Minute Book
Northchurch Baptist Church Young Peoples Fellowship
(1938 to 1950)
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[These Minutes span the period 1938 - 1950.
Alderman Frederick Stratford had been the popular Pastor at Northchurch since 1925.
In 1938 a new group is formed for the 12 year-old children and upwards - what we would today call teenagers. No fewer than 40 attended the first meeting and throughout this period there were approximately 50 on the books of this new group with 30 regularly attending at the Tuesday meetings.
A highly effective pattern of programmes was soon established by the organising committee, which combined some of the key leaders in the fellowship with representatives of the Young People themselves. Alderman Stratford usually chaired the Committee meetings in person - this was still the age when the pastor was involved in virtually everything that happened.
A typical month would include one devotional meeting - generally led by the Pastor.
There would often be one outside speaker and the other two or three evenings would be home-grown.
One would often be a social evening or various games, quizzes or especially musical evenings would be run.
The music would be played or sung by the group themselves - this was not yet the era of gramophone records. Missionary evenings were also regular, covering such people as Mary Slessor who devoted her life to work in remotest Nigeria, or Rev H B Parris, one of the countless BMS missionaries in the Congo.
The YPF met in the winter/spring months - from October to about April or May. It was not long before social and/or sporting events were being staged a few times during the summer too.
From the very beginning there were good links with equivalent groups in neighbouring churches.
Within a month of starting, in 1938, a joint meeting was being held with the YPF from High Street Baptist, Tring. This link continued strongly throughout these years and further exchanges were soon taking place with Berkhamsted Baptists from 1940, Berkhamsted Methodists from 1944 and Boxmoor Baptists from 1945. The strongest links were probably with High Street Tring and Boxmoor involving the youth from each fellowship travelling to the other's meeting, often to lead it.
This was, of course, the age before regular car ownership. We are reminded of the usual travel arrangements, when in 1947, a resolution was passed that young people of school age should have their bus fares for these joint meetings paid for out of Fellowship funds.
This period straddles the Second World War yet the exchange trips continued, although a minute comments that they did so "despite inconvenience of night travelling in the blackout".
The war saw a loss of leaders and other personnel as they joined the armed forces but thankfully there are no known fatalities - in contrast to WWI. Each Christmas the YPF sent a gift of money to those from the church serving in the forces - very gratefully received by the recipients. The war had some impact on the YPF's programme and also led to fund raising for the British Red Cross or, afterwards, for the Bombed Out Churches Fund.
In 1946 another new group was formed, this time for the slightly younger age group - of under 12's.
This Junior Youth Fellowship began meeting for an hour (6.30- 7.30) on Tuesday evenings immediately before the main YPF meetings. Initially a group of leaders from the YPF ran it, then one of the Sunday School leaders volunteered to take it over.
As still happens today, many of the young people involved in leading these YPF meetings and events, went on to become key church leaders in the years to follow.]
Summer 1938 30th August
Minutes of assemble to discuss Young Peoples Meeting
The meeting started at 8 pm.
Present 27.
The chair being taken by Mr F Stratford (the Pastor).
The meeting started with a hymn (S.S. 823) "Come ye that love the Lord" followed with prayer from the chairman.
In opening the business of the meeting the chairman in a few words expressed the desire the young people of the church had to hold a meeting through the coming winter.
A vote was put to the meeting and carried unanimously, that a Young people meeting should be formed for 1 evening a week during the coming winter months but that it shouldn't in any way take the place of the weekly Prayer & Praise Meeting, on Tuesdays.
After various suggestions as to what evening the meeting could be held, Monday & Wednesday being the only nights free. It was decided that the Young Peoples meeting be held on Tuesday evening and the Prayer & Praise meeting be transfer to Monday, conditions being made that the transfer held as long as the latter meeting didn't suffer by the change.
The Secretary
Mr Stan Purton - proposed Mr R. Brooks seconded by Mr H Davis was carried unanimously.
TIME 7.45 pm on Tuesday was pro. by Mrs H Davis. sec. by Mrs A Halsey carr. unanimously.
Mr Stan Purton - proposed by Mr H Davis seconded Mrs R Brookscarr. unam.
Mr Leslie Owen - proposed Mrs H Davis seconded Mrs S Delderfield. carr. unam.
After nominations, the following were elected to the committee with the officers and Mr Stratford as President.
Mrs H. Davis
" Taylor
" R. Brooks
Miss G Bristoe [Briscoe]
Mr Bruton
" L Owen
Suggestions followed by many assembled, as to varying the form of meetings, one devotional evening each month was a general agreement.
It was then left to the committee to meet and arrange a programme to Christmas.
Starting on Tuesday Oct 4th it was wholly agreed to open with a Young Peoples Social when the Committee would submit the programme.
After expressing thanks to all and to the spirit of fellowship the meeting had run on the chairman concluded with the Benediction.
Horace Bruton
Minutes of meeting Tuesday Sept 5th
Commencing at 8pm the meeting opened with prayer.
(Present 9. (Mr Stratford being on holiday).
Vice Chairman
Proposed by Mr L Owen & Sec Mrs Davis Mr H Bruton was appointed to take the chair. unam.
Business opened on finding a basis on arranging meeting.
On the 1st Tuesday in each month the President (Mr Stratford) be asked to take a devotional meeting, pro by Mrs R Brooks sec Mr L Owen was carried unam.
The meeting aggreed that the first devotional be held the second Tuesday in October owing to the opening Social.
After discussion it was arrange to follow as far as possible a basis for each month as.
1st week Devotional
2nd " Run by members of the Fellowship
3rd " Outside speaker
4th " Run by members of the Fellowship
5th " Musical
Programme October
1st week Social
2nd " Devotional Mr Stratford
3rd " Mr WilliamsonHemel Hempstead
failing other speakers were suggested
4th " Members meeting (pro Mrs Brooks, sec Mr Owen)
Mr Stan Purton to give short address.
Rule (age limit.)
The age of 12 & any year upwards the meeting be opened to
pro Mrs H DavissecMr Owencarried unamous:
Register of members
Miss Grace Bristoe excepted [sic] the work of keeping a record of members attending each meeting after being proposed by Mr L Owen sec Mr S Purton carr. unan.
On devotional evenings it was aggree a roll call of the register be made for reoponees. [?]
A box placed at the door at each meeting was decided to be the best & freest way for a collection.
Pro by Mrs Brooks sec Mr Owen carried unam. A night for Games be arranged on a evening run by members of the Fellowship. At all meetings it was unam. aggree to commence with a devotional opening.
Opening Social
A charge of 6d adults and 2d children under 16 for admission was pro Mr Stan Purton sec Mr Brooks carried unam.
Refreshments for the social was put in the hands of ladies on the committee.
After a happy meeting it was decided to hold another committee in a fortnights time.
The meeting concluded with Prayer.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting 20th September at "Hillview" Gossoms End. [1938]
Commencing at 8.15 the meeting opened with prayer by the chairman (Mr Stratford)
There was present a full committee (10)
Minutes of last meeting were passed & signed.
Mr Stratford excepted [accepted] to take the devotional meeting once a month suggesting he give talks in the opening meetings on the foundation of the Baptist Church. This was unanimously agreed.
Chairmen were appointed.
Oct 11th Mrs Brooks pro Miss G Briscoe sec Mrs Davis
Oct 18 Mrs Taylor pro Mrs Brookssec Mr Bruton
" 25 Mr Bruton pro Mrs Davissec Mr Owen
Nov 1st Mr Davispro Mrs Brookssec Mrs Owen
To arrange the entertainment for the Social a sub committee was appointed- Mr Stratford, Mr Bruton & Mr Owen.
The refreshment for the opening Social it was aggreed to be supplied at the committees own expense.
After interesting talks on future arrangement the Happy meeting ended with Prayer.
F Stratford 18/10/58
Minutes for meeting held 18th October after meeting.
The meeting opened with prayer by the chairman.
There were 9 present.
Minutes of last meeting were read passed & signed.
Arise from minutes of the last meeting.
It was aggreed that the opening Social had been a great and happy evening over 40 being present. The treasurer Mr Stan Purton stated that the Social had brought in £1.2.10 and there had not been any expences. [sic]
The arranging of programmes from future meeting.
Having had a request for a missionary meeting from Miss [Gertrude] Pocock (missionary Sec) it was aggreed that the same be held on the 15th November that a paper be given on Mary Slessor by Mrs R Brooks and the collection be given to the B.M.S.
[Mary Slessor 1848-1915 was a hard working Scottish mill girl and an unorthodox Sunday School teacher, who, inspired by David Livingstone, became a missionary in Calabar, Nigeria, an area where no European had set foot before. Despite several bouts of illness and constant danger, she lived with the tribes, learned their language, and traditions, earning their respect and putting an end to some barbaric practises, such as the killing of twins. She adopted many Nigerian children (particularly twins) who had been left to die.
When Southern Nigeria became a British Protectorate, she became the first ever female Magistrate in the British Empire and a skilful diplomatic emissary.
Mary died in 1915, aged 67, with great mourning amongst the tribes to whom she had dedicated her whole life.]
Mary Slessor
The Chairman stated he had approached Mr E Stratford of Boxmoor on given a talk on Switzerland this he would be please to do. It was aggreed by all, 8th November being free for this evening.
The Secretary said he had been in touch with the Y.P.F. secretary at High St Baptist Church Tring and if the committee aggreed they would send a Deputation over to take the meeting on 22nd November; all were in aggreement.
For the musical evening on November 29th it was decided to have community singing from Song & Solos at the beginning and the end of the meeting led by Mr Stratford the other items for the evening was left for the ladies of the committee to arrange.
It was suggested and carried that Mrs Mayo of Boxmoor should be written for December's speakers evening.
On January 11th it was aggreed we endeavoured to run a social evening in the form of a Mayor's Banquet.
Closing the happy meeting the Chairman pronounced the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held Tuesday 6th December 1938
9 Present
Opened with prayer by the chairman Mr Stratford.
Minutes of the last meeting were read past & signed. Arise from minutes the treasurer Mr Stan Purton stated 4/1 had been handed to Mrs Pocock the church missionary secretary, being the collection from the missionary evening November 15th. The chairman stated what a success the evening had been in respect to Tring Y.P.F. visit over 60 being present that night.
Business opened with a suggestion to ask Mr Williamson to take an evening in the new year.
The secretary said Mr Mayo had promised to take the outside speakers evening in January.
The committee all aggreed that we return the visit to Tring YPF on February 16th (Thursday) that taking the place of our meeting for that week.
Members night January 17th was suggested to be taken and arranged by the men members and aggreed upon.
The New Years Social the chairman stated was being arranged and well in hand.
Closing the meeting the chairman pronounced the
F Stratford 3/1/39
Meeting held Tuesday January 3rd [1939]
9 Present
Opened by prayer by the chairman Mr Stratford.
Minutes were read past and signed.
Business discussed was the arrangement for the Mock Mayors Banquet on January 11th. Mr Stratford suggested two ways in which we could run the Social evening.
1st a Banquet with speeches from representatives of all the departments of this church with toast etc. or 2nd a real mock Mayor Banquet with Aldermen and councillors and a Mace Bearer with speeches from various department of a corporation. The latter was aggreed upon.
Catering for 70 people was organised, the ladies of the committee taking on that good work.
Mr Stratford took the responsibility to arrange the speeches toasts etc.
The meeting concluded happily with all members eagerly awaiting the social.
The chairman pronounced the Benediction.
F Stratford 24/1/39
Meeting held Tuesday 24th Jan. [1939]
Present Full Committee.
The Chairman open with prayer.
Minutes of last meeting were read past & signed.
The business commenced by arranging a programme for the Deputation to Visit TRING High St Baptist Young Peoples on 16 Feb.
Mr Bruton was elected and all aggreed to take the chair on the evening. Items arrange were Mr Stratfords recitation Mr S Purton speaking. Mrs L Owen Mr N Taylor duet. Solo Miss Taylor and a male voice quartet.
On Tuesday 14 February it was aggreed we hold a meeting and this taking the form of a debate, the subject to be given out a week before, Mr Stratford was appointed to the chair for the evening.
The evening February 28th the committee aggreed on a Question evening [in margin is written "changed to musical"] when allmembers be asked to answer some ?
Mr Stan Purton reported that the Social evening (Mayor Banquet) had run on a profit of £1.7.5.
Mr Bruton propose sec. Mrs Taylor that the whole profit £1.7.5 be handed over to the Sunday School to help them in their great work.
No other business came forward & the happy meeting concluded with the Benediction.
F Stratford 28/2/39
Meeting held 28th Feb 1939
9 Present
The chairman open with prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read, past & signed.
Arising from the minutes of last meeting the whole committee aggreed that the visit to High St Baptist Young People Fellowship TRING had been a very happy inspiring evening the chairman expressing the hope such a visit would be possible again ion the future.
March 5 was arranged to be Young Peoples Fellowship Sunday. The whole services being taken by members of the Fellowship Mr Stanley Purton our treasurer to conduct and give the addresses both morning and evening was arranged.
Others taking part in morning service were Secretary Prayer Mr Horace Davis Reading Miss Kathie Davis & Mr Norman Taylor Solos. Taking part in the evening service were Mrs H Davis, prayer, Miss Grace Briscoe, reading Miss Joan Delderfield & Miss R Brooks solos. Misses Taylor & Owen duet.
Programme suggest and aggreed upon were March 14th Question night being the arranged programme for the 28th February but changed to Musical Mr Stratford being appointed to the chair.
March 21st Mr Williamson Hemel Hempstead speaker. Mr Taylor to be asked to take the chair.
March 28th Deputation to Berkhamsted Baptist Young Peoples Fellowship the evening being conducted addressed & entertained by members as at TRING on 16 Feb last.
April 4th Devotional Mr Stratford
April 12th General business meeting to end occasion with reports, survey of past meetings and suggestions for the happy future.
Suggestions were made with all aggreed, that during the Summer we arranged two outdoor Social evenings; definite arrangement being held over for a later date.
The meeting closed with a very happy spirit with the chairman pronouncing the Benediction.
F Stratford
Meeting held 4th April [1939]
Full Committee
Chairman Mr Stratford opened with Prayer
Minutes of the last meeting were read, past and Signed.
From minutes of last meeting the Chairman recalled what a success the Fellowship Sunday had been, the programme being carried through by the young people without a hitch and the services were appreciated by all.
Mr Purton open the business with the suggestion that the Fellowship Sunday be an annual effort by the Y.P.F. and the date be fixed the 1st Sunday in March each year, all aggreed the proposition was then made & carried unanimously.
The secretary submitted the agenda for the General Meeting on April 12th. It was aggreedwe had at this meeting refreshments in the form of tea & biscuits.
The Chairman reported that on Tuesday 6th June Herts Baptist Young Peoples Rally would be held at Watford (Beecham Grove Church).
The short but happy meeting closed with the
F Stratford
Minutes of General Meeting held 12th April 19397.45 pm
35 Present
The president Mr Stratford took the chair.
The meeting opened with a hymn, followed by prayer from the chairman.
Refreshment of tea and biscuits were served all round.
The Secretary read the minutes of the last general assembly followed by a report on general success of the season, stating he believed was the voice of all that the meetings had proved helpful and thanked every member of the Y.P.F. for their ready support and spirit in unity to make the meetings so varied and enjoyable.
The treasurer Mr Purton reported after paying expenses and gifts to sick members he had a balance in hand of £1.19.5 £1 of this was voted by the members to be handed over to the church fund for the lighting and heating expence which must have been extra.
Miss Grace Bristoe The registrar report on the attendance of the meetings, many she stated had been to every meeting.
Business opened when the chairman asked if Tuesday evening should stand as our meeting night, all really aggreed that this be so.
The chairman Mr Stratford was unaminously appointed President.
All aggreed that the officers be elected to serve another session these being
Mrs L Owen pianist;
Miss Grace Briscoe registrar;
Mr Stan Purton treasurer &
Mr R Brooks secretary.
All the committee serving 1938-1939 were elected for the coming season.
Mrs Lewis proposed Mrs Bruton & Mr Taylor be added to the committee.
Mr Stan Purton sec. the proposition and all aggreed.
The opening date of the next session was fixed for Oct 3rd.
After much interesting discussion on future efforts an outdoor Social was suggested by Mr Stratford he stating that maybe Mr Delderfield would loan us a field on his farm at Dudswell and suitable arrangements could be made for a happy gathering together, all aggreed this to be an excellent idea for the Summer and at least 1 or 2 evenings should be arranged.
Mr N Taylor suggested a sport club for the summer evening and a committee was elected and appointed under the leadership of Mr Taylor to arrange a sports meeting one evening a week.
The committee being
Mr Taylor Mr Horace Davis
Mrs Taylor Mr Stan Purton
Miss Mary Final Mr Don Saunders
Miss Joan Delderfield Mr Jack Lewis
The business closed with many encouraging and helpful word from the President. He thanked and praised each one present for doing their uttermost for the Fellowship and he felt sure we all would look forward to many more happy meetings together.
The very happy gathering ended with the Benediction
F Stratford
3/7/39 Confirmed 15/4/40
Meeting held 3rd July 1939
Full committee present
The chairman Mr Stratford opened with prayer.
Minutes of the meetings held the 4th April & 12th April were read past & Signed.
The chairman reported the out of doors socials to have been a great success. The first in June we had had the Y.P. Fellowship of High St Tring to visit us and the second at the beginning of August we had travelled to Tring for a return social visit [the dates suggest this had not yet happened so was either anticipatory or minuted afterwards]
Proposed by Mr Stan Purton Oct 3rd opening night should be run as a Social, Mr Owen sec, and was carr. unn.
It was then aggreed the bases of the coming session should be similar to that of last session.
Enterchanges [sic] with other Young People meetings was suggested.
The chairman stated he had been in touch with the LMS and Ovaltine to have two evening lectures by them.
The short but happy meeting concluded with prayer.
F Stratford
Meeting held 29.8.39
9 Present
Chair was taken by the President.
Mr Stan Purton opened with Prayer.
Minutes of last meeting were read past & Signed.
Arising from the minutes the chairman stated the LMS Lecture to be held on Nov 21st was to be given on a holiday in Scotland lectured by Mr Stanley Hall of Kings Langley.
It was decided for the evening of Oct 31st (Ovaltine Lecture) it be announced all children under 12 could not be admitted.
Social was handed over to the Ladies of the Committee to arrange the Catering; the admission charge fixed was 6 adults 2d children.
Members evening Nov 28th four ladies of the committee offered to give papers of short duration, Mrs Taylor, L Owen, R Brooks & Miss G Briscoe with Mrs Davis as the chair.
Mr Bruton propose some of the younger members be asked to announce hymns at the meetings this was unan. aggreed.
Wednesday was aggreed by all to be the most suitable evening to form the Social club for the winter which had been suggested by the Sports committee. The committee placed this suggestion to the pastor and decons [sic] of the Church after it was unanimously voted any such Social Club be arranged by the Y.P.F. Committee.
The happy meeting ended with prayer.
F Stratford 26/9/39
[Britain declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939]
Minutes of meeting held Tuesday Sept 26 7.30 pm
9 Present
The chairman [sic] was taken by Mr Stratford who opened with prayer.
Minutes were read past and Signed.
Arising out of minutes, Mr Stratford said unfortunately owing to the circumstances the country was passed in, the L.M.S. lecture arrange for Nov 21. could not be given.
Arrangements for the opening Social were submitted, are refreshments being given.
Mr Taylor & Mr Davis were appointed stewards of the newly formed Social Club to report to the committee, submit proposals and see the rules layed down by the Church were adhered to.
Chairman were appointed for all the meetings to Christmas. Four women of the bible, Miriam, Ruth, Mary & Mary Magdelene [sic] were suggest for papers to form the ladies evening in November.
For the Wednesday night Local club Mr Stratford was asked to get a few more new games these to be paid for out of the Sports club fund.
A subscription of 1d a night was fixed for members of the Club over 14 years old.
This ended the business the happy meeting concluded with Prayer.
Minutes of meeting held 10.10.39 after 1st Devotional meeting of Season.
9 Present
Mr Stratford took the chair.
Refreshments were suggest in the form of a cup of tea and biscuit to be given to our friends at Berkhamsted on their visit the following Tuesday Oct 17 this suggestion was aggreed upon by all.
The Secretary stated he had received a letter from the High St. Young People Fellowship Tring asking us to give them an evening visit in the near future. The chairman after stating the inconvenience of night travelling in the blackout put it to the meeting. All were in favour of excepting [accepting] the invitation and it was left that a date should be arranged.
Mr Stan Purton asked if he could be relieved of the office of treasurer. After the committee heard the good motive Mr S Purton had in resigning the office the committee excepted in and Mr Luke Owen was unanimously appointed the new treasurer of the Fellowship.
The business ended and this fine spirited meeting concluded with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held Oct 24th 1939
Full Committee present
The meeting opened with prayer by the Chairman.
Minutes of last meetings were read past and Signed.
Business opened with arrangement for the visit to High St Tring Y.P.F. on November 9th. Mr Bruton was unanimously appointed to the Chair and Mr Stan Purton offered to give the address. Items arranged were Pianoforte Solo Miss K Davis & a Solo by Mr Don Saunders.
A Debate was suggested for Nov. 21st this was aggreed unaminously. The subject decided on was "Should Women have equality with Men". Mrs Taylor offer to take the positive and Mr Brooks the negative.
This concluded the business this happy meeting concluded with Prayer.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held 28 Nov 1939
9 Present
The meeting open with prayer by the Chairman.
Minutes were read past & Signed.
Arising out of minutes the chairman remarked on the visit to Tring remarking what a fine spirited and enjoyable time had been spent.
Business of arranging programmes for the new year open by all aggreeing we arrange a social for the 17th of January. The 3rd January was given over to the Sunday School Christmas tea. Devotional on the 9th January; outside speaker (Mr Williamson of Hemel Hempstead) 23rd and a men night on Jan 30th . Feb 6th Devotional 13th members night 20 Mr Mayo speaker 27th visit from YPF Tring.
Mr Purton suggested the existing library of the church be opened by the Fellowship this was made a proposition sec by Mrs Brooks and carried unanimously. A committee was appointed for arrangements of the library those elected were Mrs Henry Davis Mr Purton & Mrs R Brooks.
This ending the business the happy meeting concluded with Prayer.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held 8 Jan. 1940 following United Prayer meeting
11 Present
Minutes of last meeting were read past and Signed.
Arrangement of dates of programme started the business. The devotional meeting for Feb was aggreed to being put forward a week for the 30th Jan (the mens evening being postponed for a later date). Reason being our yearly midweek missionary meeting had been fixed for Tuesday evening the 6th Feb missionary being Mr Parris of the Congo.
[Rev H B Parris was in the Belgian Congo with BMS from 1922 to about 1949 working in the Yakusa area]
Feb 15th was arranged for a visit to Berkhamsted Baptist Y.P.F. programme to be arranged on a Devotional line. Owing to difficulty of arranging Sunday pulpit supplies Mr Stratford the chairman suggested Easter Sunday, and all aggreed, to be the YPF Sunday for the year.
Items for a choral meeting on 16th Jan were ask for; the following was arranged, Mr Bruton was appointed to the chair, Choruses from the chorus book. Solos by Mrs Davis, Mr Les Owen & Mr Henry Davis. Duets Miss Grace Briscoe & Don Saunders; Mrs Mary Excel & Mr Stan Purton & Mr Stratford a Roaming.
The Social for Wednesday 10 Jan the ladies of the committee were put in charge of catering (Jellies, Trifles & Blancmang[e] being a little extra for this night.)
Mr S Purton stated the existing books in the library had been all marked and number[ed] ready for the opening of the library as proposed a last meeting.
This ending the business Prayer by Mr Purton ended the happy meeting.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held 5th March [1940]
Mr Stratford was in the Chair & Present 9.
Minutes of the last meeting were read past & Signed.
Arising out of minutes it was reported that a very happy and well spirited meeting had been held at Berkhamsted Baptist Y.P.F. on Feb 13th when many of our members took active part.
For the Mens programme fixed for Mar 12th the following were suggested to be asked to give short talk Mr H Bruton, Leslie Owen, Horace Davis & Don Saunders. Supporting several musical items were arranged.
The next business being our Young Peoples Sunday, Easter day, Speakers were chosen, ladies for the evening meeting Mrs Norman Taylor & Mrs R Brooks. For the morning service, Mr Stanley Purton & R Brooks other arrangements were left for a further committee.
It was stated the library would be opened on March 12th, Mr Walter Delderfield being appointed librarian.
The chairman concluded the meeting with prayer.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held 12 March [1940]
10 Present
Mr Stratford was in the chair and opened with prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read past & signed.
For the evening of March 19th the chairman stated he had been able to secure Mr Beckly Jun of Amersham to give a cinematograph all aggreed this would make an enjoyable evening.
March 26th a question night was aggreed upon as a members evening.
On April 2nd it was stated Mr Albert Stratford of Boxmoor [Mr Stratford, the Pastor's son] had kindly consented to address the meeting that evening and it was aggreed Mr Stratford's (our President) Devotional evening should be a week later April 9th.
Items for Easter Sunday were arranged being the quartets and anthem by the choir.
The happy meeting concluded with Prayer by the Chairman.
Minutes of General meeting held 16 April 1940
30 were Present
Chair was taken by Mr Stratford.
Commencing the meeting with a hymn Mr Stan Purton followed by Prayer.
Minutes of the last General Meeting were read past & Signed.
The Chairman Mr Stratford gave many encouragingremarks on the season drawing to a close then call upon officers of the Fellowship to give reports.
The Treasurer Mr L Owen stated after paying all expences the general fund had in hand £3.5.10 and 7/6 in the Winter sports fund. The latter was voted to be placed in the General Fund. Mr Owen full statement was accepted on the proposition of Mr Taylor sec. by Mr Nash and carried unanimously. Mr Stan Purton proposed the Fellowship gave to the church £1 of the fund this the expence of lighting and heating sec. by Mrs Brooks the proposition was carried unanimously.
Mr Henry Davis proposed another £1 be loaned to the church for renovation. Mrs Taylor sec. it. Mr N Taylor raised an amendment that £2 should be loan to the Church this was sec. by Mr Owen. Voting took place in the usual way and the amendment was carried that £2 be loaned.
The Registrar Miss Grace Briscoe reported 48 members on the register and that many had attended all meetings.
The Secretary R Brooks stated the passing season had been a success in every way despite the blackout evenings and praise was due to all the members for their help support and enthusiasm as part of our beloved Northchurch church we had come into good fellowship with our Churches in the district by interchange of meetings which had produced much Christian spirit. Our president he continued had had always lead [sic] us and had given us a devotional evening each month with such keen results that he believed none would forget them whatever else slip our memory. The outdoor Sports Club lead by Mr Taylor proved a great summer recreation and the Fellowship Sunday on Easter day all would recall as great occasions.
The President presented three books to Mrs Owen Mrs R Brooks and Mr Owen for discovering and finding the right texts at several of the Devotional evenings.
The Officers and committee were elected to serve for another season with the addission [addition] of Mr Henry Davis on the committee. Mr Don Saunders proposed Miss Kathie Davis [then aged 14] be appointed ass pianist sec Mr Brooks the proposition was carried unanimously.
The leader of the Sports club Mr Taylor was appointed again with the serving committee these being proposed by the chairman and sec by Mr Nash.
Programmes of similar character were suggested for the next season and left for the committee to arrange, this ended the business the happy meeting ended with pray from the chairman.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held Monday 19 August 1940
Present 12
The President Mr Stratford took the Chair and open with Prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read past and Signed.
The Chairman stated a general meeting had been held on July 22nd and at this meeting many interesting items for the winter session had been discussed and we as the committee were now meet to make the progress needed for the beginning month of the coming season. Continuing he said it had been aggreed that we opened the Session on Oct 1st with a united Social and that the basis of the meeting be similar to that of previous years.
Programmes up to the end of the year were arranged consisting of Ladies evening, Musical, Question evening an one for Debate, Devotional and outside Speakers were arranged once monthly.
Mrs Leslie Owen the pianist was suggested to arrange the musical items at our evening meetings this the pianist readily excepted [accepted] and was carried by the meeting.
Time of starting was brought to the meeting and it was aggreed we commenced at 7.30 each Tuesday night instead of 7.45.
Ending the business the meeting concluded with Prayer by the Chairman.
Minutes of meeting held 30 Sept 1940
Present 11
The meeting opened with prayer by the Chairman.
Business arranged was programme for visit to Tring Oct 17 and final items for opening Social.
The ladies were suggested to give the evening at Tring and readily aggreed. Mrs Taylor and Mrs Brooks giving papers & the Chairman stated he had had a request from the Berkhamsted Y.P.F. to be able to join in the Opening Social. To this request the committee readily extended the invitation.
Arrangements for the social were that the President carried the programme through in the usual way and refreshment would [be] left in the hands of the ladies of the Fellowship.
The Chairman closed regretting it would be doubtful whether the Cinematograph fixed for Oct 22nd could be arranged.
The short but happy meeting ended with Prayer.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held 3rd Dec 1940
Present 11
The meeting opened with prayer by the Chairman Mr Stratford.
Minutes were read past and Signed.
Arising from minutes the Chairman stated the opening Social which our Friends at Berkhamsted Baptist Y.P.F. had joined in had been a great success.
Opening the business a suggestion was carried unanimous that two parcels for Xmas be sent to our two friends in the forces Mr Carey & Mr F Puddephattthe value being 10/- each draw from the fund.
Arrangement of programmes were aggreed to as follows.
Dec 17 Carol Service lead by Mr Stan Purton
Dec 31st Social at 7.30 followed by a watch night Service at 11.30
Jan 14th outside Speaker Mr Skurman
Feb 18th Mr Albert Stratford outside Speaker
This concluded the business of the happy meeting concluded with Prayer.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held 14 Jan 1941
Present 10
The President Mr Stratford presided and opened with Prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read past and Signed.
Two letters were read these being from our friends in the forces, Mr Carey and Mr Puddephat in thanks to the Fellowship for our thought and Xmas gift to them.
Arrangement of programmes were made one change in the outside speaker's night was that Mr Albert Stratford would take Jan 21st and Mr Skurman also of Hemel Hempstead would take Feb 18th.
Jan 28th was suggested to be taken by Mrs R Brooks on Hymns we sing often.
Feb 11thMr Stan Purton was asked to give an address &
Feb 25th a missionary evening was proposed all this the committee unanimously aggreed upon.
An invitation by the Berkhamsted YPF to their meeting on March the 4th was accepted and Mr Stratford as asked to speak on that night which he accepted. Other items were left for further committees.
This concluded the meeting which ended with Prayer.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held Feb 11th [1941]
9 Present
The Chair was taken by Mr Stratford who opened with Prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read past & Signed.
Arrangements for refreshments on the night of Tring's YPF opened the business.
Our Sunday March 2nd was brought forward for the Committee to arrange and all aggreed to the following.
Morning speakers Mrs H Davis and Mr H Bruton (children)
Mrs Brooks leader of the service & Mr L Owen soloist.
Afternoon SpeakersMr Excess & Mr R Brooks
Leader Mr S. Purton & Soloists Mrs Taylor & Mr Don Saunders. 1 hymn from SS was aggreed should be sung together by all member of the Y.P. Fellowship.
This concluding the business the happy meeting closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held 11.3.41
Present 8
The Chair was taken by the President who opened with Prayer.
Minutes of last meeting were read past & signed.
Reports were given by the chairman & secretary on the Y.P.F. Sunday March 2nd, it having been a great success, with good attendance & good spirit. Reporting on our visitors from Tring YPF & our visit to Berkhamsted Y.P.F. both meetings were carried through with enthusiasm, at the former meeting the Rev Wells newly appointed minister to Tring spoke, and the President Mr Stratford spoke on our visit to Berkhamsted.
Business opened with arrangements being made for a missionary Lecture given by Rev Dawson on Tuesday March 18.
March 25th was suggested as an outside speakers night and that Mr E G Stratford be asked to speak.
April 8th a Social was aggreed upon and after much discussion the closing date for the session was held over for a further committee meeting.
This concluding the business the meeting closed with Prayer.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held 17-3-41
10 present
The Chair being taken by Mr Stratford who opened with prayer.
The minutes of last meeting were read, passed & signed, the Chairman then opened the business by stating that all arrangements had been made for the Lantern Lecture to be held on Tuesday 18th March 1941.
Then it was put to the meeting of the need for electing a new secretary owing to Mr R. Brooks being called for National Service. Mr Stratford proposed that an appreciation of the wholehearted work of Mr Brooks during the whole of his service to fellowship be recorded. This was seconded by Mrs Taylor all were in agreement.
Mr Stratford then called for a proposal for a new secretary. Mr S. Purton proposed that if they were willing Mr & Mrs Owen be asked to accept this office it Sec. by Mr Bruton and all present were in favour.
It was then suggested that Mr Owen be relieved of the task of Treasurer in view of the new task. Mr Davis made the proposition that Mr & Mrs Bruton be asked to accept this office Mrs. Brooks seconded and all were in agreement and Mr & Mrs Bruton willingly accepted.
This concluded the business for the evening and the President closed with prayer.
F Stratford
1/3/41 [wrongly dated - presumably 1/4/41]
Minutes of meeting held April 1st 1941
There were 10 present
Mr. Stratford was in the chair and opened with prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read passed & signed.
The president then opened the meeting by asking for suggestions as to what arrangements should be made for the social evening to be held April 8th. All agreed that it should be left to the President to purchase the refreshments. It was then arranged that the charges should be 6d adults and 3d children, and the President suggested that as the Sunday School was not very well off for funds, any profits that were made from the social should be given to them. This was readily agreed to by the committee.
Mr Stratford asked if we should carry the meetings on after Easter and it was arranged that a musical evening be given by the members, Mr Purton being asked to get a programme together, for the Tuesday following Easter.
This ended the business for the evening and The President closed with prayer.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held April 22nd 1941.
9 being present.
The President was in the chair and he opened with prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read, passed and signed.
Arrangements for a Programme for the coming month opened the business and Mr. Stratford asked for suggestions as to how these should be run.
Mr. Taylor suggested an open debate on a certain chapter of reading and agreed to take the job of reading the portion to be debated. Outside speakers were again to be invited and the programme was fixed up for the month. The first meeting each month to be a Devotional as usual.
Reference was made to the social which all agreed was a great success.
Miss. Grace Briscoe Secretary of the S.S. said the sum of 30/- was raised for the S.S. Funds for which they were most gratefull.
Mr. Purton expressed his thanks at the social and in appreciation of the President's good services to the fellowship presented him with a Bible.
This brought the business to a conclusion and the meeting was closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held 20th May 1941
11 being present
The President opened with prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read, passed & signed.
A Letter was then read by the secretary, from Tring Y.P.F. an invitation to join them in an outdoor social.
Three dates were given and as the 11th of June was the most suitable this date was fixed. It was then agreed by all that we should ask them for a return visit and the programme was arranged for the month, making the Tring return visit in July if convenient to them.
The President said he had an offer from Mr. Excell, saying he would be pleased to take one of the meetings so it was arranged that he should give the address on the 17th June.
Mrs Brooks then asked if we were to have a Missionary Meeting during the Summer Season and when all agreed there should be one, Mrs Brooks accepted the suggestion to give an address on a missionary topic.
Then a matter which concerned the treasurer of the sports Club was brought forward by Mrs. Brooks. Miss. Joan Delderfield had the sum of £2 on her hands, and she wished to place the money in the hands of the Treasurer of the Y.P.F. Mrs H. Davis proposed that it be paid into the Y.P.F. Fund and this was seconded by Mrs R. Brooks, all were in agreement. The President said the money could be refunded to the Sports Club in the event of them starting again.
This concluded the business and the President closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held 24th June 1941
7 Present
The President was in the chair and he opened with prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read passed and signed.
The business to be arranged was opened by the President, who said the programme for the 8th of July had not been arranged, and asked for suggestions as to the type of meeting we should have. Mr. Owen suggested we ask Mrs. Brooks to give a talk on The Authors of Hymns and how they were written as she had to cancel the missionary talk which was given instead by Mr. Taylor. This was agreed upon and Mrs. Brooks was willing.
Next came the arrangements for the united open air Social. The President suggested we should provide lemonade and cakes, he being willing to purchase them, so the sum of 10/- was allowed for them to be taken from the funds.
Mr. Stratford then brought before the committee a matter concerning four of the members of the Y.P.F. who were being married shortly and he felt that some little gift should be presented to them. Suggestions were put forward, and after some discussion it was agreed that the Y.P.F. and the Choir (if they agreed to it) should make a joint gift. Mrs. Brooks & Mrs. Owen were selected from the Y.P.F. and Mrs. Delderfield and Miss. Halsey for the choir, as representatives, to select a suitable gift for both couples.
This brought the meeting to a conclusion and the President closed with prayer.
July 15th
Last minute arrangements were made for the united Social evening to be held on 16th July. This took place in the Schoolroom as the weather was not suitable for outdoor sport. A good number from Tring arrived and a happy evening followed.
This ended the Summer Session and the President expressed his appreciation for the Good number which had attended during the Summer.
F Stratford
Beginning of Winter Session 1941
Minutes of meeting held 22nd Sept. 1941
10 being present.
The President was in the chair and he opened the meeting with prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting, read passed & signed.
The business in hand was the arrangeing [sic] of the programme for the coming winter session. It was decided at first to open with a social evening, refreshments were arranged by the ladies of the committee. This took place on the 7th Oct.
Suggestions were then made by various members as to what form the meetings should take during the winter. After some discussion it was decided the following should be the basis of the programme.
The first Tuesday in every month should be a devotional meeting. Mr. Stratford to lead these. A suggestion was put forward by Mr. S. Purton that a subject should be taken w[h]ich could afterwards be discussed and different opinions expressed and questions asked. Mr. Stratford said he would do his best to make the subject as interesting as possible, all agreed to the suggestion.
The 2nd Tuesday was to be taken by one of the members and six volunteered to do so. The subjects to be taken were the lives of famous men & women.
The 3rd Tuesday was selected for a musical evening and the 4th was to be taken one month by Mr. S. Purton and Mrs. Brooks on the following month.
An invitation from Tring Y.P.F. was read by the Secretary and was accepted. This was to take the form of an evening at Tring and a programme was arranged. 3 musical Items one by the men, and a quartette by four young members and a duet by two others. Mr Stratford to give the address and Mr. Davis to lead.
This was to take place on the 30th October, on a Thursday but it was decided not to cancel our usual Tuesday meeting.
This concluded the business for the evening the programme being arranged up to Christmas and the happy meeting ended with the Benediction by Mr. Stratford.
Nov. 18th
The President called the Committee together to decide what presents we could send to our members in the Forces. After some discussion a proposal was made by Mr. Taylor that we send 5/- in money to all of the members. This was seconded by Mr Owen and all were in agreement.
Dec. 9th
No committee meeting had been arranged for this date but certain things had to be arranged for the coming Festive season of Christmas, also we needed a speaker for 16th December. It was decided that we asked Mr Hearnden to take this meeting. Mr. Purton was willing to lead the meeting on 23rd which was to be a carol service with members taking part.
Then the President asked if we should have a social after Xmas. All the committee decided this could be arranged, the ladies being left to see to the refreshments. The social to be held on the 31st Dec. combining it with a watchnight service to be led by Mr. S. Purton.
Jan 6th. It was decided not to hold a meeting on this date but an appeal would be made for the Young People to get together and attend the United meeting to be held at Berkhamsted Baptist Church.
This ended the business and the President Closed the happy meeting with prayer.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held 21st April 1942
10 Present. Mr Stratford being in the chair.
The minutes of the last meeting were read passed and signed.
Business opened with arrangements of the programme for the month up to Whitsun.
Mr. Stratford then stated that he was pleased that after voting by Ballot the meetings were to carry on through part of the Summer months, and the arrangement of these meetings would be left up to the Committee.
A suggestion that Mr. Purton be asked to take the meeting on the following week, 28th April, all were in agreement. The next week would of course be devotional being first in the month.
Mr. Taylor was then asked if he would give a missionary talk, and as he was agreeable this was arranged for May 12th a collection to be taken up for B.M.S. effort.
Mr. Owen then said that he thought Mr Bruton could get up another intelligence test as everyone seemed to enjoy the previous one. this was agreed upon and the date May 19th fixed.
Mr Davis then brought forward the suggestion of buying some hymn books for use at the meetings, everyone seemed to think they were needed so Mr Stratford said he would get a catalogue of prices and see how much we could spend on the books.
Next came a suggestion of all the church getting together on Whit Monday and going to Mr Delderfield's Farm for an outdoor Social. All bringing out own food to be pooled and a charge of 6d made to go towards our missionary effort. This was decided on, providing that Mr Delderfield would let us have a field.
This brought the meeting to an end and the President closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held 5th May 1942
10 Being Present.
The President was in the chair and opened the meeting with prayer.
Business arising from the Minutes was first the arrangements for Whit Monday Social. After some discussion it was decided that the male members of the committee should arrange the sports and competitions for which an entrance fee of 1d be charged and small prizes given to winners. Mrs. Bruton & Mrs Davis kindly offered to contribute to some prizes.
The ladies of the committee were left to see to the tea and refreshments and the fee was fixed at 6d adults and the President said as some children were likely to come 3d should be charged for them.
Next came the decision of buying some more hymn books and after considering the price list it was proposed by Mr Davis and sec. Mr L Owen that we buy 1 doz books at 2/6 each and later on when the funds had accumulated we would purchase more, this was unanimously agreed to.
Mr. Purton then mentioned an invitation he had recieved [sic] from Berkhamsted Y.P.F. and he said he understood we were expected to take the meeting as he had been asked to lead it. Mr Stratford said he would like a more definite arrangement and Mr Purton agreed to enquire into the invitation.
Then arose the question of having a Y.P.F. Sunday this year. The President said he was sorry about overlooking this and it had already been mentioned to him. He was willing we should have one and he had a vacant date but this was left for the time being and Mr. Purton proposed we hold a committee the following week.
This ended the business to date and the happy meeting ended with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held 12th May 1942
8 Present.
Mr. Stratford in the chair opened the meeting with prayer.
Minutes of last meeting read passed & signed.
The business in hand was first arrangements to be made for taking the meeting at Berkhamsted. Mr. Purton said he had recieved a letter from the Y.P.F. at Berkhamsted and they would be pleased for us to conduct the meeting. June 30th.
Chairman. It was proposed by Mr. Davis and sec. By Mr. Bruton that Mr. Owen be Chairman, all were in agreement.
Musical Items. Mr Taylor Proposed that Grace Briscoe sing a solo. Mrs Davis sec. all agreed.
Duet K Davis & Mr Purton. Quartette Mr Owen, Mr Purton, Mrs Purton & Mrs Owen. Male Trio. Mr Davis, Mr Nash, Mr Taylor.
Prayer Mrs. Davis. ReadingAubrey Delderfield.
Then came the fixing of a Date for Y.P.F. Sunday. This was agreed to take place the 21st June.
Mr Stratford suggested that the programme arranged for Berkhamsted be given at the evening meeting. The secretary being left to get some of the younger members to sing in the morning. The Speakers for the meetings were arranged as follows.
Childrens Address Mr Excell and Mrs Davis for the morning.
Evening meeting Mrs Brooks and Mr Stratford.
This brought the happy meeting to an end and the President closed with prayer.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held 9th June 1942
6 were present.
The President who was in the chair opened with a short prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read passed & signed.
The business in hand was the programme for the few weeks up to the closing of the meetings. It was decided upon considering the anniversary would be held on the Monday that we should cancel the meeting on Tues 16th.
The 23rd was arranged as a musical, and the 30th was already booked up and a meeting at Berkhamsted had been fixed for this date. Their remained only 7th July and as we agreed to finish on the 14th It was decided that we could not do better than make the 7th our last meeting and a devotional meeting. The 14th was the[n] left open to take the form of a business meeting.
This brought an end to the business and the short but happy meeting ended with a prayer by Mr. Stratford.
Minutes of General Meeting held 14th July 1942
19 Members were present.
The meeting commenced with a hymn, followed by a Prayer from Mr. Purton.
Business opened by Treasurers report from Mr. Bruton who stated that we had in hand a Balance of £3.12.9½. A proposition that this be accepted was made by Mrs Davis and sec Mrs Brooks.
Mr. Davis proposed £1.0.0 to the Church Funds for gas etc which we had used.
Re-election of Officers & Committee was as follows.
President Mr. Stratford
Vice President Mr. Purton
Secretarys Mr & Mrs Owen
Treasurers Mr & Mrs Bruton
Registrar Mrs Puddefoot
Pianist Mrs Owen
Ass. Pianist K Davis
Miss M Hards
Mrs Davis
Miss Briscoe
Mrs Brooks
Mr Davis
Mr A Delderfield
Miss M Purton
Basis of meetings.
Oct 6th Commence with Social 1st meeting
Devotionalalso it was suggested that we have speakers this year other than devotional.
Suggestions were invited from members
This ended the business and Mr Stratford expressed his wish that attendances would be as good as previous sessions also hoping that all members who were not enjoying the best of health at the time would return to us fully renewed in health.
After enjoying a cup of Tea together the meeting was closed by prayer.
Minutes of Meeting held Oct 5th 1942
10 being present.
Mr Stratford being chairman led with prayer.
As there were no minutes to read the business was started at once.
Suggestions were invited as to who we should ask as outside speakers. Several were suggested and Mr. Stratford said he would get in touch with the following speakers to see if they were able & willing to come.
Mr. Reed Mr. Collict Mr. Gilmour
Mr. Loosely
Mr. Gilmour was booked for 27th Oct.
The first Tuesday in the month was to be held as a social evening. The 13th Oct Devotional.
20th Oct. Question night for members.
Nov. 17th Mr. Stratford asked members to keep open this date as he would like to give an evening on the history of the Baptist Church at Northchurch.
All agreed this would make an interesting evening as the time of 100 years had brought many changes.
Then Mr. Stratford brought forward a matter concerning the post of secretary, circumstances had arrisen, which would require the choosing of a new secretary. He suggested that Miss. Hards be asked to take this post, and the committee were in complete agreement, providing Miss. Hards was herself. She said she would be pleased to take the position.
This brought the short but happy meeting to a close. Mr. Stratford pronouncing the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held Dec; 1st 1942
9 being present.
Mr. Stratford opened the meeting with prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read passes & signed, the meeting then proceeded as follows. It was suggested that Mr Loosely should be written to regarding speaking to the Y.P.F. on some future date. This Mr. Stratford said he would do.
Three more suggestions were made with regard to our future programmes, the first was that Mr. Albert Stratford should be asked to speak to us on Tues; Dec; 15th , the 2nd was that on Dec; 22nd we should have an outside Carol Service, led by Mr. S. Purton; if possible for the Red Cross Funds, the 3rd was that instead of having our usual Tuesday evening service on Dec; 29th we should postpone it until the following Thurs; evening Dec; 31stand have a social & watch-night service combined, with Mr. S. Purton leading the Watch-night service, all agreed to these suggestions.
Then it was suggested that the usual gift of 5s/- each should be sent to the members who were in the Forces, the collection this year being open for all, including members of the Church & congregation, this was carried unanimously.
Our pleasant meeting then came to a close, with Mr. Stratford pronouncing the Benediction.
F Stratford 12/1/43
Minutes of Meeting held on January 12th 1943
10 being present,
Mr. Stratford opened the meeting with prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read passed and signed, there were three questions arising from the minutes.
The first was that Mr. Stratford had written to Mr. Loosely, and he was quite willing to come along to speak, so it was agreed to ask Mr. Loosely to come on Jan; 26th.
The second was that instead of 5s/- being sent to members who were in the Forces, 7s/6d each was sent, this change was owing to the large response we had received from the Church & Congregation. Mr. Stratford said he had received letters from all except two, who were abroad, thanking all who gave, and expressing their appreciation for all kind thoughts.
The third was with regard to the outside carol-service which was led by Mr. S. Purton, who said that the service was a great success, much enjoyed by the people of the village, and the collection for the British Red Cross fund was £4.0.7¾.
Mr. S. Purton also said that the Watch-night service held on Dec; 31st 1942 was a success and very enjoyable 24 being present.
After these questions, our future programme was the next item, Mr. Stratford suggested a spelling-bee to be held on Tues; Jan 19th all agreed to this.
The a letter from Tring Baptist Church was read, and this was asking us to visit them and take their meeting either on Feb; 11th 18th or 25th all were agreed on Feb; 18th the committee decided that the programme we had on Tues; Feb; 16th we should do at Tring. Feb; 9th was suggested to be held as ladies night, Feb; 23rd as a social evening and Mr. Bruton was suggested for March 9th the first Tuesday in each month still being kept for a devotional service, all were in agreement to these suggestions.
Our happy meeting came to a close with Mr. Stratford pronouncing the benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held March 9th 1943
13 being present,
Mr Stratford opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read passed and signed.
There was one question arising from the minutes & that was that Mr. Stratford had received a letter of appreciation from one of the Forces who was in Canada.
Our future programme was the next item, March 16th was suggested for a musical free & easy, led by Mr. S. Purton. Mr. Gilmore was suggested by Mr. Stratford for March 23rd all were in agreement.
Mr. Stratford said he would write to Mr. Gilmore. Mr. Stratford suggested we have a social evening on March 30th and the money from the social to be given to the Sunday school funds, all were in agreement.
April the 6th Devotional.
It was suggested by Mr. Davies that we should ask Mr. Lomax to give a Lantern lecture, and April 13th was the date suggested, all were in agreement to this suggestion.
Mr. Stratford said he had an invitation from Berkhamsted Baptist Church Y.P.F. for our Y.P.F. to take their meeting, it was proposed by Mrs. Brooks and seconded by Mrs. Davies that we go on April 20th all were in agreement to this proposal. It was suggested that we invite High St; Tring Y.P.F. to come along to take our meeting on April 27th all were in agreement.
Mr. Stratford then brought before the committee a matter concerning two of the members of the Y.P.F. who were shortly to be married, he felt that some little gift should be given them, all were in agreement to this and Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Davies were chosen from the Y.P.F. to combine with two members from the Choir to buy a suitable gift. This brought the pleasant meeting to a close, with Mr. Stratford pronouncing the benediction.
F Stratford 23/3/43
Minutes of meeting held on April 6th 1943
10 being present.
The meeting opened with prayer by the chairman.
Business arranged was programme for visit to Berkhamsted Y.P.F. on April 20th. The committee agreed to the following programme.
Mr. Excell, ChairmanMrs. Brooks to read paper. Mr. & Mrs. Purton Duet, Mr. A Delderfield, SoloMiss K. Davies Piano. Solo.
Then the next business was to arrange something for April 27th as Tring Y.P.F. were unable to come on that date so a social was suggested, and all were in favour, May 4th was suggested as a musical evening, with Mr. Davies and Mr. Bruton leading, all were in agreement, the meeting ended with prayer by the chairman.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held on May 25th 1943
9 being present.
Mr. Stratford opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read passed and signed. The committee next proceeded to make arrangements for future programmes.
June 1st was suggested for a devotional service, June 8th was suggested to be a paper on Hymns to be given by Mrs. Brooks, on June 15th there was to be no Y.P.F. meeting, as Monday June 14th was Whit Monday and our people would be going to Tring for the day. Mrs. Brooks proposed that June 22nd should be a business meeting. Mr Davies proposed that on June 29th we had a social. The Committee were in agreement with these proposals, there being no other business, the pleasant meeting ended with prayer by the chairman.
F Stratford22/6/43
Minutes of General Meeting held on June 22nd 1943
23 members were present.
The meeting commenced with a hymn followed by prayer by Mr. Stratford.
Business opened by the Treasurers report from Mr. Bruton, who stated that we had a balance of £6.0.6 in hand. It was then proposed by Mrs. Davies and seconded by Mrs. Delderfield that a £1.0.0.be given to the Church funds for gas etc; which we had used. It was proposed by Mr. Davies and seconded by Mrs. Saunders that the money collected from our next social, which would be on July 6th should go towards buying a new copper. Mrs. Brooks then proposed and Mrs. Davies seconded that we should accept the Treasurers report with our best thanks, these proposals were carried unanimously.
Re-election of Officers and Committee was as follows.
President Mr. Stratford
Vice Presidents Mr. Purton & Mr. Excell
Secretary Miss Hards
Treasurer Mr Bruton
Registrar Mrs. Puddefoot
Pianist Miss. K. Davies
Committee Mrs. Davies
Mrs. Brooks
Mrs. Saunders
Miss M Purton
Miss. E Sear
Mr. Davies
Mr. A. Delderfield
Mr. G. Lewis
Two suggestions were then made by Mr. Stratford, the first was that we should have an outdoor social evening at Mr. Delderfields Farm during our Summer break the date fixed for that was Wed; July 28th.
The next was that we should commence our Y.P.F. meetings again on Tues; Oct; 5th with a Social, and
Oct; 12th devotional, all were in agreement to these suggestions.
This brought our very happy meeting to a close, with Mr. Stratford pronouncing the Benediction.
F Stratford
A meeting was held on Sept; 20th 1943 by Y.P.F. Committee
10 being present,
the Chairman opened the meeting with prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read passed and signed. The following suggestions were made and agreed to by the committee, regarding our future programmes:
Oct; 19th should be a community singing evening with Mr. Stratford as leader,
Oct; 26th that Mr Lomax should be asked to come along and give a Lantern lecture,
Nov; 2nd Devotional, and
Nov; 9th should be taken by Mr. Excell,
their [sic] being no other business the meeting ended, with Mr. Stratford pronouncing the benediction.
F Stratford 23/11/43
Minutes of meeting held on Nov; 3rd 1943.
10 present.
The Chairman opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read passed and signed.
Our first item was to arrange a programme for our visit to the High St; Methodist Church on Tues; Dec; 7th at 8 p.m. Mr Davis was chosen as Chairman Mr Stratford as speaker, Duet by Miss M Purton & Miss K Davis. All Boys to sing together, and Mr. Bruton to read the Bible.
Our next item was concerning Christmas gifts to be send to members of our Church and Congregation who were serving in the Forces. A gift of 7s/6d each was being sent and £2.11s.0had been collected, from members of the Church & Congregation & the rest of the money was to come from our Y.P.F. funds.
Our future programme was then arranged.
Dec; 14th Musical, taken by Miss Hards.
Dec; 21stOutside carrolling
Jan 4th 1944 Social
Jan; 11th; Devotional.
All were in agreement to these suggestions.
Their being no other business the happy meeting ended with Mr. Stratford pronouncing the benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held on January 18th [1944]
10 were present
The Chairman opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read, passed and signed
There were some reports made with regard to some of our previous activities.
The first was a report from Mr Davis that the service that was taken by our Y.P.F. at High St; Methodist Church was very much enjoyed by all the friends there.
The next was that instead of £2.11s. 0d being collected from our Church and Congregation as was stated in the last minutes, Mr. Bruton reported that £3.14s.0d was collected and only £1.0s.1d was taken from our Y.P.F. funds.
Mr. Stratford reported that he had received letters of recognition from members of our Church & Congregation who were in the Forces, expressing their appreciation for the gifts received.
Our next report was the success of our outside Carrolling, the collection from that effort was £4.10s.0d which was given to the British Red Cross Fund. Mr. Stratford expressed his thanks to all who took part.
The opening social of the New Year which was held on Jan; 11th 1944 was a great success.
Our future programme was our next item;
Jan; 25th Spelling-bee with Mr. Bruton as leader.
Feb; 1st Devotional
Feb; 8th Games evening
Feb; 15th Missionary talk by Mrs Brooks.
It was suggested that we should invite our friends from the High St; Methodist Church to take our meeting, and Feb; 22nd & 29th were the two dates given for them to choose from.
Mr. Davis was to take a musical evening on the remaining date.
March 7th Devotional and on
March 14th it was suggested by Mr. Stratford that Mr. Thompson be asked to come.
March 21st Social
March 28th a General Knowledge, taken by Miss Hards.
All were in agreement to these suggestions there being no other business, our pleasant meeting ended with Mr. Stratford pronouncing the benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held on April 18th 1944
7 were present,
The Chairman opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read, passed, and signed.
The Treasurer gave a brief report, and said that the amount of money in hand was £6.10s. 0d.
We next discussed our future programme, and the following suggestions were agreed upon.
April 25th Mr. Bruton should give a word-guessing evening.
May 2nd Devotional
May 9th to be taken entirely by our younger members,
May 16th no meeting (this being the Sunday School Anniversary week)
May 23rd Mens evening
May 30th Social
June 6th Devotional
June 13th Annual Meeting
There being no other business our meeting ended with Mr. Stratford pronouncing the benediction.
FStratford 13/6/44
Minutes of General Meeting held on June 13th 1944
18 members were present
The meeting commenced with a hymn followed by prayer by Mr. Stratford.
Minutes of the last meeting were read, passed, and signed, The Treasurer reported that there was £7.8s.5d in our Y.P.F. Funds. It was proposed by Mr. Davis, and all were in agreement that £1.0.0. should be given to the Church for lighting expenses.
Re-election of Officers and Committee was as follows:-
President Mr. Stratford
Vice Presidents Mr. S. Purton & Mr Excell[crossed through]
Secretary Miss M Hards
Treasurer Mr. Bruton
Registrar Mrs. Puddefoot
Pianist Miss. K. Davis
Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Delderfield, Mrs. Bruton, Miss M. Purton, Miss. E. Sear, Mr. Davis, Mr. A. Delderfield.
Mr. Stratford moved that our very best thanks be given to all those who had helped in any way during the past season, to make our meetings such a success, this was carried unanimously.
The following suggestions were made and agreed to. One was by Mrs. Owen, that we should have a Y.P.F. Sunday, Mr. Stratford said he would give the date for this later on. Another was that we should have an outdoor social at Mr. Delderfields Farm during our Summer break. The date for this was Aug; 2nd and the other was that we should commence our next seasons meetings on Sept; 19th with a Social & Oct; 3rd Devotional.
There being no other buis; our very pleasant meeting ended with prayers by Mr. Excell.
FStratford 11/9/44
Minutes of meeting held on Sept; 11th 1944
10 were present
The Chairman opened the meeting with prayer, minutes of the previous meeting were read, passed, and signed. Withy regard to the question arising out of the minutes of a date for Y.P.F. Sunday, Mr. Stratford gave Sunday Nov; 12th, all were in agreement.
Next, there was a proposal made by Mr. Excell that our meetings should commence at 7.45 p.m. instead of 7.30 pm as some of our members found it impossible to get to the meetings at 7.30 p.m. all were in favour to this alteration in the time of starting, we next discussed our future programme and the following suggestions were made and agreed to :-
Oct; 10th Questions, led by Mr. Stratford
Oct; 17th Hymns & their history, led by Miss. M. Purton
Oct; 24th Games evening
Oct; 31st Mr Rickett
Nov; 7th Devotional
There being no other Buis; the meeting ended with the benediction by Mr. Stratford.
F Stratford 16/1/45
There was a short buis; meeting held on Oct; 30th [1944]
10 present,
The meeting opened with prayer by Mr. Stratford.
We met mainly to arrange a programme for Y.P.F. Sunday which was to be held on Nov; 5th instead
of Nov; 12th . The Speaker at both services was to be Mr Brooks of Tring, those taking part in the morning service were; Marion Bignell, who was to do the Bible reading, & Goodwin Excell & Jimmy Purton who were singing a Duet
Those taking part in the evening were, Pam Cogdell who was to read the Bible , & Kath Davis & Margaret Purton who were singing a Duet, a Hymn was to be sung by all members of Y.P.F. Mr. Stratford said he would get volunteers for giving out hymns etc;
We then arranged for our future programme
Nov; 14th Games,
Nov; 21st Mr. Lomax,
Nov; 28th Mr. Thompson,
Dec; 5th Devotional.
It was then suggested that we should send a Christmas gift of 10s/- each to our members who were in the Forces, and this collection should be open to all members of Church & Congregation, all were in agreement to these suggestions.
There being no other buis; our pleasant meeting ended with the Benediction by Mr. Stratford.
F Stratford 16/1/45
Minutes of meeting held on January 16th 1945
9 were present
Minutes of the two previous meetings were read, passed and signed by the Chairman, a letter from High St; Tring Y.P.F. was read, inviting us to a Social to be held on Wed; Feb; 14th which we were all very pleased to accept.
We then arranged for our future programme, and the following suggestions were agreed upon.
Jan; 30th Musical, taken by Mr. Davis
Feb; 6th Devotional,
Feb; 14th Social, High St; Tring.
Feb; 20th Missionary, with papers by Miss. K. Davis, Mrs Saunders & Mrs Puddefoot.
Feb; 27th Questions taken by Mr. Bruton
March 6th Devotional.
There being no other buis; our meeting closed with prayer by Mr. Stratford.
F Stratford5/6/45
Minutes of General Meeting held on June 5th 1945
20 members were present.
The meeting opened with a hymn followed by a prayer by Mr. Stratford.
Minutes of a previous meeting were read, passed and signed.
Mr. Stratford then suggested that our visits to other Churches during the past sesion should be recorded in our minutes.
The first was that we visited Boxmoor Baptist Church on March 12th we also went to Tring High St; Baptist Church on Nov; 30th & Feb; 14th & May 17th & we visited the High St; Methodist Church on Feb; 27th and conducted their C.E. meeting, and all these gave us return visits.
During our last sesion a Bible-searching competition was held, which was greatly enjoyed by all our members, the winner of that competition was Mrs. Davis and a prize is being given her by Mr. Stratford.
Re-election of Officers & Committee were the next item, and they were as follows;-
President Mr. Stratford
Vice Presidents Mr. S. Purton & Mr. Taylor
Secretary Miss Hards
Treasurer Mr. Bruton
Registrar Mr. Jim Purton
Pianist Miss. K. Davis
Committee ;- Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Delldafield [Delderfield], Mrs. Bruton, Miss. M. Purton, Miss. J. Purton, Miss. P. Cogdell, Mr. Davis, Mr. A. Delldafield.
Mr. Stratford then expressed his thanks to all who had helped in any way to make the meetings such a success during the past sesion.
The Treasurer reported that there was £6.16.7 in our Y.P.F. funds. It was proposed by Mr. Davis seconded by Mr. Taylor that our Treasurer's report be accepted, all were in agreement, and wished to thank him for all he had done.
Then the following suggestions were made & agreed to;
That Mrs. Owen be asked to be our Y.P.F. assistant pianist, and that our next sesion should commence on Sept; 18th 1945 with a Social, and Oct; 2nd should be Devotional, and that a £1.0.0 should be given to the Church Funds for lighting expenses.
Mr. Stratford then suggested that we should spend an evening at his home at Hemel- Hempstead during the Summer break, he would give us the date later.
We then enjoyed a cup of tea & a social chat together, after which we sang one verse of the hymn "Blest be the tie that binds etc ["] and then our very happy meeting ended with prayer by Mr. Stratford.
F Stratford
Boxmoor Baptist Church before it was demolished
Minutes of Meeting held on Sept; 17th 1945
15 members were present
The meeting opened with prayer by the chairman, minutes of the previous meeting were read, passed, & signed. There being no questions arising out of minutes, the meeting proceeded to arrange for future programme; which was as follows
Oct; 2nd Devotional
Oct; 9th Musical
Oct; 16th Visit from Boxmoor Baptist Church
Oct; 23rd Mission Week
Oct; 30th Questions
Nov; 6th Devotional
Nov; 13th Programme for Tring
Thursday Nov; 15th Visit to Tring, High St Baptist Church
Nov; 20th Rev; Eldridge
Nov; 27th Social
Dec; 4th Devotional
It was suggested by Mr. Taylor that the Chairman & soloists should know a good time beforehand, the date that they were to take part in the meetings, so that they could prepare, and also that a programme should be placed where everyone could see the forthcoming events, the committee then chose the chairman & soloists for our programme ending Dec; 4th 1945, all were in agreement to these suggestions.
There being no other buis; our pleasant meeting ended with the benediction by Mr. Stratford.
F Stratford
Minutes of short meeting held on Oct; 1st [1945]
13 members were present
There was a letter read from Rev; Eldridge of Berkhamsted Baptist Church inviting our Y.P.F. to a missionary meeting to be held at his church on Nov; 13th. Mr Davis proposed and Mr Delldafield seconded that this invitation should be accepted, all were in favour. The Rev; Eldridge also agreed to come along and speak at our Y.P.F. on Nov; 20th.
A programme for our evening at Tring was our next item; which was arranged as follows:-
Leader Miss P Cogdell
papers Miss J Purton
Miss M Hards
Duet; Mrs. Davis
Mrs. Owen
Reading Marion Bignell
Duet K. DavisM. Purton
Bible Reading Mrs. Delldafield
Prayer Mrs. Brooks
As our Y.P.F. were in need of some new Sank[e]y's hymn books, it was suggested that we should give a £1 from our funds, and that Mrs. Davis should find out if the Womens meeting were willing to give a £1, from their funds and buy some new books, as both meetings used the books, all were in agreement to these suggestions.
There being no other buis; our happy meeting ended with prayer by Mr Stratford.
F Stratford 4/12/45
Minutes of Meeting held on Dec; 4th 1945
11 members present,
The meeting opened with prayer by the chairman. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read, passed, and signed, there was one question arising out of the minutes, and that was regarding the new Sank[e]y hymn books, which had been purchase by both Y.P.F. & Womens Own meetings. £1.6s.0d was taken out of Y.P.F. funds, the extra 6s/-d being towards a new tune book. We then arranged our future programme, which was as follows;-
Dec; 11th practice for Nativity play, to be held on Dec; 12th
Dec; 18th Carols, conducted by Mr Stratford, collection to be given to the "Sunshine Homes for Blind Babies"
Dec; 25th no meeting (Christmas day)
Jan; 1st 1946 no meeting
Jan; 8th Devotional
Jan; 15th Visit from Boxmoor Baptist Church Guild
Jan; 22nd Social
Jan; 29th Chesham Entertainers
Feb; 5th Devotional
Feb12th Mr Skerman
Mon Feb; 18thVisit to Boxmoor Baptist Church
All thee proposals were carried unanimously, there being no other buis; our very enjoyable meeting ended with the benediction.
F Stratford 1/10/46
Minutes of a short buis; meeting held on Feb; 12th [1946]
The meeting was called, so that our future programme could be arranged, and the following suggestions were agreed to;
Feb; 26th a musical, to be conducted entirely by the men
March 5th Devotional, chairman Mr. J. Purton Solo by Mr. Bruton
March 12thMr. Owen was to be asked, if he would give some of his experiences in the navy, and Mr. Brooks be asked to be chairman
March 19th Social, to celebrate opening of schoolroom which had been redecorated
March 26th/April 2nd A visit from Tring High St; Baptist Y.P.F. two dates given for them to choose from.
It was then proposed & carried that Mr. Brooks be asked to give the Y.P.F. his experiences in the Navy at a future date, & Mr Owen be asked to take the chair on that occasion.
There being no other buis; our meeting ended with prayer by the Chairman
F Stratford
Minutes of General Meeting held on Oct; 1st 1946
21 members were present, the meeting opened with a hymn followed by a prayer by the chairman.
Minutes of the two previous meetings were read, passed, and signed, by the chairman.
The re-election of officers and committee was the next procedure.
Miss Hards, expressed the desire to give the position of Secretary back to Mr. Brooks, as he was now demobbed from the Navy, and she had taken the position only on account of his absence.
Mr. Bruton also expressed his desire to give the position of Treasurer back to Mr. Owen, as he also undertook to do the job whilst Mr. Owen was absent in the Navy.
The committee agreed to these two proposals, and Mr. Brooks said that he was quite ready & willing to take over the work again. Mr. Owen was not at the meeting but would be asked if he would be willing later.
Re-elected officers and committee;-
President Mr. F. Stratford
Vice Presidents Mr. S. Purton & Miss Hards
Secretary Mr. Brooks
Treasurer Mr. Owen
Registrar Mr. J. Purton
Pianist Miss K Davis
Asst Pianist Mrs. Owen
Committee; Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Delldafield, Mrs. Bruton, Miss M. Purton, Miss J. Purton, Miss P. Cogdell, Mrs. Wright, Mr. Davis, Mr. H Davis, Mr. A. Delldafield.
The meeting then expressed their thanks and appreciation for all the work that had been put in by Miss. Hards& Mr. Bruton during their period of service for the Y.P.F. and said they would like to show their appreciation by giving the two friends the gift of a book each.
The Treasurer then gave the annual report, and the money in hand was £4.10s. 2½d.
It was then proposed by Mr. Bruton and all were in agreement that the age limit in future be 12 yrs of age & over, the under 12's were the considered and a plan was made for them to have a Junior Fellowship, commencing from Tues Oct; 8th with a social, from 6.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
The meeting then arranged for our future programme, which was as follows;
Oct; 8th Social
Oct; 15th Quiz meeting, chairman Mr Stratford.
Oct; 22nd Musical taken by Miss P. Cogdell, Miss J. Purton, Miss K. Davis
Oct; 29th Readings with criticism, chair Miss Hards
Nov; 5th Devotional
Nov; 12th / Nov; 19th two dates given for Boxmoor Baptist Church Guild to choose from.
All these proposals were carried unanimously, their being no other buis; our very pleasant meeting ended with prayer by Mr. Stratford.
Minutes of Meeting held 22.Oct. 1946
15 Present
Chair was taken by the President who opened with prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read passed and signed.
The Chairman reported Boxmoor Young Peoples Guild would come for the evening of Nov. 19th on this night it was aggree that tea and cake should be provided as refreshments at the close of the meeting. Other meetings arranged were:-
Nov 12th Being [?] arranged and lead by Mr Bruton (Chair Mrs Delderfield)
Nov 26th Outside speaker Mr Kingswood (Mr J Purton)
Dec3rd Devotional. Mr Stratford.
Dec 10th Social
Dec 17th Carols arranged by Mr Henry Davis
Dec 31st Devotional meeting starting at 8pm to be followed by a Social and Watchnight Service.
Chair Mr Bruton
The Chairman then asked Mr Bruton if he would continue on with the treasure[r]ship as Mr Owen had expressed his wish not to take the office, Mr Bruton aggree to carry on.
Reporting on the good attendance of the first few meetings of the Junior Fellowship the Chairman asked the meeting to accept the proposal that Mrs Brooks, Miss K Davis, P Cogdell and G Purton should be appointed organisers of this Junior Meeting. Mrs Davis seconded and it was carried unanimously.
On the statement of Jim Purton that he wished to give up the duty of Registrar the meeting regretfully accepted this and unanimously appointed Jean Purton for the office.
This ended the business and the happy meeting closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting 14th Jan. 1947
11 Present
Meeting opened with prayer by the Chairman Mr Stratford.
Minutes were read past and signed.
Arising from minutes it was reported that the evening visit on Nov 19th by Boxmoor Guild was happy well attended and a great Success.
Programmes arranged were.
Jan. 21st Musical Mr Davis
Jan28 Mr & Rev Kingswood chair Mr Stratford
Jan 30 Visit to Tring High St Baptist Y.P.F.
Feb4th DevotionalMr Stratford
MondayFeb 10 Visit to Boxmoor Baptist Guild
Feb 18th LectureMr Dell
Feb 25th Return visit from Tring
Mar4th Devotional
Details for the two visits were successfully arranged, this ending the business the happy meeting closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford 4/3/47
Minutes of Meeting 4th March 1947
14 Present
Meeting opened with prayer by the Chairman Mr Stratford.
Minutes were read past and signed.
Arising from minutes it was expressed that the visit from Tring and the lecture Mr Dell gave were greatly appreciated.
Programmes arranged were:-
March 18th Social
March 25th Cancelled for the Free Church rally at High St Meth.
April 1st Devotional Mr Stratford
April 8th Men's Evening
April 15th Mr J. T. Brook of Tring
April 22nd Experiences
This ended the short and happy meeting, the chairman closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held 21st April 1947
15 Present
The Chairman Mr Stratford opened with prayer.
Minutes were read past and Signed.
Arising out of minutes
April 1st evening changed for Church welcome home social / E. Delderfield and G. Excell
Programmes arranged were
Social May 13th
This being the closing evening of the winter session.
Discussion took place to hold a united Social with High St Tring Y.P.F.. Mr Stratford was
was left to arrange a date as all the committee gladly welcomed his offer that it should be held at his home "Roseford" Hemel Hempstead.
All aggreed to committee meeting at the end of August. This ending the business the happy meeting ended with the Benediction.
F Stratford 27/8/47
Minutes of meeting held 27.8.47
9 Present
The Chairman Mr Stratford open with prayer.
Minutes were read past and signed.
Arising from the minutes it proposed by Mr H Davis sec. by Mrs Brooks that the outdoor social in July at Mr Stratfords home should be put on record as a very happy and united time with Tring Young Peoples Fellowship over 60 being at the party. The Annual meet was aggree to take place on Sept 16.
Programmes arranged to be sanctioned by the General meeting were.
Sept 20 Opening Social
Oct 7th Devotional
Oct 14th Invitation to High St Tring
Oct 21st20 Questions lead by Mr Bruton.
Oct 28th Mr Read Berkhamsted Speaker
Nov4 Devotional
Nov 11th Invitation to Boxmoor
Suggestions were made for a concert in conjunction with the S School before Christmas and copies of sketches were readily promised by Mr Owen. It was recommended that the General meeting be asked their views on joining the choirs outing on Whit Monday.
This ended the happy committee which closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford4/11/47
Minutes of General Meeting held 16:9:47
24 Present
Opened with a hymn followed by a prayer by the Chairman Mr Stratford. After another hymn minutes of last general meeting were read.
The treasurers report gave a balance of £5 0 6½. Dealing with finance it was aggreed tho all members of school age should be paid bus fares to any visit to other fellowships. Also a £1 was voted as helping to pay for lighting and heating of the Church. Suggestions for a gift to the church ended with all aggreeing that inquiry should be made of the cost of two brass flower vases. Mr Stratford kindly offered to do this.
Election of officers
President Mr Stratford pro. Mr Davis sec. Mr Bruton
Vice Presidents Mr S Purton pro Mrs Bruton Sec. Mrs Brooks
Mrs Brooks Bruton pro Mr Owen sec Mr J Purton
Treasurer Mr Bruton pro Mr Davis sec Miss F Halsey
Secretary Mr Brooks pro Mr Owen sec Mr J Purton
Registrar Miss J Purton pro Mrs Brooks carried unam.
Pianist Miss K Davis selected with applause
Minutes of Meeting held 4th Nov 1947
A Committee of 6was aggree on after a vote in favour.
A Ballot followed which resulted in Mr A Delderfield, Mrs Davis, Mr Jim Purton, Mrs Brooks, Miss Mayo and Mr Davis being elected.
Mrs Brooks reported on the Junior Y.P.F. and with pleasure we heard Miss K Davis Miss J Purton and herself were arranging for a full winter session starting at 6.15 Tuesday evening. It was aggree that any expenses incurred by the Junior Fellowship should be paid by the Treasurer.
Arrangement of programmes was discussed and all aggreed to the Meeting starting at 7 30 each Tuesday evening. All the suggestions made by the committee on Aug. 28th were unanimously carried with all aggreeing to accept a invitation to High St Tring Fellowship on Nov. 27thThe Sunday School Concert all thought would be a happy piece of work in which to cooperate.
With enthusiasm the meeting aggree to the proposal that the fellowship joined the Choir on its outing[?] Whitmonday and that moneys' could be given to the treasurer by members for their own expenses on that day.
This ended the happy 90 minutes the chairman closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford
13 Present
Mr Stratford open with prayers
Minutes of meeting held 27thAug. were Read, Past & Signed.
Programmes were discussed and final arrangement were
Nov 11th Faith Social with Collection
Nov 18 Speaker Our Vice President Mr S Purton
Nov 24 Monday. Visit to Boxmoor Baptist Guild
Nov 27 Thursday. Visit to Y.P.F. High St Tring
speaker Mr S Purton. Musical items by ladies, Men and Margaret North.
Dec. 2nd Devotional Mr Stratford
Dec9th Questions arranged by our President
Dec 16. Carols arranged by Mr H Davis
Deciding no Meeting on Dec 23 the committee aggree to support a Watch Night service on Dec 31.
This ended the business and the chairman pronounced the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held 16th December 1947
12 Present
The President opened with prayer.
Minutes of last meeting were read past and Signed.
Dec. 31st we decided to hold a fellowship Social immediately after the close of the Sunday School Christmas Tree party, this continuing with a Watch night Service.
Other items arranged were:-
Jan6 Devotional Mr Stratford
Jan 13 Spelling Bee arranged by Mr Stratford
Jan 20 Speaker Mr Foley (Watford)
Jan 27 Musical arranged by Mr J. Purton & A Delderfield
Feb3 Devotional Mr Stratford
Feb 10 Chesham. Social
Feb 17 Members evening proposed by Miss Osborne & Miss K Davis; Mr Frank Spellford &
Mr H Bruton.
Feb 24Speaker Mr Read
The Secretary reported have received a letter from Secretary of High St Tring Y.P.F. asking the Fellowships Support on Feb 28 the event being a Youth Rally at Tring.
March 2nd Devotional
March 9th Social
This ended the business the chairman closed the happy meeting with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 23. Feb [1948]
14 Present
The Chairman Mr Stratford opened with prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were read past & Signed.
Arising out of minutes the Chairman stated the programme of Feb 10 [Social - Chesham] was abandoned and a Social had been held.
Programmes arranged were.
March9th Grand parents evening
March 16 20 QuestionsMr Bruton
March 22 (Monday) Visit from Boxmoor Baptist
March 30 Social
April 6 Devotional
It was aggreed to hold the annual business meeting at the end of session.
This concluded the business and the happy meeting closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of meeting held Tuesday March 16 [1948]
12 Present
The meeting opened with prayer by the Chairman.
Minutes were read, past and signed. Arising from minutes: it was stated the visit from Boxmoor Baptist Guild was well attended, all the fellowship partaking of tea and cakes brought by Mr Stratford. It was decided to conclude the session with a business meeting on May 4th.
Programme arranged to that date were
April 13th Ladies evening arranged by K Davis & G Purton
April 20 Men evening arranged by Mr Stratford
April 27 Have a go evening arranged by Mr Horace Bruton
May 4th General Business meeting
Other Business. The effort the fellowship could make, for raising money for Brass Vases for the Church. It was aggreed this should be general discussed on May 4th.
The happy meeting ended with the Benediction.
Minutes of Annual Meeting held May 4th 1948
37 Present
A hymn and prayer by the chairman (Mr Stratford) open the meeting.
Minutes of the Last Annual Meeting were read past and signed.
The Chairman in a few words, pictured the happy meetings the session had brought and spoke of the spirit and fellowship all members had had at these meetings. The Secretary outline the sessions programme and thanked all members for the help so readily given. He said our President had taken the Devotional evenings each month since the fellowship had started in 1938 and had guided us in all committees.
Mr Bruton the treasurer announced we had a balance of £7 11 10 tho total spent for the year was £10.4.8.
Collections were £5 14 5 and carol singing raised £4.4.0£5 was sent to the Bombed Churches Fund and £1 was a gift to the Church.
The fund us club for the opening [outing] to Hastings on Whit Monday amounts to £35.
Election of officers followed.
Proposed by Mr Davis sec by Mrs Brooks
President Mr F Stratford (pastor) unanimous
Proposed and seconded were
Vice Presidents Mrs Bruton; Mrs R Brooks & Mr S. Purton
Secretary Mr R Brooks pro Mr Davis sec Mr Bruton
Treasurer Mr Bruton pro Mrs Wright sec Miss F Halsey
Registrar Miss J Purton pro Mrs Brooks sec Mr Bruton
Pianist Miss K Davis pro Miss Mayo sec Mrs Brooks
Committee appointed were : Miss M Osborne, Mrs H Davis, Mrs Carvell
Arnitt A Delderfield, Mrs Purton & Mr Shelton. Mrs Dell.
Arrangements for the forth coming sale of work were discussed. A Subcommittee of 5 was aggreed upon to arrange competitions and bran tubs. Mr Bruton, Mr Davis, Miss M Osborne, Mrs Carvell & the secretary were appointed. Mr Davis and Mr. Purton were asked to be in charge of the Bran Tubs at the Sale. It was also aggreed for the Treasurer to give out Trading Moneys 2/- being the sum fixed.
The suggested gift of Brass Vases to the church was held over because of the Sale of Work Effort.
The yearly donation to the church was aggreed to be £1.
Summer Meeting was discussed and Mr Stratford gave an invitation to his home at Hemel Hempstead. It was also decided to get in touch with High St Tring Y.P.F. for an evening.
This concluded the business and the happy meeting closed with the
F Stratford 19/4/49
Minutes of Committee meeting held Tues. 26 Oct. [1948]
12 Present
The Chairman, Mr Stratford, opened with prayer.
Minutes of the last committee meeting were read past and signed. Arising from minutes it was aggreed to drop the brass vase scheme and to concentrate on raising money for maybe a more useful gift to the church.
The programme for a visit to Tring Y.P.F. on Nov 4th was 1st business and it was aggreed Mr Stratford should speak touching his position as a magistrate. Mr Jim Purton to take the chair, Margaret Osborne to read Mr Bruton to prayerMiss G Purton to recite and musical items by "Men" All the young ones, Margaret North, Judee Rolls & Ann Moorcroft.
It was decided to hold meeting on Nov 2 to take the form of the Tring Programme, Sankey community singing to take the place of our Chairman's address.
Nov 9th Questions (Mr Shelton)
Nov 16th Papers by Members
Nov23. outside speaker (Mr CrookH&H)
This concluded the Business and the Chairman closed with the Benediction.
Minutes of Committee meeting held Sunday 12thDec 48
12 Present
The meeting opened with Prayer by Mr Stratford.
Minutes were not read.
Business was the arrangements of future meeting
Dec 14th Devotional (this being a week later having held a Concert Party from the Coop Womens Guild on
Dec 7th).
Dec 21st Carols arranged by Mr H Davis (Mrs Parry being asked to be pianist for that evening)
New Years Eve (Friday) Sausage and mash Supper to be at 9pm adults 1/- children 6d to be followed by social and watch night Service at 11.30.
Jan 4th Devotional (Presidents New Year Message)
Jan 11 SS Christmas Tree in meeting
Jan 18 Have a Go lead & produced by Mrs Bruton.
Jan 25 Social
Feb1st Devotional
The Chairman suggested we formed a permanent Tea Committee all aggreed and Mrs Davis Mrs Bruton and Mrs Brooks were unanimously appointed.
The Secretary was asked to get in touch with Tring Y.P.F. to write them to take our meeting during March.
The Chairman announced he had arranged for a special concert on Thursday Feb 17 by the Chesham Women.
This concluding the business the happy meeting ended with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 18 Jan 49
12 Present
The Chairman opened with prayer. Minutes of the last two meetings were read past and Signed.
Arising from Minutes, the chairman recalled the happy time the fellowship had on New Years Eve. A grand sausage and mash supper was well attended followed by a Social and 45 stayed to the watch night Service at 11 30 pm.
Business was the arranging of programmes . All aggreed to
Feb 8th Spelling Bee arranged by Mrs Brooks
Feb 15 Community Singing arranged by Misses Davis & J Purton
Feb 22 Mrs Webb Boxmoor
March1st Devotional
March8 Social
March 15
March 22
March 29 Mr A.T. Read
This happy meeting closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford4/9/49
Minutes of Annual Meeting held April 19th 1949
28 Present
A hymn opened the meeting.
Minutes were read past & Signed of the last Annual Meeting. Arising from minutes it was suggested that a good report on the 1948 Sale of Work be recorded which included the grand help all members of the Y.P.F. had given.
The Chairman Mr Stratford thanked all for the loyalty and support all had put into the past Session. It had been a happy one.
The Secretary R. Brooks expressed the the help all members had given to make the evening meetings and surveyed the programme of 1948.
The Treasurer Mr Bruton made the best ever financial report which ended with the news of £18.12.0 Balance.
It was suggested from the Chair that a Heating Fund be started this was aggreed to & the report from the Treasurer was unanimously accepted.
The Registrar Miss G J Purton reported the fellowship had 50 members and all meeting had averaged well over 30.
Election of Officers followed all being unanimously aggreed to without paper vote.
President Mr F Stratford
Vice Presidents Mrs Bruton (Mrs R Brooks) Mr S Purton
Secretary R Brooks
Treasurer Mr Bruton
Registrar Miss G Purton
Pianist Miss K. Davis
Committee Mrs Davis Mrs Purton Mrs Dell Mr W. Armitt Mr A. Delderfield
General discussion decided the Session should end the last week of May.
Programme arranged were
April 26 Games
May 3rd Devotional
17th 20 Questions
24th Musical
31st Closing Social
Summer gatherings were suggested in Rambles & one evening at Mr Stratford home Roseford Hemel Hempstead.
All aggree that £1 be given the church to aid lighting & heating expenses.
The Whit Monday outing to the coast was discussed and after the chairman had called Any Other Business the very happy meeting closed with the Benediction followed by a Cup of Tea and Cakes.
F Stratford 23/5/50
Minutes of Committee Meeting held Sept . 6. 49
12 Present
The Chairman Mr Stratford opened with prayer. Minutes of the last committee meeting were read past & Signed.
All aggreed a Social should open the session on Monday Sept 26 & a bring and buy stall was suggested for this evening to help the Fellowship Fund for the forthcoming Sale of Work.
Programmes arranged were:-
Mon. Oct3rd Devotional
Mon. Oct 10 no meeting (Church Bazaar)
Tues Oct 18 Hymns & the writers with request from members out of Sankey's
Oct 25th A night arranged by Mr & Mrs Bruton
Nov 1stDevotional
On Mrs B Skidmore's request and offer to organise and run the Junior Youth Fellowship; this was discussed and aggreed that Mrs B Skidmore be appointed leader and that the Senior Fellowship gave support in finance if this was needed.
The Secretary was asked to write Tring Y.P.F. and Boxmoor Baptist Guild invitations to our fellowship meetings.
After discussion on activities to be made at the Autumn Bazaar the happy meeting closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meet held Tuesday Oct 24. [1949]
13 Present
Opening with Prayer the President was in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read past & Signed. Arising from minutes the Chairman expressed the good effort all members of the Fellowship put into the bazaar and Mr Bruton was able to hand over to the church £10 for the Fellowship Heating Fund.
Programmes arranged were.
Nov8 Visit from High St Tring Y.P.F.
Nov 15 Social
Nov 22 Mens night
Nov 29 Salvation Army Tring
Dec6 Devotional
Dec 13 Questions(Mr Bruton)
Dec 20 Carols (Mr Davis)
This ending the business the chairman pronounced the Benediction.
Committee Meeting held Dec 6 49
12 Present
The meeting following the evening Fellowship opened with Prayer from the Chair.
Business commenced by all aggreeing to hold a Watchnight Service & Social on Saturday Dec 31st the Social starting at 8.
Programmes arranged were
Jan 10 Devotional
Jan 17 } one night Hymn & their writers&
Jan 24 } one night Ladies evening arranged by
Jan 31 } G Purton K Davis H Mayo & S Dell.
The others to be arranged by the Secretary.
This ending the business the meeting Closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford 31/1/50
Minutes of Meeting held 31stJan 49
9 Present
Minutes were read past & Signed. Mr F.S. opened with prayer.
Arrangement of meeting followed and all agreed to the following.
Feb7 Devotional March7 Mr Brooks
Feb 14S.S. Film Show March 14 Devotional
Feb 21 Musical March 21 Free Church Rally
Feb 28 Social March (Thurs) 23 Visit Tring
March 28Mr A.J. Read
& Devotion on April 4
this concluded the happy meeting which closed with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held Feb 23 [1950]
Chair taken by Mr Stratford the President.
Minutes were not read. Business after the chairman's opening prayer concerned the programme for the visit to Tring on March 23. all agreed to the following.
Chairman Mr Wilson Prayer Mr Stratford Reading Miss M Osborne Solo Mr Ludlow and Singing by girls & Men Speaker Mrs H Davis
Discussion then took place on suggestions that Concerts should and could be arranged and that Mr Wilson had plans to organise same; the chairman asked Mr Wilson what form of practice he and others would have and where this would take place.
After a good discussion it was proposed to await 6 months for other developments. The Chairman expressing his aggreement to it all as long as none of the existing meetings were e[a]ffected.
The happy meeting ended with the Benediction.
F Stratford
Minutes of Meeting held 11th April 50
12 Present
The Chairman opened with prayer.
Minutes were read past & signed.
Arrangements of programmes were agreed to
April 18th 20 Questions lead by Mrs Shelton
April 25th Mrs Wells Chairwoman Mrs Bruton
May 9th Devotional Chairman Mrs H Davis
May 16th Social with welcome home to Stan Purton
May 23rd Business Meeting and Closing of Session
The happy meeting closed with prayer.
F Stratford