted as correct.
A long discussion was held as to the advisability of hold a Bazarr in the Autumn.  Sister Reading proposed that the Bazarr be postponed until a more convenient time Br Davis seconded and it was carried.
Br Fenn proposed that when the Rev W G Lewis of St Albans come, a sermon be preached in the Afternoon, a Public Tea and Meeting be held in the evening, the charge of the Tea be 6d each.  Br Pocock seconded carried.
The Proceeds to be devoted to the Improvement Fund.
On Thursday Sept 18th the Revd W G Lewis and Revd J Stuart came over, Mr Lewis preached a sermon in the afternoon and had to return home immediately in consequence of Health and Train.
After Tea the Members met in conference with Mr Stuart and the Pastor as to what steps should be taken as to improvements or the Building of a New Chapel, all the Officers and Deacons spoke upon the Matter and a resolution was passed to be presented to the Public Meeting in the evening to the following effect that

“the time has now arrived when it is necessary that steps be taken to improve the present accomodation or erect a new place of worship.”

In the Public Meeting special references were made as to the absolute necessity of either enlarging and making many improvements in the present place or else taking practical steps for the purpose of erecting a new Chapel in the High Street.
                                                                  A Bosher – Pastor
                                                                        Oct 2nd 1884
Quarterly and Special Church Meeting Oct 2nd/84
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, G Wood, King, Sear, Reading, Pocock, Fenn, W Baldwin, A Wood, A Dealey, J Timberlake, J Reading
Sisters King, Reading, Sherman, Wood, Pocock, Rolfe, Johnson, Potter, Cooper, Sharpe, Gurney, Timberlake.
The meeting was opened with singing and Prayer.
The Officers brought in a report that Mrs Chappin was desirous of uniting herself with us.
Proposed by Br Wood seconded by Fenn that Mr & Mrs King be appointed visitors to interview Mrs Chappin as to her conversion and fitness to join our Church carried
The Treasurers A/c was read over for the past Qr  Proposed by Br Fenn seconded by Br Timberlake that the same be past as correct carried
Br Reading read over the Table Money A/c for the past Quarter Br Timberlake proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the same be past as correct carried
The Pastor called the attention of the members to the propositions which were carried at a Special Church Meeting on Sep 18th when Mr Stuart was present it was then arranged that certain improvements should be made in the chapel or else steps be taken to provide ground and build a chapel in the High Street.  The Pastor gave his view of the matter and then left the Matter to be discussed by the Members.                                 
Mrs Pocock said she thought that the matter of building a new chapel should not be decided so soon, she was of opinion that certain alterations could be made in the present premises as would accomodate those attending, a new gallery might be put up or the partition wall between schoolroom and chapel might be taken down and thrown into one, the seats might be replaced by modern ones.
Mrs Pocock said it was a serious thing to be in debt.
Mr Reading thought it would not be wise to lay out a lot of money in patching up this old place.
Br W Baldwin said people would not give to repair old places.
The Pastor said Northchurch people had always been behind, had not looked after the people or so many would not have joined Places at Berkhamsted, we were not earnest enough.
Br Fenn said if we tried to help ourselves we shall get friends to help us but if we have no faith we shall not succeed.
Br Sherman could not see that a 1000£ would be required, I think 800£ would suffice and he would be sorry to see the old place pulled down.
Br Pocock thought with earnest effort and united action it would not be so very difficult to get the money, he mentioned the Chapel at Bushey which had cost over 3000£ and which only now had a debt of about 700£, he knew people would come if we had a new chapel.
Br Sear said he endorsed Mrs Pocock’s views.
Br G Wood said he was present at the Officers Meeting and consented to the resolution there made, he would like to see a new chapel but we must count the cost.
 Br King expressed himself with the willingness of aiding so far as he could as an individual.
Br Reading moved Br Fenn seconded that the Church and congregation be called together to see what can be raised from Promises etc as soon as convenient. Carried
A number of Promises on certain conditions were made by several members.
The Officers resolution was a follows.
That in the opinion of the Officers of this Church it is absolutely necessary that steps be taken to provide a new place of worship on a new site.  15 members voted for the resolution, 3 against, 3 neutral.  The resolution was proposed by Br Pocock seconded by Br Fenn.
                                                       A Bosher – Pastor
                                                               Oct 23rd. 1884
Meeting of Church and Congregation on Thursday evening Oct 23rd 1884
There was a very small attendance both from the Church and congregation.
The meeting opened with Praise and Prayer after which the Pastor spoke of the object in view and narrated in detail the absolute need of something being done, the present Chapel being far too small and very uncomfortable in many ways, and at an Officers Meeting held on Oct 2nd last it was agreed upon that a New Chapel on a new site should be erected.  The cost of Freehold ground and building a new Chapel would be about 1000£ and towards this sum promises etc with a scheme before us would I think produce something over 250£ in two years.
Mr Sherman spoke of the inconveniences of the present Chapel, very drafty, uncomfortable seats, some people do not attend chapel because seats are all let and there is no room.  I believe if we are earnest and look up to God as Mr Spurgeon says in Prayer, I believe a new Chapel will be accomplished and I will do what I can in bringing it to pass.
Mr Gravestock said I nearly always get a cold when I come here.  I would say don’t get in debt for it is a bad thing.
The Pastor said they did not mean to get into debt and no chapel would be begun until money was in hand for payment or nearly so.
Mr Reading said not withstanding the Officers resolution he would like to know if it was advisable to lay out 150 or 200£ upon the present Chapel.
Mr A Pocock was sorry there was not a larger and more enthusiastic meeting, he thought a good number of such an occasion would have been present.  He came there for the great respect he had for the cause, he remembered its past friends and he should always cherish past associations.  He came there as one who wanted to know what really was going to be done, it appeared the present Chapel could not be enlarged as the walls were to weak and other considerations taken, he would do what he could and would make a promise of 4£ in two years unconditionally whether or not a chapel was built.
                                              A Bosher – Pastor
                                                    Nov 27th 1884.

[The yearly wage for a labourer at that time was approx. £200 and perhaps £350 for a skilled craftsman such as a carpenter or bricklayer]

Church Meeting October 23rd 1884
[also Church & congregation meeting same day]
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Reading, Fenn, Pocock, Timberlake, W Baldwin, J Wood,
A Dealey, Davis
Sisters King, Gurney, Johnson, S Baldwin, Rolph
Upon calculations made by the Pastor as follows toward new Chapel it was agreed that Mr Stuart should be informed of decision of Church.
[Calculations not added]
Br Timberlake proposed Br Fenn seconded that about 200£ be raised by Church congregation in two years 14 voted for the proposition and 1 against.
Mr and Mrs King brought in a report of their visit to Mrs Chappin and her conversion appearing satisfactory.  It was proposed by Br Timberlake seconded by Br Fenn that Mrs Chappin be accepted as a member of their church and she be informed of the acceptance soon as practical carried
On Thursday October 30th Mrs Chappin and Mrs Bignell were Baptized.
On Nov 3rd Mrs Bignell was received into Church Fellowship.
                                               A Bosher – Pastor
                                                           Nov 27th 1884
Monthly Church Meeting Thursday Nov 27th 1884
Present Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Reading, Fenn, A Dealey, A Wood, W Baldwin.
Sisters Gurney, Reading, S Baldwin.
The Meeting opened with Praise and Prayer after which the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting which were accepted as correct.
The Pastor said if more Church Members could not attend the Church Meetings it would be best to leave the management of the Church in the hands of the Officers.
Br Fenn said more members ought to attend, sufficient notice was always given.
Br King said their appeared a spirit of apathy, he wished the members would attend.
It was proposed by Br W Baldwin seconded by Br A Wood to have a Tea and Entertainment on Dec 26th 1884 carried
Proposed by Br Reading seconded by Br Fenn that the following constitute the Committee of Management for Entertainment:  The Pastor, Mr King, Mr W Baldwin, Mr Sherman carried
Proposed by Mr Reading seconded by A Wood that Br J Pocock have the management of getting up the Tea having what helpers he may choose carried
Br Sherman proposed A Dealey seconded that the charge for Tea be 6d for Adults and 4d for our children carried
Tea to be ready at ½ past 4 Entertainment at ½ past 6.
Pastors Anniversary Dec 11th.
The Pastor stated that his Anniversary would take place as above.  Mr Taylor from Chesham had kindly consented to be present, some of the Officers would have to make a little speech.
Br Reading proposed that the Tea be at 5 and Public Meeting at ½ past 6 seconded by Br A Wood Carried
Br Sherman proposed that the Tea be 6d each Br Dealey seconded carried
Br Sherman proposed Mrs Reading seconded that Br King take the management of the Tea. Carried.
The Pastor read a circular from The Secretary of the Total Abstinence Baptist society asking if Agreeable to Preach a Temperance Sermon on or about January 25th 1885.
Br King proposed Br Fenn seconded that our Pastor Preach a Temperance sermon on Sunday January 25th 1885 Carried unanimously
                                                              A Bosher - Pastor
                                                                Dec 30th1884
Quarterly Church Meeting December 30th /84
Present The Pastor,
Br G Wood, Sherman, King, Reading, Fenn, Sear, Pocock, A Dealey,  A Wood,  T Davis, W Baldwin.
Sisters Gurney, Baldwin, Reading, Cooper, Potter, Coughtry,  Rolph, Johnson, Bignell [first meeting].
After Prayer Br King read over the minutes of the past meetings.  Br Pocock proposed Br Fenn seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried.
Br King for Br Sear read over the Treasurer’s a/c for the past Quarter, Br Fenn proposed, Br A Dealey seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct, carried.
Br King for Br Sear read over the Improvement fund Br A Wood proposed, Br A Dealey seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct, carried.
Br Reading read over table money for the past Quarter Br Pocock proposed, Br davos seconded that the same be accepted as correct carried.
Br Sear proposed a vote of sympathy and thanks to Sister King in her present illness Br Sherman seconded carried.
                                                            A Bosher – Pastor
                                                               Jany. 29th 1885
1885 Monthly Church Meeting January 29th
Present The Pastor,
Br Sherman, Reading, King, Fenn, G Wood, G Dealey, A Dealey, Pocock, Timberlake, Davis.
Sisters Reading, Johnson, S Baldwin, Gurney, Timberlake.
After Prayer Br King read over minutes for the past Meeting Br Pocock proposed Br A Dealey seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried  
In respect to visiting the Pastor said the members must not expect to see him oftener than once on 4 months.  Sister Timberlake thought their had been neglect in the Officers or Pastor in not visiting in sickness.
Br Reading proposed Br Davis seconded that Sister Pocock with helpers get up the Tea on Feb 3rd carried.
Br Timberlake proposed that the charge for .. Views? For our Scholars be 1d Br G Wood seconded carried
Br Sherman proposed Br A Wood seconded that the charge for Tea own scholars 4d each carried
Another Tea on Feb 26th.
Br Davis proposed Br Fenn seconded that the young people provide this Br King to superintend. carried.
                                                              A Bosher – Pastor Feb 17th 1885
Monthly Church Meeting Feb 17th /85
Present the Pastor,
Br Fenn, King, Sherman, G Wood, Reading, Pocock, Davis, A Wood, W Baldwin,
A Dealey, Timberlake, Delderfield
Sisters Gurney, Reading, Pocock, Cooper, C Sear, S Baldwin, Johnson.
After Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting Br Fenn proposed Br A Dealey seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
Forthcoming Sale in April
Br Fenn proposed Br A Dealey seconded That the Committee for carrying out arrangements for sale be composed of all the Officers and the following persons,
Mrs Sherman,  Mrs King,  Mrs Wood, Mrs Brooks, Miss Lowthorpe, Mrs Cooper, Emily Wood, Miss A Pocock, Mrs Nash, Kate Reading, E Lewin, Mrs J Timberlake, E Timberlake, Mrs Reading, G End, Jas Timberlake, A Wood, W Baldwin, Fenn, Thomas Stratfull, G Green, A Dealey, T Davis, H Pocock, S Reading, C Sear,  T S & E Sear.
The above to be called together on Tuesday after Prayer Meeting Feb 24th /85.
Br Fenn proposed that a Liberal Meeting properly conducted be held in Schoolroom as opportunity affords.Br W Baldwin seconded carried.
                                                             A Bosher – Pastor
                                                                          March 26th 1885


Sale Committee Tuesday evening March 7th 1885
Present The Pastor,
Br King, Sherman, G Wood, Timberlake, Davis, A Wood, A Dealey, J Pocock
Mrs Wood, Mrs Reading, Sherman, Johnson, Miss Baldwin, Timberlake, Mrs J Timberlake, Miss Amy Pocock, Miss E Wood, Mr H Pocock
Proposed by Br G Wood that the charge of entering Sale from beginning to end be 6d each Br T Davis seconded.
Br Sherman proposed Sister Coughtry seconded That the charge of entering sale be 6d for adults and 3d for children under 12 yr up to 4 oclock after 4 oclock Adults to pay 3d children 2d carried.
The Pastor was asked to take the management of the Musical part.
Mr Burgess of Finchley paid 2/6 cost of printing invitation cards to visitors.
The following names were mentioned as the Probable Stall holders.
Mrs King, Misses Tompkins, Miss Lowthorpe, The Misses Sills, Miss Saunders, the Misses Pocock, Mrs Brookes, Mrs Timberlake, Miss Timberlake,  Miss Amy Pocock, H Pocock,  E Lewin etc James Timberlake, H Pocock, T Davis, A Dealey, A Wood.
All helpers to meet the Pastor the previous Saturday evening before Easter Monday.
It was suggested that it would be well to ask the following, to assist in general at Sale.
Mrs North, Miss S King, the Pastor was to invite anyone that could assist in anyway.
On Bank Holiday April 6th 1885
A Sale of work was held in the Town Hall Berkhamsted which resulted in the sum of 50.19 being got together towards a new Chapel.
On Saturday April 18th the sum of 60£ was put into the Post Office savings bank in the name of Br Sherman and King 30£ to each.
                                                             A Bosher – Pastor
                                                                        April 23rd 1885
Monthly Church Meeting March 26th 85
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, G Wood, Reading, Delderfield, Sear, Pocock, Timberlake, Davis,
A Dealey, Baldwin
Sisters Wood, Pocock, Gurney, Coughtry, Johnson, S Baldwin, S Timberlake,
E Timberlake
The meeting was opened with Prayer by the Pastor.
The minutes of the past meetings were read by the Pastor in the absence of the Secretary.
Br Reading proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read the general a/c Br J Pocock proposed Br J Timberlake seconded that the a/cs be past as correct carried
The Treasurer read over Statement of Building fund Br Delderfield proposed Br Davis seconded the same as correct carried
Br Reading read over statement of Table money Br Davis proposed Br Timberlake seconded that the same be accepted as correct carried
Br Sherman proposed Br Reading seconded That Mrs Sharpes transfer be granted as soon as Br Sear ascertained her feelings respecting her loss to right of burial in Chapel yard.
Br Timberlake proposed Br G Wood seconded That Mr and Mrs Reading be the visitors to Miss Lowthorpe respecting her fitness as a candidate for Baptism and Church Membership and bring in a report at next Church Meeting carried
                                                                 A Bosher – Pastor
                                                                         April 23rd. 1885.
Monthly Church Meeting April 23rd 1885
Present the Pastor,
Br King, Sherman, Reading, Pocock, Timberlake, Davis, G Wood, A Dealey,
A Wood, Fenn, Delderfield, Sear, W Baldwin
Sisters Reading, Johnson, Sherman, E Timberlake, Gurney, Wood, Pocock, King,
S Timberlake, S Baldwin
After singing and Prayer the Pastor called upon Mr Reading to bring a report of his visit to Miss Lowthorpe, Mr Reading said I and my wife have had an interview with Miss Lowthorpe and so far as we can see we think she is a fit person for Baptism and Church Membership.  This sentiment was endorsed by Miss Timberlake and the Pastor who had had religious conversation with Miss Lowthorpe.
The Pastor said I have a matter to bring forward and I am taking you as a church in confidence and I trust you will keep the matter as it should be, when I was away from the Church for 2 Sundays preaching elsewhere I received an invitation to become their Pastor 3 weeks last Sunday and since then 2 letters have been sent, it has been a great anxiety to me and I have taken it to the Lord in Prayer time after time to see what step I am to take and I have come to the conclusion that it will be my duty to accept the invitation unless the Officers of this Church are prepared to raise a new Sanctiary by the end of 1886 that is to say that you will raise 700£ by the end of 1886.
From the general remarks made it was considered right to have a few days for consideration upon such an important subject, Br W Baldwin proposed Br Davis seconded that the Meeting be adjourned until Monday evening next at 7 oclock,
That the secretary issue papers to every member asking them to put yes or no to the following
Are we as a church and congregation prepared to pledge ourselves to raise 700£ by the end of 1886.
Adjourned Church Meeting April 28th 1885
Present the Pastor
Br Sherman, King, Reading, Wood, Timberlake, Delderfield, Pocock, Fenn, Davis,
A Dealey, Sear, W Baldwin
Sisters Reading, Fenn, King, Nash, Richbell, E Timberlake, S Timberlake, S Baldwin, Cooper, Lewin, Gurney, Johnson, Potter
After Prayer the Pastor and Officers proceeded to open the papers on the Resolution namely
“Are we as a church and congregation prepared to raise 700£ by the end of 1886”
the Ayes were 21 the noes 22.  The Pastor said he would reserve his final decision until the following evening.
Adjourned Church Meeting April 29th
The pastor announced his intention of remaining solely in the interest of the Church and that his stay was unconditional on both sides, the Officers and Church members were very pleased that the Pastor had consented to remain.
1885 Annual and Quarterly Church Meeting June 25th
A Tea Meeting preceded the church Meeting.
Present the Pastor,
Br King, Sherman, Reading, Sear, G Wood, Fenn, Timberlake, Pocock, A Wood,
A Dealey, Davis, W Baldwin
Sisters Gurney, Pocock, C Sear, Reading, Wood, P Baldwin, Nash, S Timberlake, Potter, Johnson, E Timberlake, Rolph, Davis, Chappin, S Baldwin.
After Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings Br Sherman proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the same be accepted as correct carried unanimous.
Br Sear read over the Treasurer’s A/c for the past Quarter, Br Timberlake prd Br W Baldwin seconded that the same be accepted as correct carried unanimous.
Br Reading read over the Table money a/c for the past Quarter Br Fenn proposed Br Pocock seconded that the same be accepted as correct carried unanimous.
Br Reading proposed Br Fenn seconded that the following be scrutineers of the Ballot Papers, the Pastor, Br King, Sear, Pocock carried unanimous.
The following were the results of Papers for Deacons
King 41 votes, C Reading 38 votes, W Sherman 42 votes, G Wood 42 votes, Delderfield 3 votes, Fenn 5 votes, J Pocock 3 votes, W J Sear 5 votes, the following were elected as Deacons Br Sherman, Reading, Wood, King.
The votes for secretary were as follows
King 35 votes, J Pocock 2 votes, W J Sear 1 votes, W Sherman 1 vote
King elected as Secretary
The votes for Treasurer were as follows
W J Sear 36, King 2 votes, J Pocock 1 vote
Sear elected as Treasurer
The votes for Sexton were as follows
J Baldwin 2 votes, King 1 vote, W J Sear 40 votes
Sear elected Sexton
The votes for Chapel Keeper were as follows
Cooper 1 vote, Lewin 8 votes, Potter 1 vote, E Timberlake 28 votes, Bignell 4 votes
E Timberlake elected as Chapel Keeper
The Pastor congratulated the members on the choice of Officers and trusted all would go on well and hoped more Christian activity would be displayed in the future.
The Pastor brought before the Church the name of Charles Stone who was desirous of joining us.  Br Reading proposed Br Timberlake seconded that Br Sear and G Wood be visitors and report on the candidate of Charles Stone as early as can carried unanimous
It was considered advisable to have some cards and circulars printed asking for help towards proposed New Chapel.
The Pastor drew attention to the falling off of the weekly Offerings and would be glad to see the offerings rise in future.  Br Sherman suggested that friends should be asked to assist in this matter personally.
[E Timberlake was Miss Ellen aged 22 in 1885 and living in New Road (1871)]
Monthly Church Meeting July 23rd 1885
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Reading, Sear, Pocock, Timberlake, Davis, A Dealey
Sisters Gurney, Johnson, S Baldwin, E Timberlake
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting Br Pocock proposed Br Reading seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
Br G Wood and Sear brought in a satisfactory report of their interview with Charles Stone, they thought he was a proper person for Baptism and Church Membership but the candidate would prefer not to become a Member just at present, it was thought he would like his father to come with him.  Br Sherman proposed Br Timberlake seconded That Charles Stone be accepted as a candidate for Baptism and Church Member carried.
                                               A Bosher – Pastor
                                                        Aug 27th 1885
After the Ordinance of the Lords supper on Sunday evening August 3rd
After the visitors had retired A Special Church Meeting was held when the Pastor informed the Church Meeting that Mr Hunt was desirous of becoming united with us in Baptism and Church Membership.
Br King proposed Br Delderfield seconded that Br Sherman and Reading be visitors to Mr Hunt and bring in their report at the Monthly Church Meeting carried
                                             A Bosher – Pastor
                                                      Aug 27th 1885

[On 6 August 1885 the church purchased the piece of land facing the High Street for £800,  upon which, 15 years later it would build a new church building]

Monthly Church Meeting August 27th 1885
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Reading, G Wood, Pocock, J Reading, W Baldwin, A Wood,
A Dealey, Timberlake
Sisters Gurney, Reading, King, Wood, S Baldwin
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting.
Br Pocock proposed Br Timberlake seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Sherman and Reading brought in a satisfactory report of their interview with Mr Hunt who was a candidate for Baptism and Church Member and upon some remarks added by the Pastor Br King and Pocock, it was Proposed by Br Pocock seconded by Br Timberlake and carried unanimously that Mr Hunt is a fit and proper person for Baptism and Church Member and on Thursday Sep 3rd Miss Lowthorpe and Mr Hunt were Baptized and the following Lords day received into full communion fellowship with us.
                                           A Bosher – Pastor
                                                    Oct 1st. 1885
Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 1st 1885
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Sear, Reading, G Wood, Timberlake, W Baldwin, A Dealey, Hunt [first meeting]
Sisters King, Potter, Reading, Gurney, S Baldwin, Johnson, E Timberlake
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting, Proposed by Br Timberlake seconded by Br Davis carried
The Treasurer read over the Church Account Proposed by Br Baldwin seconded by Br Timberlake carried
The Treasurer read over New Chapel a/c Br Davis proposed Br Reading seconded carried
 Br Reading read over The Lords table fund Br King proposed seconded Br Hunt carried
After discussion it was decided that in future the name of recipients of relief from this fund should not be read out at Church Meetings unless so desired by any member.
Br Sherman proposed Br Baldwin seconded that a Sale be held the date and place to be fixed at a Meeting of the Church and Congregation to be held shortly.
                                                  A Bosher – Pastor               Oct 29th 1885
Monthly Church Meeting Oct 29th 1885
Present The Pastor,
Br Sherman, Reading, King, G Wood, Pocock, W Baldwin, Hunt, A Wood, Davis, A Dealey
Sisters Reading, S Baldwin, Wood, Johnson, Gurney, E Timberlake
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting, Br Reading Proposed Br Hunt seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried.
The Pastor mentioned that Miss Emma Sherman desires to join us, she is a member of Hope Hall but she now wishes to be united with us.  Br Reading proposed Br G Wood seconded that Br King and Pocock visit her and bring in a report at the next Monthly Church Meeting carried
[This is most likely Emily Sherman, aged 19 in 1885, daughter not of Br William Sherman the Deacon but of Thomas and Sarah Sherman.  Probably the Deacon’s niece]     
Br W Baldwin proposed Br Pocock seconded that we begin to use the new supplement to our Hymn Books at the beginning of 1886 carried
[W Baldwin is the organist]
Sister E Timberlake proposed Br Pocock seconded that A Sale of useful Articles etc be held in the Town Hall Berkhamsted on Easter Monday 1886 carried
                                           A Bosher – Pastor
                                                      Dec 3rd 1885
Monthly Church Meeting Dec 2nd 1885
Present the Pastor,
Br Reading, G Wood, King, Pocock
Sisters Wood, King, Gurney, Johnson, S Baldwin and E Timberlake.
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting Br Reading Proposed Br Pocock seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King brought in a report as to Miss Emily Shermans fitness for being united with us in Christian Fellowship and Church Membership, her chief reason for leaving Hope Hall was the distance and she did not feel at home there since Mr Alexander’s death.  Br Reading Proposed that Miss Sherman be accepted as a member with us in Church Fellowship.  Br G Wood seconded carried
Miss E Sherman was recd into Church Fellowship Sunday Dec 6th.
The Pastor’s Anniversary to be held Dec 17th.
 Br G Wood proposed that the charge for Tea be 6d for all Br Pocock seconded carried the following were named to provide the Tea, Mrs wood, King, reading, Pocock with helpers Miss Shermans help too [last 4 words added in pencil later]
Br Reading spoke about the dilapidated state of Chapel gates and proposed that Br King do what is required to same Br Wood seconded carried
On Thursday Dec 17th the Pastors Anniversary 3rd was held.  A public Tea at 5 and Public Meeting at ½past 6.  Mr J Read took the Chair and the Revd Hunt Cooke gave an address etc.
                                         A Bosher – Pastor
                                                  June 24th 1886
[Hope Hall was built in Kings Road in 1874 for the Plymouth Brethren. Hope Hall was largely rebuilt in 1969(only the four walls remaining untouched) as the Kings Road Evangelical Church]
Quarterly Church Meeting Dec 22nd 1885
Present the Pastor,
Br Reading, King, Sherman, Sear, Hunt, Baldwin, A Dealey
Sisters Johnson, Gurney, Reading
Br King read over the minutes of the past Meetings Br Reading proposed Br Sherman seconded that the minutes as read be past as correct carried
The Treasurers A/c Church Fund was read over Br Reading proposed Br Hunt seconded by Br King cd
Br Reading read over table money a/c Br King Proposed Br Hunt secd cd
                                                  A Bosher – Pastor
                                                          July 22nd 1886
1886 Church Meeting male Members only [undated some time before March 25th]
There were present the Pastor,
Br Reading, Sherman, G Wood, Sear, Delderfield, Fenn, Dealey, Davis, Hunt, Timberlake, Baldwin, Coughtrey, A Dealey, A Wood, J Reading, J Pocock, W Baldwin.
The Meeting was opened with Prayer by the Pastor, the Pastor made a few remarks about Mr Stuart and Mr Booth in reference to supplying the Pulpit in the most efficient way possible, the pastor wishes not to occupy the Pulpit on Lords day but wishes to be present on the Lords day And at all our Meetings Agreed.
Br Reading proposed Br G Wood seconded that if Mr H Cooke fails to come on Sunday next Br King write for a Student carried.
Sister Timberlakes case was discussed and settled by all the members present placing full confidence in Mr Bosher also Mrs King and Mr Bosher settled.
                                       A Bosher – Pastor
                                             June 24th 1886
[Sister Timberlake could be James’ wife Sarah, aged 32 in 1885 or his sister Ellen a recent member and Chapel Keeper. Ellen Timberlake married Edwin Carvell in the Baptist Chapel in March 1886. She was accepted back as a member in 1887 after suspension]
Special Church Meeting Male Members Only [again undated]
Present Revd Stuart of Watford Presided
Br Sherman, Reading, King, G Wood, Pocock, Fenn, Smith, G Dealey, Coughtry, Timberlake, W Baldwin, A Wood, A Dealey, Davis, Hunt
In reference to certain charges made against the Pastor a long discussion was held and the following resolution was carried.
That while regretting that Mr Bosher should have been incautious and have asked in a manner that lays his conduct open to misrepresentation we affirm our confidence in his moral integrity and believe that there is no ground for the serious charges which have been made against him.
                                            A Bosher – Pastor
                                                  June 24 – 1886
Quarterly Church Meeting March 25th /86
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Reading, G Wood, Sear, W Baldwin, Pocock, Hunt, A Wood
Sisters Reading, Pocock, Johnson, Carvell, S Baldwin, Miss Reading, Lowthorpe
The Meeting was opened with singing and Prayer by the Pastor.
The Minutes of the past Meeting were read but not past as they were not all entered.
The Treasurers A/c was read over Br Reading proposed Br G Wood seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Reading read over the Table money A/c Br Hunt proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
                                A Bosher – Pastor
                                     June 24 1886

Church Meeting May 6th 1886
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Reading, King, G Wood, Timberlake, Pocock, Smith, Fenn, W Baldwin, Hunt, Davis, A Dealey.
Sisters King, Reading, Pocock, Lowthorpe, Johnson, Timberlake, C Sear, Rolph, Gurney, S Baldwin
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the Past Meetings but not having entered them in the minute book they were not past.
The Question whether or not the Afternoon service should be continued was discussed for a long time.  Br Reading proposed Br G Wood seconded That as a church we give up control of Afternoon service for 6 months and request Teachers to decide what shall be done with the Afternoon at their next Meeting
13 voted for and 5 against the resolution.  [so 4 did not vote]
Mrs Carvells case
Br King proposed Br G Wood seconded the Proposal recommended by the Officers as follows
That Mrs Carvell be suspended from the church and her case be reconsidered in 6 months time     carried
[Early in 1886 Miss Ellen Timberlake had married Mr Edwin Carvell – not a member, to become Mrs Carvell.]
                                  A Bosher – Pastor              June 24. 1886
Annual Church Meeting June 1st 1886
A Members Tea Meeting was held at 6 oclock and the After meeting was held at 7 oclock.
There were present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, G Wood, Reading, Pocock, Delderfield, W Baldwin, Timberlake, A Dealey, Davis, A Wood.
Sisters Reading, King, Pocock, Potter, Crawley, Baldwin, C Sear, S Baldwin, M Reading, Johnson, Timberlake, E Sherman [first meeting]
[This Sister Timberlake is presumably James' wife Sarah, not to be confused with the temporarily suspended Mrs Carvell nee Timberlake]
After singing and Prayer by the Pastor the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings Br G Wood proposed Br Timberlake seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King proposed Br Fenn seconded that the following act as scrutineers in counting the Ballot papers Br reading, Pocock, W Baldwin with the Pastor carried
The following were the numbers for Deacons
Br Sherman 40 votes, Br G Wood 39 votes, Br King 36, Br Reading 18, Br Pocock 14, Br Fenn 11, Br Sear 3, Br Hunt 3 the following were elected as Deacons
Br Sherman, Wood, King, Reading.  Br Reading declined to stand as Deacon the members had lost confidence in him therefore he would not accept office.
Br Pocock stood next on the list but he declined to serve.
Br Reading proposed Sister Pocock seconded that Br Fenn be chosen as deacon 17 voted for him and none against Br Fenn was therefore elected Deacon.
[At the previous year’s Annual Meeting Br Reading had received 38 votes]
The following was the result of votes for Secretary
Br King 31, Hunt 5, Pocock 2, reading 1, Bosher 1, Fenn 1
Br King was elected Secretary
The following was the results of votes for Treasurer
Br Sear 30, Pocock 8, Reading 2, King 2, Wood 1, Sherman 1
Br Sear was elected Treasurer
The following were the votes for Sexton
Br Sear 35, Timberlake 6
Br Sear was elected as Sexton
The following were the votes for Chapel Keeper
Sister Lewin 19, Timberlake 16, C Sear 5, Cooper 3
Sister Lewin was elected Chapel Keeper
[Previously it had been Sister E Timberlake]
                                   A Bosher – Pastor
                                            June 24 1886
Quarterly Church Meeting June 24th 1886
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, G Wood, King, Fenn, Sear, Reading, Pocock, A Dealey, Hunt, W Baldwin, Timberlake
Sisters Richbell, Gurney, Reading, Johnson, S Baldwin, M Reading, King
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting, Br Pocock proposed Br W Baldwin seconded the minutes as read were correct carried
The Treasurer read over the general chapel a/c for the past Quarter, Br Timberlake proposed Br Pocock seconded that the same be accepted as correct cd
The Treasurer read over New Chapel Fund for the last 9 months or ¾of a year. Br Hunt proposed Br G Wood seconded that the same be accepted as correct carried
Br Reading read over Table Money a/c for the past Quarter Br Timberlake proposed Br Pocock seconded that the same be accepted as correct carried
A letter was read from Revd G Kemp Bovingdon asking for Elizabeth Batchelor’s dismissal [a dismissal is a transfer] .  Br Sherman proposed Br Sear seconded that her dismissal be granted carried unanimously
A long discussion was held respecting the advisability of holding an outdoor sale in a tent but eventually it was considered not advisable Br Sherman proposed Br Timberlake seconded that a general sale of goods be held in Schoolrooms the 2nd week in October the proceeds to go towards the Minister’s stipend and New Chapel fund carried.
Sister E Batchelors transfer was sent of on June 25th/86.
                                        A Bosher – Pastor
                                                  July 22nd 1886
Monthly Church Meeting July 22nd 1886
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Reading, Hunt, G Wood, W Baldwin, A Dealey
Sisters Gurney, King, Johnson
The Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting Br W Baldwin proposed Br A Dealey seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor intimated that Charles Stone was ready to come forward and be baptized if any one else was coming forward.
It was arranged that the Sale of Fruit etc should be held in the 2nd week in October.
Church Meeting after Ordinance Sunday evg Aug 2nd  
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, G Wood, Baldwin, Fenn, Hunt, W Baldwin, Davis, Timberlake, A Dealey
Sisters Sherman, King, Fenn, Mrs Baldwin, S Baldwin, A Sear, C Sear, Gurney, Miss Sherman, Cooper, Richbell, Lewin
The Pastor stated that Mrs Crowe had spoken to him of her desire to join us in Church Fellowship, she had been a member of a Baptist Chapel at Norwich a long time but had allowed her membership to lapse having removed from one place to another, so that for some years she had not been in fellowship, she was baptized by Dr Brock so that the visitors would only have to report as to her present walk and the reason why she wishes to join us.
Br Timberlake proposed Br Sherman seconded that Br King and Mrs Sherman be the visitors carried
The Pastor said a young woman staying with our Br and Sister Timberlake named Woodhurst had spoken to him of her desire to be united with us, she saw Baptism by immersion was scriptural she had known the Lord for a long time but had made no profession, she now felt it to be her duty.  Br Hunt proposed Br Sear seconded that Br Sherman and Sister King be the visitors and bring in a report at the next Church Meeting carried
Special Church Meeting at the close of the usual Sunday evening service August 22nd 1886
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, Reading, Baldwin W, A Dealey, Timberlake
Sisters Wood, Gurney, Fenn, Cooper, Timberlake, Sherman, Taylor, Johnson, Mrs J Sear, Richbell, Mrs Baldwin, S Baldwin, M Reading
Br King brought in a report of his visit with Mrs Sherman to Mrs Crowe who had expressed a wish of uniting with us in Church fellowship and so far as they were able to judge thought Mrs Crowe was a proper person to be received into our community.  Mrs Crowe’s reason for desiring to join us was that she should feel at home with us and that she felt it her duty, the only reason she had been out fellowship was that up till now they had been removing from place to place , Mrs Sherman confirmed the statement.
Br Fenn proposed, Br Timberlake seconded that Mrs Crowe be received into Church Fellowship with us, carried
Br Sherman brought in a report of his visit with Mrs King to Miss Woodhurst a candidate for Baptism and Church Membership.  Br Sherman then narrated the statement made by the young person that she had been a Christian since 12 years of age and ever since that time she had been desirous of following Jesus, she had had several situations and been thrown into various society but had always desired the company of the Lords people.  Br Sherman was rather surprised at the full assurance of Miss Woodhurst faith when to an answer put by Mr Sherman she replied I know I am a Christian and that the Lord having begun the good work he would carry it on.  Mr Sherman gave council Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall, Miss Woodhurst was further questioned why she wished to join us, she said since staying at Northchurch she had her eyes opened to see that Baptism by immersion was scriptural and she felt it her duty to come forward and own Christ.
Br Fenn proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that Miss Woodhurst be accepted as a proper person for baptism and Church Membership. Carried.

Sale Committee Meeting Sep 8th 1886
Present the Pastor,
Mr G Wood, King, Timberlake, Hunt, H Pocock, E Pocock,
Mrs Crowe, King, Johnson,
Misses Baldwin, S A Sear, E & A Sherman
After singing and Prayer
H Pocock proposed that the admission to sale up to 6 oclock be 6d each, after 6, 3d each Mrs King seconded carried
Bible Class a stall of their own
The following were to preside at the several stalls
Clothing department Miss E Baldwin, Mrs and Miss Crowe,
Miss Pocock, Miss Saunders.
Fruit Stall, Miss S Baldwin, S A & E Sear, A Sherman
Farm produce and vegetable stall H & E Pocock
Refreshment stall Mrs Timberlake, Lewin, Johnson & J Timberlake
Musical arrangements left in the hands of the Pastor and W Baldwin
Decorations for Schoolroom and Chapel left in the hands of the Ladies [and then added in pencil] Mr Bosher, Miss Baldwin, E Wood, Miss Sear with Mr Bosher.
Mr King was desired to ask Mr Burns of Dover to open sale on Oct 11th.
Quarterly Church Meeting Sept 28th 1886
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, G Wood, Reading, Sear, King, W Baldwin, Pocock, Hunt, Delderfield, Timberlake, Stone, A Dealey, A Wood, Davis, Fenn
Sisters C Sear, Gurney, Johnson, Nash, S Baldwin, M Reading, Timberlake, Crowe, Woodhurst [first meeting]
The Pastor opened the meeting with Prayer and then asked the Secretary to read over the minutes of the past Meetings.  Br King read over minutes, Br Sherman proposed Br Hunt seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried (The Secretary with the permission of the Church left on important business)
The Treasurers A/c was read over by Br Sear, Br Fenn proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the A/cs as read be accepted as correct carried
The Table Money A/c was read over by Br G Wood Br Fenn proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Monthly Church Meeting Oct 26th 1886
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, G Wood, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Timberlake, A Dealey, Hunt, Reading
Sisters Johnson, Gurney, S Baldwin, M Reading
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting.  Br Fenn proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
A spiritual conference followed which was much enjoyed.  It was hoped similar gatherings would be held as opportunity arose.
Monthly Church Meeting Nov 23rd 1886
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, Pocock, Stone, Timberlake, W Baldwin, A Dealey
Sisters Gurney, King, Crowe, C sear, Johnson, Miss Sherman
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting.  Br W Baldwin proposed Br Timberlake seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct Carried
The Arrangement for the Pastor’s 4th Anniversary was discussed, the Pastor consenting to preach Special sermons on Sunday Dec 12th and a Sermon to be preached on Wednesday Afternoon Dec 15th by Revd W B Taylor of Chesham.
Sister C Sear proposed that a Public Tea be held at 5 oclock the charge to be 6d each Br Fenn seconded carried  The following sisters to manage the Tea Mrs Sherman, King, Crowe, S Baldwin, Lewin 2ry.
A Public Meeting was held in the evening when the following Ministerial Brethren were Present Revd W Wardle, Chairman, Revd W B Taylor of Chesham, W Creigh of St Albans.  A pleasing feature being Mr Sherman presenting the Pastor with a purse containing 8£ subscribed by a few friends much attached to Revd A Bosher.
Quarterly Church Meeting Dec 30th 1886
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, G Wood, Pocock, Timberlake, W Baldwin, Hunt, A Dealey, Reading
Sisters Gurney, Timberlake, Crowe, M Reading, Nash, Johnson
The Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings Br Timberlake proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct Carried
The Pastor read over Treasurers A/c General.  Br Fenn proposed Br Hunt seconded that the general A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
 The new Chapel A/c was read over.  Br Timberlake proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Br G Wood read over table Money a/c Br Fenn proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
A letter from Revd C Pearce Tring was read asking for the dismissal of Mrs Rolph, Br Sherman proposed Br Fenn seconded that the request be acceded to carried
The Secretary sent letter accordingly.
A long discussion was held on the best mode as to warming Chapel.  Sister Crowe proposed Br Timberlake seconded that a coal stove be provided the matter to be left in the hands of the Officers carried.
1887 Monthly Church Meeting Jany 27th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, G wood, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Hunt, A Dealey, Timberlake, Stone
Sisters Gurney, Johnson, Timberlake, S Baldwin, M Reading
The Secretary read over the minutes of the past meetings Br Fenn proposed Br W Baldwin seconded That the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
A long discussion in regard to the payment of stove and alteration to seats was held, the result of the discussion was Br Sherman proposed Br Fenn seconded That on the visit to us of Mr Thorne on Sunday next The collections after defraying Mr Thornes expenses go toward payment of Stove and alterations, the Pastor to announce that any contributions will be gladly received, carried
Mrs Carvell’s case.   The Pastor said Mrs Carvell had been set on one side for over 6 months and the time had now arrived when her case should be reconsidered, he would call on the Officers to state the result of their interview with Mrs Carvell.  Br Fenn said he in company with Mr Sherman had recently visited Mrs Carvell and from the conversation they had together, she expressed her sorrow for past behaviour and she had gone to the Lord again and again in her trouble, she would be very pleased to come in with us again.  Br Sherman corroborated Br Fenn’s statement.  The Pastor before taking votes on the above matter said Let there be no reference to this case anymore but if our sister is received into our midst let her be received into our gathering as a sister truly beloved, Br Hunt proposed Br W Baldwin seconded That our sister be affectionately and cordially received into our midst again without delay
Carried unanimously
                                               A Bosher – Pastor
                                                         March 24th 1887
[later we find Sister Carvell as Chapel Keeper for a number of years, so her restitution seems to have been successful]

Quarterly Church Meeting March 24th 1887
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, G Wood, Fenn, Timberlake, A Dealey, Reading
Sisters Gurney, C Sear, Potter, Pocock, S Baldwin, Timberlake, Nash
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings Br J Timberlake moved that the minutes as read be accepted Br Fenn seconded carried
The Treasurers A/c was read over by the Pastor Br Sherman moved Br Timberlake seconded that the A/c as read be accepted carried
Br G Wood read over Table Money A/c Br Fenn moved Br A Dealey seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
After a long discussion it was thought advisable to keep on with our little magazine and reduce the price to one half penny.
Monthly Church Meeting May 26th 1887
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, Timberlake, A Dealey
Sisters Johnson, Crowe, S Baldwin, M Reading
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting.  Br Fenn proposed Br Timberlake seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Words of council and advice were given by the Pastor, Br Sherman, King and others with reference to rules etc for carrying on the cause orderly etc
Br Sherman proposed Br Timberlake seconded that every member be furnished with a copy of the rules of this church.
Br Fenn proposed an amendment A Dealey seconded that the Officers consider the rules of the church and then be furnished with a copy carried
1887 Church Meeting Sunday evening July 31st
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, W Baldwin, Timberlake, C Stone, A Dealey
Sisters Pocock, Potter, E Sherman, Emma Sherman, C Sear, Gurney, Crowe,
P Baldwin, S Baldwin, Johnson, Richbell, Woodhurst
The Pastor said he had great pleasure in bringing the name of Mrs Reading Gossoms End, who was desirous of becoming a member with us.  Br W Baldwin proposed James Timberlake seconded that Mr Fenn and Sherman be visitors.  Br Fenn moved an amendment seconded by [ blank]  That Mrs Crowe and Mr Sherman be the visitors which was carried
The original motion was therefore lost.
The Pastor mentioned the name of Mrs Warren as a person desirous of joining our Church.  Br King proposed J Timberlake seconded that W Baldwin and Mrs Sherman be the visitors carried
The Pastor said he had pleasure in bringing the name of Miss Crowe as a person desirous of joining our Church.  Br Fenn proposed Br King seconded that Mr G Wood and Mrs C Sear be visitors carried
The name of Miss Wood was brought forward by the Pastor as a person desirous of joining our churchSister C Sear proposed Br King seconded that Mr and Mrs Timberlake be the visitors carried
Church Meeting Sunday evening Aug 14th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Wood, Fenn, King, W Baldwin, A Dealey, Stone
Sisters Gurney, Baldwin, S Baldwin, King, Sherman, E Sherman, Crowe, Johnson, Pocock, C Sear, Richbell, M Reading
The Pastor called upon the visitors to report on the case of Mrs Redding.
 Br Sherman said he had interview with Mrs Reading and from the conversation he had had with her she appeared a proper person for Baptism and Church Member.  Mr Crowe the other visitor endorsed what Br Sherman had said as well as the testimony
of the pastor.
Br Timberlake proposed Sister Johnson seconded that Mrs Redding be accepted as a fit person for Baptism and Church Member.  Carried
Mrs Warren’s case.  Br W Baldwin said he had visited this candidate and from the conversations they had together Mrs Warren informed him that it was of a recent date that she had given her heart to the Lord, she felt she was pardoned and she wished to be united with us and she would do what was in her power to help the cause.
Br Sherman corroborated the foregoing statement  and then added a few words of advice to her and Br Sherman said it seemed that Mrs Warren was willing to do anything for Christ’s sake and as far as he could see Mrs Warren was an acceptable person.  The Pastor added a few words as to the marked change of Mrs Warren of late, Br Fenn proposed A Dealey seconded that Mrs Warren be accepted as a person fit for Baptism and Church Member carried.
Miss Crowe’s case.
 Br G Wood said he had visited her that evening and he found from the conversation that it was about a year ago that Miss Crowe became anxious about her soul, she felt much impressed under the Pastor’s sermons and had been lead to see it was right she should confess Christ without delay.  Sister A Sear the other visitor said she felt sure Miss Crowe was a Christian.  Br King added a few words of his interviews and was satisfied Miss Crowe was desirous of serving the Lord, the Pastor added a few words and felt sure Miss Crowe would strengthen our cause.  Br Fenn proposed Br Stone seconded that Miss Crowe be accepted as a fit person for Baptism and Church Member carried
Miss Emily Wood’s case. Br Timberlake said his wife did not feel qualified to interview the candidate so he had done it alone and from the conversation it appeared of late she had been much impressed under Mr Bosher’s sermons and she felt it was only right after feeling her sins were forgiven her, to own Christ anywhere, she felt baptism was the thing to do and that was what prompted her to unite with us here.  Br Sherman stated how pleased he was with the conversation he had with her in the presence of Miss Crowe the other evening.  Sister Pocock would like to hear some words from the Parents as it was at home where the life could be tested best.  Br Wood said of late his daughter had stated to her Mother how she had been troubled about her sins, could not rest at night, as a parent he would not like to say that Emily was not a changed person.  Br King said of late he had marked a willingness in Emily to speak very freely on the matter of her salvation and from the conversations he was satisfied Emily was a new creation in Christ Jesus.  The Pastor added a few words of commendation.  Br W Baldwin, Sister C Sear seconded that E Wood be accepted as a proper person for Baptism and Church Member carried
On Thursday Aug 25th Mrs Warren, Mrs Redding, Miss Crowe     [space]      were baptized by the Pastor.
Special Church Meeting Sunday evening Aug 28th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, Delderfield, Sear, Timberlake, Smith, Stone, A Dealey.
Sisters Gurney, Pocock, C Sear, Johnstone, Richbell, Mrs Sherman, E Sherman, S Baldwin, Baldwin, Nash, Potter.
The Pastor after Prayer said the relatives of Mr J Strange desired permission from this church to bury the body in the Chapel yard.  Mr Strange had for a number of years closely identified with this place and it was only natural that he should wish to be buried here.  After some remarks by Br Sear, Smith, Pocock, Br Fenn proposed , Br Delderfield seconded that permission be granted to bury the body of Mr J Strange in the Chapel yard, carried unanimously.
[John Strange aged 76 is registered as a death in Berkhampstead District in Qtr 3 1887]
On Lords day evening Sep 4th 1887
Sisters Warren, Redding and Crowe were given the right hand of fellowship and received into our Church as full members of it.
Church Meeting Sunday evening Sep 4th 1887
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Delderfield, G Wood, Fenn, King, Baldwin, W Baldwin, Stone, Timberlake, A Dealey.
Sisters Baldwin. Gurney, Green, Pocock, Sherman, E Sherman, King, S Baldwin, M Reading, Crowe, E Crowe [first meeting], Carvell, Timberlake, Nash, C Sear, Johnson, Warren [first meeting], Redding [first meeting]
The Pastor announced a young woman named Amy Saunders desired to be transferred from the congregational church meeting at Union Chapel Islington N.  She had been lead to see that Baptism was scriptural and desired to follow the Lord fully by obeying his command if there was no opposition to her being received into our church.  The Pastor said he should write to the Minister and ask for her transfer, Br Timberlake proposed Br Fenn seconded that Amy Sanders be received into our midst providing all his satisfactory carried
The Pastor said Mrs Lewin having resigned Office as Chapel Keeper it was necessary that someone be chosen as temporary Chapel Keeper until we can have a Church Meeting to appoint someone.  Br Sherman mentioned the name of Sister Warren but she declined, The name of Sister Nash was suggested but she also declined.
Br G Wood thought Sister C Sear might take the office and their being no disinclination Br W Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded that Sister C Sear be appointed Chapel Keeper for a time carried.
1887 Quarterly Church Meeting Sept 29th.
Present the Pastor,
Br Fenn, G Wood, Sherman, Smith, Stone, W Baldwin, King, Reading, A Dealey
Sisters Gurney, Crowe, Pocock, Johnson, Woodchurch, S Baldwin, M Reading
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the Past Meetings, Br W Baldwin propd  Br Smith seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over the Treasurers A/c in the absence of the Treasurer, Br Stone proposed Br Fenn seconded that the A/cs as read over be accepted as correct carried
Br G Wood read over Table Money a/c for June and September Quarters.
Br W Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded that A/cs as read over be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read a letter from Revd Berry of Islington Church transferring Amy Saunders from his Church to ours.
The Pastor suggested that a small Committee be formed to adopt some plan whereby £6.0.0 could be got by Christmas towards liquidating the debt on New ground.  W D King proposed that the Pastor and Br W Baldwin arrange for Meetings the proceeds go towards the object under consideration.
On Sunday Nov 6th Sister Emily Wood was received into Church fellowship.
On Sunday Dec 4th Sister Amy Saunders was received into Church fellowship.
Pastors Fifth Anniversary Dec 11th & 12th
On Sunday Dec 11th Special Sermons were Preached by the Pastor Morning and evening, there was a fair attendance.
On Monday Dec 12th A Special Service was held, the Revd W B Taylor of Chesham preached a powerful sermon in the afternoon from the words Certainly I will be with the[e] , there was a large congregation.  A Public Tea at 5 at which a good number attended.  In the evening a Public Meeting was held presided over by Rev J T Smythe of Berkhamsted.  Addresses were given by the Pastor, Revd W B Taylor of Chesham, Revd C Pearce of Tring, Mr Appleby and the Deacons Messrs King, Sherman and Fenn.  The Misses Baldwin sang a duet which was well received, Miss Crowe sang a solo very nicely and Mr W Baldwin sang a solo with good effect. 
These Meetings from beginning to end were very harmonious and one cannot but hope in the future much lasting good will be the result from the Pastor’s fifth Anniversary of the Pastorate of the Baptist Chapel Northchurch.
1887 Annual Church Meeting Dec 15th
A Member’s Tea Meeting was held at 6 when 25 Members sat down.
At 7 the Meeting began by singing and Prayer.
Br King proposed Br G Wood seconded that Br Delderfield and Br Stone with the Pastor be scrutineers of the Ballot Papers for election of Officers this resolution was carried unanimously.
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, G Wood, Fenn, Smith, Delderfield, Stone, W Baldwin, A Dealey, Reading, King
Sisters Gurney, C Sear, Baldwin, Mrs Johnson, King, Pocock, Potter, Bignail, Timberlake, Nash, Mrs Crowe, E S Crowe, My Reading, Warren.
While the Ballot Papers were being counted Prayers were offered by Br Fenn, G Wood, W Baldwin, Sherman, King interspersed by singing which was felt a power for good.
The following were the results of Ballot Papers
For Deacons The votes were as follows
Br Sherman 48, Br King 45, Br G Wood 43, Br Fenn 41, Br Reading 12, Br W Baldwin 5, Br Delderfield 2, Br Sear 2, Br Hunt 2, Br Pocock 1, Br J Baldwin 1, Br J Wood 1
The following were accordingly elected Deacons, Br Sherman, King, Wood, Fenn
The following votes were recorded for Secretary
Br King 43, Br Hunt 2, Br Sherman 1
Br King was elected Secretary
The following votes were recorded for Treasurer
Br Sear 28, Br Hunt 3, Br King 12, Br W Baldwin 1
Br Sear was elected Treasurer
The following votes were recorded for Sexton
Br Sear 34, Br Fenn 10, Br Sherman 1
Br Sear was elected Sexton
The following votes were recorded for Chapel Keeper
Sister Timberlake 21, Sister C Sear 19, Sister Warren 4, Sister Cooper 2,
Sister J Sear 1, Sister Delderfield 1
Sister Timberlake was elected Chapel Keeper.
After the result of the voting the Pastor closed the Meeting with Prayer.
Quarterly Church Meeting Dec 29th 1887
Present The Pastor,
Br Fenn, G Wood, Smith, Sherman, King, A Dealey
Sisters Mrs Crowe, Mrs Reading and Timberlake
After Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting. Br A Dealey proposed Br Smith seconded the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Pastor read over the Treasurers A/c Br Sherman proposed Br Fenn seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
After the business matter was over all the Officers returned their thanks for being elected to Office again and Br Sherman referred at length to the absolute need of adhering and carrying out the Rules relating to our Church which were read out by the Pastor.
1888 Special Church Meeting after Tuesday evening Prayer Meeting Jan 10th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Wood, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Sear, Smith, A Dealey
Sisters Potter, Johnson, Gurney, S Sear, Woodhurst, Reading G E, Sherman,
M Reading, Nash, S Baldwin, Saunders, E Crowe
A long discussion was had respecting the increased duties connected with the Chapel Keeper and extra pay for same.
Br Smith proposed Sister Woodhurst seconded That the matter be left in the hands of the Officers for them to do as they think best, carried
1888 Special Church Meeting Sunday evening March 4th after usual evening service
Present the Pastor, Br G Wood, Sherman, Fenn, J Pocock, W Baldwin, C Stone, Delderfield
Sisters C Sear, King, Potter, Gurney, Johnstone, S Baldwin, M Reading, Mrs Redding G E, Mrs Crowe, Cooper, E Sherman, Woodchurch, E Wood, E Crowe, Bignell, Warren
This was a Meeting held to select a delegate to attend the spring Meeting of the Baptist Association to be held in London, a very important matter will come up for discussion and voting upon the resolutions.  Br G Wood proposed Br Fenn seconded that Br King be appointed as a delegate from this Church, carried unanimously
 Quarterly Church Meeting March 29th 1888
Present the Pastor,
Br King, Sherman, W Baldwin, Fenn, A Dealey, Smith, C Stone
Sisters Gurney, C Sear, Mrs Crowe, Miss Crowe, Miss Baldwin, Miss Wood, Timberlake, Nash, Johnson, Miss Woodchurch, Mrs Redding G E
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of Dec 29th last, Br W Baldwin proposed Mrs Crowe seconded that same be accepted as correct, carried
The minutes of Jan 10th were read Br A Dealey proposed C Stone seconded the same be accepted as correct, carried
The minutes of March 4th were read Br Smith Proposed C Stone seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over the Treasurers a/c Br W Baldwin Br Fenn seconded that the statements as read be accepd   Cd
The Matter of rules now existing were considered and after a long discussion it was thought it would be advantageous for the Church if new rules were to be drawn up as the existing ones are very vague and misleading and the following Rules were decided upon.

Rule 1 Proposed by Br W Baldwin, seconded by Br Smith
That the church manages its own affairs, and that nothing be done upon the Church Premises without the churches consent carried
Rule 2 Proposed by Mrs Crowe, seconded by C Stone
That a Church Meeting be held within a week after each Quarter day for discussing church business, when every account must be brought in and read to the church, and duly passed. Carried un.
Rule 3 Proposed by Br Fenn, seconded by Sister Woodhurst
That no officer hold his or her office, more than twelve months unless re-elected (Ministers excepted) carried unanimously
Rule 4 Proposed by Br W Baldwin, seconded by Br Smith
That the minutes be written down at every Church Meeting and presented at the next ordinary Church Meeting carried unanimously
Rule 5 Proposed by Br C Stone seconded by Sister Carvell
That the chapel and premises be kept in good order and that things necessary be provided by the Church carried unanimously
Rule 6 Proposed by Br W Baldwin seconded by Sister Johnstone
That any Members absenting themselves from the Lord’s supper for three successive months and not able to give a satisfactory reason, the cases to be dealt with by the Officers as they deem advisable 14 votes for this [out of 19 present including the Pastor]
Rule 7 Proposed by Br A Dealey seconded by Br Smith
That the burial ground be used for the members and their families except the church by a direct vote sanction the interment of a non member carried.

The above Rules were confirmed by the Church at a Special Church Meeting held on April 22nd 1888.
These rules come into force on Lord’s Day May 6th 1888
Signed on behalf of the Church
                                                              A Bosher   Pastor
                                                              W D King   Secretary

Church Meeting Sunday evening April 22nd
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, W Baldwin, C Stone, Smith, A Dealey
Sisters Sherman, Mrs Crowe, Pocock, Cooper, King, Timberlake, Redding, Warren, Gurney, Baldwin, S Baldwin, Johnson
The Pastor said he had great pleasure in mentioning the name of Ellen Baldwin as a candidate for Baptism and Church Member.
Br King proposed Sister Mrs Crowe seconded that Br Fenn and Mrs Sherman be visitors to report on the case of Ellen Baldwin. An amendment was proposed by Br Fenn that Mr and Mrs King be the visitors but there being no seconder the motion fell through, the original motion was carried
The Pastor brought forward the name of Harry Stone as a young man desirous of being baptized and Church Member.  Br King Proposed Mrs King seconded that Br Sherman and Br Baldwin be the visitors carried
[Ellen Baldwin is the sister of Br William Baldwin and of Miss Sarah Baldwin and daughter of James and Phoebe also both members.  Ellen was 1 year younger than Sarah and 5 years the senior of William, being born in 1862, so 26 when applying for membership]
Church Meeting Sunday evening April 29th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, C Stone, Fenn, A Dealey.
Sisters Mrs Sherman, King, Mrs Crowe, C Sear, Gurney, A Sear, Pocock, E Sherman, Cooper
The Pastor called on the visitors to report on the case of Ellen Baldwin.
Br Fenn gave a very satisfactory account of his interview with Ellen Baldwin with reference to her conversion and in his own mind he had no doubt but what she was a fine child of God.  The Pastor and Br King added a few words of commendation.
Br King proposed Sister C Sear seconded that Ellen Baldwin be received for Baptism and Church Member carried unanimously
The Pastor asked the visitors to report on the case of Harry Stone.  Br Sherman said his interview with H Stone was rather brief and his words were few but he was satisfied in his own mind that H Stone was a child of God.
Br W Baldwin said he believed the case was genuine for he had conversed with him on the subject of religion at different times and he appeared desirous for the one thing needful.  The Pastor said the example of Br W Baldwin was worthy of our following for he had spoken privately and prayed with H Stone and this in a great measure was the result of that work.  C Stone added a few words.
Br Fenn proposed Sister Timberlake [not in list of those present] seconded that H Stone be accepted as a fit person for baptism and Church Member
carried unanimously
On Thursday May 3rd Ellen Baldwin and Hy Stone were Baptized by the Pastor
On Sunday May 6th Ellen Baldwin and Hy Stone were received into Church Fellowship by the Pastor.
A Church Meeting was held afterwards
At which there were present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, A Dealey, C Stone, H Stone [first meeting]
Sisters Mrs Sherman, King, Gurney, Richbell, Nash, Pocock, Cooper, S Baldwin,
E Sherman, Mrs Crowe, Eva Crowe, Warren, Redding, M Reading, A Sear, Johnson, Green, E Baldwin [first meeting]
The Pastor said the time had now arrived when the case of James Timberlake’s case should be considered.  You are aware he was set on one side for six months it is now for you to decide upon the matter whether you will receive him back or otherwise.
Br King proposed Br C Stone seconded That our brother James Timberlake be received back again and that the right hand of fellowship be given at the next monthly ordinance, 19 vote for, none against.
 [5 abstentions it appears]
At the ordinance on June 3rd Br James Timberlake was received back again by the Pastor giving him the right hand of Fellowship.
On Monday June 4th the Revd W Brock of Hampstead and Revd M Hudson of Boxmoor as representatives of the Central Union of Baptist Churches of Gt Briton and Ireland and Herts Union of Baptist Churches, met in conference the Members of the Church to gain what information they could respecting our our difficulties, position and future Prospects.  The following members were present.
The Pastor, Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, J Pocock, A Dealey, J Timberlake, Reading
Sisters A Sear, C Sear, King, Sherman, E Sherman, Baldwin, S Baldwin, E Baldwin, Nash, Richbell, Pocock, Bignell, Gurney, Redding, Potter, Johnson, Timberlake, Carvell, M Reading, Woodhurst, Cooper, Mrs Crowe, Miss Crowe.
[31 members + Pastor]
After the conference a Public Tea Meeting and Public Meeting was held, the Pastor was in the Chair.  The Revd W Hudson and the Revd M Brock with Messrs Sherman, Fenn and King addressed the Audience and it was felt by all that great good would result from the Meetings.
Quarterly Church Meeting June 28th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, C Stone, A Dealey, Timberlake, J Pocock
Sisters Johnson, Gurney, Nash, S & E Baldwin, M Reading, E Crowe
After singing and Prayer the Pastor called upon the Secretary to read over the minutes of the past Meetings.  The Secretary read over the minutes as requested.  Br W Baldwin proposed Br J Pocock seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Sear read over Treasurers A/c Br Timberlake Proposed Br C Stone seconded That the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over the table money a/c Br J Pocock Proposed Br A Dealey seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
It was unanimously agreed that the money lent by Br G Wood and W Baldwin be refunded to them.
The Matter for future consideration is the annual Autumn Sale.
Quarterly Church Meeting Dec 31st 1888
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Sear, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Timberlake, C Stone, H Stone
Sisters Gurney, Baldwin, S Baldwin, E Baldwin, Cooper, Pocock, Timberlake, Carvell, Johnson, Potter, Nash, E Crowe.
After singing and Prayer the Treasurer read over his a/cs. Br C Stone proposed Br Fenn seconded That the a/c as read be accepted as correct cd unanimously
The Pastor read over Lord’s Table money A/c.  Br Timberlake proposed Br W Baldwin seconded That the a/c as read be accepted as correct cd unanimously
A long conversation was held on the desirability of recommencing the Benevolent Fund but the matter was left in an undecided state.
Br King made suggestions as to improvements that might be made for attracting people to Attend the Chapel.
A Coffee Supper followed after which the Usual Watch night service was held.
Annual Church Meeting Jan 10th 1889
Present Revd A Bosher,
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, Pocock, Sear, J Baldwin, W Baldwin, A Dealey, Timberlake, C Stone
Sisters C Sear, Gurney, Cooper, Crowe, Mrs Baldwin, S Baldwin, E Baldwin, Timberlake, E Sherman, M Reading, Mrs Reading, Johnson, Potter, Nash, Miss Crowe, Pocock, E Carvell
After singing and Prayer The Ballot Papers for election of Officers handed in and the scrutineers were The Pastor, Br Pocock and C Stone.  The results were as follows.
For Deacons 4
Br Sherman      42 votes
Br King            40“
Br Fenn            39“
Br Pocock        26“
Br W Baldwin   5“
Br Delderfield   5“
Br G Wood       4“
Br Sear              4“
Br J Wood        1“
Br J Baldwin    2“
Br Sherman, King, Fenn and Pocock were elected.
         For Secretary
Br King          36 votes
 “ W Baldwin   4    “
“  Pocock         1    “       Br King elected
        For Treasurer
Br Sear          36 votes
“   King           7             Br Sear elected
        For Sexton
Br Sear          42 votes
“  Timberlake2            Br Sear elected
       For Chapel Keeper
Mrs Timberlake     33
 “     C Sear              1
 “     Bignell             6
 “     Warren            1
 “     Woodhurst      1
                                    Mrs Timberlake elected
Words of Counsel were advanced by Br W Baldwin, Sherman, Fenn and the Pastor returned thanks on behalf of those just elected.
Quarterly Church Meeting April 1st 1889
Before the above Meeting a Members Tea Meeting was held at which there was a good attendance.
At the church Meeting the following were present
The Pastor,
Br Sherman, Fenn, Sear, Pocock, King, W Baldwin, Timberlake, C Stone
Sisters Gurney, Pocock, Johnson, Nash, E Wood, Cooper, S & E Baldwin, Mrs and E Crowe, Timberlake, Carvell, Dealey
After singing and Prayer Br King read over the minutes of the past Meeting, Br Sear proposed Br C Stone seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Sear read over Treasurers a/c Br W Baldwin proposed Br Pocock seconded A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor had forgotten to bring Table Money a/c Book so that matter would have to stand over for the present.
A general conversation was carried on for a long time as to ways and means in getting money to defray expenses for renovating Chapel etc now being done.
After a long discussion it was decided to have special services on Sunday April 21st special singing and if can to secure the services of Revd W C Young former Pastor of New Mill Chapel and now of Brisbane Australia. [!]
Collections to be taken after each service.  Should Mr Young fail us Revd J Smythe or Revd M Hudson to be seen.
On the following [space] a public Tea Meeting at the charge of 6d for adults and 4d our own scholars up to the age of 12 years.  After the Tea a Public Meeting to be held, the following to be asked to preside Mr C B King of Hampstead, Mr Marnham Boxmoor [first mention of this significant person] or some other person, the meeting to be addressed with any ministerial friends who can be secured and special singing, Collection at the close.  It was suggested that our Br Sear carry out the arrangement for Tea and singing with W Baldwin’s assistance.
Mrs Crowe promised towards Chapel renovation fund                         10/.
Mrs Pocock “               “             “           “              “                          5/.
At the Meetings held on Easter Monday the requisite sum was Collected
[in pencil]  2.7.2
Church Meeting Tuesday evg May 28th 1889
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, Timberlake, W Baldwin
Sisters Gurney, C Sear, Johnson, Warren, E Crowe, M Reading, E Wood, S Baldwin
After Prayer the Pastor said he had great joy in bringing the name of Mrs Piddington who was desirous of joining our Church.  Br W D King proposed Br Timberlake seconded that Br Fenn and Mrs Crowe be the visitors to Mrs Piddington and bring in a report of their visit as soon as convenient carried
The name of Miss Goodrich as a candidate for Baptism and church Member was brought forward by the Pastor.  Br King proposed that Mrs C Sear and Mrs Timberlake be the visitors and bring a report as soon as can carried
The name of Chares Geary was brought forward by the Pastor as a person desirous of joining us.  Br Fenn proposed Br King seconded that Br Sherman and W Baldwin be the visitors to Charles Geary carried.
Quarterly Church Meeting June 26th 1889
Present the Pastor,
Br Timberlake and King
Sisters Pocock, C Sear, S Baldwin, Timberlake, Potter and Johnson.
After Prayer Br King read over the minutes of the Past Meetings Sister Potter proposed Sister Johnson seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King read over Treasurers a/c, Br Timberlake proposed Br King seconded that a/c as read be accepted as correct.
The Pastor had forgotten to bring Table money book but would do so first opportunity.
Mrs Piddington’s case.  Br Fenn being unable to be present and Sister Crowe being ill, Br King read a statement of Br Fenn’s interview with Mrs Piddington, the substance was as follows.
Mrs Piddington stated that it was about 20 years ago since she became impressed about her soul salvation but had declined and gone back but since she had been attending the Ministry of Mr Bosher she had been lead to see it as right for her to unite with us by being Baptized and becoming united with us in Church Fellowship.  Mrs Piddington said she liked to get to God’s house as often as she could.
Sister Crowe’s statement was similar to that of Br Fenn, Sister Pocock said she had no doubt but what Mrs Piddington was a child of God.  All present thought Mrs Piddington’s life was that of a Christian.  Br King proposed Sister Johnson seconded that Mrs Piddington be accepted as a proper person for baptism and church Member carried unanimously
The Case of Charles Geary.  Br Sherman being unable to attend Br King had taken down a statement made by Br Sherman.  Br Sherman said I asked him why he wanted to join us and he answered that he had been lead to see that Baptism was the scriptural way, when asked about his conversion he said he was converted at the Salvation army Berkhamsted in Nov 1887 while the Captain was speaking from the words In the midst of life we are all in death , he continued with the army until he felt he could not work with a new Captain who wanted him to sacrifice more time in attending meetings which he felt he could not comply with.  Br Sherman told him if he was accepted he would have to keep with us and make his home here.  Br Sherman was satisfied, Sisters Timberlake, Johnson and Br Timberlake spoke very favourably of Charles Geary walk and conversation.  Br W Baldwin being unable to be present, it was considered sufficient to accept the testimony of Br Sherman.  Br Timberlake proposed Sister Johnson seconded that Charles Geary be accepted as a proper person for Baptism and Church Member carried
 The Case of Miss Goodrich was reported by Sister C Sear and Timberlake.  Miss [blank] was first awakened at the age of 13 at New Mill Chapel latterly she had felt she ought to declare openly on who’s side she was, she was not able to state exactly when she was converted but she knew she loved the good and loved God’s house and people and she would love to remain at our Prayer Meetings but she felt it her duty being a servant to do her duty towards her employer and she had to hurry home otherwise she would be delighted to stay at the Meetings.  Sister Pocock added a few words Br King proposed and Br Timberlake seconded that Miss [blank] be accepted as a Proper person for Baptism and Church Member carried
The Pastor announced that sometime in September the usual Harvest Thanksgiving Meeting would be held.
On Tuesday July 12th Sisters Piddington and Goodrich and Br C Geary were Baptized and on Sunday August 4th were received into Church Fellowship.
On Sunday Sep 8th The Annual harvest Thanksgiving Services were held
The Pastor Preaching Special sermons and on Thursday Sep 12th the Harvest Thanksgiving Sale was opened by Mr T Read, Revd F Smythe, Revd W Wardel, Revd B Taylor and Mr Stevens of Tring were present during the Sale.  Many Thanks are due to all the kind friends who so ably assisted in making the sale so successful.
Special Church Meeting Sunday night September 29th 1889
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Sear, King, W Baldwin, C Geary [first meeting], Timberlake, Dealey
Sister Sherman, King, Pocock, Potter, Dealey, Warren, S & E Baldwin, E Sherman, Reading, Gurney, Johnson, M Reading, C Sear.
The Pastor said the meeting was called to know whether the Members were willing or not to allow the burial in the Chapel Yard of the little child of Mr and Mrs Osborn
which had died at Br Sear’s house. Mr Bosher read Rule 7 of the Church and it was now for the Members to express their opinion and perhaps Br Sear would speak respecting the matter, who said it was the desire of the Parents that the child should be buried in the Chapel yard if the members granted the request.  Br Sear said for his own part he would have preferred Berkhamsted but his people thought otherwise.  Br Sear said his people were willing to purchase a piece of ground should the members be disposed to sell, the ground was adjoining where his son John was buried.
Sister Pocock asked about the piece of ground next to where her children were buried. She had always understood until lately it was left for her family. This matter was left for further consideration until the Officers Meeting.
Br Timberlake asked if there was sufficient ground for all the members and the Pastor said No.  
Br Sherman expressed his willingness for the child to be buried here, the mother having been brought up in the school.
Sister C Sear proposed that a piece of ground shall be granted for the burial of the little child of Mr and Mrs Osborn on certain conditions to be discussed hereafter Br Sherman seconded 10 voted for the grant and none against.  [11 abstentions?]
Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 3rd 1889
Present The Pastor,
Br Sherman, Sear, King, Fenn, Timberlake, Geary.
Sisters Pocock, Potter, King, Crowe, C Sear, S & E Baldwin.
After singing and Prayer the Pastor asked the Secretary to read over the minutes of the past Meetings.  Br King read over the minutes of the past Meetings Br Timberlake proposed Sister E Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Sear read over the Treasurers a/c for the past Quarter Br Fenn proposed Sister Crowe seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over Table Money A/c from January to September, Sister S Baldwin proposed Sister Potter seconded That the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Special Church Meeting Sunday evening Oct 27th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Timberlake, W Baldwin
Sisters Sherman, E Sherman, King, Mrs Crowe, C Sear, E Carvell, S Timberlake, Reading, Johnson, Warren, S & E Baldwin, Gurney
The Pastor said the meeting was called to know the mind of the members respecting whether permission would or would not be given to the request made, namely lending the chapel for use of the Salvation Army to hold a Tea and Public Meeting tomorrow night.   The Pastor said there need be no discussion upon the matter.  Br Timberlake proposed Sister C Sear seconded That we lend the Army the chapel as asked .
6 voted for and 8 against the proposal.  [3 abstained]
Church Meeting Sunday evening Nov 10th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, Baldwin, W Baldwin, H Stone, Geary
Sisters Mrs Sherman, E Sherman, King, Mrs Baldwin, S & E Baldwin, Fenn, Warren, Reading, M Reading, Mrs and E Crowe, Pocock, Cooper, C Sear, Gurney, Johnson.
The Pastor brought forward the name of John Green who said was desirous of joining our Church if the members would appoint 2 visitors.  Br Geary proposed Sister Mrs King seconded that Br Sherman and King be visitors to John Green.  Br King moved an amendment Mrs Crowe seconded that Br Geary and H Stone be appointed visitors.
4 voted for the amendment.  The original motion was then put and 6 voted for and none against.  [out of 24 present]
Church Meeting Sunday evening Nov 17th 1889
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, J Baldwin, Timberlake, H Stone, C Geary
Sisters Baldwin, Gurney, Sherman, Cooper, King, Pocock, Crowe sr, E Sherman, Johnson, Warren, Mrs reading, M reading, E & S Baldwin, C Sear, Piddington [first meeting]
The Pastor called upon the visitors to report on John Greens interview.
Br King said in company with Br Sherman on Tuesday evening last after Prayer he asked J Green when and where he became converted.  J Green said that for some 15 months he had been anxious about his soul but he could not realize his sins forgiven until one evening in July last at the Salvation Army in New Road, light broke upon him and he felt his sins forgiven for he could by faith see Jesus hanging on the Cross for him and since then he had become a new man in Christ Jesus.
I pointed out to him that if he was accepted as a member with us he would make this his home and attend the meetings here in preference to those held elsewhere, he assented to this.  Br Sherman asked him why he wanted to be Baptized, pointed out that alone would not save one, J Green said he knew passing through the water had no value in it but as he read the New Testament he saw it was in obedience to the Saviours commands that he wished to comply.   Br Sherman told J Green that he must not expect everything would be smooth even in the church, nor must he expect to get along without difficulties and persecutions etc to which he replied already he was being persecuted but that Jesus was helping him to bear it.
Br C Geary and the Pastor spoke a few words in reference to the conduct of J Green, Sister C Sear proposed, Br Timberlake seconded that John Green be accepted as a candidate for Baptism and Church Membership carried
On Tuesday evening Nov 26th John Green was baptized and on Sunday Dec 1st was received into Church fellowship.
On Tuesday Dec 9th the 7th Anniversary of our Pastor was celebrated
when a large number of Ministerial Brethren were present.  Sermons were preached by the Pastor on the previous Sunday and the Revd Robinson took the preliminary part on Tuesday, the Revd W B Taylor of Chesham delivered a most eloquent discourse on the words Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice Phillipians 4 vs 4
The Revd J Smythe, Williams and Wardle of Berkhamsted spoke at the Tea table and Mr T Read presided at the Public when on[e] of the best gatherings was held there being a large attendance and a good spirit pervading.
Many thanks are due to the Ladies for the very nice Tea provided and for their cheering faces etc
Annual Church Meeting was held on Thursday evg Dec 19th 1889 preceded with a Tea
The Meeting was opened by Prayer etc.  There were present the Pastor,
BR Sherman, Fenn, King, W Baldwin, Timberlake, H Stone, Geary
Sisters Pocock, Gurney, Johnstone, King, Cooper, S Baldwin, M Reading, E Wood, C Sear
The Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings BR Timberlake proposed that the minutes as read be accepted as correct Sister E Wood seconded carried
The Ballot Papers being handed in Br King proposed BR Timberlake seconded that Br W Baldwin and H Stone be appointed scrutineers to count Ballot Papers with the Pastor carried
While the Ballot Papers were being counted Br Sherman and King spoke a few words of exhortation.
The Pastor came in and said the result of the Ballot Papers were as follows.
For Deacons
Br Sherman 43 votes, Br King 43 votes, Br Fenn 41 votes, Br W Baldwin 31 votes,
Br J Baldwin 8 votes, Br Timberlake 4, Br G Wood 1 vote, Br Sear 1 vote.
The following were elected as Deacons, Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin
[William Baldwin aged 22, replaces Br Pocock as Deacon]    
For secretaryship the votes were as follows
Br King 37 votes, Br Delderfield 3 votes, Br W Baldwin 4 votes
Br King was elected as Secretary
The votes for Treasurer were as follows
Br Sear 29votes, Br King 8 votes, Br Sherman 2 votes, Br W Baldwin 2 votes, the Pastor 1 vote
Br Sear was elected Treasurer
The votes for Sexton were as follows
Br Sear 35 votes, Br Timberlake 9 votes
Br Sear was elected Sexton
The votes for Chapel Keeper were as follows
Sister C Sear 19 votes, Sister Timberlake 18 votes, Br Timberlake 3 votes, Sister Warren 1 vote, Sister Cooper 1 vote, Sister Dealey 2 votes
The Pastor asked Br King to read over a curcular redd from the Baptist Missionary Society in reference to soliciting help by contributing the collection on the first Sunday of the New Year towards the support of Widows and Orphans of Missionaries.
Br W Baldwin, Br H Stone seconded that we give the Collection at the Lords table the 1st Sunday of the New Year to the Widows and Orphans Fund carried
Quarterly Church Meeting Dec 27th 1889
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Sear, Fenn, W Baldwin, Timberlake, A Dealey
Sisters Gurney, S & E Baldwin, M Reading
After singing and Prayer Br King read over the minutes of the past meeting. Br Fenn proposed, Br W Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct cd.
Br Sear read over the Treasurers account for the past quarter Sister E Baldwin proposed Sister M Reading seconded that the Treasurers a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over the Lords Table Account for the past Quarter.  Br Timberlake proposed Br A Dealey seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
A long discussion was held respecting proposed Evangelistic Mission.  Br Dealey proposed Sister S Baldwin seconded that the matter of detail be left in the hands of the Pastor and officers carried
Evangelistic services were held.

Quarterly Church Meeting June 24th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Geary
Sisters Gurney, Johnson, Potter, S Baldwin, Warren, E Baldwin, M Reading
The secretary said by way of apology he had no record of the last Quarterly meeting, he could find no notes referring to it.
The Pastor for the Treasurer read over the a/c for the past Quarter.  Br Sherman proposed Sister M reading seconded that the A/c as read be adopted as correct carried
A discussion was raised as to the desirability of having collections at every service on Sundays. 
The Pastor quite forgot to bring Table money book so that is to stand over until next Tuesday
Adjourned Church Meeting July 1st 1890
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, Geary, Green
Sisters Gurney, Crowe, S Baldwin, Potter, Warren
After Prayer the Minutes of the past meeting were read.
Br W Baldwin proposed Br Sherman seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Pastor read over Table Money a/c
Br W Baldwin proposed Sister Crowe seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
A long discussion was held about having collections at every service on Sundays and eventually Br Sherman suggested that the matter be brought forward after the Ordinance next Sunday.
Br Sherman said he had great pleasure in bringing forward the name of Mrs Mothersole as a proper person for Baptism and Church Membership
Br W Baldwin proposed Br Sherman seconded That Br Fenn and Sister King be appointed visitors to Mrs Mothersole and bring in a report soon convenient carried
The Pastor said Mrs Fennymore was desirous of having her Transfer from High Street Chapel Berkhamsted to be united with us.
Br Geay proposed Br Green seconded that the Secretary write to the Church at Berkhamsted for Mrs Fennymore’s transfer carried
Special Church Meeting Sunday evening Aug 17th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Dealey
Sisters Sherman, King, Gurney, S & E Baldwin, Fenn, Reading, E Sherman, Johnson, C Sear, E Crowe, Richbell, Warren, Cooper, Pocock
The Pastor said we are compelled to have our meeting tonight as it is very difficult to get a Church Meeting on the week night during the Harvest time. We have met to hear the report concerning our visitors to Mrs Mothersole who is a candidate for Baptism and Church Member.  Br Fenn said he had visited Mrs Mothersole some time ago, that he had forgotten some of the conversation but Mrs Mothersole informed him that she formerly attended the Chapel at Potten-end but she never seemed to get on much there and she had attended other places of worship and for some time she had been attending here and now felt it was right she should come out and own her Lord, it was about 6 years since she had been converted but no one asked her about joining until she came here.  Br Fenn told her if she joined us she would be expected to make this her home. One thing Br Fenn I like about Mrs Mother sole as that she does not like gossiping, I think there is a deal of harm done where gossiping goes on.
Sister King said she had seen Mrs Mothersole and from the few words past between them, so far as she could tell there was nothing against her.  I told her that if she was accepted this would have to be her home, no running away like some of the members are doing.
The Pastor and Br Sherman added some words of commendation and it was agreed to accept Mrs Mothersole as a suitable person for Baptism and Church Member.
No transfer had been received from High Street Chapel Berkhamsted in reference to Mrs Fennymore.
Church Meeting Sunday evening Aug 31st
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin
Sisters King, Sherman, E Sherman, Dealey, Fenn, Gurney, Johnson, Warren,
Mrs Reading, M Reading,
The Pastor said he had received Mrs Fennymore’s transfer.
The Pastor said he had much pleasure in announcing that Mrs Burnham wished to become identified with us if we thought she was a fitting person for Baptism and Church Membership. Appoint 2 visitors to report on her state, Br King proposed BR Fenn seconded That Br W Baldwin and Mrs Reading be the visitors carried
Special Church Meeting Sunday evening Sep 14th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, J Baldwin, A Dealey
Sisters Sherman, King, E Sherman, Fenn, Gurney, Johnson, Potter, Richbell, Pocock, Mrs Baldwin, S & E Baldwin,Warren, Reading.
The Pastor said this meeting is called to see what the mind of the Church is in respect to giving permission for the interment of Mrs Walter Sear.  A long talk took place eventually it was agreed that permission be granted for the burying of Mrs Sear in one of the graves already belonging to Mr Sear.
Mrs Sear was interred in a fresh grave.
[Mrs Walter Sear will be Emily Sear aged 36 who died in Berkhampstead District in the September Quarter 1990.  In 1881 she and Walter and 3 children aged 1,4,and 6 had lived at Orchard End, Northchurch and her maiden name will have been Emily Deacon, marrying Walter in 1874.]
Church Meeting Sunday evening Sep 28th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, H Stone, C Geary, A Dealey
Sisters Sherman, King, E Sherman, Mrs Crowe, E Crowe, Fenn, E Baldwin, Johnson, C Sear, A Sear, Mrs Reading, M Reading, Warren, Cooper.
The Pastor called upon the visitors to report on Mrs Burnham case.  Mrs Reading was very reluctant to say anything, she appeared undecided.  Br Baldwin said he had conversed with Mrs Burnham and she told him she formerly attended Potton End Chapel but the preaching was …[?], after some time she removed to Berkhamsted and then attended the Wesleyan Chapel and at length the Salvation Army, there she was converted but her sister Mrs Mothersole attending this chapel she came up with her and liking the preaching of Mr Bosher she felt she would like to join us, she said if she was accepted she should remain with is and help all she could not go back to the Army as there was not depth enough for her in their teaching.  The Pastor Br King and Sister C Sear having added some words, Br Baldwin proposed Sister C Sear seconded That Mrs Burnham be accepted as a candidate for Baptism and Church Member. Carried
Mrs Mothersole , Mrs Burnham were Baptised on Thursday evening Oct 2nd 1890.
Mrs Mothersole Mrs Burnham and Mrs Fennymore were received into Church Fellowship on Sunday evening Oct 5th.     
Church Meeting Oct 13th 1890
A Members Tea was provided to which there was a good attendance and afterwards a meeting was held to discuss the matter of persons being buried in the Chapel Yard, the following were present
The Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, H Stone, Geary, Timberlake, A Dealey, J Baldwin, J Green
Sisters Baldwin, S & E Baldwin, Nash, Gurney, Pocock, C Sear, King, M Reading, E Sherman, Dealey, Mrs Crowe, Mothersole [first meeting], Burnham [first meeting], Fennymore [first meeting], Carvell.
After singing and Prayer the Pastor [said] we have met to consider our position with regard to our burial ground, this matter must be attended to at once as the burials are more frequent and the ground is very limited.
Our rule says That members and their families have a right to be buried here, if a non member desires to be buried here the consent of the Church must be obtained.
Br Sherman made a suggestion that some age should be defined or marriage should abolish their right,  Br King asked if the Deeds specified anything with regard to rights of Burial.
Sister Pocock proposed H Stone seconded that Br Fenn and Timberlake go and ask for the Deeds Carried unanimously.
Br Fenn and Timberlake with Mr Sear came and brought the Deeds and the Pastor read over the Deeds but there was nothing bearing on the subject in discussion.
 Br Fenn proposed Br Baldwin seconded that this meeting adjourn to this day fortnight carried
Br Baldwin senior suggested that a week-night service should be started to which the Pastor said he was quite willing to give it a trial.
Br Baldwin proposed that a week night service be held on Thursday, Sister Pocock seconded carried Nen Com.
Adjourned Church Meeting Oct 27th 1890
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, H Stone
Sisters Pocock, S Baldwin, Johnson, Mothersole
The matter of burial was further discussed and upon the whole it was considered admirable not to interfere with the present Rules.
Quarterly Church Meeting Tuesday Dec 30th 1890
Present the Pastor,
Br Fenn, King, W Baldwin, Sear, H Stone, Geary
Sisters Johnson, Dealey, E Baldwin, Woodhurst, Burnham, Fenemore, Warren
Br King read over the minutes of the past Meeting and after some alterations and additions were made Br W Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
Br Sear read over the Treasurer a/c for the past Quarter, Br H Stone proposed Br Baldwin seconded That the A/c as read be accepted carried
The Pastor read over the table money a/c for the past Quarter Br Fenn proposed Br Stone seconded That the A/c as read be accepted carried
Annual Church Meeting was held preceeded by a members Tea on January 1st
Present at Church Meeting, The Pastor,
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, W Baldwin, Sear, Dealey, Geary, Stone
Sisters Pocock, Johnson, S Baldwin, Dealey, King, Carvell, Woodhurst, Burnham, M Reading
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the minutes of the last Meetings, Br W Baldwin proposed Br Geary seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
Br Fenn proposed Br King seconded That Br Geary and Dealey be appointed as scrutineers to count result of Ballot Papers carried
While the Pastor and scrutineers retired to count the Ballot Papers Appropriate remarks were made by Br Sherman and Baldwin, Br Fenn engaging in Prayer.
The following were the result of numbers for Deacons,
Br W Baldwin 35 votes, Br Fenn 36 votes, Br King 36 votes, Br Sherman 34 votes,
Br Sear 1 vote, Br Stone 2 votes
Br Baldwin, Fenn, Sherman and King were elected.
The following were the numbers for secretary
Br King 32 votes, Br Geary 1, Br Baldwin 1, Br Sear 1
Br King was elected Secretary
The following were the numbers for Treasurer
Br Sear 33 votes, Br King 2, Br Sherman 1
Br Sear was elected Treasurer
The following were the numbers for Sexton
Br Sear 34, Br Geary 1, Br Timberlake 1
Br Sear was elected Sexton
The following were the numbers for Chapel Keeper
Mrs Sear 29, Warren 3, Cooper 1, Johnson 1, Fenemore 1
Mrs Sear was elected Chapel Keeper
The Pastor said he had received a letter from the Baptist Church at Kings Langley asking for the Transfer of Sister Coughtry from us to them, Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded That the Transfer be given carried
The Pastor said it was usual for the Collection at The Lord’s table on the first Sunday in the new year to be given to the widows and orphans of the Baptist Missionary Society.
Br Baldwin proposed Sister Pocock seconded That the 1st Collection be devoted or given as heretofore carried
A long discussion was held as to the advisability of continuing the Thursday weeknight service.  Br Sherman proposed Br Fenn seconded That the service be continued until the Quarterly Church Meeting in March and then a Tea Meeting be held and the profit go towards defraying and expenses that may be incurred for coal etc carried
[The Dec quarter 1890’s expenditure on coal, wood and gas had been 1/1/9 compared to 15/11 in the same period the previous year.  Total expenditure in Quarter 4 of 1890 had been 8/11/5 of which 6/0/0 had been Ministry, whereas in the same Quarter in 1891 it was 9/0/6 with 6/10/0 being for Ministry.  The Chapel keeper was paid £1 a quarter and the instrumentalist 5 shillings.]
Quarterly Church Meeting March 26th 1891
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin
Sisters E Baldwin, Burnham, Mothersole, Johnson
After singing and Prayer the secretary read over the minutes of past Meetings.  Br W Baldwin proposed Sister E Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurers a/c was not complete Sister Johnson proposed Sister Burnham seconded that as soon as A/c are ready the Officers examine same.  The A/c s were examined and found correct and read over between Tea and Public Meeting on March 30th.
Quarterly Church Meeting June 25th 1891
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin
Sisters Pocock, S Baldwin, Potter, Johnson
Br King read over the minutes of the past meeting Sister Johnson proposed Br Sherman seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over the Treasurers a/c
Br W Baldwin proposed Br King seconded that the Account as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over the table money a/c.
Br Sherman proposed Br King seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried.
Church Meeting Sunday evening Aug 30th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, Stone
Sisters Sherman, King, Sear, E Baldwin, Gurney, E Sherman, Mrs Reading, Warren, Miss Crowe, Cooper, Mothersole, Pocock, Burnham.
The Pastor said Bertha Witman had expressed her wish of joining our church, the Deacons had considered the matter and now the case comes before the Church for their consideration.  Br King proposed that Mr Sherman and Mrs Crowe be the visitors Br Fenn seconded carried
Church Meeting Sunday evening Sep 6th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, Dealey
Sister Sherman, King, Fenn, Pocock, Gurney, Potter, Johnson, C Sear, Cooper
The Pastor asked about the report of the visitors but Mrs Crowe not being present it was thought advisable to adjourn the meeting.
Church Meeting Sunday evening Sep 13th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Green
Sisters King, Sherman, Fenn, Mrs Crowe, Pocock, S & E Baldwin, C Sear, Mothersole, Johnson, Gurney
The Pastor called upon the visitors to report on the case of Bertha Witman.
Sister Crowe expressed herself satisfied with the interview she had with Miss Witman.  Br Sherman said I have conversed with Miss Witman and as far as I can tell about her she appears to be a Christian and I see no reason why she should not be accepted as a proper person for Baptism and Church Member.
Br Fenn proposed Br Sherman seconded That Miss Witman be accepted as a proper person for Baptism and Church Member carried
On Thursday Sep 17th Bertha Witman was Baptized.
Bertha Witman was received into Church fellowship an Sunday Oct 3rd 1891.
Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 5th 1891
Present the Pastor,
Br King, W Baldwin, Geary
Sisters Johnson, S & E Baldwin, Mothersole, Fenemore
The secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings, Sister Johnson proposed sister E Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over the Treasurers A/c for the past Quarter Br W Baldwin proposed sister Fenemore seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over Table Money a/c sister S Baldwin proposed sister Johnson seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
A long conversation was held as to the Pastor and Deacons visiting the members and also the need of more earnest work for Christ.
On Saturday Nov 20th our sister Lydia Green the oldest member of this church and one who was among the 8 that started the Church was buried in the chapel yard.
Her walk was very consistent and she being dead yet speaketh.
Church Meeting Dec 6th Sunday evening
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Dealey, Geary, Stone
Sisters Sherman, King, E & S Baldwin, Crowe, Fenn, Burnham, Mothersole, Johnson, Gurney, C Sear, Reading, Warren, Nash, Cooper, Fenemore
The Pastor said Mrs Best wishes to be transferred from High St Baptist Chapel to our fellowship, she was not aware there was a Baptist Cause nearer to her home than Berkhamsted or she would have been at once transferred to us instead of Berkhamsted.  Br Fenn proposed Sister Sear seconded that we receive Mrs Best into our Church fellowship Carried The Secretary was desired to write for Mrs Best transfer.
The Pastor said Mr Fenemore was desirous of joining our Church, he professes having found the Saviourduring the Special Evangelistic Services lately carried on by Mr Goudie.  Br Geary and Br Sherman were appointed visitors to interview Mr Fenemore as to his fitness for joining us.
A long discussion as to making arrangements for the Tea and Public Meeting to Commemorate the Jubilee of this Church and the Pastor’s 9th Anniversary on Tuesday Dec 15th and to entertain the Ministerial Brethren.
Br Sherman proposed Br Fenn seconded that Sister King be asked to superintend the getting up of the Tea carried
Several of the Members kindly promised contributions toward providing Tea etc
On Sunday Dec 13th the Pastor Revd A Bosher preached Special Sermons of the Jubilee of this Church and 9th Anniversary of the Pastorate and considering the wet weather there was a fair attendance.
On Tuesday Dec 15th the Revd W B Taylor of Chesham preached a powerful sermon in the Afternoon on Faithfulness, there was an excellent company considering the very wet weather and there was about 90 sat down to Tea.  A Public Meeting was held in the evening presidedover by our kind friend Mr L Read of Berkhamsted who was ably supported on the Platform by Revd W B Taylor and Revd G Carter both of Chesham, Revd York and Saphim both of Wendover, Revd C Dunham Primitive Methodist Berkhamsted, Revd McMillan of Kings Langley and a number of old friends formerly connected with the Place.  Mr Read and others specially referred to the little cause more than 50 years ago and how it had grown, special reference was made to the original 8 who first composed the 8 members of this Church, how they had struggled on amidst much opposition.  There was a crowded attendance and all present felt it to be one of the best Meetings ever held in the place.      
Many thanks are due to all friends who did their best to make the Meetings so successful and the Pastor must feel very much indebted to all his members and friends who so nobly rallied round him on this and former occasions.
Quarterly Church Meeting Dec 22nd
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, Sear, W Baldwin, Stone, Geary
Sisters Warren, Johnson, S Baldwin, Mothersole
After Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings, Br Stone proposed Br Sherman seconded that the minutes be accepted as correct carried
The Treasurer read over the General Church fund for the past Quarter Br Sherman proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the a/cs as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Sear said he had held the Office of Treasurer for 15 years and he had never been a farthing wrong.
The Pastor brought the matter for consideration whether we should have the new Baptist Union Magazine putting on own covers and dispense with the Baptist Visitor which has been in circulation with us now for 8 years.  It was decided to keep on with Baptist Visitor and accept of Mr Hudson kind offer of some of the Baptist Union Magazines and endeavour to get some Subscribers towards meeting the expense.
In the matter of receiving Mrs Best into our Church Fellowship the Pastor said the case was a special one and he would make a suggestion for the Churches consideration,  That the Church be empowered to give her the right hand of Fellowship on the first Sunday in January 1892 should the letter of transfer from the Church at High Street Berkhamsted be received by that date.  Br Fenn proposed Br Sherman seconded the proposal carried
Br Sherman and Geary reported the conversation they had had with Mr Fenemore in reference to his conversion and his desire to be united with us in Baptism and Church fellowship and as far as they knew it appeared to be a genuine case and they saw no reason why he should not be admitted into our midst, the Pastor supported the case and Br King endorsed the same.
Br Fenn proposed Br Geary seconded that Mr Fenemore be accepted as a fitting person for Baptism and Church Member carried
A discussion was held as to the most suitable time to hold the Annual Meeting.
Br Sherman proposed That the annual Meeting be held on Jany 7th 1892, H Stone seconded carried.

The Annual Church Meeting was held on January 7th
preceded by a Members Tea
The following were present at the Church Meeting.
The Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Delderfield, Geary, Smith
Sisters S Baldwin, M Reading, E Wood, Fenemore
After singing and Prayer the Pastor called on the Secretary to read over the minutes of the past Meeting.  Br Fenn proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted, carried
Br King proposed that Br Delderfield and Geary be the scrutineers with the Pastor to count Ballot Papers, Br Fenn seconded, carried
On the return of the Pastor and scrutineers the following were the results of the Ballot Papers
For Deacons
Br W Baldwin 31, Br Fenn 34, Br King 35, Br Sherman 33, Br Delderfield 1, Br Green 1, Br Sear 4, Br Smith 1, Br Stone 1
The following were elected
Br Baldwin 31, Fenn 34, Sherman 33, King 35
For Secretary
Br King 33
Br King elected
For Treasurer
Br Sear 28, Stone 1, Sherman 2, King 2
Br Sear elected
For Sexton
Br Sear 34 votes
For Chapel Keeper
Sister Sear 25, Warren 1, Fenemore 5, Bignell 1, J Sear 1
Mrs Sear elected
The Pastor said S Delderfield would like to make some remarks with regard to his late illness some time at our Chapel. Br Sherman proposed Br Geary seconded that
S Delderfield request be complied with carried
The Pastor said Mr Barnes being ill he had sent for him to take the services at Weston Turville Chapel on Sunday next, Br Bosher was granted permission on the condition that the Pulpit would be suitably supplied.
The Pastor made a statement saying he was very pleased to inform the members that the Particular Baptist fund who have a fund for the help of needy Baptist ministers had very kindly listened to the intreaty made to them and had sent the sum of Fourteen pounds.  A Collection will have to be made to the fund once a year.
A long discussion was held as to the best mode of raising money to purchase a new harmonium.  Br Sherman proposed That an Entertainment be held and the proceeds go towards the fund for new harmonium on Feb 15th, Mrs Fenemore seconded carried.
Sister Best and Br Fenemore were received into Church Fellowship on Sunday Feb 7th 1892
Mr Goudi conducted Evangelistic Services in Chapel, there was good meetings and it is hoped good will result.
Quarterly Church Meeting March 24th
Present The Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Sear, W Baldwin
Sisters S Baldwin, Johnson, Mothersole, Dealey
Br King read over the minutes of the past meeting, Br W Baldwin proposed,
Br Sherman seconded carried
The Treasurer read over the Quarterly A/c Br King proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried.
The Pastor read over the Table money a/c for the past Quarter.
A long discussion was held in regard to having an Entertainment the proceeds to go towards obtaining a New American Organ.  Br Sherman proposed Sister Johnson seconded That an Entertainment be held as soon as possible and that a collection be taken at the close, the matter to be left in the hands of Br W Baldwin carried
An Entertainment was held and the sum of[blank]  was collected and promised.
Church Meeting Sunday evening May [blank]
Present The Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, Stone, Geary, Dealey
Sisters E & S Baldwin, E Sherman, Mrs Sherman, King, Crowe, Pocock, Sear, Warren, Nash, Johnson, Cooper, Mothersole, Burnham
The Pastor said he was sorry to lose the members but if any removed away he always liked them to join other churches, he had recd letters asking for the dismissal of 4 of our Members namely Mr & Mrs Green, Mrs Piddington and Bertha Whitman, Br Fenn proposed Sister Pocock seconded that letters of dismissal be granted carried
1892 Quarterly Church Meeting June 23rd
Present The Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Geary,
Sisters Johnson, Mothersole, Dealey
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting, Br Geary proposed Sister Johnson seconded that the minutes as read be accepted, carried
The Pastor read over the Treasurers A/c Br Sherman proposed Sister Mothersole seconded that the A/c as read be accepted carried
The Pastor read over Table money A/c Sister Dealey proposed Br Geary seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read a letter asking for the dismissal of Sister E Woodhurst from our church to one at Eastbourne, Br Geary proposed sister Mothersole seconded that the dismissal be granted carried
1892 Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 11th
Present Revd A Bosher,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, Baldwin, Stone, Fenemore, Geary
Sisters S & E Baldwin, Warren, Fenemore, Carvell, Burnham
The Secretary read the minutes of the past meeting Br Sherman proposed Br Fenn seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over Treasurers A/c Br Baldwin proposed Br Sherman seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over Table Money A/c Br Stone proposed Br Geary seconded That the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Sherman made a suggestion as to monthly collection but nothing was done beyond
Br King was asked to examine and report cost of repg roof and spouting to Chapel etc.
Church Meeting January 1st
Present the Pastor,
Br King, W Baldwin
Sisters King, Johnson, Fenemore, S & E Baldwin, Pocock, Burnham, M Reading, E Sherman,
The Pastor brought before the Church the name of Mary Ann Ayres as a suitable person for Baptism and Church Member, it was desired that Br King and Sister E Baldwin visit and report on Mary Ann Ayres case soon as can.
The name of Rose Davidson was mentioned but it was considered it would be best for her to wait.
Church Meeting January 5th
Present the Pastor,
Br King, Dealey, Baldwin, Geary, H Stone,
Sisters E & S Baldwin, Nash, Johnson, Burnham, Mothersole, Carvell,
M Reading
Br King said he had seen Miss Ayres and from what she stated in regard to her conversion under the Salvation Army about 5 years ago when her father died it seemed a genuine case and he should think she wd be a proper person to receive for Baptism and Church Member.   Sister E Baldwin corroborated what Br King said,  Br Geary proposed Sister Fenemore seconded that Miss Ayres be received by Baptism and Church fellowship carried
The name of Emily Sear was brought forward as desirous of joining our Church.
Br Fenn proposed Br King seconded that Mrs King and Br W Baldwin be the visitors and bring in a report soon as can carried
Quarterly Church Meeting January 9th
Present the Pastor,
Br Fenn, King, Stone, Geary
Sisters Pocock, Mrs and Miss Reading, Warren, Burnham, Fenemore, Johnson, E Sherman, S Baldwin
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting, Br Fenn proposed Br Geary seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over Treasurers A/c Br Fenn proposed Br Stone seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King proposed that H Stone be appointed to superintend the weekly offerings.
Br Fenn seconded carried.
Church Meeting Jan 22nd 1893
Present Fenn, Br King, W Baldwin, Geary, Dealey, Fenemore
Sisters King, Pocock, Johnson, Nash, Burnham, Fenemore, Mothersole, Reading, M Reading, E Sherman
Br W Baldwin brought in a very satisfactory report in regard to Emily Sears conversion which had been of gradual growth, she has desired for a long time to be associated with the Lords people but as she could not point to the exact time of her conversion she had withheld till now, she experienced good times during the period when Mr Spurgeons students used to supply the Pulpit.  Sister King endorsed what had been said Br Fenn proposed Sister Fenemore seconded carried
The Relatives of Mrs Tomlin who died in the village the other day wished to know if there wd be any objection to her being buried in the Chapel yard.  Br W Baldwin proposed Sister Pocock seconded that we could not accede to the request carried (space of room forbids)
[Mary Tomlin aged 86 died in Quarter 1 1893 in Berkhampstead District]
On Thursday Feb 2nd Emily Sear and Mary Ann Ayres were baptized by the Pastor.
1893 Feb 5th Emily Sear and Mary Ann Ayres were received into Church Fellowship.
Quarterly Church Meeting March 23rd
Present the Pastor,
Br Sear, King, Geary
Sisters Pocock, Johnson, S Baldwin, M Reading, Fenemore, Mothersole, Burnham
After singing and Prayer the secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings.
Br Geary proposed Sister Reading seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read over the A/c for the past Quarter, Br King proposed Sister Fenemore seconded that the A/c as read be accepted carried
The Pastor read over Table money a/c for the last 2 Quarters.  Sister Pocock proposed Sister Burnham seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
The Pastor read over the Table money a/c for the present Quarter.  Sister S Baldwin proposed Br Geary seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
It was suggested that it would be advisable to have a chapel anniversary Service and a Public Tea etc sometime in July.
Quarterly Church Meeting June 29th
Present the Pastor,
Br King, Sear, W Baldwin
Sisters S Baldwin, Baldwin, Fenemore
After singing and Prayer The secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting,
Br Sear proposed Sister Johnson [not listed as attending] seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
Br Sear read over Treasurers A/c Br King proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over Table Money A/c Sister Fenemore proposed Sister S Baldwin seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Quarterly Church Meeting [no date]
Present the Pastor,
Br King, W Baldwin, Fenemore,
Sisters S Baldwin, Fenemore, Mothersole, Burnham, Carvel, Johnson
After Prayers Br King read over minutes of past meetings Br Baldwin proposed Sister Johnson seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Pastor read over Treasurers A/c Sister Carvell proposed Sister Burnham seconded that the A/c as read be accepted carried
The Pastor read over Table money a/c Br Baldwin proposed Sister Mothersole seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Sister S Baldwin proposed That we have a special Church Meeting to be preceded by a Tea on Monday Oct 30th, Tea at 6 oclock Sister Carvell seconded carried
The Pastor brought forward that Mrs Rutland wishes to join our Fellowship, Sister Burnham proposed Sister Johnson seconded that Br Fenn and Sister Crowe be the visitors and bring in a report as to her fitness etc carried
Members Tea Meeting and Church Meeting after.  Oct 30th 1893
Present The Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, H Stone, Geary, Fenemore
Sisters King, S & E Baldwin, Crowe, Warren, Nash, Johnson, Mrs Reading, M Reading, E Sherman,  Ayres[first meeting], Pocock, Carvell, Mothersole, Fenemore.
After singing and Prayer the Pastor stated the object of our gathering together and was glad to see so many present.  Br Fenn brought in a report of his visit to Mrs Rutland who was desirous of uniting with us in Church fellowship, the report being satisfactory and being confirmed by Mrs Crowe Br Sherman proposed Sister Fenemore seconded that Mrs Rutland be accepted and that the Pastor give her the right hand of Church fellowship the first Sunday in November carried
The Pastor said he had another name a Miss Allen who was desirous of joining our Church.  She was brought to Christ by the Salvation Army she now saw it was her duty to be Baptized and to follow Christ fully and she felt at home with us here.  Br Sherman proposed Br Fenn seconded that Sister King and Br W Baldwin be the visitors and bring in a report at the next Church Meeting carried
It was felt by all that the gathering was a very happy one and that it may be a good plan to have another similar gathering in a months time.
On Sunday Nov 5th Mrs Rutland was given the right hand of Fellowship and communed with us at the Lords table.
Monthly Church Meeting Monday evening Nov 27th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Fenemore
Sisters King, S & E Baldwin, Dealey, E Sear [first meeting]
After singing and Prayer the secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting, Br W Baldwin proposed Br Fenemore seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King proposed that the Annual Church Meeting be held on Monday January 1st 1894 Br Fenn seconded carried
Br King proposed Br Sherman seconded that the Young People get up a Public Tea and Entertainment on Dec 26th 1893 they to solicit help in the way of given trays etc the proceeds after expenses to go towards defraying cost of alterations to gas piping etc carried
Br W Baldwin brought in a very satisfactory report of his interview with Miss Allen which was confirmed by Sister King, the Pastor adding a few words and also read a letter which all went to show her genuineness.  Br Fenemore proposed Br Fenn seconded that Miss Allen be received as a proper person for Baptism and church Member carried
The Pastor read a letter from the Baptist Church, Bloomsbury square London asking for the Transfer of our Brother H Stone.  Br Fenn proposed Br Sherman seconded that the transfer be granted carried
The Pastor also reada letter from the Baptist Church Commercial Road London asking for the transfer of Mrs C Stone (late Miss Crowe).  Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenemore seconded that we grant the transfer carried.
[Eva Sophia Crowe, a member since 1897 married Charles Stone in Stepney at this time]
The Pastors Anniversary,  Colonel Griffin has promised to Preach on Sunday Dec 10th and Mr Taylor is expected to Preach on Monday Afternoon at 3.30.  Public Tea at 5 Public Meeting in the evening at which Mr J Marnham will preside.  Br Sherman proposed Br Baldwin seconded that the Arrangements for Tea be carried out by Mrs King and the young people carried.
The Pastors Anniversary was held on Sunday Dec 10th
The Pastor preaching in the morning, Rev G G Pinder Primitive Methodist Minister Preaching in the evening, Colonel Griffin was ill and could not come.
On Monday Dec 11th Revd W B Taylor of Chesham preached a Powerful sermon on Prayer, A Public Tea followed and Public Meeting in the evening presided over by John Marnham Esq J.P. of Boxmoor supported by the following ministers,  Revd W B Taylor, Skipper, Freeman Carter of Chesham, Revd Dorey Gt Missenden [future minister of NBC], Revd Whekes[?] Wendover, Revd  G G Pinder and Revd Williams both of Berkhamsted, Revd F Smyth and S Whekes[?] were prevented through illness from attending.  The Services throughout were considered very good.
On Sunday evening Dec 17th Miss Allen was baptized and also 2 young men from Dagnall Wesleyan Chapel.
On Monday Dec 26th our Young People got up a tea which was not attended well neither the Entertainment after, one wonders whether it is worth the time and trouble to get up Teas and Entertainments for so few who avail themselves of these proceedings.  It is satisfactory to know however that the proceeds and collections taken were ample enough to pay for the alterations to gas fittings.

The Annual Church [Meeting] was held on Monday January 1st
preceded by a Tea at which 20 Members were present.
After singing and Prayer the secretary was called upon to read the minutes of the last Meeting, 
the Members present were The Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, A Dealey, Geary, Fenemore, Delderfield
Sisters Pocock, King, S & E Baldwin, Cooper, Johnson, Nash, M Reading, Dealey, Fenemore, Burnham, Allen [first meeting], Ayres
Br Sherman proposed that the minutes as read be accepted as correct Br Fenemore seconded carried
Br Fenn proposed Br Fenemore seconded that our Br Delderfield and Dealey with the Pastor be scrutineers to count the Ballot Papers for election of Officers carried
During the counting of Papers remarks where made by Br King, W Baldwin, Fenn etc with regard to attendance at the Prayer Meeting on Tuesday with a view to increase numbers and make it more attractive etc.
Upon the return of Pastor and Scrutineers the following were the result of Ballot Papers.
For Deacons
Br Fenn 30 votes, Br King 28 votes, Br Sherman 27, Br W Baldwin 26 votes
Br King was elected Secretary
Br Sear was elected Treasurer
Br Sear was elected Sexton
Sister Johnson was elected Chapel Keeper
Various remarks were made as to increasing attendances at the weekly Tuesday Prayer Meeting.
A Special Church Meeting to be held on Monday at 7 oclock.
Sunday Jan 7th Miss Allen was received into Church Fellowship by the Pastor
[although she had already attended the AGM a few days previously]
Adjourned Church Meeting Monday evening Jan 8th
Present the Pastor,
Br Fenn, W Baldwin, King, Sear, Fenemore
Sisters Johnson, S & E Baldwin, M Reading
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meeting Br W Baldwin proposed Br Fenemore seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The Treasurer read over the general account for the past Quarter, Br Fenn proposed Br Fenemore seconded that the account as read be accepted as correct carried
The Pastor read over Table money a/c for the past Quarter Sister E Baldwin proposed Sister Johnson seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
A long discussion was held respecting the advisability or otherwise of continuing the Young peoples Meeting after the usual Prayer Meeting the matter is left open it was decided to continue [last 5 words added in pencil and previous phrase crossed through].
Br Sear was asked to attend to gas outside so that a better light is obtained.
Chapel Anniversary at Eastertide was being discussed when Secretary was leaving, it was decided to adjourn the Meeting until Thursday Jan 25th.
Church Meeting Jan 25th 1894
Present the Pastor,
Br King, Sear, W Baldwin, Fenemore
Sisters Johnson, Nash, Pocock, King, S Baldwin, Carvel, Fenemore
After singing and Prayer the secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting and after correction [presumably changes in pencil] Br Sear proposed Br Fenemore seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Pastor said the object of the Meeting is to know what steps are to be taken with regard to curtain repairs etc which require to be done, the roof of chapel and schoolroom wants repairing, new spouting is required , inside of Chapel roof needs colouring etc., the new seating of Chapel, the Baptistry is in a dilapidated condition, Schoolroom and Classrooms are in a bad state, all the doors outside want painting, cills are cracked and sashes and frames require to be painted etc.
Br Fenemore proposed Sister Carvel seconded that the Outside works to be done.
Sister Pocock thought it would be better if the Officers made some definite proposals at the next Church Meeting [she would give 5/- towards repairs]
It was suggested and Br Baldwin proposed that a Public Tea and Public Meeting be held on EasterTuesday and special sermons on Easter Sunday and collections taken Morning and Evening all the proceeds going towards defraying expenses of repairs etc
The Price of Tea without any exception 6d each.
It was suggested that the Pastor should write inviting Ministers of Herts Union to come and render assistance the singing left in the hands of W Baldwin.
Church Meeting Feb 22nd 1894
Present Revd A Bosher,
Br Sherman, King, Sear, W Baldwin, Geary
Sisters King, Pocock, Nash, Johnstone, Dealey, M Reading, S Baldwin, Carvell, Fenemore
The Secretary read over The minutes of the last Meeting Br Sherman proposed Br W Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Pastor said the members knew for what purpose they had met together for that night two of the Officers Br Sear and King had gone over the premises and the repairs necessary to be done would cost about 20£ in round figures.
The following sums were promised towards the Tea on Easter Tuesday.  Mrs Pocock 5/-   Mr Sherman 5/-   Mr King 5/-   Mr Bosher 2/6   Mrs Fenemore 6d,   Mrs Carvell 6d,   Mrs Johnson 1/-   Mrs Nash 6d ,  C Geary 2/6,  S Baldwin 1/6,  Mrs Reading1/6
The following sums were promised weekly
Mr Bosher 6d,  Mrs Pocock 3d,  Mrs Fenemore 1d, Mrs Carvell 1d,  Mrs Nash 1d  
[No further mention is made of the Easter Tuesday Tea]
1894 Quarterly Church Meeting Sep 28th
Present The Pastor,
Br King, Sear, Baldwin,
Sisters M Reading, S Baldwin, Johnson, Mothersole
Br King read over minutes of last Meeting Br Baldwin proposed Sister Johnson seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Sear read over A.c for the past 2 Qrs Sister S Baldwin proposed M Reading seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
The table money a/c 2 Quarters was read over by the Pastor,  Sister Johnson proposed Sister Mothersole seconded that a/cd as read be accepted as correct carried
1894 Quarterly Church Meeting Dec 28th
Present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, Dealey, Fenemore
Sisters S Baldwin, Nash,  Fenemore, Johnson, Mothersole, Allen
After Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the last meeting.
The Pastor read over the Treasurers a/c for the past Quarter,  Br Fenn proposed Br Dealey seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct.
The Pastor read over table Money a./c for the past Quarter Br Fenemore proposed Br Baldwin seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Fenemore proposed Br Baldwin seconded that the Collection at the Lords table on the first Sunday in 1895 go to the Baptist Missionary Society for widows and orphans as heretofore carried
Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded that the Annual Church Meeting be held on January 7th 1895 and that a tea table be held carried
The Pastor read over Treasurers a/c for the past Quarter Br Fenemore proposed
A long discussion was held in reference to Chapel repairs and raising funds for same.
Br King suggested that our Young people give Entertainments as often as convenient, Br W Baldwin taking the oversight.
Br King was asked to bring in a/c for what repairs had been done at the Chapel at the Annual Church meeting

There was a good gathering 28 Members at Tea.
After Tea The Annual Church Meeting was held

Present The Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, A Dealey, Geary, Fenemore
Sisters King, S & E Baldwin, Johnson, Warren, Redding, Mothersole, Allen,
M Reading, E Wood, E Sherman, Fenemore, Burnham, Ayres, Carvell, Nash, E Sear
The Meeting was opened by singing a hymn and Prayer.
Br King proposed Br Fenn seconded that Br Geary and A Dealey be scrutineers with the Pastor to count Ballot Papers for Election of Officers carried
While the votes were being counted the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings, Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
Several hymns were sung and Prayer and exhortation given by Br Baldwin, Sherman and Fenn.
The Pastor said the result of Voting Papers were as follows
Br Fenn 37 votes, Br Sherman 36 votes, Br King 33 votes, Br Baldwin 29 votes,
Br Delderfield 5 Br Sear 2, Br J Baldwin 2, Br Geary 1.
The following Deacons were elected Br Fenn, Sherman, King, Baldwin
Votes for Secretary
Br King 25 votes, Br W Baldwin 4, Br Sear 2
Br King was elected Secretary
Votes for Treasurer
Br Sear 25 votes, Br King 7, Br W Baldwin 1
Br Sear was elected Treasurer
Votes for Sexton
Br Sear 34, Br King 1
Br Sear elected
Votes for Chapel Keeper
Sister Johnson 27, Dealey 3, Allen 2, Cooper 1, Warren 1, Nash 1
Sister Johnson elected
The Pastor said with regard to Chapel Keeper the work of late had very much increased, would anyone volunteer to assist Chapel Keeper in attending to stove, dusting, cleaning windows etc.
Br Fenemore and Sister Allen promised help which was very kindly accepted, Sister Johnson is held responsible for any remiss or neglect of duty.
Br King said it would cost from 10 to 12/- to provide an oak frame and flap with lock and key to put over new rain water tank.  Br Fenn proposed Br Geary seconded that estimate be acceptedcarried
Br King produced vouchers of work done for repairs at Chapel amounting to sum of
Fourteen pounds eight shillings and ten pence £14.8.10.  Br Fenn proposed Br Geary seconded that the sum of £14.8.10 for Chapel repairs as per Estimates be paid forthwith carried
[As well as being Church Secretary Br William Daniel King was a builder by trade, he lived in New Road]
The Pastor said new seats were required and a Porch at Chapel Entrance, these matters left for future discussion.

To the Members of the Church of Christ
meeting in the Baptist Chapel Northchurch
Dear Brethren and Sisters
          Having felt that you have not full
confidence in me and in consequence I might not
be able to properly fulfil the sacred office
of the Ministry among you I hereby tender my
resignation as your Pastor.
         May the great head of the Church altogether
guide you now.
         With my undiminished love
                              Your affectionate pastor
                                                 A Bosher

Kittsbury January 26th 1895   

1895 Special Church Meeting Feb 11th
Present Br King, Sherman, Fenn, W Baldwin, A Dealey, C Geary   6
Sisters King, S & E Baldwin, Nash, Warren, Pocock, M Reading, Carvill, Johnson, Mothersole, Allen, E Sear, E Sherman, Burnham, M A Ayres      15    21 altogether
After singing and Prayer Br King read over the letter of Resignation which had
been received from Revd A Bosher and also the following resolution which had the sanction of the Officers of the Chapel and which was submitted for the approval of the Church now assembled.
  “That this Church Meeting having heard our Pastors resignation terminating a ministry of twelve years to which as a Church we have been very greatly indebted, accept it with deep regret: but we cannot allow him to leave without some tangible expression of our love and esteem, and we express the earnest hope that he may find elsewhere opportunities of great usefulness in serving our common Lord and Master Jesus Christ.
After the letter of Resignation had been read Br Sherman proposed Br Baldwin seconded That Messrs Stuart and Hardy Ministers from Watford and St Albans be invited to come into the Church Meeting which was unanimously carried
Br King again read over the letter and asked those that were in favour of receiving the Pastors resignation to show their approval by holding up their hands, they voted 11 for and 8 against [2 abstained]
Messrs Stuart and Hardy then gave their advice in the Matter and strongly advised the Church to be united in the matter and to receive the Resignation.
Br King read over again the letter accepting the Pastor’s resignation and their voted 8 for and 8 against.
Again Messrs Stuart and Hardy tried their best to bring a spirit of unity and then Sister E Baldwin proposed an amendment which was seconded by Sister Allen That Mr Boshers resignation be reconsidered and their voted 10 for the amendment and 8 against.  Br Sherman proposed Br Baldwin seconded that the Meeting be adjourned to this day week at 7.P.M.  Mr Hardy promised to come if it was the wish of the church.
Adjourned Church Meeting Feb 18th
Present Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Geary, Smith, A Dealey, Fenemore,
Sisters Pocock, King, Johnson, Fenemore, Carvell, E Baldwin, M Reading, Burnham, Nash, Mothersole, Allen, E Sherman, Ayres, E Sear, Dealey   24 present
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the minutes of the last Meeting Br Baldwin proposed Sister Nash seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The secretary made a few remarks as to the important matter before the church as to receiving or seconding the Resignation of the Pastors letter and the crisis of our present position and exhorting every member to vote as in God’s sight.
The Secretary read over Mr Boshers letter of resignation of the Pastorate and their voted 14 for receiving it and 8 against it or in other words 8 voted for Sister E Baldwin’s amendment That the church reconsider the Pastors letter.
After the voting had been taken The Revd C M Hardy of St Albans Secretary of the Herts Union of Baptist Churches addressed in a most appropriate manner the Meeting and strongly advising unity among ourselves and exhorting each Member to do their part in the work of the Church and then God would bless us.
Br Sherman said a few words in respect to the good work Mr Bosher had done amongst us and that he would be pleased to give 10/- towards a present to Mr Bosher.  Mrs Pocock promised 5/- Br Fenn 2/6.
Br Fenn closed the Meeting with Prayer.
Mr Crowe since 5/-
1895 Special Church Meeting Sunday evening Feb 24th
Present Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Fenemore, A Dealey
Sisters King, Crowe, Rutland, E Sear, S & E Baldwin, E Sherman, M Reading, Allen, Burnham, Mothersole, Pocock, Fenemore, Carvell, Nash, Warren, Reading, Ayres, Johnson   25
The secretary read over a farewell letter from Revd A Bosher late Pastor.
The Secretary read letter which had been sent from the Hon Secretary of Regents Park College P S.S.
Br Sherman proposed That for a time we have Students as suggested in Mr Packers letter Br W Baldwin seconded carried
The Secretary made remarks as to finances etc and the advisability of having collections at Morning and Evening services on Sunday instead of the weekly Offerings as now adopted.
Sister Crowe proposed Sister Rutland seconded That we have Collections in future on Lords day Morning and evening 22 voted for the proposal and 3 remained neutral.
Mr Richardson from Regents Park College was present after the reading of the late Pastors letter and gave us some experiences as to our future relationship with the Students etc.
Special Church Meeting March 18th
Present Br Sherman, King, Baldwin W, Sear, Dealey, Geary, Fenemore, Fenn
Sisters Pocock, King, S & E Baldwin, Johnson, Fenemore, Burnham, M Reading, E Sear, E Sherman, Allen
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the Correspondence between the Church and the Regents Park College for supplying Pulpit on Sundays and for selecting a superintendent to look after the Church’s interest for a time.
Mr Packer gave to the Church 3 candidates for us to select from namely Mr Shipway who took the service on Lords day March 3rd, Mr Sayers on March 10th , Mr Suich on March 17th.   Br Baldwin proposed Sister Burnham seconded that Mr Shipway be asked to be the Superintendancy of the Church 2 voted for this.
Br Sear proposed that Mr Sayers be asked to become the Superintendent Sister Fenemore seconded, at first 10 voted for, eventually after being put a second time 12 voted for Mr Sayers.
Quarterly Church Meeting March 28th
Present Br Sherman, KingBaldwin W, Sear, Dealey, Geary
Sisters Pocock, Johnson, S & E Baldwin, M Reading, Nash, Fenemore
After singing and Prayer Br King read over the minutes of the past Meeting and some correspondence between the Church and the Hon Sec of Regents Park College P.S.S.
Br Sear proposed[blank] seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read over A/c for the past Quarter.  Br Sherman proposed Br W Baldwin Seconded that the A/c as read be accepted carried
[In this quarter Mr Fenemore was paid 4/- for attending to Fires and Sweeping away Snow]
Church Meeting Sunday evening April 21st
Present Br Sherman, King, Fenn, Sear, Baldwin, W Baldwin, Smith, Dealey, Fenemore, Delderfield
Sisters Pocock, King, S & E Baldwin, A Sear, Johnson, Nash, Burnham, E Sherman, Warren, Mrs Reading, Fenemore, Dealey, M Reading, Ayres, Mothersole, Allen
Br King read a letter recd from Mr Sayers as to holding Public Meetings on Sunday and Monday May 5th and 6th with a Tea Meeting.
Br W Baldwin proposed Sister Johnson seconded that the Meetings be postponed, 16 voted for the resolution 1 against.
Special Church Meeting Monday May 6th
Present Mr Edgar Packer Regent Park Student Presiding
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Sear, Dealey, Geary, Fenemore, Smith, Delderfield
Sisters King, Pocock, S & E Baldwin, A & E Sear, M Reading, Johnson, Mothersole, Fenemore, Warren, Nash, Mrs Reading, E Sherman, Ayres, Allen, Carvell
After singing and Prayer Mr Packer said he had come to test the feeling of the Church whether they as a Church wished the R.P.S. Students to continue supplying the Pulpit or did they wish them to withdraw, a long discussion ensued.
 Br Sherman proposed Br Sear seconded That the Regents Park College Students keep on supplying the Pulpit as heretofore.
Br W Baldwin moved an amendment seconded by Sister E Baldwin That the Students of the College be asked to withdraw from supplying the Pulpit,  there voted 12 for and 12 against.  Br Baldwin would like them to withdraw in a month.
Br Sear proposed Br Smith seconded That the R.P.S.S. be asked to continue supplying the pulpit from now until the end of July, 12 voted for 10 against.
Church Meeting July 22nd
Present Br Sherman, King, Sear, W Baldwin, Fenn, Dealey, Fenemore, Smith, Delderfield
Sisters Nash, King, S & E Baldwin, Pocock, Johnson, Burnham, Fenemore, Mothersole, Allen
After singing and Prayer the Secretary [read] over the minutes of the past meeting which were accepted.
The Treasurers a/c which had been submitted to the Officers was agreed to as correct.
A long discussion ensued on the matter of seeking a suitable resident Pastor as soon as practicable, Br King stated that the Revd C M Hardy of St Albans had given him a
Ministers name some time ago and if the Church was willing (all the Officers had previously discussed the matter and had come to the conclusion that it was most desirable to find a resident Pastor soon as possible so as to be on the spot to visit the members and to keep us together etc).  Br Delderfield proposed Sister Pocock seconded that Br Sherman and King visit the person who Mr Hardy had named and bring in a report of the interview when convenient.
10 voted for this and none against.  [9 did not vote]
Church Meeting Sunday evening August 18th
Present Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Dealey
Sisters Pocock, Fenn, King, Warren, Burnham, E Baldwin, M reading, E Sherman, Ayres, E Sear, Mothersole, Fenemore, Johnson, Nash, Reading
Br King said the new Police Constable a Mr Oliver and his wife were desirous of being transferred from the Baptist Church of Watford to us, Br Sherman proposed
B Fenn seconded that we as a Church receive them into our midst providing the transfer is satisfactory, this was agreed unanimously.
Br Sherman and King said they had interviewed the Revd E Everitt of Markyate Herts and he was willing to come and preach on two Sundays in September, Sister Burnham proposed Sister Pocock seconded that Mr Everitt come and Preach 2 Sundays in September, 9 voted for the proposition and 6 against 5 remaining neutral.  Br King said he could not write any invitation to come with such unsatisfactory voting.
Church Meeting Sunday evening Sep 22nd
Present Mr Sayers
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, A Dealey, C Geary
Sisters King, Pocock, Johnson, Fenemore, A Sear, Reading, Warren, Ayres, Carvell, Burnham, Mothersole, Fenn
Mr Sayers read over a letter recd from the Baptist Church Watford transferring Mr and Mrs Oliver to our Church to be received into Fellowship with us.
Sunday evening Oct 6th 1895
Mr and Mrs Oliver were received into our Church Fellowship.
                                                             Edgar B Sayers
                                                                            Oct 6th 95
Monday Oct 7th 1895
A members Tea Meeting was held followed by the Quarterly Church Meeting
At which Mr Sayers presided
Present Br Sherman, King, Sear, W Baldwin, Fenn, Smith, Geary, Fenemore, Dealey, Oliver [first meeting]
Sisters King, S Baldwin, Nash, Fenemore, Dealey, Rutland, E Sear, E Sherman, Carvell, Ayres, Oliver [first meeting], Mothersole
After singing and Prayer Br King read over minutes of the past meeting Br Baldwin proposed Br Sherman seconded that minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Sear read over Treasurers A/c for the past 2 Quarters, Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded A/cs as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c for the past 2 Quarters Br Geary Proposed the A/cs as read be accepted as correct Br Fenemore seconded carried
Br King made an offer of a corner cupboard for use in the Schoolroom, the offer was accepted.
After a long discussion Br Smith proposed Br Sherman seconded That Chapel Anniversary be held on Sunday and Monday Nov 3 and 4th the arrangements to be left in Messrs Sayers and King and Baldwins hands carried
Br Geary proposed Br Fenemore seconded that 6 1/- hymnbooks net 9d be purchased for visitors use in Chapel carried
Br King said he thought the time had come when the Students should have 8/- for the Sunday instead of the 6/- as heretofore.  Br King proposed that 8/- be given to the Students every Sunday,  Br Smith seconded and it was carried unanimously.
Br Baldwin proposed Br Sherman seconded that Sister Carvell be selected Chapel Keeper up to the Annual Meeting carried
Br Sear suggested that an inventory of Articles etc should be written out and duties prescribed etc etc.
Mr Sayers suggested That in future the Chapel yard be kept in Proper order and payment be made for the work, Br King endorsed these remarks.
Mr Sayer said he was very anxious to have the Chapel renovated and the Mortgage and Interest on the new piece of ground cleared off, as there was a good balance in hand he would suggest that 2£ of this go towards the renovation fund and also the 5/6 and 3/7 the result of the Sale and profit on Tea this evening.   Br Fenemore proposed Geary seconded carried
Mr Sayers suggested that the proceeds on Sunday and Monday Nov 3rd and 4th go towards the repairing fund.  Br Baldwin proposed Br Geary seconded carried
Mr Sayers mentioned that it would be a good plan to have a special collection every month and all money above the average collection go toward the repairing fund Sister Rutland moved Br Fenemore seconded carried
Mr Sayers wanted every member to set to work at once and hoped to see arrangements made and a Sale of work held in the coming Spring at Berkhamsted and thought that 50£ would be realised, the Committee appointed were Br Baldwin and Oliver Sisters King and Oliver with power to add to their number as they think fit.
Br Fenemore proposed Br Baldwin seconded that the necessary sum be paid out of the Church fund to repair clock in schoolroom carried
Very successful meetings were held on Sunday and Monday Nov 3rd and 4th
Revd Baillie of Bloomsbury Chapel presided at the Public Meeting on Nov 4th when Mr Sayers, Mr Taylor, Chesham, Mr Hardy St Albans addressed the meeting.
Church Meeting Sunday evening Dec 15th
PresentBr Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, C Geary, A Dealey.
Sisters Johnson, Nash, E Baldwin, Carvell, E Sherman,  M Reading, Warren, Mrs Reading, Carvell [listed twice], Fenn, King, Ayres
The Secretary read over a letter recd from Park Street Baptist Church Luton asking for the transfer of Mr and Mrs Oliver, Br W Baldwin proposed Br Sherman seconded that the transfer be sent carried unanimously
Dec 17th the Transfer was sent.

Annual Church Meeting.  Monday evening
There was a good number present at the Annual Church Meeting
Mr Sayers in the chair,
Br Sherman, King, Sear, W Baldwin, Fenn, Dealey, Geary, Smith, Fenemore
Sisters E Baldwin, King, Mothersole, Johnson, Burnham, Nash, Pocock, Mrs Reading, Ayres, E Sherman, M Reading, Warren, Carvell, Fenemore
The Meeting was opened with singing and Prayer.
The secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings. Br Fenn proposed Be Fenemore seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The Treasurer read over the A/cs of the past Quarter.  Br King proposed Br Baldwin seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King read over Table Money account for the past Quarter, Br Fenemore proposed Br Fenn seconded that the a/cs as read be accepted carried
Br Baldwin proposed Br Geary seconded that the sum of 1.1.0 the sum as sent heretofore be forwarded to Mr Baines for the widows and orphans of Missionaries carried
Br Fenn proposed that 7.0.0 be paid to Mr King on a/c of repairing fund for works done, Br Baldwin seconded carried
Br King proposed Br Sherman seconded that Messrs Sayers Geary and Dealy be the scrutineers for counting Ballot Papers carried
During the counting of Ballot Papers a general conversation was carried on as to ways and means of providing the necessary articles etc for the coming Sale of works and it was the general wish that Br Sear hand the sum of 9/2 as a start for purchasing of materials. 
Br Sear very kindly offered to alter and make improvements with gaslights at bottom of Chapel which was cordially accepted
Br Baldwin very kindly undertook to get up services of song as often as practicable which also was cordially accepted.
The result of counting of Ballot Papers was as follows.
For Deacons Br Baldwin, Fenn, Sherman, King
Secretary King
Treasurer Br Sear
Sexton Br Sear
Chapel Keeper Sister Carvell
A long conversation was carried on as to further increasing the students pay as the 8/- paid to them on Lords day was a serious loss to the P.S.A. of the College a loss of 4/- every Lords day.  Br King proposed Br Sear seconded That 10/- be paid students for the present Quarter from Sunday next and see result for the term carried
                                                                       E Brooks Sayers
Church Meeting Sunday evening March 8th
Present Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin. Fenn, Delderfield, Geary, Dealey, Fenemore, Smith
Sisters Pocock, King, S Baldwin, Reading, Rutland, Johnson, Nash, E Sear, Burnham, Mothersole, Fenn
The Secretary read Mr Rutts letter respecting the Superintendents year of Office ending Mar 29th but who would be eligible to serve the Church further if reelected, Br Delderfield proposed Br Fenemore seconded that Mr Sayers be asked to continue the Superintendency for another year carried
The secretary wrote Mr Sayers the decision of the church and Mr Sayers wrote back accepting with thanks the Office.
On Easter Monday a Public Tea was held and a Service of Song after, the proceeds to go towards New Chapel ground and repairing fund.
                                                                    E Brooks Sayers    4/5/96.
Quarterly Church Meeting May 4th
Present Mr Sayers Superintendent
Br Sherman, King, Baldwin W, Fenemore, Geary, Dealey
Sisters King, Rutland, S & E Baldwin, Burnham, Warren, Johnson, Fenemore, M Reading, Carvill, E Sherman, Ayres, Nash
After Prayer The Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings Br W Baldwin proposed Br Sherman seconded that the minutes be accepted as correct carried
Mr Sayers read over Treasurers a/c Br Sherman proposed Br King seconded that the a/cs as read be accepted carried
A discussion as to ways and means of raising Money to clear New Chapel ground of debt was carried discussed [last word added in later by Mr Sayers] and the following promises were made.  Sister King 10/-, Mr Sherman 10/-, Mrs Rutland 10/-, Br W Baldwin 10/-
Br W Baldwin proposed Br Sherman seconded that a Sale of Work etc be held about the middle of September carried
                                                   Signed    E Brooks Sayers                                                                                                                                                 20/7/96.


1896 Quarterly Church Meeting July 20th
Present Mr Sayers
Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, Geary, Fenemore
Sisters King, Johnson, M Reading, S Baldwin, Mrs Reading, Carvill, Fenemore, Rutland, Nash, Burnham
After singing and Prayer Br King read over minutes of the last Meeting, Br Sherman proposed Sister Johnson seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried Mr Sayers read over Treasurers a/c Br King proposed Sister Rutland seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c Sister Carvill proposed Sister Burnham seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
A long discussion was held in regard to ways and means as to forthcoming Harvest Thanksgiving Sale.  Br Geary proposed Sister Rutland seconded that 100 circulars should be printed and circulated as to object of Sale etc.
Br Geary proposed that the sale be held on September 1st 1896, M Reading seconded carried
On Sunday August 30th The Revd F J Flatt of Boxmoor preached special sermons on the Harvest and its teachings and on Tuesday Sep 1st the Sale was opened by Revd F J Shergold Primitive Methodist Minister of Berkhamsted, the sale was continued on Wednesday Sep 3rd and the Whole amount realised in Connection with the sale to about £30.0.0 after paying all expenses, special thanks are due to all those who took part in arranging and carrying out the various duties connected with the sale.
It was suggested that the Chapel Anniversary be held in Oct or November.
                                                      E Brooks Sayers
                                                                                  Oct 5th 1896
Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 5th 1896
Present Mr E B Sayers
Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, Sear, Geary, Dealey
Sisters King, Nash, M Reading, S & E Baldwin, Burnham, Fenemore
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting, Br Sherman proposed Br Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c Br Fenemore proposed Br Sherman seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Mr Sayers read over Sale a/c
Br Sherman proposed Br Geary seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Mr Sayers read over Chapel Ground a/c, Br Baldwin proposed Br Dealey seconded that the A/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Sherman proposed Br Baldwin seconded that the sum of Four pounds be paid Mr King on a/c of Contract Work carried
Br King proposed Br Sherman seconded That the Deed of New Chapel Ground and the Deed of Old Chapel ground and School be deposited at the Baptist Mission House, Furnival Street Holborn E C. carried   Br King handed Mr Sayers the new Deed and Mr W J Sear handed Old deed according to the vote of Church Members present, Br Sear to have a copy of the old Deed, Br King as a copy of the new deed.
Church Meeting Sunday night Dec 6th 1896.
Present Mr Sayers
Br Sherman, King, W & J Baldwin, Dealey, Delderfield, Geary, Smith
Sisters King, S & E Baldwin, Nash, Johnson, Warren, Rutland, Mrs Reading, E Sherman, Ayres, E Sear, Fenn, Carvell, Burnham, Fenemore
Mr Sayers said Miss Sandeman had applied to him for Baptism and Membership, he had recd a certificate from the Presbyterian Church of Scotland where she had been a member which certificate was equal to a transfer as understood by us Baptists.
Br Sherman proposed Br King seconded that Miss Sandeman be recd into our Church by Baptism carried                                                                 
                                                                                       E Brooks Sayers
[In 1896 2 sums totalling £40 were repaid to Mr J Marnham re a loan for the land]
1897 Annual Church Meeting Jan 11th
A Public Tea was provided at 6.30 and afterward the Annual Meeting was opened by singing and Prayer
Present Mr E B Sayers
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Dealey, Geary, Smith and Sear
Sisters King, E Baldwin, Nash, Johnson, Carvill, Fenemore, Dealey, Redding, Ayres, E Sherman
The secretary read over the minutes of the past meetings Br Baldwin proposed Br Sherman seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The secretary read over Table money a/c Br Fenn proposed Br Smith seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King proposed that Br Dealey and Geary be appointed with Mr Sayers to count the result of the Ballot Papers, Br Baldwin seconded carried
During the counting of Voting Papers several suggestions were made as to improvements being made by closing union between Church and Schools and not any distinction between the two, all thought except Br Sear that it would be advantageous to the School. [but Br Sear was the Sunday School Superintendent]
The result of the Ballot papers were that all the Deacons, Secretary, Treasurer, Chapel Keeper, Sexton were reelected.
Br Sear having broken his spectacles Mr Sayers read over Treasurers a/cs Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
Br King said the harmonium in the school was so bad and when being played made all sorts of noises that The Band of Hope was prepared to contribute 1.0.0 towards purchasing another, he hoped the church would assist in the matter , the harmonium would belong to the Church and the school would have the use of it.
Mr Sayers suggested that the School should contribute towards it providing there was a sufficient fund in hand.  Br Sear did not cordially agree in the suggestion Mr Sayers could not understand why. The finances of the School had not been forthcoming for the past two years, Br King proposed Br Baldwin seconded that the following sums should be voted towards the new harmonium in addition to the Band of Hope contribution of 1.0.0.
The Church to contribute                                                        1.0.0
The School to contribute                                                        1.0.0
Mr Sayers said he would ask that the sum of 1.11.0 which had been given to him towards new rostrum might be given towards harmonium, this would be altogether a sum of 4.11.0
Br Sear did not seem inclined to think that any money belonging to the school should be devoted, he had done a lot for the school, he said the 2 cupboards one over the other belonged to him, the collecting boxes also were his and the A/c Book containing the finances he had bought with his own money.
Mr King proposed Br King seconded that Br Sear be paid for the 2 cupboards and A/c Book carried
1897 Church Meeting Sunday evening Jan 17th
Present Mr E B Sayers
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Geary, Smith
Sisters King, S & E Baldwin, Fenn, E Sear, Ayres, Fenemore, Johnson, Burnham, Warren, Reading, Mrs Reading, E Sherman
Mr Sayers spoke very earnestly and hoped in future the rules of the Church would be kept especially Rule 6 which would have to be conformed too or steps would have to be resorted to by the Officers.
[Rule 6.  That any Members absenting themselves from the Lord’s supper for three successive months and not able to give a satisfactory reason, the cases to be dealt with by the Officers as they deem advisable]
Church Meeting Jan 31st 1897
Present Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, Fenn, Smith, Geary, Delderfield, Dealey
Sisters King, S & E Baldwin, Reading, Warren, Burnham, Pocock, Ayres, E Sherman, Nash, Fenemore, Johnson, Fenn
Br King suggested that it would be well for the Church to appoint a successor to Mr E B Sayers whose time would expire in March or June.  Br Delderfield proposed Br Baldwin seconded that Mr Pratt be selected [?] to succeed Mr Sayers as student Pastor carried unanimously
Feb 8th Miss Sandeman was Baptised by Mr Sayers.
Church Meeting Sunday evening Feb 21st
Present Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, Fenn, Smith, Dealey, Geary, Fenemore
Sisters King, S & E Baldwin, E Sear, Reading, Warren, Ayres, E Sherman, Carvill, Fenemore, Burnham, Nash, Fenn, Rutland
Br King read a letter from Mr Pratt in which he stated he would accept the position as Student Pastor from June next, it was also desired that Mr Sayers be requested to stay on until June.
Br King read a letter from Mr Alcock in reference to The Indian Famine.
Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded That we have collections on Sunday March 7th and the amount be forwarded to the Baptist Famine fund in London carried unanimously  
1897 Sunday evening March 7th
Miss Sandeman was given the Right hand of Fellowship and recd as a member in full with us.
The sum of 1.14.0 was collected at Morning and evening services at ordinance and was handed to Mr E B Sayers for our contribution for Indian Famine Fund.
Special Church Meeting Sunday evg March 28th
Present Br Sherman, King, W & J Baldwin, Fenn, Geary, Fenemore, Delderfield, Dealey
Sisters King, S & E Baldwin, Warren, Fenemore, E Sear, Nash, E Sherman, Ayres, Carvill, Mrs Reading, M Reading
Br King said Mr E B Sayers had recd a letter from Revd F J Flatt of Boxmoor asking for the dismissal of Miss Wood from our Church Fellowship to that of the Sister Church of Boxmoor, Br Sherman proposed Br Geary seconded that the transfer
Of Miss Wood be granted carried
The Secretary sent Transfer March 29th/97 to Revd F J Flatt.
Br King asked if any Meeting was going to be held on Easter Monday but as noone seemed desirous to have one I remain indecided.
                                                             E Brooks Sayers
                                                                          April 7.97
1897 Quarterly Church Meeting April 5th
Present Mr E B Sayers,
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Geary, Dealey
Sisters King, Nash, Rutland, S Baldwin, Johnson, Fenemore, Carvill, M Reading, Sandeman [first meeting]
After Prayer The Secretary read over minutes of the past Meetings.  Br Baldwin proposed, Br Fenn seconded That the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c Br Baldwin proposed Sister Carvill seconded the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
The Treasurer not being present Br Baldwin proposed Br Sherman seconded that the Treasurers a/c be fetched carried
Mr Sayers read over Treasurers a/c Br Baldwin proposed Br Geary seconded That the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
With reference to the School a/cs It was considered unbusness like of the Treasurer not to be present and sister Fenemore proposed Sister Johnson seconded That we adjourn the Meeting until May and that the treasurer be written to, to prepare and read a statement of the schools A/c or failing to do so that he asked to resign carried unanimously
Br Fenn was requested to ask the Treasurer the prices of cupboards and other articles that he said were his Property.  Br Fenn consented to the suggestion.
It was agreed to unanimously that the Deacons have full power to pay a/cs as they deem fit.
Br Geary proposed and Br Baldwin seconded that the Collections on Lords day be announced Publicly at Morning and evening services carried
Mr Sayers said The Student recd 10/- every Sunday but the sum needed was 12/- as at present 2/- had to come out of the funds of The P.S.S. fund, the matter to stand over until the May Meeting.
Br Baldwin proposed Sister Fenemore seconded That Mr King be asked to repair roofs to put Schoolroom Classroom Staircase Copper house etc in proper order. To repair all plaster work, colour walls, prepare and fix and match boarding in upper schoolroom and classroom, stain and varnish woodwork, clean stain and varnish woodwork in Lower School, repair and whiten ceilings, provide Register stones stones to Lower and upper schoolroom, repair roof and filleting, to paint outside end of Schoolroom East end for the sum of £30.0.0. or 5£ less if a new Patent liquid is satisfactory.  Carried unanimously.  The work to be commenced as soon as possible if Mr King would wait for payment.  It was suggested That a sale of work be held and a Committee formed soon as practicable and the proceeds of such sale be devoted to paying Mr King.
Br Baldwin proposed That we have a Public Tea and a service of Song on easter Monday Sister Fenemore seconded carried
Sister S Baldwin proposed Sister Carvill seconded That the charge be 6d for adults 4d for children.
The result of Public Tea Service of Song was a net profit 8/4
                                                                            E Brooks Sayers
                                                                                         May 3rd 1897
Copy of letter sent to Mr W J Sear by the Church April 5th /97


Dr Mr Sear
                 At our Church Meeting held this
evening the following resolution was past unanimously.
     That this Church Meeting request Mr Sear to
prepare and present to this Church Meeting which is
adjourned for that purpose to May 3rd a date in May
of which due Notice will be given – The statements
of the a/cs of the Sunday school for the Quarter
ending March 25th 1897.  In the event of not receiving
this statement there will be no other course of action open
but to ask you to send in your resignation.
      We regret very much it is our painful duty to
forward to you this resolution
                             Yours very sincerely
                                          E Brooks Sayers
                                               W D King   Secy

Adjourned Church Meeting May 3rd 1897
Present Mr E B Sayers
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Geary, Dealey, Sear
Sisters King, Rutland, Sandeman, S Baldwin, Nash, Carvill, Fenemore, Johnson
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings.
Br Fenn proposed, Sister Rutland seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br Sear read over the School A/c up to March 25th, Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded that the a/cs as read be accepted as correct carried
With reference to the 2 cupboards in Schoolroom Mr Sayers asked Br Sear for a definite answer either to sell them to the Church or give them or remove them from the premises.  Br Sear said that so long as he held his present position [Sunday School Superintendent] or death removed him the Cupboards would then become the property of the Church but as this was indeterminable Br Sear was asked to remove the cupboards from the premises, Br Sear said he would give the 2 Collecting boxes to the Church.
With reference to the coming Autumn sale The following were selected on the Committee,  Mr Pratt the new superintendent as ex officio with the deacons and following, Mrs King, Misses Baldwins, Carvill, Miss Sandeman, Reading, E Sear, E Sherman, Ayres with power to add if necessary.
Student fees, the matter to be left in the Deacons hands 11 for 1 against.
Mr Sayers asked and it was agreed that the 2nd Sunday in June should be kept for the ordinance instead of the first as it would not be convenient for Mr Sayers to be with us on the first. 
Br King proposed Br Geary seconded That a Tea Meeting be held on the 2nd Monday in June as Mr Sayers would be leaving carried.
                                                              Confirmed by Wm H Pratt
                                                                                       Aug 19th /97
A Members Tea Meeting was held on Monday June 14th
There were present Mr E B Sayers,
Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, J Baldwin, Smith, Dealey, Geary, Fenemore
Sisters King, Pocock, Mrs Sherman, E Sherman, S Baldwin, Fenemore, Warren, Reading, Carvill, Johnson, Nash, Ayres, E Baldwin, M Reading.
After Tea Mr Sherman was voted to the Chair a hymn was sung and Prayer offered then Br Sherman W Baldwin and King made appropriate references to the Meeting being called and then Mr Sayers was presented by the Church with a 14 day Marble Time piece on his leaving us.  Mr Sayers acknowledged the gift with suitable references as to his past work amongst us and hoped under the new Superintendent the Cause would flourish, and after singing and Prayer the meeting broke up, everyone feeling a profitable time had been spent together.
                                                             Confirmed by Wm H Pratt
                                                                                        Aug 19/97
Church Meeting Wednesday evening Aug 19th
Present Mr W H Pratt,
Br Sherman, Sear, King, W Baldwin, Fenemore, Geary
Sisters King, Nash, Rutland, Johnson, Fenemore, S Baldwin, Ayres, Carvill, Burnham
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings.
Br Fenemore proposed Br Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
The Treasurer read over Statement of A/cs up to June Quarter.  Sister Johnson proposed Br King seconded that the A/cs as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King read over Ordinance A/c Br W Baldwin proposed Sister Fenemore seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
With reference to circular from Baptist Union asking for annual subscription from our Church, Br King proposed that Mr Pratt call on the Society and find out particulars etc as to the advantage or otherwise before paying further, Br Sherman seconded carried
Several suggestions were made as to Ways and Means of clearing off the debt for repairs and improvements recently made to the premises.  Mr Pratt strongly urged every member to do their utmost in the way of giving to Gods cause. Br Geary proposed Br Baldwin seconded That a Harvest Thanksgiving services etc be held as soon as practicable in September and that Revd F J Flatt of Boxmoor be asked to take the services on Sunday or he failing to ask RevdHughes of Berkhamsted carried
Mr Pratt proposed that a Meeting be held on the following Monday Br Sherman seconded carried Mr Pratt volunteered to see Mr Marnham and ask him to preside all the neighbouring Non Con [formist] Ministers be invited to attend the Meeting.
The names of Mr and Mrs Maybank were brought forward by Mr Pratt as being desirous of joining our Church. Mr Maybank formerly was a Member of Notting Hill tabernacle Baptist and had therefore been baptized, Mr Pratt thought there would be some difficulty in obtaining his transfer as it was sometime ago and there was constant change with Ministers and Officers.
With regard to Mrs Maybank she had been on the point of joining Hope Hall Berkhamsted but having moved into Northchurch she now desired to be united with us.  Mr Pratt proposed that Br Baldwin and King visit them and bring in a report for next Meeting.  Sister Fenemore seconded carried
Mr Pratt drew the attention of the Members to the Rules of the Church and most earnestly desired every member to act up to them especially with reference to attendance at the Lords table.  Mr Pratt suggested that every member should be supplied with communion tickets attendance.
Mr Pratt proposed Br King seconded That from the 1st Sunday in 1898 Every Member of our Church residing in the locality be furnished with communion tickets carried
Mr Pratt spoke very lovingly and earnestly about the attendance of Members he did hope there would be a growing congregation and that members would get out to both Morning and evening services.
Mr Pratt said he would do as much visiting as he could and would visit especially anyone sick provided he was informed of any such cases.
Mr Pratt said he would like to get hold of the Young people there should be a Christian endeavour society or Christian band, as the winter was coming on he hoped something practical with regard to these young people would be done.
In Conclusion Mr Pratt stated that everything done at Church Meetings must be kept private and under no consideration should these matters become known to the world, he did trust that every member would bear this in mind.
A very happy meeting this, the Christian words of Mr Pratt were quite uplifting.  The doxology was sung.
1897 Special Church Meeting Sunday Sep 5th.
Present Mr W H Pratt Superintendent Pastor
Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Geary, Delderfield, Smith, Dealey, Fenemore
Sisters Nash, King, E Baldwin, M Reading, Rutland, Warren, Carvill, E Sherman, Ayres, Johnson, Fenemore, Sandeman, Burnham
This meeting was held to hear the reports of Messrs W Baldwin and King as visitors to Mr and Mrs Maybank as to their fitness of being united with us in Church Fellowship.
Br W Baldwin said he visited them and while there Br King came so that both know what was said.  Br Baldwin said with regard to Mr Maybank that he had been a Christian for some years being Baptized and received into Church fellowship at Nottinghill Tabernacle but after that having removed from place to place it was perhaps somewhat difficult to get his transfer, from the conversation and what he saw of Mr Maybank he knew nothing against him why he should not be recd into our Church Fellowship.  Br King and Mr Pratt supported the remarks made and felt sure he would be an acquisition to our church.  Mr Pratt then asked if anyone present had anything to say for now was the time for anyone to speak not after the vote and he must again say to the Church that these matters are private matters and must not be discussed outside the Church.
Mr Pratt then asked all those in favour of receiving Mr Maybank into our Church Fellowship hold up the right hand, it was carried unanimously.
 With regard to Mrs Maybank Br Baldwin said it was some 4or 5 years ago under the preaching of the late Mr Hudson of Boxmoor that she became concerned about her salvation and Baptism but Mr Hudson dying and her removal to Berkhamsted had prevented.  She had been on the point of joining Hope Hall [predecessor to Kings Road Church] but having come to our Village she was now very desirous of joining our fellowship.
Br King endorsed what Br Baldwin had said, Mr Pratt asked all those in favour of receiving Mrs Maybank into Church fellowship to signify in the usual way carried unanimously.
Church Meeting Ordinance
Mr and Mrs Maybank were received into our Church Fellowship Sunday evening
Oct 4th/97 by Mr W H Pratt Superintendent Pastor.
Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 4th
Present Mr W H Pratt Superintendent Pastor
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, W Baldwin, Fenemore, Maybank [first meeting]
Sisters King, S & E Baldwin, Carvill, Ayres, E Sherman, Sandeman, Fenemore, Johnson, Maybank [first meeting], Nash, M Reading, E Sear
After singing and Prayer Br King read over the minutes of the past Meetings carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c Br Fenn proposed Br Baldwin seconded that the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried.
Mr Pratt read over Treasurers A/c Mr Pratt proposed A/c as read be accepted as correct Br Baldwin seconded carried
Mr Pratt said he had Called at The Baptist Union offices in London and the official informed him that sometime ago they gave a grant of £50.0.0 a year for 3 years to our Chapel and that it would be a long time before 10/- a year paid for so large a sum,    Br Sherman proposed Br Baldwin seconded That we continue our subscription of 10/- a year and that the 2 years now due be paid carried unanimously
It was considered advisable to have a Singing Practice on Friday evenings when practicable.
Mr Pratt proposed Br Fenemore seconded That the Chapel be decorated on Sunday next for Harvest Thanksgiving services carried
It was decided that after the Public Meeting a sale be held with goods sent and a stall of refreshments with Tea Coffee etcBr […],  Mrs King, E Baldwin, Ayres, Johnson and others carry out arrangements as they think best.
Mr Pratt said with reference to debt on Chapel and School it must be cleared off before the end of the year, he was doing all he could and every Church Member should contribute something every week however small.
Br King promised £3.0.0.
A Mothers meeting to be formed if possible soon as can make necessary arrangements.
It was decided to have Chapel anniversary Sunday and Monday Nov 7th and 8th and the Preacher for Sunday Mr Pratt and for Monday if can get him Revd E Gange Regents Park  Herts Union Messrs Hardy and Stuart be asked to come over to the Public Meeting on Monday evening.
A long discussion was held as to what means we could secure the young men of the village to get them out of the street and it was decided to invite them to a Tea on Saturday evening Nov 6th and ask them to talk over the matter carried
The result of the evening Meeting held on Oct 11th in which Mr Marnham preached and the sale of vegetables refreshments etc gave a net profit of £4.0.0 without the Sunday collection.
The Young mens Tea Meeting on Saturday Nov 6th was fairly attended and they decided to have a Public Class on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8.
On Sunday Nov 7th and Monday Nov 8th Chapel Anniversary Mr W H Pratt of Regents Park College preached special Sermons on Sunday and the Rev W S Skerry of Camberwell London preached a special sermon on Monday afternoon at 3.30, there was a good attendance.  A Public Tea at 5 and Public Meeting was held in the evening presided over by A King Smith [..] of Watford and addresses were given by Revd C Pearce of Tring, Revd Martin of New Mill Tring, Revd F C Hughes of Berkhamsted, Revd W S Skerry, W H Pratt and a short statement by the Church secretary.
The nett profit on Tea and Collections on Monday were 1.2.8.  A King Smith gave a 5£ cheque, W D King promised £3.0.0 towards Building repairing fund.
[Note the money for repairs is owed to the local builder, one W D King who doubles as Church Secretary].
There was a large attendance and had it been a nice fine day and evening there is no doubt we should have been packed.
                                                            Wm H Pratt
                                                                    Dec 5/1897