Minutes 1973 onwards
[The year opens with a new (part-time) Minister, Rev Derek Tidball who had started the previous Autumn. This is the first paid Minister for many decades, the Church being supported in this by the Baptist Home Mission Fund. In the mid-1960’s the Church had very nearly died, having lost almost its entire leadership and with only 10-15 people making up its usual congregation and just 38 members on the roll. By the end of 1972 the membership had increased to just over 50 where it remained for the next three or four years after which there was a period of exponential growth. See History of the Church section - click here). These early years of Derek Tidball’s ministry saw firm foundations being laid for what was to come; he is remembered fondly as a pastor and as a very gifted bible-teacher.]
Minutes of Ordinary Church Meeting held on 23rd January 1973
Present: The Rev. Derek Tidball (in the Chair)
Thirteen Church Members
1. Minutes
It was agreed that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th November 1972 should be read at the next Church Meeting.
2. Baptist Home Mission Fund
After discussion, the following Resolution was unanimously passed:
“ The Ministry:
(1) Recognising the privilege of having a minister (or deaconess) and that our first responsibility as Church Members is the maintenance of the Ministry, we resolve:
(a) that application be made to the Fund for a grant to enable us to pay the minimum stipend;
(b) that the amount below stated is the most we can offer towards the stipend;
(c) that we endeavour to increase each year our portion of the stipend by at least 6%.
(2) For this current year (1973) this Church is paying £450 towards the stipend and £50 for ministerial expenses.
(3) For 12 months from January 1974 we offer £475 towards the stipend and £50 for expenses.
3. Adventurers
It was unanimously agreed that Miss Grantham should be appointed temporary Leader of the Senior Girl Adventurers, and also that Mr Bonnett should become over-all Leader of the Adventurers Organisation, which includes Senior Girl Adventurers, Girl Adventurers and Boy Adventurers.
4. Communion Fund
After discussion it was unanimously agreed that no offering should be taken at the evening Communion Services in future, with the exception of thos[e] held in June and December when the offering would be taken for the Home Mission Fund.
There was no other business.
The Meeting closed with prayer.
Derek J Tidball
1st May 1973
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, 6th March 1973
Derek Tidball in the Chair, and twenty seven members. The Meeting opened with a hymn, a prayer and a Bible reading, followed by a short address from the Chairman.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Mrs Tecwin Jones.
The Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 7th March 1972 were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
Mr McDonald presented the audited accounts which showed a considerable increase in giving [from £735 in general offerings in 1970 to £1,044 in 1971]. After a short discussion and questions, the accounts were approved. Thanks were expressed to Mr McDonald for his hard work, and also to the auditor, Mr G MacAualay
Secretary’s Report
Mr Dyer presented a comprehensive report on the church’s activities over the past year (a copy attached) and Mr Tidball thanked him for this report.
The elections for the year were made as the list attached as regards appointments within the church.
The following elections were made by ballot:
Deacons: Messrs Bates, Dyer and Kemp Harper
Vice President and Secretary: A W Dyer
Treasurer: E V McDonald
Mr Jones reported that the repairs to the church wall would be in the region of £460. It was also agreed to spend the sum of £38.50 for a time switch to the church heating. The church spring cleaning date was fixed for 31st March. Mention was made by one or two members of the inadequate heating in the main hall and the deacons were asked to consider this again.
Future Events
Mr Dyer gave a note of future events in the church.
There being no other business the meeting closed with prayer.
Derek J Tidball
12th March 1974
Report of the Secretary 1973
Onward we go,
Faithful, bold and true,
His blest will to do,
Day by day.
So concluded the Induction Service of the Reverend Derek J Tidball on Saturday, 16th September 1972, an event which marked a milestone in the history of out church. For the first time we have a virtually full-time minister to lead the work. Mr Tidball’s coming has made an enormous difference to us; the benefits are already apparent and in the coming days we will be increasingly aware of the differences. We praise and thank God for the way in which He guided not only the call of Derek Tidball but in other matters such as the choice of a manse. What an act of faith this has been! We are grateful to those who have loaned money to the church. The number of church members who have helped in this way underlines for me the real fellowship which we share in Christ.
Although Mr Tidball’s coming was undoubtedly the outstanding occasion in the church’s past year, the farewell to our former minister, Dr Alexander Hodge, which took place at the end of March, must not be forgotten. His ministry in the last three months was not as active as previously, but, nevertheless, we greatly appreciated Dr Hodge’s agreeing to stay longer so helping to bridge the gap between the past and the present ministries. We record our true appreciation to Dr and Mrs Hodge, and our gratitude to God for their help over the two and a half years. God had a work for them to do in Northchurch; we shall now look with interest to see the progress of their work at Tring.
After highlighting the two events which dominated 1972, we turn to the more mundane work, which goes on week in, week out. This is the main work of the church, and this year we turn first [to] the Women’s Work and to Women’s Own, where Mrs Bonnett reports another happy and profitable year. There has been a further increase in membership, and at present there are 38 names on the roll. One of the most encouraging features has been the consistently good attendance on Wednesday afternoons, and the fact that a high proportion of the ladies also worship with us on Sundays.
Mrs Bonnett recalls the Womens Sunday Service in April, and also other highlights; the Herts Federation BWL Rallies, a visit to the Express Dairy at Cricklewood, and a most successful garden party when the ladies were glad to enjoy glorious weather and, as a result, were able to make a good donation to the Manse Fund.
The ladies are most grateful to our speakers who serve so faithfully, week by week, many of whom have been coming for a great number of years. It was good to have had some ‘first timers’, and the secretary is open to suggestions for new speakers.
Thanks are also due to the help and support of the members in the many tasks they undertake, such as visiting the sick and elderly, providing the necessary cup of tea, etc.
A new innovation has been the provision of a bookstall, and this is well patronised. Missionary giving has reached a new high level, and the sum of £18.50p was given to the BMS in 1972.
Mrs Bonnett continues with the Wednesday Group report, which now has a large number of contacts, and, while attendance is not consistent, the average attendance has increased and they have been pleased to welcome one or two younger members. The programme has again been varied and interesting, including talks, demonstrations, films and home meetings. It is an encouraging sign that it is increasingly difficult to find a sitting room large enough to take all the ladies.
During the past year the main task of booking speakers and co-ordinating the programme has been undertaken by Mrs Pat Barker, and we are delighted that she has agreed to take over the full leadership from Mrs Bonnett. Our thanks and prayers are with Pat as she undertakes this work. As a church we are very grateful to Mrs Bonnett for starting this work and for leading it for a number of years. We are glad that she leaves it in such good shape for the future.
Mrs Bonnett’s other responsibility has been for the Primary department and she tells us that early in the year the numbers dropped, mainly due to transfers to the Adventurers. Many children come from homes where there is little encouragement, and they are dependant on older brothers and sisters bringing them. However, as the year continued, we have been pleased to welcome new children, particularly in the Beginners age group, some as a result of the Holiday Club held in the summer.
The children are happy and lively and enjoy participation, but one real difficulty is in providing a programme suitable for both 3 year olds and for those who are nearly 8. This is overcome to a certain extent by the 3 and 4 year olds having their own story time with Mrs McDonald, while Miss Elizabeth Ogilvy Stuart copes very ably with the older children.
Unfortunately, the Saturday activity for the Children’s Weekend was washed out by rain. The children did, however, enjoy their usual Christmas party.
We were grateful to Miss Medlock for using her experience in organising the Primary Group in the Holiday Club. There were fewer children in this group than had been expected, although probably as many as we could cope with successfully.
The Adventurers, now headed by Mr Bonnett, report that 1972 was a good year at Northchurch. The total number of boys and girls on the roll rose to 74, and the average total number each week was 45. We were pleased to see some girls go up to the YPF in September (although there were no boys), and five children were transferred up from the Primary.
In February the Adventurers took part in the Annual Bible Contest organised by the Scripture Union, and several children passed with honours.
Kite flying at Coombe Hill on the Saturday before the Young People’s Sunday was enjoyed by all, even though the weather was so bad. The outing to Littlehampton in June was most successful and on that day the sun shone from clear blue skies.
Last year the Adventurers ran, for the first time, a Children’s Holiday Special during the last week of the August holidays. Children met each morning at the church and in the afternoons for outdoor activities. Over 50 children attended, many of whom had no previous connection with the church. Activities included games, singing and handwork, as well as bible stories and quizzes.
There have been several changes in the leadership and organisation of Adventurers during the year. Kevin Jones joined the leadership of the weeknight boys early in the year. In September we were sorry to learn that Mr Barker had to give up the leadership of the senior girls, but we are pleased that he is able to continue teaching the Juniors on Sundays. Leadership of the older girls was temporarily taken over by Mr Bonnett, and we are glad that Miss Enid Grantham has now agreed to lead the senior girls on Mondays, at least for a temporary period.
There have been some problems with discipline and the leaders ask for the prayers of the church for both the children and the leaders in 1973.
The Young People’s Fellowship have enjoyed a comparatively uneventful year. Numbers remain constant at about fifteen regularly meeting on Friday – almost exclusively girls (Kevin enjoys himself!). Please pray that more boys may join the very happy group (and make them even happier?!!)
The Easter houseparty was a great success, although the weather was absolutely awful. This did not prevent the young people thoroughly enjoying themselves and learning a great deal about the Christian life from Railton Fells, who spoke each day.
The Sunday evening Bible Studies have also helped the older young people to a greater knowledge of the Bible and its application to daily living.
Six members of the YPF gained the Duke of Edinburgh bronze award last year, and four are now attempting the gold award, and five are attempting the silver award.
On behalf of the church I am sure you would like me to thank the leaders of all the youth activities. An enormous amount of effort is put in, sometimes without apparent results; however, as we look back over the last two or three years we can see the considerable growth in the youth work, and herein lies the church of the future. The leaders need our support and our prayers, and we must not fail to pray for them week by week.
The missionary activity continues to be limited, but giving to overseas missions has slightly increased and now, with the help of Colin Green, a new vista of interest is being opened up.
Miss Dell and Miss Mayo record an increase in the amount given (£30) through the Birthday Scheme to the Baptist Missionary Society and also an increase in membership. Thank you, ladies, in your persistence in reminding us of our commitment to the BMS. Perhaps this year our interest in overseas work may be noticeably increased.
An encouraging feature of the church’s activity has been the increased numbers at the Tuesday bible Study and Prayer Meeting. After so many years when five or six was the normal number, to have up to fifteen present is a real sign of the increasing interest in prayer for the church’s work.
No baptisms are on record for the past year, but there was an increase in church membership; five members joined the church and two have moved away or ceased to have contact, so the net increase is three, which leaves the membership at 31st December last at 54.
Flowers continue to be brought every Sunday, and the church is cleaned every week, and we are so grateful to everyone who helps in this way. Also to Mr Jones and Mr Parry for looking after the fabric; to Mrs jones and Mrs Standing for their musical contribution, and to all others who together make my task as secretary so wonderfully easy.
One final point deserves mention. This is the considerable increase in the giving to the church, as Mr McDonald has already shown. We must not be complacent, but stimulated to encourage others by covenant and regular giving to support the Lord’s work here.
This has been a brief look at the past year, but what of 1973? Our God does not change, but only our faith. Mr Tidball’s coming has opened new possibilities, but no one man can make a small membership into a large one, nor command God’s blessing. The growth of a group of God’s people depends on each one passing their faith to others.
In reading the bible recently (T.E. Version) I was struck by three verses from Psalm 96:
Sing a new song to the Lord! Sing to the Lord, all the world!
Sing to the Lord, and praise Him! Every day tell the good news that He has saved us!
This is our task for this year; let us not refuse our part in the future, but tell others every day in 1973 the good news that He has saved us.
Secretary Women’s Own Mrs Bonnett
Leader Ladies Wednesday Group Mrs Barker
Primary Leader Mrs Bonnett McDonald
Adventurers Leaders: Overall: Mrs Bonnett
Senior Girls: (Temporary Leader)
Miss Grantham
Junior Girls Miss Medlock
Boys: Mr Kemp Harper
Young People’s Fellowship Mr and Mrs Dyer
Church Organist Mrs T Jones
Deputy Organist Mrs Standing
Building Steward Mr T Jones
Representative Berkhamsted Council of Churches Messrs Bonnett and Dyer
Press Officer Mrs Barker
BMS Birthday Scheme Secretaries Miss Dell and Miss Mayo
Church Flower Rota Miss Dell and Miss Mayo
Representative British and Foreign Bible Society Mrs Dyer
I.B.R.A. Secretary Mrs T Jones
Scripture Union Secretary Mr McDonald
Auditor G.F. MacAulay
March 1973
Minutes of Church Meeting held on 1st May 1973
Present The Rev. Derek Tidball (in the chair)
14 Church Members
Apologies for absence were received from Mr A Dyer
The Minutes of the Meetings held on 7/11/72 and 23/1/73 were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising.
Mr Tidball reported that an application for membership had been received from Mr & Mrs B Cook, Mr Cook by transfer from Marlowes Baptist Church Hemel Hempstead and Mrs Cook by profession of faith in Christ. Mrs Pat Barker reported on a visit she had made with Mr Barker to Mrs Cook in connection with her desire to become a member. Both Mr & Mrs Barker strongly recommended that Mrs Cook be accepted as a member.
Mrs Pat Barker therefore proposed and Mr B Standing seconded a motion that they both be received into membership. The motion was carried unanimously.
Mr Bonnett reported that Miss Grantham was relinquishing the temporary leadership of the Senior Girl Adventurers and explained the arrangements for the remainder of the Summer. He also reported that the Deacons would be discussing the whole structure of the Children’s work in the church and he asked for prayer in this connection.
There being no other business the meeting closed in prayer.
Derek J Tidball
17th July 1973
Minutes of Church Meeting held on 17th July 1973
Present: The Rev. Derek Tidball
20 Church Members
Apologies were received from Mr B Cook, Mr A W Dyer
The minutes of the meeting held on 1st May 1973 were read, approved by the members and signed by the Chairman.
Mr McDonald reported on the balances of the various funds. He indicated that the offerings had increased and praised God for this. He again explained the benefits of covenanting and urged all those not currently following this system of giving to do so. He also intimated that Mr Tidball’s salary would be subject to review in the near future. In reply to a member’s question, Mr McDonald explained the balance on the Building Fund and assured the member that discussions with the Electricity Board in connection with their account had been satisfactorily been completed.
Mr Tidball indicated that certain repairs were necessary to the manse and ikt was arranged that these would be discussed by the Deacons.
Mr McDonald advised that all outstanding repair bills had now been settled.
It was felt that some repairs were necessary to the floors in both the Church and the Hall and that arrangements should be made to put this matter in hand.
Mr Tidball explained that the Deacons had discussed and agreed new arrangements for the junior youth and children’s activities as from September, as follows:
Junior Youth Fellowship: Sunday Leaders - Mr C F Bonnett and
Mr R L Kemp-Harper
Ages: - 11 and 12
Mondays: - Leader: Mr C F Bonnett
Asst. Leaders: Mr R L Kemp-Harper
And Mrs J Bonnett
Adventurers: Sundays - Mr Barker, Miss Medlock and Mrs M Cook
Ages - 6 to 10 (Sundays)
Leader: Mr A Barker
Weeknights: - Boys: Thursday 6.30 pm
Leaders: Mrs Standing, Mr Standing and Mr
Kevin Jones
Girls: Wednesdays 6.15 pm
Leaders: Miss Medlock and Mrs J Shelton
Primary: Sundays only
Ages: Up to and including 5
Mrs McDonald and Miss E Ogilvy-Stewart
Mr Barker proposed and Mrs B Jones seconded a motion that these arrangements be adopted.
The motion was carried unanimously.
Autumn Outreach
Mr Tidball explained a suggested programme for outreach during the Autumn. This involved having a mid-week Prayer Meeting on alternate weeks, leaving the other weeks free for members to become involved in informal groups for discussion about the Christian faith. He advised that three groups would be meeting, led by Mr A Barker, Mr A W Dyer and either himself or another Deacon. Suggestions about other groups would still be welcome.
Mr C Bonnett proposed and Mr T Jones seconded a motion that these arrangements be adopted. The motion was carried unanimously.
Future Events
Mr Tidball outlined the following events:
Gospel Folk Concerts in the Social Centre on the following Friday evenings:
14th September Malcolm and Alwyn
12th October Judy MacKenzie and Dave Cook
16th November Graham Kendrick
14th December Parchment
9th September Minister’s Anniversary. There would be a Fellowship Time after the
evening service.
16th September Youth Service at 6.30 pm.
23rd September Harvest Family Service at 10.30 am.
30th September Baptismal Service at 6.30 pm
14th October Youth Service at 6.30 pm led by Y.P.F.
3rd/4th November Missionary weekend speaker – Rev D Jones of EUSA
18th November Family Service at 10.30 am.
Youth Service led by London Bible College team at 6.30 pm.
16th December Youth Service at 6.30 pm.
23rd December Family Service at 10.30 am.
Carols by Candlelight at 6.30 pm.
Other Events
26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th November – Bible Action Week.
It was felt that “Carols for the Family” had, in past years, been held too early, and it was agreed that the Deacons should consider this matter.
Mr McDonald proposed and Mrs Buckingham seconded a motion expressing thanks to Mr and Mrs Dyer for the generous gift of carpets for the aisles of the Church. The motion was agreed unanimously.
Derek J Tidball
23rd October 1973
Minutes of Ordinary Church Meeting held on 23 October 1973
The Rev Derek Tidball
20 Church Members
Apologies were received from Mrs Jones
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 July were read, approved by the Meeting and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising
It was agreed that “Carols for the Family” should not be held this year but the organisations would take part in the 3 services over Christmas.
Mr McDonald reported that he anticipated we should need a weekly income of £52 for 1974. With the current rate of giving, plus the tax refund and interest, this should be covered. The weekly offering continues to give cause for praise.
Mr Dyer reported that it was impossible to increase Mr Tidball’s salary as this was governed by amounts approved by the Baptist Home Mission Fund, but the Deacons recommended that we should increase his expenses by £50 per annum, which had been agreed by the Home Mission Fund. The Meeting unanimously approved that this increase take place from 1 September.
Repairs Manse
Mr T Jones explained there was a need for a new garage at the Manse. The Meeting unanimously agreed that £150 should be spent on purchasing a prefabricated garage. The final decision was to be made by the Deaconate.
The Meeting unanimously approved the replacement of the sink unit by a stainless steel unit with a cupboard beneath at a cost of £35/£40.
Repairs Church
1. Mr Parry kindly agreed to look at the church floor and if possible to stick down certain of the loose floor blocks.
2. It was agreed that a Church working party should replace the window frame in the downstairs toilet, and also re-decorate this area.
3. Mr T Jones agreed to obtain an estimate for re-sealing the hall floor.
4. Mr Dyer mentioned that the Deacons were examining the possibility of extending the Church premises but no firm proposals were available at the moment.
Church Membership
Mr Barker reported on his meeting with Miss Christine Lloyd who desired to become a Church Member. After hearing his report, the Meeting unanimously agreed with great pleasure that her application for membership be accepted.
An application for Church Membership had been received from Mr & Mrs Rolls. Mr & Mrs Dyer were asked to visit them and report back to the next Church Meeting.
Church Matters
Mr Tidball explained that on his suggestion the Deacons recommended that a Church Mission be held in March 1975. An outside evangelist/evangelists would be asked to assist in this mission, largely through house groups. It might also be possible to include a young people’s coffee bar at some time.
The Meeting unanimously approved the suggestion.
Other Business
It was agreed to purchase 36 new hymn books.
Mr Tidball mentioned various future events.
There being no other business, the Meeting was closed in prayer.
Derek J Tidball
15th January 1974
Minutes of Ordinary Church Meeting held on 15th January 1974
Present: The Rev. Derek Tidball
17 Church Members
Apologies were received from Mr McDonald, Mrs Kerwan, and Mr Dyer.
Minutes of the Meeting held on 23.10.73 were read, approved by the Meeting, and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising
It was reported that the Manse Garage had been partially erected.
The following matters were reported as being outstanding:-
1. Repair of the window frame in the downstairs toilet and redecorating of area.
2. Estimate for resealing the hall floor being obtained by Mr T Jones.
3. Purchase of 36 Hymn Books.
4. Replacement of Manse Sink Unit.
Church Membership
Mrs Dyer reported on a visit she had made with Mr Dyer to Mr and Mrs Rolls, who had previously applied form church membership. Following her report, the Meeting unanimously agreed that their application for membership be accepted.
Other Business
Mr Tidball mentioned some future events. He requested that 22nd March, 1974 be left free, since a Church Dinner was proposed to be held at the Social Centre, Bell Lane on that date. Further information to be give[n] once details have been arranged.
Following a talk with Mrs Cox, Mrs Buckingham requested that a member of the Diaconate visit Mr Cox to discuss with him the arrangements for church cleaning. She felt that due to illness, Mr Cox might well be unable to cope, but that any new arrangements should be discussed with him personally. This was agreed.
It was further agreed that the Deacons would consider the whole question of Church Cleaning at their next meeting.
Mr Barker reported that the curtains for the Hall had now been completed, and Mr Jones reported that the work was in hand to fit necessary battens, curtain rails, etc.
There being no other business, the meeting closed in prayer.
Derek J Tidball
26th February 1974.
Minutes of Ordinary Church Meeting held on 26th February 1974
The Rev Derek Tidball
13 Church Members
Apologies were received from Mr Bonnett and Mr Cook.
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 15.1.74 were read, approved by the Meeting, and signed by the Chairman.
An application for transfer of membership had been received from Mr & Mrs Cyril Burrows. The secretary read a letter from the secretary of Broadway Baptist Church commending Mr & Mrs Burrows to the fellowship and it was unanimously agreed that their application for transfer be accepted.
Home Mission Fund
The following resolution was unanimously agreed:
The Ministry:
1) Recognising the privilege of having a minister (or deaconess) and that our first responsibility as Church Members is the maintenance of the Ministry, we resolve:
a) that application be made to the Fund for a grant to enable us to pay the minimum stipend:
b) that the amount stated below is the most we can offer towards the stipend.
c) That we endeavour to increase each year our portion of the stipend.
2) For this current year (1974) this Church is paying £515 towards the stipend and £50 for ministerial expenses.
3) For 12 months from January 1975, we offer £550 towards the stipend and £50 for expenses.
Their being no other business, the meeting was closed in prayer.
Derek J Tidball
30 April 1974
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, 12th March 1974.
The Rev Derek Tidball in the Chair and 26 members.
Apologies were received from Mr & Mrs A Barker and Mrs L Kemp Harper.
The Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 6th March 1973 were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
Mr McDonald presented the audited accounts. These were approved. Thanks were expressed to Mr McDonald for his hard work and also to the auditor, Mr G MacAulay. It was agreed to increase the transfer from the General Fund to the Building and Maintenance Fund to £3 p.w.
Secretary’s Report
Mr Dyer presented a comprehensive report on the church’s activities over the past year (copy attached) and Mr Tidball thanked him for this report.
The elections for the year were made as the list attached for the appointments within the Church.
The following elections were made by ballot:
Deacons Messrs Barker, Bonnett and McDonald
Vice-President Mr A W Dyer
Secretary Mr A W Dyer
Treasurer Mr E V McDonald
Mr T Jones outlined the repairs required in 1974 and the approximate cost. These were:
Church gullies and drains 30
Roof 90
Re-sanding & polishing hall floor 80
Manse re-decoration 85
Sink unit for Manse 55
Sundry items 35
Other Business
Mr Tidball outlined future events
It was agreed that there would be a united service in our church with St Mary’s on 2 June and for us to join with them in their church on 11 August.
Mr Tidball reported that he had taken over the editorship of “The Month at Northchurch”. Thanks were expressed to Mrs Pat Barker for her work as editor.
There being no other business, the meeting was closed in prayer.
Derek J Tidball
18th March 1975
Secretary Women’s Own Mrs Bonnett
Ladies Wednesday Group – Leader Mrs Barker
Primary Leader Mrs McDonald
Adventurers Leader Mr Barker
Junior Youth Fellowship Mr Bonnett
Mr Kemp Harper
Young People’s Fellowship Mr & Mrs Dyer
Church Organist Mrs T Jones
Deputy Organist Mrs Standing
Building Steward Mr T Jones
Representative Berkhamsted Council of Churches Messrs Bonnett and Dyer
B.M.S. Birthday Scheme – Secretaries Miss Dell and Miss Mayo
Church Flower Rota Miss Dell and Miss Mayo
Representative – British & Foreign Bible Society Mrs Dyer
I.B.R.A. Secretary Mrs T Jones
Scripture Union Secretary Mr McDonald
Auditor Mr G F MacAulay
March 1974
Report of the Secretary 1974
Another year has gone. A year which in the life of our nation has been a year of great uncertainty, a year when confrontation has been the order of the day, when parties and people have been at odds with one another, when bitter struggles have and are taking place, egged on by personal vanity or personal gain; a year many would like to forget or somehow wish had not occurred. [He was probably referring to the Miner’s Strike and the 3-day week and troubles in N. Ireland amongst others]. How different has been the work of God within our fellowship, a year of friendship, of co-operation, of progress in a variety of ways, of people working together in a common course, a year in fact for which we praise God. How grateful we should be for our fellowship together this year.
In surveying the work it has not always been easy as we shall hear, nor in every department have there been great steps forward, but overall God has been at work.
The Women’s Own report that the meeting has continued steadily over the past year. The number of the roll remains at 38. Despite recent difficulties with heating the hall, the average attendance has been good.
It was decided last year not to have a Women’s Sunday Service, but other special events have included The Herts Foundation, B.W.L rallies, an outing to Wisley Gardens in September, and a Christmas Tea. There was a very successful Saturday Coffee Morning a s a result of which over £14 was given to the Home Mission Fund and during the year a record £20 was given to the Baptist Missionary Society. Gratitude is expressed to the many speakers including visits from a number of London Bible College students, who have cheered with their freshness and enthusiasm. Thanks are also due to the members who undertake such tasks as visiting the sick and elderly.
The Ladies Wednesday Group have had an average attendance of approximately 23. There have been a variety of speakers, some of them presenting the Christian message in a direct way, others speaking on matters of common interest.
The ladies are very regular in attendance but one sometimes wonders why some of them come, as they seem unresponsive to the call of Christ. On the other hand, it does give an opportunity for the Christians to have fellowship together and for the Gospel to be preached.
In the work amongst children and young people, the various leaders whilst glad to help are obviously finding the work in some departments hard going. As we know the pattern of our work with children and young people was modified during 1973. The age group between 11 and 13 was previously covered by the Senior Adventurers, but in September 1973, it was agreed to start a new activity to be known as the Junior Youth Fellowship. This would be completely separate from both the Adventurers and YPF and was to be mixed boys and girls. Adventurers lowered its age and now covers 6-10; Primary then became for children to the age of 6,
September saw the first meetings of the Junior Youth Fellowship on Sunday mornings and Monday evenings. The first part of Monday evenings usually includes table tennis and other games and the last half now is given over to a particular subject or theme. Topics have included films, quizzes and holiday evenings as well as visits to old people with harvest gifts, swimming at Amersham and carol singing at Christmas. Bible teaching takes place on Sunday mornings. It has been made clear to the members that Sunday attendance is part of JYF and not an optional extra. For this reason some have been turned away due to non-attendance. The leaders ask for your prayers for discipline and for guidance and wisdom in teaching these young people the essentials of Christian faith.
Adventurers, now dealing with a lower age group, have needed to adapt. It has not always been easy but Adventurers has survived. A less rosy feature of the year has been the discipline, in particular among the boys. In an effort to give the girls a better chance of learning something on Sunday mornings, and in the hope of being able to control the boys, the sexes were separated in January 1974. The girls have benefitted but the boys remain a problem. On the brighter side it has been good to see more parents at the Family Services. Adventurers is hard work and though there are plenty of leaders to share in the task, they do need encouragement. The interest shown by the Church members at the prayer meetings has therefore been greatly appreciated.
Since the reorganisation of the Children’s work, the average attendance in the Primary has been 8. Mrs McDonald has been helped by her daughter now that Elizabeth Ogilvy-Stuart is away. The children had a very happy time at their Christmas party and Mrs McDonald says that one of the things she has learned in the last four months, is that the children make plenty of noise until the time comes for them to sing on their own in church!
The Young People’s Fellowship took on a new lease of life in the Autumn. In the Summer months some of the older members had become less and less regular but with the new session in September, with new recruits from outside and those joining from Adventurers, numbers have improved and have averaged well over 20 each Friday evening. On Sunday evenings too for Bible Study or Fellowship Hour the average attendance has not been far short of this figure. It has been good to see some of the young people baptised and to see a number of the older members showing a mature understanding of the Christian message and expressing their faith in a positive way. Four of the Young People gained their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards, visiting the Palace to receive them from the Duke. The Dyffryn houseparty was another enjoyable and helpful week and it seems that this annual Easter trip to Wales has become an established routine. A year, not without its disappointments, but always much to be grateful for.
What of the wider work of the Church? The ministry under Mr Tidball has continued to stimulate and deepen the faith of the increasing number who attend. We are very grateful for the positive teaching which we all receive. It has been good to see our average congregations grow by 5/10 during the year at both evening and morning service. Whilst our membership remains the same at 54, the adult work in general has moved forward. House Groups have been restored, the young couples group being particularly active and a young men’s group also meets from time to time. The meeting for prayer and bible study too, has added 2 or 3 to its average attendance.
Perhaps the area where the most obvious growth has taken place is in the giving to the Church. We are truly thankful to all who give so generously, and to the Home Mission Fund for their continued support. We still have very considerable debts, but a start has been made in the long period of repayment.
Our Missionary interest remains unimpressive, despite Colin and Sheila’s efforts to stimulate this. Our Missionary week-end was not a real success, as so few attended the Saturday meeting and generally, in prayer, in giving and in reading too little is still heard of overseas work throughout the year. Perhaps here is an area where we need to be more active. We are however, very grateful to Miss Dell and Miss Mayo for their interest in the B.M.S. Birthday Scheme, which prompted us to give £26 last year to the B.M.S. What a good idea to give to others on your birthday! I an sure Miss Dell and Miss Mayo would be delighted to send you a birthday card if you are not already receiving one!
With only a comparatively few in our membership. We are fortunate to have such a vari[e]ty of talent. Not only those who can lead and help in organisations, but others who can maintain church buildings, arrange flowers, play musical instruments, erect garages, knock down walls in basements, make curtains, assist in church cleaning and edit the magazine. What an enormous amount of expertise! Thank you particularly to Mr Jones and Mr Parry for their part in church maintenance, to Mrs Jones and Mrs Standing for their faithful help on the organ and to those many others who in so many ways make our fellowship worthwhile.
What of the future? In times of uncertainty what an opportunity there is for a message which is clear and full of hope. Under the leadership of Mr Tidball as God guides there are great times ahead.
When my family came to Berkhamsted in 1965 and I became Church Secretary two months after (we were desperately short of people at that time!) I can remember even then thinking forward to the day when the Church would be full. I had no doubt in my mind that God was able to do this. In those days the average congregation was 10/15. The church is now fairly full for the start of every Sunday morning service but do we believe this is still only the beginning of what Christ can do if we trust Him? There are thousands of people around us who need to know Him for themselves. Next year we have planned for a Mission, but this year we need to continue and expand the contacts made; not so that we can say we have a larger fellowship, but because knowing Him is reality.
We may need more rooms for youth work on Sundays, we may need more workers, we may need new toilets, but basically we need the presence of Christ among us to lift our fellowship out of the humdrum and ordinary to the heights of spiritual vitality and responsibility which God expects. May this continue to happen in 1974.
Psalm 105:1
“O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon His name :
Make known His deeds among the people.”
Minutes of Ordinary Church Meeting held on 30th April 1974
The Rev Derek Tidball (Chairman)
12 Church Members
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 26.2.74 were read, approved and signed.
Home Mission Fund
The Chairman explained that a request had been received from the Home Mission Fund for the resolution at the previous meeting to be amended in Clause 3 so that the church give an increased amount towards the Minister’s stipend.
The following amended resolution was unanimously agreed:
The Ministry:
1) Recognising the privilege of having a minister (or deaconess) and that our first responsibility as Church Members is the maintenance of the Ministry, we resolve:
a) that application be made to the Fund for a grant to enable us to pay the minimum stipend:
b) that the amount stated below is the most we can offer towards the stipend.
c) That we endeavour to increase each year our portion of the stipend.
2) For this current year (1974) this Church is paying £515 towards the stipend and £50 for ministerial expenses.
3) For 12 months from January 1975, we offer £615 towards the stipend and £50 for expenses.
The Chairman mentioned some future events and then closed the meeting in prayer.
Derek J Tidball
10th September 1974
Minutes of the Special Church Meeting held on 26th June 1974
Rev D J Tidball (Chairman) and 26 Church Members
The meeting was opened with a hymn, Bible reading and prayer.
Apologies were received from Mr & Mrs Parry, Mrs Kemp Harper and Mrs Rolls.
Previous Minutes
The minutes of the Special Church Meeting held on 23rd May 1972 were read, confirmed by the meeting and signed by the Chairman.
Church Secretary
The meeting accepted with much regret the resignation of Mr Dyer as Vice-President and Secretary of the Church, owing to his other Christian commitments. The Chairman expressed the Church’s thanks to Mr Dyer for all his work over the past 8 years.
The Deacons proposed that Mr Bonnett be elected to these vacant positions, and there being no other nominations, Mr Bonnett was elected the Vice President and Church Secretary by ballot, assuming office on 1 September 1974. Mr Bonnett thanked the Church for the confidence placed in him.
Adventurers and Junior Youth Fellowship
Mr Burrows was unanimously elected the leader of the Boys Adventurers. Thanks were expressed to Mr & Mrs Standing for their help with the Boys Adventurers over the past year.
Mr Bonnett resigned as joint leader of the Junior Youth Fellowship and Mr Kemp Harper’s leadership was confirmed. He will be assisted by Mrs Bonnett and Mr Alan Vessey.
Minister’s Salary
It was unanimously agreed to increase Mr Tidball’s salary by £1.20 per week. This amount would be received from the Home Mission Fund.
Missionary Giving
The Church unanimously confirmed the recommendation of the Deacons that £50 per annum be given to Miss Sheila MacLeod to help support her in her work in Borneo.
Any Other Business
It was agreed the Deacons should consider whether a time of open prayer could form part of the Communion Service. They were also asked to consider the accommodation of the Young People’s Fellowship on Sunday mornings.
There being no other business, the meeting was closed in prayer, following the showing of a Tear Fund sound-strip.
Derek J Tidball
2nd March 1976
Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on 10th September 1974
Rev Derek J Tidball in the chair
22 church members
Apologies for absence were received from Messrs Dyer and McDonald
The minutes of the previous ordinary meeting held on 30th April 1974 were read, approved by the meeting and signed by the chairman.
Home Mission Fund
The secretary read correspondence from the Baptist Union relating to the proposed increase in the basic stipend for 1975 requesting an increase in the churches contribution.
The following resolution was proposed by the diaconate and unanimously agreed by the meeting:
The resolution passed at the ordinary meeting held on 26th February 1974 and modified at the meeting held on 30th April 1974 should be further modified in part 3. to read: “For twelve months from January 1975 we offer £665 towards the stipend and £50 for expenses”
An application for church membership had been received from Mr Deane Gardiner. The deacons had appointed Messrs Barker and Kemp-Harper to visit Mr Gardiner. Mr Kemp-Harper reported to the meeting and proposed that Mr Gardiner be made a member. Mr Barker seconded this proposition and the meeting unanimously agreed with pleasure that the application be accepted.
Mr Tidball mentioned various families who have been worshipping at Northchurch recently and who may well be seeking membership shortly. Mention was also made of the progress of Mrs Burrows and Mrs Preston who are in hospital.
The Chairman recorded that Mrs Joy Burton (Nee Lucas) was now living in Reading and had transferred to Earley Baptist Church.
Mr T Jones reported on repairs being carried out and recently completed. The meeting wished to place on record thanks for all the work done in the summer months particularly by Messrs Parry and Jones.
Estimates are awaited from the electricity Board for improvements to the heating in the hall.
The secretary reported on investigations being made into improvement of toilet accommodation.
Mission ‘75
The Chairman reported on preliminary arrangements which have been made for the Church Mission which is to be held from 8th to 16th March 1974 [1975]. Mrs Joan Gibbons and Mr David Pope with two assistants will be coming for the full period. Further details are to be given later.
After discussion it was agreed that all loose cash in the collections on Harvest Sunday 29th September will be donated to the Tear Fund Harvest appeal for a hydro-electric plant for Burundi.
Other Business
The Chairman outlined future events and detailed the autumn programme.
There being no other business the meeting was closed after a period of open prayer.
Derek J Tidball
10th December 1974
Minutes of Ordinary Church Meeting held on 10th December 1974
Rev Derek J Tidball in the chair and 20 church members.
Apologies for absence were received from Messrs Dyer and McDonald
The minutes of the previous ordinary meeting held on 10th September 1974 were read, approved by the meeting and signed by the chairman.
The chairman referred to the home call of one of our oldest members, Mrs Alice Preston after more than sixty years as a member at Northchurch. We thank God for her devoted life and quiet but clear testimony over the years.
The secretary reported on a letter of commendation he had received to an application for transfer from Mr & Mrs David Wright. The Deacons had considered the application and Mr Bonnett proposed that Mr David Wright and Mrs Barbara Wright should be transferred into membership. This proposal was warmly seconded by Mr Kemp-Harper who spoke of his very happy meeting with the couple. The meeting passed this resolution unanimously.
Mr T Jones reported on various repairs to windows and other sundry items. Following discussions on damage by vandals it was agreed to obtain estimates for wire guards for certain of the hall windows.
Mr T Jones also reported on estimates received from the Electricity Board for reheating the hall. An estimate of £182 plus VAT had been obtained for installation of high level fan heaters in the place of the present high level heaters. The E.B. considered that the new heaters would be more efficient and, combining with the convector heaters, the hall would heat up much quicker. In view of the amount of the estimate, Mr Jones was asked to obtain alternative quotes from the Board and an outside firm for additional convector heaters only at this stage.
It was agreed that the church would purchase an immersion heater for heating the baptistry. In addition prices will be obtained for minister’s baptismal equipment with a view to a purchase.
The secretary reported briefly that the deacons had given much thought and prayer to the problems caused on Sundays and certain week evenings by the lack of accommodation. Consideration is being given to a long term proposal for extension of the hall, probably upwards, and this will be reported fully at a later date.
The secretary read a letter from the H.B.A. relating to the sudden death of Rev R F Newis and to a memorial fund for the support of his family. It was proposed from the chair and unanimously agreed that the church should donate a sum of twenty five pounds to this fund.
The chairman asked for the views of members of the integrated communion service held on 1st December. All agreed that the experiment was a very acceptable improvement and it was agreed to continue this practice on Sunday evenings but to continue with a separate service in the mornings.
Pastor’s Free Sundays
The secretary reported that the deacons had discussed this matter with Mr Tidball and made the following proposal. The minister Shall be allowed six free Sundays a year to accept engagements elsewhere and in addition he will be entitled to four weeks holiday a year. This proposal was unanimously agreed with the proviso that six Sundays shall mean twelve services if individual engagements are involved.
Any other business
The chairman reported that he had received a letter from Mrs Eileen Dyer to the effect that she did not wish to continue in 1975 as the church representative on the Ladies section of the BFBSoc. The Deacons will discuss this matter.
In the absence of the treasurer the secretary reported as follows.
At the beginning of December the accounts stood as follows:-
General £1157
Capital £191
Building £338
Missionary £299
The Organ
Mr H Standing raised the question of the dilapidated state of the organ. He said that he felt the instrument was in a very poor state and that consideration should be given to setting up a fund for the purchase of a new one. It was agreed that the secretary should discuss the matter with Mrs Betty Jones and that the matter should then be considered by the deacons.
There being no further business the meeting was closed after a time of open prayer. In particular the pastor spoke of the need for prayer for the mission to be held in March entitled Northchurch Challenge.
Derek J Tidball
24th June 1975
Historic minutes less than 50 years old are not shown on this website. To find out more, wait for next year!