Minutes of Northchurch Baptist Church
Part 4 July 1900 - 1913
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[These Minutes are taken from the third Minute Book]
[The new church building in the High Street had opened in May 1900. The old chapel and schoolroom still stand in the midst of the burial ground in Bell Lane. The congregation are seeking a new Minister of their own rather than relying on a succession of students from Regents Park College.]
Registration of new chapel as a place of worship
Registration to perform marriages for new chapel
Quarterly Church Meeting July 3rd
Present Mr W H Pratt , Br Sherman, Fenn, King, Geary, Sear, Dealey, Fenemore.
Sisters Pocock, King, Mrs G Pocock, Carvill, Perton, S Baldwin, M Reading, Ayres, Burnham, Johnson, Fenemore
The meeting was opened with hymns and Prayer.
The secretary read over Minutes of the past meetings which were accepted.
The secretary read over Table money a/c which were accepted.
The treasurer read over a/c which were accepted.
Mr Pratt proposed That a letter be sent from the Church to Mr Stuart thanking him for coming at a moments notice to take the place of Revd A Brown on the opening of the new Church and for the excellent sermon delivered and for all past services.
Br Sherman seconded carried
The Revd A Brown promises to come at some future time to fulfil his proffered engagement.
Mr Pratt mentioned that new Trust deeds and Trusts would be required, he has seen a solicitor on the matter.
The position of Chapel Keeper would have to be considered in the near future and required someone to be appointed to look after heating apparatus.
Mr Pratt read letter from Revd Hardy saying Herts Union of Baptist Churches would grant towards our church £20 the first year, £15 the 2nd year and £10 the 3rd year.
Mr Pratt read a letter in which he declined to accept the Pastorate of this Church.
Mr Pratt mentioned the name of Revd W Dorey of Gt Missenden who was coming to preach with a view on Sundays July 22nd and 29th. Mr Pratt said Mr Dorey was highly recommended to Mr Marnham, Mr Stuart and others and he did hope the vote for Mr Dorey would be unanimous or he most likely would not come and Mr Marnham might withhold some support towards us as a church. [struck out!]
Mr Pratt suggested that the clocks should be removed from the old chapel into new.
Mr Pratt said a new organ would be required soon as could get one.
Wm H Pratt
July 3 Aug 1st 1900
Church Meeting July 17th
Present Mr W H Pratt
Br King, Dealey.
Sisters King, S Baldwin, Johnson, Fenemore, Pocock, Warren, Perton
Mr Pratt proposed Br Dealey seconded That the Baptist Building Fund of London with whom is deposited the box containing the Title Trust deeds of the property belonging to this Church be required to deliver to Mr W H Pratt Student pastor the box to whose receipt shall be a sufficient discharge.
Wm H Pratt
Aug 13 1900
Monday evening Aug 13th 1900
A Members Tea was provided and about 25 members availed themselves of it.
A Special Church Meeting was called at which Mr W H Pratt presided.
Present Br Sherman, King, Fenn, Sear, Geary, Dealey, Smith, Delderfield, Barlow.
Sisters King, Mrs M and Mrs G Pocock, Ayres, S & E Baldwin, M Reading, Dealey, Perton, Johnson, Carvill, Halsey, Barlow, Burnham, Fenemore.
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over minutes of the past meetings which were accepted as correct.
Mr Pratt proposed Br Sherman seconded That Br King be appointed Delegate to the Baptist Union Meetings to be held at Leicester from Oct 1st to the 5th carried
Mr Pratt stated that the new Chapel and Schoolroom were insured for £2000.
Mr Pratt said he was sorry to find The Tract Society was out of Tracts he did hope those who promised would support the fund. He hoped Mrs Ayres would collect from those who promised and so carry on the work earnestly.
Mr Pratt said there was a considerable sum wanted to pay for Railway carriage such as carriage for the seats, Table, Notice board etc and then there was a sum of three pounds required for the License of Marriages in our new Chapel. He would suggest that the necessary sum required should be drawn from the new Chapel building fundof which our Brother Baldwin was Treasurer.
Br Geary proposed and Br Sear seconded That the sums required to pay the various items Mr Pratt had mentioned shouldbe taken from new Building Fund carried
Harvest Thanksgiving to be held on Sunday and Monday Sep 23rd and 24th.
Mr Pratt proposed Br Geary seconded That Mr Blackburn be the Chairman on Monday evening carried
Arrangements to be made for Sunday services and other speakers for Monday.
It was decided That the Chapel Keeper receive an increase of salary from June 24th namely One pound per Quarter in place of that paid to her heretofore. Mrs Carvill agreed to the amount. [Previously 15 shillings]
Mr Pratt proposed Br Fenn seconded That a set of Rules be drawn up for the Chapel Keepers guidance carried
Br King proposed Br Fenn seconded That our Brother Dealey be appointed to superintend the warming of the Chapel carried
Mr Pratt said we have now come to the most important business of the evening’s Meeting to choose a Pastor.
Mr Pratt spoke in commendable terms of Mr Dorey . Br King, Sherman, Fenn, Sear, Delderfield etc
The vote of the Church was That we as a Church give a cordial invitation to Revd W Dorey of Gt Missenden to become our Pastor.
20 voted for Mr Dorey , 4 neutral, none against.
Wm H Pratt
Oct 8th 1900
1900 Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 8th
Present W H Pratt
Br Sherman, Fenn, King, W Baldwin Dealey, Barlow, Geary, Sear
Sisters S & E Baldwin, King, Ayres, Johnson, Fenemore, Perton, Barlow, Mrs M and G Pocock, Rutland, M Reading
After singing and Prayer the secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings which were accepted as correct.
The secretary read over Table Money a/c which was accepted as correct
The Treasurer read over a/c which was accepted as correct
Mr Pratt said he was pleased to let the Members know that a Photo of our New Chapel would appear in the Baptist Handbook for 1901
Mr Pratt proposed Br Sherman seconded That we send Photo’s mounted and framed with a letter from the Church to Mr Marnham carried unanimously
The four New Trustees Mr Herbert Marnham of Hampstead, Mr King Smith Watford, Mr W H Pratt Watford, Mr W Baldwin Northchurch were proposed by Br Sherman seconded by Br Fenn carried
Mr Pratt expressed regret that the Tract Society was not being carried on he did hope Miss Ayres and Br King would renew their effort and go forward in this important work.
Mr Pratt said we want a new organ it was very important that we improve in our singing and if we worked to get the young people and to secure their help we must have a better instrument.
Br King said his hopes had been raised by a person writing and calling upon him in reference to a new organ and he desired that we make efforts to procure a new organ the price from 16 to £20.
Mr Pratt proposed that the church vote £12 from the New building fund towards a new organ Br Sherman seconded carried
Mr Pratt proposed Br Fenn seconded that the following be appointed on the Organ committee fund : Br Baldwin, Barlow, King, Sisters Reading, S Baldwin
It was agreed that the balance of the building fund the proceeds from the Harvest Thanksgiving service and the special donations contributed be handed over to the treasurer of the church.
Br King moved That the clock within Old Chapel Schoolroom be removed to our New Chapel Br Sear said the clock was purchased by the members of the writing school some years ago giving the impression that the clock was his property.
Br Geary proposed Br Baldwin seconded That the Church empower Br King to purchase a new suitable clock to place in new chapel carried
Mr Pratt said all being well he would take the services on Sunday Nov 4th which would be his farewell and That Mr Dorey’s services would commence on Sunday Nov 11th a recognition service on Monday Nov 12th. Mr Pratt exhorted every member to rally to the help of Mr Dorey. Mr Marnham senior and Mr Herbert Marnham had promised to stand by Mr Dorey and the Church might always depend upon their help in every time of need.
Monday Nov 5th
A Tea Meeting was held and a gathering asked to present Mr W H Pratt on his leaving us with a handsome eight day clock.
Mr Pratt acknowledged his indebtedness to the church, Br Sherman and W Baldwin spoke on behalf of the Church.
1900 On Boxing day a Marvellous Entertainment was held consisting of Readings, recitations, sacred songs and solos. A Tea Meeting was held previous to Entertainment.
Recognition services were held on Sunday Nov 25th when the Pastor Revd W Dorey preached special sermons bearing on the relationship of Pastor and people and on Thursday Nov 29th the services were continued the Revd C Brown of Ferme Park London preaching in the afternoon from the text Malachi 2 Chap 5 and 6 which was very suitable for the occasion
[5 My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before my name.
6 The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.]
A Public Tea was provided at 6o clock.
A Public Meeting at 6.30 presided over by John Marnham Esq J.P. and after Prayer by Revd F C Hughes Deacon King made a statement that lead up to calling of Revd
W Dorey. Deacon Sherman gave Mr Dorey the right hand of Fellowship after which addresses were delivered by Revd C M Hardy St Albans, J Stuart Watford, L Wolfe Esq of London, W H Pratt late superintendent, Revd C Halls High Wycombe, E Little of Princes Risborough President of Bucks Baptist Association.
A very earnest enjoyable Christian time was experienced.
Signed Jan 7 19011900
W Dorey Pastor
[Rev Charles Brown was at Ferme Park Baptist Church 1890 – 1925
Charles Brown was born at Clipston, Northants on 26th October 1855 and died on 6th June 1947.
He was a minister at King's Stanley, Nailsworth and Ferme Park, London.]
1901 Annual Church Meeting Jan 7th
Present the Pastor in the chair
Br Sherman, Fenn, W Baldwin, Delderfield, Geary, Sear, Dealey, Fenemore
Sisters King, S Baldwin, Johnson, Perton, Carvill, Fenemore, Warren, Reading, Davison.
The minutes of the previous Meetings were read past
There was no report on the Tract Society
It was reported that the sum of £13.2.0 was in hand for new Organ fund.
A resolution was passed to move the clock from old schoolroom to new one.
Br Dealey kindly undertook to remove and fix it.
The Pastor reported that Br Sear would not seek reelection to the Treasurership. Br Sear was unanimously thanked by the Church for his long and faithful services in the Office.
It having been notified that Br Dealey had agreed to manage the heating apparatus free of charge for this season a note of thanks was heartily accorded him.
The treasurers report was submitted and passed. This showed a deficit of 7/- which was wiped out by a small balance from the Tea and donations and a sum of 2/6 was left in hand for the next quarter.
It was resolved that in future any deficit in any quarter’s a/c should be cleared off before the expenses of a new quarter be incurred.
The usual amount of £1.1.0 was made to the Widows and Orphans fund.
The Table a/c was read and adopted.
The Church agreed to write for the transfers of the Pastor his wife and daughter from the Church of Gt Missenden the pastor briefly explained the object of the Twentieth Century fund and announced that a Meeting of the Church and congregation had been arranged by himself and the Deacons for Jan 21st to be addressed by C M Hardy of St Albans. Mrs Dorey was cordially appointed Church Secretary to the fund.
The pastor explained that the usual voting papers had not been issued to members owing to their being an insufficient number of papers and to the need of a revised list of members. The Church requested the Pastor and deacons to revise the list so that the election of officers could take place at an adjourned Church Meeting on Jan 22nd.
The pastor suggested that a monthly church Prayer Meeting be held in the future and that an annual Missionary Sunday and an Annual Public Missionary Meeting be arranged in conjunction with the Berkhamsted Church.
The deacons were authorized to erect a small rough shed at the back of the new schoolroom in which to store the tea tables etc.
Br Fenn spoke briefly exhorting members who were absent any Sunday to bring a double amount the next time they attend expressing the warm appreciation of the church for. The Pastor at the commencement of the Meeting expressed his sense of the hearty way in which the Church had received him and his confidence that with growing love and unity amongst all the members all would be well in the future.
The Meeting which had been opened with singing and Prayer by Br Sherman was after the Doxology and benediction adjourned to Jan 22nd.
Adjourned Church Meeting Jan 22nd
Present the Pastor, Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Dealey, Geary, Smith
Sisters S Baldwin, Reading, Ayres, M & G Pocock, Carvill, Perton, Johnson, Fenemore, Davison.
After singing and Prayer the counting of Ballot Papers was gone through by the Pastor with the following results.
Deacons Br Sherman 32 votes, Br King 32 votes, Br Fenn 31 votes, Br W Baldwin 31 votes
For Secretary Br King 24 votes
For Treasurer Br W Baldwin 17 votes
For Sexton Br Sear 25 votes
For Chapel Keeper 32 votes [person unnamed]
After the announcing of officers elected Br King suggested that additional help should be rendered to sidesmen Br Barlow and Geary. The names of Br Fenn and Sherman were mentioned. Sister Carvill was desired to have hymn books for lending placed on the sidesmens pew before services.
Br Baldwin read over statement of the new building fund up to the present time which showed 1.3.10 to be handed to treasurer for Chapel fund and 13.2.0 towards Organ fund.
A good tone pervaded the Meeting and it was hoped all things would work together for our highest good.
The Pastor pronounced the Benediction.
1901 On Sunday Feb 3rd Mrs Dorey and Miss Janet Dorey were received into our Church Fellowship. also the Pastor [last 3 words added later]
Free Church Simultaneous Mission was held conducted by Mr and Mrs Collins of Wendover on Wednesday Thursday and Friday Feb 27th and 28th and March 1st.
good congregations.
Signed March. 26. 1901
W. Dorey
1901 On Tuesday March 26th a Members’ and Friends Tea was held after which the Pastor in a few words made a financial statement as to the present position of our Church after which the Quarterly Church Meeting was held at which there was present The Pastor, Br Sherman, W Baldwin, Fenn, King, Barlow, Dealey
Sisters S Baldwin, Reading, Dorey, Ayres, King, Fenemore, Johnson, M & G Pocock, Carvill, Purton, Warren, Davison, Burnham.
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes aof the past Meeting which were accepted as correct.
The Treasurer read over the a/c for the past Quarter which were accepted as correct which showed a deficit of 7.16.9¼ which with the help of kind friends was raised after which the Doxology was sung.
The Secretary read over Table money a/c which was accepted as correct.
Sister S Baldwin proposed Sister Ayres seconded That a Tea Meeting be held on Easter Monday at 6 oclock carried
The name of Miss Bly was brought forward as a proper candidate for Baptism and church Member. Br Sherman said from her conduct and conversation he had no doubt she was a true Christian the Pastor and Br Fenn supported Br Sherman’s remarks. Br W Baldwin proposed Sister Dorey seconded that Mr and Mrs King be the visitors to Miss Bly carried unanimously.
Br W Baldwin was asked to be the Delegate to the forthcoming Spring Meetings of Baptist Churches in London.
Br King was elected as delegate to the Liberation Meetings to be held in London on April 30th and may 1st.
Br Baldwin said there was the matter of Mr Dealey’s a/c for removing cupboards from old Chapel to new Schoolroom the cost of which was 19/6 but reduced to 17/- by the kindness of their brother and Br Baldwin suggested that the proceeds of the Easter Monday Tea and Entertainment should go towards the a/c and he would also move that the absent Members be written to by the Secretary asking then to contribute towards the expense. The Pastor said strictly speaking this matter of 17/- was a School debt but all would be glad to help in paying off the amount.
Br King suggested that the Morning Service on Sundays be held within the Schoolroom until we have warmer weather. It was thought that if the gas was lighted early on Sunday mornings it would have the effect of sufficiently warming the Chapel.
It was decided that the Br King should get an Estimate for the covering in of Ventilator on Chapel roof.
1901 Special Church Meeting Sunday evening April 14th
Present the pastor,
Br Sherman, Fenn, J & W Baldwin, King, Fenemore, Dealey, Smith, Geary
Sisters S & E Baldwin, M Reading, Ayres, Dorey, Johnson, Fenemore, Perton, Carvill, Warren, Davison, Carter, Halsey.
The Pastor said Mr W Wassal had called upon him and said he had given himself to the Saviour. For sometime he had been seeking the Lord he was much impressed by a sermon the pastor preached on the weaver’s shuttle and he felt it was scriptural to be Baptized and join the Church.
Br Fenn proposed Sister Dorey seconded that Br W Baldwin be the visitor to Mr Wassal carried
The pastor said Miss L Parsley had been seeking the Lord for sometime, she had spoken to him about the matter months ago but it was not till lately that she had settled down and become more quiet.
Br Fenn proposed Br Geary seconded that the name of Lucy Parsley be received with a viewto Baptism and Church Membership carried
Br Geary proposed Sister Johnson seconded that Sister Dorey be one of the visitors carried
Br Baldwin proposed Br Sherman seconded that Br King be the other visitor carried
Church Meeting Sunday evening April 21st
Present the Pastor, Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Fenemore, Geary, Dealey, Smith.
Sisters Ayres, E Baldwin, M Reading, King, Warren, Dorey, Fenemore, Rutland, Perton, Johnson, Budgeon, Carvill, M & G Pocock, Halsey.
After Prayers by Br Geary the pastor called on Br King to take the matter of the interview he had as visitor to Miss Blyde. Br King said he had a conversation with her on Wednesday. She professed conversion under an address delivered by Gipsy Smith during a Mission he held a few months ago at Luton.
Gipsy Smith’s crusade in Luton in 1899 saw 1,100 converts]
The words that impressed her were who touched me, she had been further impressed with an Evangelistic sermon by Mr Dorey and she said she thought she ought to be baptized according to the command of Jesus Christ. Mrs King the other visitor endorsed the remarks made by Mr King and after a few words from Br Sherman hearing his testimony to Miss Blighs fitness as to her becoming united with us.
Sister Dorey proposed Br Smith seconded that Miss Bligh be accepted as a candidate for Baptism and church Membership carried
Br W Baldwin brought a very satisfactory report of his visit to Mr W Wassal. He had been thinking about better things for some time and was led to a decision by a Sermon preached On the Weavers Shuttle. Br Baldwin was favourably impressed and commended him as a proper candidate for Baptism and church Member.
Br Geary proposed Sister Rutland seconded that W Wassal be accepted carried
Br King as visitor to Lucy Parsley said he had interviewed her on Thursday last when she stated she was converted during the Mission held here last May conducted by Mr Hutchins she felt it her duty to come forward.
Sister Dorey the other visitor said she answered her question very satisfactory and thought she should be accepted.
Br Geary proposed Sister Carvill seconded that she be accepted carried
Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded that the following be the Standing Committee for all Tea arrangements Sisters Ayres, Reading, S & E Baldwin, King with power to add to their numbers carried
Sunday Evening April 28th
The Pastor baptized Sisters Blyde and Parsley and Br Wassal and on Sunday May 5th were received into church Fellowship.
W Dorey Pastor
Quarterly Church Meeting July 2nd
Present The Pastor, Br W Baldwin, Fenn, King
Sisters M Pocock, Dorey, Carvill, Perton, S Baldwin, Johnson, M Reading
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past meetings.
Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read over the a/c for the past Quarter Br Fenn proposed sister Carvill seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
The table money a/c was read over. Br Baldwin proposed Sister Reading seconded that the same be accepted as correct carried
It was suggested That Harvest Thanksgiving services be held on Sunday Sep 1st and Monday Sep 2nd and that .. of Tea would be gladly received Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded that the Meetings as suggested be held with a Tea and that at the Public Meeting on Monday Mr King Smith of Watford preside he failing to ask Mr Blackburn and that the following be asked to take part in the gathering Revd Hunt of Callowland Baptist Church Watford, W H Pratt of Wealstone and Mr Markham of Boxmoor carried
Br Fenn promised a tray of 5/-
Sister Pocock ditto.
W DoreyPastor
Church Meeting Sep 3rd
Present the Pastor Br Sherman, Fenn, King, W Baldwin, Sear, Wassall [first meeting]
Sisters M & G Pocock, King, Reading, S Baldwin, Dorey, Johnson, Ayres, Carvill, Parsley [first meeting], Blyde [first meeting], Davison
The Pastor said after a good deal of seeing about and writing to various persons he had succeeded in getting a Chairman a Mr George of Watford for Public Meeting at Harvest Thanksgiving Sep 23rd. It was decided that any Money Contributions should be handed to the Treasurer Br W Baldwin and Mrs Carvill wd be in attendance to receive any fruit flowers etc
The Pastor said application had been made to Mr King from the local Secretary of the Technical education classes for the use of Old Chapel from Sep 29th to March 25th.
After a long discussion Br W Baldwin proposed Br Sear seconded that the application for Chapel be not entertained carried unanimously.
It was considered the old Chapel grounds path and hedge were in a very bad state Br Sherman said he would have hedges cut Br Baldwin and Fenn promised to put paths in order Br Sear to cut grass Br King to cast gravel
The Benediction was pronounced.
Copy of Letter sent to Mr W Dell
Dear Sir Sep 4th 1901
At our Church Meeting last evening it was decided not to let our old Chapel.
Yours truly
W King Secy
W Dorey Pastor
1901 A Church Meeting was held on Oct 8th
Present the Pastor (in the Chair)
Brethren Sherman, W Baldwin, Fenn, Wassal
Sisters Perton, Reading, Johnson, Carvill, S Baldwin, Davison
After prayer by the Pastor, the Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and passed.
It was reported that hedges at the old Chapel had been cut, but the grass nor the gravel had been attended to. The Treasurer’s account was submitted. This showed an income of£22.8.11½ and an expenditure of £17.6.0 leaving a balance in hand of £5.2.11½ The account was adopted. The Pastor reported that the officers recommended that the Chapel gas burners be lowered; that the ventilation of the Chapel be seen to; that the Chapel doors and front gate be repaired. It was resolved that the officers invite Mr Rawlins of Berkhamsted to give an estimate for these things; and that if in the judgement of their judgement the proffered charge was reasonable, they be empowered to get them attended to. It was also recommended by the officers that brother Dealey be paid 2/- per week for each week that he attend to the heating apparatus, and that for this payment he be expected to attend to these tasks for all tea Meetings and keep the Chapel clocks regularly wound. This was confirmed by the Vote of the Church. It was also reported that an interview had been held with the County Surveyor relative to making the entrance from the roadway to the Chapel premises cleaner. The Surveyor offered to do the necessary work, if the Church would furnish a 4-in iron pipe to carry off the water. As it had been ascertained that the pipe could be obtained for 6/- ; it was resolved to pursue it.
After brethren Baldwin and Sherman had led in prayer, the Meeting was closed by the Pastor.
W Dorey Pastor
1902 Annual Church Meeting Jan 6th
A Tea was provided at 5.30
At 6.30 the Church Meeting was held Presided over by the pastor.
Present Br Sherman, King, Fenn, W Baldwin, Dealey, Delderfield, Smith, Geary.
Sisters Johnson, Ayres, S Baldwin, Redding, Warren, Perton, Carvell, Carter, Reading, Barlow, G Pocock, Bligh.
After Singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting.
Br Dealey propose Br Fenn seconded That the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read over the a/c for the past Quarter. Br Fenn proposed Br Sherman seconded That the a/cs as read be accepted carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c. Br Baldwin proposed Br Fenn seconded That the a/c as read be accepted carried
Br King proposed Br Fenn seconded That Br Geary and Delderfield be Scrutineers with the Pastor to count the Ballot Papers for the election of Officers for the coming year carried
The result of Ballot Papers showed That Br Sherman, Fenn, Baldwin and King had been elected Deacons.
Br King elected secretary
Br Baldwin elected Treasurer
Br Sear elected Sexton
Mrs Carvill elected Chapel Keeper
The Revd J Stuart of Watford having sent a letter to our Church for the transfer of Mr & Mrs Fenemore. Br Sear proposed Br Geary seconded that their transfer be sent carried
No decision was arrived as to the Continuing to meet on Thursday nor was any action taken with regard to restarting a Tract Society.
Reference having been made to the bad behaviour of young people sitting at the back of the Church Br King proposed Br Sherman seconded that Br Fenn be deputed to act in the matter as he thought fit. Br King proposed Br Sherman seconded That Mr Freeman be asked to be the Sidesman on his side. Br King undertook to ask him. A letter was received declining the honour.
The finances being considerably behind for the Quarter the following donations were collected at the Meeting. Br Delderfield 2/6, Smith 2/6, Sherman 10/-, King 10/-, Dorey 2/6,
Bligh 3/-, Ayres 1/-, G Pocock 1/-, Barlow 6d, Carvel 6d, Dealey 6d.
Br King proposed Br Sherman seconded That the Members and Members of the congregation be called together to consider the matter on Tuesday Jan 14th. Tea and coffee to be provided carried
At the Church Meeting after Ordinance on Sunday evening Jan 5th it was agreed that the sum of 1.1.0 should be sent to the Baptist Society as usual for widows and orphans of the Baptist Society.
Jan 14th The Church of Christ meeting
in Northchurch Baptist Church
to the Church of Christ Meeting
in Beechen Grove Church Watford.
Dear Brethren
We have pleasure in
hereby sending you the transfers
of our Brother and Sister Fenemore
Commending them to your Christian
With our best wishes for the prosperity
of our Master’s cause amongst you.
Yours very truly
W.D. King
Letter posted Jan 15/02
1902 Church Meeting after Sunday evening service March 23rd
In reference to electing Mr J Marnham on the Baptist Council for the ensuing year.
Br W Baldwin proposed Br King seconded That Mr J Marnham be nominated by the Church to serve on the Council of the Baptist Unioncarried
1902 Quarterly Church Meeting April 10th
Present The Pastor,
Br Fenn, Baldwin, Barlow, King
Sisters Johnson, Carvill, G Pocock, M Reading, Parsley, S Baldwin
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings
Br Fenn proposed Sister Reading seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read over the account for the past Quarter which showed a deficit of 9.17.6Sister Carvill proposed Br Barlow seconded the account as read be accepted carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c
Br Baldwin proposed Sister Johnson seconded that The a/c as read be accepted carried
Br Fenn proposed Br Barlow seconded That Br W Baldwin be the delegate to the Baptist Union Spring Meetings in London.
Chapel Anniversary to be held on June 23rd Rev W Cuff of London to preach in the afternoon. A Public Meeting in the evening when it is hoped all well Mr J Marnham will preside and that Mr Stuart Watford, Mr Walker of Chesham and neighbouring Minister will speak.
It was agreed to adjourn the Church Meeting until Tuesday week to consider the financial position of the Church
Adjourned Church Meeting April 22nd
Present The Pastor
Br Baldwin, Fenn, Geary
Sisters Carvill, Johnson, Perton, Parsley, Dorey, G Pocock, Barlow
The Treasurer submitted an amended balance sheet from which it appeared that in consequence of the Pastor’s collection the deficit on last Quarter account had been reduced to 14/2. The time of the Meeting was further occupied in Praise and Prayer,
Br Baldwin, Fenn and thePastor leading the devotions.
W DoreyPastor
1902 Quarterly Church Meeting Tuesday evening July 22nd
Present the Pastor, Br Sherman, W Baldwin, Geary, King
Sisters Dorey, Johnson, Perton, King, G Pocock, S Baldwin, M Reading, Ayres.
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over Minutes of the past Meetings
Br Sherman proposed Sister Johnson seconded That the minutes as read be accepted as correctcarried
Br Baldwin read over Treasurers a/c for the quarter which showed a deficit of 1.8.5
Br Geary proposed Br Sherman seconded That the a/c as read be accepted as a correct carried
Br King read over Table money a/c Sister Dorey proposed and Br Sherman seconded That the a/c as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King proposed The Pastor seconded that Br W Baldwin be the delegate to the Baptist Union Meetings at Birmingham Oct. Br Baldwin promised to consider over the matter.
The Pastor asked what was to be done about the 1.8.5. deficit. No one advanced anything so the matter was past over
Br King proposed The Pastor seconded That Br W Baldwin, Fenn and Geary interview and point out to Br Dealey his neglect of duties undertaken by him with regard to winding clocks, putting up Tea tables carried
Br Sherman, Baldwin and the Pastor engaged in Prayer.
1902 Special Church Meeting Tuesday evening Aug 19th
Present The Pastor
Br Sherman, Fenn, King
Sisters Dorey, Carvill, Johnson, King, Warren, G Pocock, S Baldwin, M Reading
After singing and Prayer The Pastor said the officers had met and discussed various matters and now it was for the Church to express its opinion upon the suggestions to be brought forward.
First Harvest Thanksgiving it was decided to hold it on Sep 21st the Pastor said he had not been able to ascertain anything definite about the gentleman residing at Barncroft so the name of Mr George Walford was selected as Chairman with Revd McMillan and Normandale as speakers. Br Fenn proposed Sister Carvill seconded carried
The Pastor said the last harvest Tea was kindly given by friends so that the whole of the proceeds went to augment the income of the general fund. It would be well if friends would contribute now as then. Br Sherman promised 5/- Br Fenn 2/6 any further sums will be received by our Br W Baldwin as last year.
Mrs Skidmore having spoken to the pastor Br Fenn proposed Br Sherman seconded that her transfer be written for from the Baptist Church Berkhamsted carried
It was agreed that the officers suggestion should be carried out in providing a new oil stove at a nett cost of 26/-
It was also agreed that curtains should be provided as far as funds would allow for dividing classes in Schoolroom. Friends had given £2.0.0 and £2.0.0 was forthcoming from Mr Marnham making a sum of £4.
On Sunday morning Oct 5th Mrs W Skidmore was received into our Church Fellowship by the Pastor.
W Dorey
1902 Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 14th
Present The Pastor
Br W Baldwin, King, Geary, Dealey
Sisters Dorey, King, Johnson, Warren, M Pocock, E Baldwin, M Reading, Ayres.
After singing and Prayer Br King read over the minutes of the past Meeting.
Sister Dorey proposed Br Dealey seconded the minutes as read be accepted carried
Br King read over Table Money a/cSister Dorey proposed Br Geary seconded a/c be accepted carried
It was agreed that clock in Pastor’s vestry be disposed off and a smaller for Mantle shelf be obtained, Br Baldwin undertaking the matter.
Br King promised to write Mr Clements about Chapel clock.
It was agreed the lighting and warming arrangements to be left in the hands of the Officers.
Br Fenns removal. It was agreed unanimously to send him a letter of our love and sympathy wishing him God speed in his new situation etc
I wrote the letter but have had no acknowledgement.
Br Dealey promised he would see to winding up of clocks.
W Dorey
Church Meeting Jan 5th
Present The Pastor
Br King, W Baldwin, Geary
Sisters King, Johnson, Perton, Ayres, M Reading, S Baldwin, Parsley
After singing and Prayer Br King read over the minutes of the past Meeting.
Sister Johnson proposed, sister Reading seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The matter of lighting was further postponed.
Br W Baldwin had exchanged old clock for a small mantel clock for Vestry.
The Pastor said in consequence of Mr Fenn’s removal there were only 3 deacons now. There had been a meeting held with the Officers and they suggested to this church Meeting that for the present 3 Deacons only be elected at the forthcoming elections on Monday Jan 12th.
Sister Reading proposed that the officers suggestion be adopted Sister Johnson seconded carried
Mrs Carvill’s continued ill health etc necessitated her from continuing Chapel Keeper she was therefore compelled to resign her post and the name of Mrs Perton was mentioned and it was ascertained that she was willing to become the new Chapel Keeper if elected.
Br Baldwin read over Treasurers a/c which showed a deficit of £3.4.6½.
Br Geary proposed sister Reading seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
Br King read over Table money a/c Sister Baldwin proposed Sister Perton seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
It was proposed by Br Baldwin that Br Geary be appointed to let seats
Sister Johnson seconded carried
The Pastor to announce from time to time from whom seats can be obtained.
It was suggested that Public Notices should be given from time to time from whom hymn books could be obtained (Mr King).
1903 The Annual Tea Meeting was held on Monday Jan 12th and the Annual Church Meeting followed.
There were present the Pastor,
Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, Geary, Dealey, Smith, Delderfield
Sisters Johnson, Warren, King, Dorey, S & E Baldwin, Ayres, M Reading, Perton,
G Pocock, Parsley, Bligh, Skidmore [first meeting].
After Prayer and Song Br King read over the minutes of the past Meeting Sister Dorey proposed Sister E Baldwin seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
It was agreed that Br Dealey and Geary be the scrutineers with the Pastor to count Ballot papers for the election of Officers for the year.
The result of Papers were that Br Sherman, Baldwin and King were elected to the Office of Deacons
Br King elected Secretary
Br Baldwin elected Treasurer
Br Sear to Sexton
Sister Perton Chapel Keeper
The Pastor referred to the deficit of 3.4.6½ which was now reduced 9/- for seat rents profit on Tea 4/2 still leaving a deficit of 2.11.4½ this was further reduced at the Meeting to 1.14.10½
Br Sherman proposed Br Baldwin seconded that a letter of thanks and a small present be given to Sister Carvill on her resigning office of Chapel Keeper carried
Br Sherman undertaking collecting.
Br Baldwin proposed Br Geary seconded that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr Halsey for his undertaking to see to apparatus for warming Chapel etc free of expense carried unanimously
Br Baldwin referred to the steps being taken to procure a new American Organ by subscription and Meetings etc to be arranged and he would be very glad to hand circulars to anyone desiring to assist with the matter. The Pastor said Br Baldwin was worthy of all the support that could be given in the matter.
On Thursday afternoon March 12th The Revd E Stone of Abbey Road, London
Preached a special sermon. A Public Tea was held and in the evening a Public Meeting was held presided over by Mr J Blackburn of Bushey. Sacred songs and solos were given by Madam [Jessie] Strathearn and Mr J Catchpole The Congregation choir of Hemel Hempstead. Wright Robinson gave 2 recitations. A collection was taken and the result was the opening services with subscriptions collected were sufficient to purchase the New American Organ which was used this day for the services of Gods house.
All feel thankful for the good help so readily given.
W. Dorey
1903 March 31st Quarterly Church Meeting
Present the PastorBr Dealey and King
Sisters Johnson, Perton, Dorey, King, M Reading, Halsey, Parsley
After singing and Prayer the secretary read over the minutes of the past meetings Sister M Reading proposed Sister Johnson seconded carried
The Treasurer being absent Mr Dorey read over the a/c which showed a deficit of 9.18.9.
M Reading proposed Sister Carvill seconded carried
The new organ fund a/c was read over Sister Dorey proposedSister Perton seconded that the a/c as read over be accepted carried
The secretary read over Table Money a/c Sister Dorey proposed Sister Johnson seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
Sister Carvill proposed that Br Baldwin be the delegate to the Baptist Spring Meetings in London Sister Halsey seconded carried
Mrs Brown had spoken to Mr Dorey that she desired to be transferred from the Baptist Church Berkhamsted to ours. Sister Dorey proposed Sister Halsey seconded that her transfer be written for carried
Sister Carvill proposed Sister Perton seconded that a Tea and Entertainment be held on Easter Monday the proceeds go towards reducing the deficit of 9.18.9 carried
Mr Dorey having procured the balance the above meeting was not held.
W Dorey
July . 14. 1903
Quarterly Church Meeting July 14th
Present The Pastor
Br W Baldwin, King, Dealey
Sisters S Baldwin, Dorey, Johnson, Carvill, King, Perton
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over minutes of the past Meeting
Sister Dorey proposed Sister Carvill seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Secretary read over Finance a/c which showed a deficit of 2.7.0
Sister Dorey proposed Sister Johnson seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
Br King read over the Table Money a/c Br Baldwin proposed Sister Johnson seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
The secretary read letter of transfer of Mrs Brown from Berkhamsted Baptist High Street to us.
On Sunday August 2nd Mrs Brown was received into Church Fellowship
Sep 15th Church Meeting called to consider what steps should be taken in regard to coming Harvest Thanksgiving services and Public Meeting
Present the Pastor
Br King, Geary, W Baldwin, Dealey
Sisters Dorey, King, Johnson, Carvill, Perton, S Baldwin
It was arranged that Harvest Thanksgiving services be held on Sunday Sep 27th and on Monday a sermon by Rev F C Hughes with a Public Tea following and a Public Meeting at 6.30 to be addressed by Revd F C Hughes, Dorey, Neal and Bayliss and after that a sale of goods and vegetables etc as may be contributed.
The result of the donations and services with Tea and sale amounted to about £10.0.0
W Dorey Pastor
Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 20th
Present the Pastor,
Br Baldwin, King and Geary
Sisters Johnson, Carvill, Dorey, King, Perton, Warren, S Baldwin, M Reading
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings Sister Dorey proposed Sister Perton seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read over financial statement which left a small balance in hand Sister Carvill proposed that the statement as read be approved Br Geary seconded accepted
Br King read over Table Money a/c Br Baldwin proposed Sister Johnson seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
Br King proposed that our Br W Baldwin give a Lecture on the Derby Baptist Meetings recently held there with a coffee and supper after on Thursday Oct 29th at 7.30 the proceeds to be given to the Church fund. Carried
The Church desired Br Baldwin to see Mr G Halsey with reference to warming the Chapel as heretofore the Church expressed its indebtedness to Mr Halsey for past services.
Mr Dorey proposed Br King and Baldwin as representatives from this Church to the Bd & H Free Church Council. Br Baldwin had to decline the honour on a/c of so many matters devolving on him and the name of Br Geary was adopted. Br Geary consented to stand.
Mr Dorey said his Anniversary would be held on Tuesday Nov 10th when Revd Bampton Taylor would preach in the afternoon. A Tea at 5 and a Public Meeting in the evening when Mr Woolf would preside also it was hoped Revd G Carter of Chesham, Wright Robinson of Hemel Hempstead and others would attend.
The Anniversary was held accordingly when the aforementioned were present.
W Dorey (Pastor)
1904 Annual Church Meeting Jan 11th
Present The Pastor
Br Sherman, W Baldwin, King, Dealey
Sisters Carvill, Dorey, King, Ayres, S Baldwin, M Reading, Warren, Perton, Brown [first meeting], Parsley, Johnson
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the Minutes of the past Meetings. Br Baldwin proposed that the minutes as read be accepted as correct Mrs Reading secondedcarried
Br Baldwin read over Treasurers a/c for the last quarter which showed a deficit of 7.
Br Sherman proposed Mrs Reading seconded carried
Br King read over Table money a/c Sister Carvill proposed Sister Brown seconded that a/c a s read be adopted.
The Pastor having read letter from the Secretary of Baptist Missionary Society.
Br Baldwin proposed Br Dealey seconded that the usual amount of 1.1.0 be sent as heretofore. carried
Sister Dorey and Br Dealey were appointed Scrutineers for counting Ballot Papers.
The result as follows:
Deacons Br King, Sherman, Baldwin
Secretary Br King
Treasurer Br Baldwin
Sexton Br Sear
Chapel Keeper Sister Perton
The Pastor asked if anyone had any suggestions as to making up the deficit.
Br King said it gave him much concern, he regretted that so few of the Members came out to the services consequently their financial help was not forthcoming it was really distressing That the Church should be in such a position. The Pastor said the Church was legally and morally bound to provide the money. He suggested That the officers should meet and discuss the situation and that the Church meet again in a fortnight.
In the meantime Mr Dorey would see Mr H Marnham bring in a report of what steps had been taken.
Some remarks and suggestions were made in reference to the Sunday school.
After the benediction the meeting closed.
W Dorey
A Meeting of Church Members and congregation was held.
The import of the gathering was to try and make up a deficiency left from last quarter.
The Pastor also stated the decision of Messrs Marnham not to continue the donation of £30 per annum which their late father had given towards the Pastors stipend.
W Dorey
July 24 1904
[John Marnham their benefactor had died in 1903]
1904 Quarterly Church Meeting April 19th
Present The Pastor, Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, Geary, Delderfield, Dealey
Sisters S Baldwin, Dorey, Johnson, King, Carvill, Perton, Parsley, Ayres
After singing and Prayers the secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings
Br Baldwin proposed Br Geary seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
Br Baldwin read over Treasurer a/c which showed a deficit of 9.6.7
Br Sherman proposed Br Geary seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
Br King read over Table money a/c the Pastor proposed Br Baldwin seconded that a/c as read be accepted carried
The secretary read over a letter he had recd from the Pastor as to financial position of the Church effected by an official letter from Mr A Marnham stating discontinuance of the £30 per annum after June Quarter. The letter was not discussed upon.
Qty old Chapel insurance of to be continued.
Chapel Anniversary May 31st Revd W Cuff promised to come. Revd J Stuart and
C M Hardy to be invited to a conference with the deacons.
Pastor and deacons discuss position of the finances of the Church in future.
W Dorey
July 27, 1904
1904 Quarterly Church Meeting July 27th
Present The Pastor, Br Sherman, King, W Baldwin, Dealey, Geary, Delderfield
Sisters Dorey, Johnson, King, Carvill, S Baldwin, Reading, Perton
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings
M Reading proposed Br Sherman seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read over his a/c which showed a deficit of [space left but not filled in with the amount - the deficit was actually £8 19s 5½d]
Br Dealey proposed Br Delderfield seconded that the a/c as read be adopted carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c. Br Baldwin proposed Sister S Baldwin seconded that a/c as read be accepted carried
It was agreed that Insurance on old Chapel should stand over adjourned to Annual Meeting [last 4 words added in pencil]
The Harvest Thanksgiving service held on Sunday and Monday Sep 18 and 19th
realised the nett sum of [sentence unfinished - but the sum was a handsome £28.0.0]
W Dorey Pastor
Oct 25 1904
1904 Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 25th
Present The Pastor, Br Sherman, W Baldwin, Delderfield, Geary and King
Sisters Dorey, Perton, Johnson, Parsley, Carvill.
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the Minutes of the past Meeting
Br Geary proposed Sister Dorey seconded the Minutes as read be adopted carried
The Treasurer read over Quarterly a/c Br Delderfield proposed sister Carvel seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
The Secretary read over Table Money a/c Br Dorey proposed Br Delderfield seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
Br Geary asked if any arrangements were made with regard to warming the Chapel.
The matter of Insurance of Old Chapel was adjourned until the Annual Meeting.
W Dorey
Jan 24th 1905
1905 Annual Church Meeting Jan 24th
Present The Pastor Br Sherman, Smith, W Baldwin, Geary, Dealey and King
Sisters Johnson, Parsley, Blyde, Ayres,S Baldwin, M Reading, Skidmore, Brown, Warren.
After singing and Prayer Br King read the Minutes of the past Meeting.
Br Baldwin proposed Sister Reading seconded that the minutes as read be accepted as carried
Br Baldwin read over Treasurers a/c Br King proposed Sister Skidmore seconded the a/c as read be accepted carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c Br Baldwin proposed sister Reading seconded a/c as read be accepted carried
Br Baldwin proposed That Insurance of old chapel remain as heretofore Br Sherman seconded carried
The Pastor referred to the serious falling off of seat rents 9/- less than previous quarter he did hope Members would see what improvement could be made.
[Pew rents for Q4 1904 were £2.0.0 but £2.9.0 the previous quarter. In fact although pew rents continued for over 20 years more, they never again exceeded £2.0.0 in a quarter. Their high point was probably Q3 1885 when they totalled £4.0.6]
Br King proposed Br Sherman seconded That Br Baldwin Geary and Dealey be scrutineers for counting Ballot Papers carried
Br Sherman, King, Baldwin reelected as deacons Br King as secretary Br Baldwin as treasurer Br Sear sexton, Sister Perton Chapel Keeper.
Mrs Alice Pocock’s name was given in as desirous of becoming a candidate for Baptism and Church Member.
Br Baldwin proposed That Br King and Sister Reading be visitors to Mrs Pocock and bring a report of interview as soon as convenient.
The Pastor brought forward the names of Mr and Mrs Aish as desirous of uniting with us in Church Membership they were both Baptised at the Strict Baptist Church Worthing some years ago and in removing from place to place had allowed their membership to lapse. Br Sherman proposed Sister Ayres seconded that Br Baldwin and sister Baldwin be the visitors to them and bring in a report in due time carried
The Pastor suggested holding another week’s Mission several expressed themselves in favour of it but at present nothing definite was done in the matter.
W Dorey. April 18th 1905
Quarterly Church Meeting April 18th
Present the Pastor, Br Sherman, Baldwin, Delderfield, King, Geary
Sister Dorey, S Baldwin, Perton, Parsley, Blyde, Ayres.
After singing and Prayers Br Baldwin read over Treasurers a/c Br King proposed Br Sherman seconded That a/c as read be accepted carried
The Secretary read over minutes of the past Meeting. Mr Dorey proposed Br Baldwin seconded that Minutes as read be accepted carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c Sister Dorey proposed Sister Johnson seconded that a/c as read be accepted carried
The Pastor brought forward the name of Henry Parsley as a suitable person for visiting with a view of becoming a Baptized member of our Church. Mr Dorey proposed that Br Baldwin and Sherman be the visitors to report Br Delderfield seconded carried
In consequence of ill health Miss A Pocock’s Baptism had been delayed until she was fully recovered.
The Chapel Anniversary would be held on June 5th when Revd W Evans[?] of Peckham would Preach and in the evening Mr H Marnham would preside.
A circular letter was read and a delegate elected to attend Baptist Union Assembly and Baptist World Congress in London from July 11th to July 18th.
It was suggested that anyone desirous of helping at the forthcoming Harvest Sale should be welcomed.
May 4th[a Thursday] The Pastor baptized Mrs Alice Pocock and Mr H Parsley who were given the right hand of fellowship on Sunday May 7th . Mr and Mrs Aish also received at the same time.
W DoreyPastor
July 27th 1905
1905 Quarterly Church Meeting July 27th
Present the Pastor, Br Sherman, Baldwin, Aish [first meeting], Delderfield, Dealey
Sisters Dorey, S Baldwin, Reading, Johnson, Halsey, Brown, Parsley, Perton,
A Pocock [first meeting]
In the regretted absence of the Secretary the minutes were read by the Pastor and were
Duly carried and signed after being proposed by Sister Reading and seconded by Sister Halsey.
The treasurers quarterly account was submitted and showed a deficit of 3.4.8½ this account was moved by Br Sherman and seconded by Sister Dorey and adopted.
Br Aish Delderfield and Dealy agreed to cut the grass and tidy up the paths and Br Dealey promised to varnish the Notice board.
Br Baldwin Br Sherman seconded that Harvest services be held Sep 10th and 11th and that Mr Herbert Smith preside and Revd Jenkins of Chesham and McMillan of Kings Langley address the gathering Sept 11th, the Meeting was continued in praise and prayer till the end.
W Dorey. Pastor
Nov. 14. 1905
1905 Quarterly Church Meeting Nov 14th
Present The Pastor, Br Sherman, King, Baldwin, Aish, Dealey, Geary
Sisters Dorey, S Baldwin, Johnson, Parsley, Blyde.
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting.
Br Delderfield proposed Br Dealey seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The treasurer read over the a/c for the past quarter Br Aish proposed Br Geary seconded that the a/c be past carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c The Pastor proposed Br Dealey seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
1906 Annual Church Meeting Feb 1st
Present The Pastor, Br Sherman, Baldwin, Dealey, King, Aish. Geary, Delderfield.
Sisters Perton, Johnson, Parsley, Brown, Skidmore, S Baldwin, Reading, Ayres, Mrs G Pocock, Miss Pocock, Blyde.
After singing and Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting.
Br Aish proposed Sister Johnson seconded That the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read over Finance a/c for the past quarter Br Dealey proposed Br Sherman seconded that the a/c as read be passed
Br King read over Table Money a/c. Br Baldwin proposed and Br Delderfield seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried.
Br King proposed that Br Dealey, Geary and Br Baldwin be scrutineers to count the Ballot Papers, Mr Dorey seconded carried
The result of the Ballot Papers resulted in choosing as DeaconsBr Baldwin,
Sherman and King. For secretary Br King
For Treasurer Br W Baldwin,
For Chapel Keeper Sister Perton
On account of the serious illness and age of Br Sear Mr Dorey said it was incumbent upon the Church to elect someone who would superintend the well being of the burial ground and carry out funeral arrangements etc.
[James Sear was 76 and died the following year]
Br King was asked and promised to consider the matter.
In consequence of having a number of old Members in indigent circumstances
Br Aish proposed, That in future the sum of 10/6 be sent to the Missionary Society for Widows and Orphans instead of the 1/1/0 which aforetime had been sent.
Br Delderfield seconded carried unanimously.
Mr DoreyPastor
April 10 1906
1906 Quarterly Church Meeting April 10th
Present the Pastor
Br Sherman, Baldwin, Delderfield, King, Dealey, Geary.
Sisters Dorey, S Baldwin, Perton, Johnson, Parsley, Mrs G Pocock, A Pocock
After singing and Prayers The Secretary read over the Minutes of the past Meeting.
Br Dealey proposed Br Geary seconded the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read over the last quarter a/c Br Sherman proposed Br Delderfield seconded carried
Br King read over our Table Money a/c Br Delderfield proposed Br Geary seconded carried
Br King stated he had considered over and add to decline the honour of superintending the old burial yard etc from reasons best known to himself.
The Pastor proposed Br Delderfield seconded that Br Baldwin be asked and he consented to accept the office.
The Pastor proposed that the ladies meet and appoint an evening for the sale of articles left from the last sale.
W. Dorey
1906 On Sunday night Oct 7th Miss G Pocock was received into our Church Fellowship from Marlowes Baptist Church.
1906 Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 9th
Present The Pastor
Br Sherman, Baldwin, Geary, Dealey, Delderfield and King.
Sisters Dorey, Johnson, S Baldwin, Reading, Ayres, Perton, Blyde, Parsley
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting
Sister Reading proposed Br Geary seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read over the finances of the past two quarters. Br Geary proposed Br Dealey seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
The Secretary read over Table Money a/c Br Dealey proposed Br Delderfield seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
The Pastor stated that as he had sent a letter to the Church Secretary resigning the Pastorate of the Church he would with his wife now retire while the Church discussed the matter.
The Secretary read over Mr Dorey’s letter resigning the Ministry of the Church. Br Geary proposed Br Delderfield accepted that the resignation be accepted carried
1906 Nov 6th Special Church Meeting Tuesday evening
Present Br Sherman, Baldwin, Geary, Dealey, Parsley [first meeting], Delderfield, King.
Sisters S Baldwin, Johnson, Perton, Ayres, Parsley, Halsey.
After singing and Prayer Br King spoke of what the Deacons proposed to do in regard to supplying the Pulpit up to Christmas with local supplies and to give 2/6 to each supply. Br Delderfield proposed Br Geary seconded carried
It was suggested that the Deacons arranged for a meeting to be held with the Church Members and Officers of The Herts Baptist Union soon as convenient. Br Baldwin proposed That as the Scholars had been promised Prizes a Meeting should be held and the necessary amount be procured for carrying out the Promises made seconded by Br Aish carried
The singing of the Doxology brought the Meeting to a close.
Special Church Meeting after Sunday evening service Dec 2nd
Present Br W Baldwin, Aish, Geary, Parsley, King
Sisters Perton, Johnson, King, Parsley, S & E Baldwin, Pocock, Blyde, King
Br King read a letter recd from Mr Page Secretary of Regents Park College offering to take up the work and supply us students from Sunday to Sunday if we would promise to pay other[?] Sunday toward the expenses until matters improved.
Br W Baldwin proposed Sister E Baldwinseconded That we as a church meeting authorise Br King to interview Mr Page and make the best arrangements possible as soon as can.
8 members voted for the resolution none against.[out of 14 present]
On Sunday Dec 30th Mr Hagger Student supplied the pulpit.
SignedJ Hagger
[This is the first mention of Mr J 0 Hagger, who became Superintendent Pastor for a time and then stayed in the area and was to crop up much later - in the post WWII era]
1907 Annual Church Meeting Monday Evening Feb 11th
Present the Superintendent Pastor Mr J O Hagger from Regents Park College London
Br Sherman, Baldwin, King, Smith, Parsley,
Dealey, Geary
Sisters Johnson, King, Ayres, Reading, S & E Baldwin, Parsley, Perton, Blyde, Mrs G Pocock, G Pocock [first meeting]
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the Minutes of the past Meeting Sister Reading proposed Sister Parsley seconded
The Treasurer read over finances for the past quarter Sister Ayres proposed Sister Johnson seconded carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c Br Baldwin Sister Baldwin seconded as a/c read be accepted as correct
Br King proposed Br Baldwin seconded That Mr Hagger, Br Dealey and Parsley be scrutineers to count Ballot Papers for the Election of Officers carried
The results were as follows for Deacons Sherman, Baldwin, King
Secretary Br King, Treasurer Br Baldwin
Chapel Keeper Sister Perton
Sexton Br Baldwin
A sum of 10/- was suggested should be paid to W Clark for attending to fence
It was decided to ask Mr Cuff to come and Preach Chapel Anniversary as early as can in May and get Mr H Marnham to be chairman.
Br Baldwin said the Spring Meetings of the West Herts SS Union would be held in May at Northchurch Baptist Chapel.
Br Baldwin proposed Sister Reading seconded that Mr Hagger’s name be put on Notice board. carried
Quarterly Church Meeting April 8th
Present Mr Hagger Superintendent Pastor
Br Delderfield, King, Baldwin, Parsley
Sister Johnson, Perton, Parsley, King, Ayres, Reading, S Baldwin.
After singing and Prayer the secretary made an apology for not being ready with the Minutes for the past meeting
Br King read over Table Money a/c Br Delderfield Br Baldwin seconded that a/c as read be accepted
Br Baldwin read over Treasurers a/c Sister Reading proposed Sister Johnson seconded
carried [last word added in pencil later]
Br Baldwin referred to the few that took seat rents and some of them that did had not paid the last quarters rent.
Mr Hagger read a letter from Mr Hardy. Br Delderfield proposed Sister Reading seconded That Mr Hagger and Baldwin interview Mr Hardy as to the serious position the Church was in.
Mr Hagger proposed Br Baldwin seconded that Br King be appointed as a candidate for Election to serve on the Committee of the Herts Union of Baptist Churches
It was decided that Mr Hagger should write a letter to Members who absent themselves from Communion and attendance upon the means of grace.
May 6th Revd F C Player preached Chapel Anniversary sermon in the afternoon. In the evening a Public Meeting was held Mr A Ch… Hemel Hempstead presided the Revd W Cuff was the principal speaker who spoke kind words of encouragement to those who were present.
July 8th/07 J O Hagger
Student Pastor.
1907 Quarterly Church Meeting July 8th
Present Mr Hagger Superintendent Pastor
Br Sherman, King, Baldwin, Dealey, Delderfield
Sisters Perton, Parsley, Blyde, G Pocock, S Baldwin
After singing and Prayer Br King read over the minutes of the past Meeting.
Br Delderfield Proposed Sister Parsley seconded that the minutes as read be accepted carried
Br King read over Table Money A/c Br Delderfield proposed Sister Baldwin seconded that a/c as read be accepted
Br Baldwin read over Treasurers A/c for the past Quarter which showed a deficit of nearly 3£. It was agreed if found necessary to adopt weekly offering system it was thought advisable that Mr Hagger should visit Members and ask them to promise a certain sum weekly.
Mr Hagger brought forward Mrs Sherman’s name who desires to unite with us she had been baptised sometime ago. It was agreed that Mr Hagger interview Mrs Sherman that the right hand of Fellowship be given to her, all being well at the next Communion service.
A long discussion ensued as to how our finances were to be met etc
[This Mrs Sherman is the second wife of Br William Sherman the deacon]
Sunday evening Aug 4th
Sister Sherman was received into Church Fellowship by Mr Hagger giving her the right hand of Fellowship.
J O Hagger
1907 Church Meeting Sunday Evening Sep 22nd
Present Br W Baldwin, King, Delderfield
Sister Johnson, E Baldwin, Reading, Parsley, Perton.
The meeting was held in reference to the Harvest Thanksgiving Services.
It was proposed by Sister E Baldwin and seconded by Sister Reading That the Secretary write asking Mr Pratt to come and Preach on Monday afternoon Oct 7th and speak at the Public Meeting in the evening failing him to write to Mr Hughes of Luton carried
Also Mr Player be invited to take part in the Meeting.
The Harvest services were held and as arranged Mr Pratt preached in the afternoon,
and Tea Public meetingheld with a nett result of [left blank – it was £7.14.1] .
J.O Hagger
Quarterly Church Meeting Monday Dec 9th
Present Mr Hagger Superintendent Pastor
Br Baldwin, King, Delderfield, Dealey, Parsley
Sisters Johnson, S & E Baldwin, Ayres, Perton, Parsley.
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting.
Br Baldwin proposed Sister Parsley seconded that minutes as read be accepted as correct carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c. Sister Ayres proposed Br Delderfield seconded that the a/c as read be accepted carried
The Treasurer read over a/c for the past Quarter. Br King proposed Br Parsley seconded as read be accepted carried
Br King read letter from Mr Austin from Regents Park College asking the Church to increase its contribution towards Preaching association of College.
Sister Ayres proposed Sister Parsley seconded that a letter be sent to each member of the Church asking them to send an answer what they would contribute week by week towards carrying on the work of God in this church. Carried unanimously.
The secretary to send letters
In regard to old Chapel it was unanimously decided that Br Baldwin and Mr Hagger interview Mr D Clarke of High Wycombe with reference to pulling down old chapel. and making good same etc etc
[some blank pages in Minute Book followed but we know it was another 12 years before the old chapel buildings were finally pulled down]
1908 Church Meeting Oct 13th
Present Br Sherman, Baldwin, Evans, King, Delderfield, Parsley, Dealey
Sisters Johnson, King, Perton, Sherman, Parsley, Gilbert, Reading , Mrs Pocock, Blyde
The Secretary read over Minutes as far as recorded and also table Money a/c. Treasurer read over Financial a/c for the past 6 months.
Br Evans proposed Sister Reading seconded the same be adopted.
A general conversation was held as to ways and means of wiping off present debt of £1.2.4½ and all Members promised to do their best at the forthcoming of Nov 1st and 2nd.
Some remarks were made as to carrying on the work on Sundays but no resolution was before the meeting,
1908 Church Meeting Sunday Evening Oct 15th
Mr Powell presiding
Present Br Sherman, J & W Baldwin, King, Delderfield, Dealey, Parsley, London.
Sisters Johnson, S & E Baldwin, Reading, King, Ayres. Sherman, Parsley, Halsey,
Skidmore, Mrs Pocock, A & G Pocock, Blyde, Cooley, Perton
Mr Powell said the Meeting was called for The Church to elect another Superintendent Pastor as Mr Hagger’s time was expiring and he would strongly recommend Mr Palmer if he would accept the oversight of the church.
He was sure he would provide an excellent Superintendent Pastor . He was a well informed man and had given up bright worldly prospects in order that he might become a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Br W Baldwin proposed, Br Sherman seconded that Mr Palmer be asked to accept the Superintendentship of the Church, before this was put to the Meeting.Br King said it was a very solemn matter and he hoped that all those who voted would remember the responsibility resting upon them. Br King said he had not had the pleasure of listening to Mr Palmer the last two times he was down but he had been informed that he had greatly improved in his preaching. The voting was unanimous except for 3 who did not vote for or against. Mr Powell said he would write to the secretary during the week Mr Palmer’s decision.
Mr Powell said if the Church Members were earnest and Prayerful there was a good time coming for Northchurch in the near future. Special Prayers were made by Mr Powell, Br W Baldwin and Delderfield.
Oct 19th A Public Tea Social gathering after was held to bid goodbye to Mr Hagger. A parting gift was made of a Reading Lamp.
1908 Nov 9th
A Social tea and gathering was held to welcome Mr Palmer as the new Superintendent Pastor
Br Sherman, Baldwin, King, Evans, Delderfield
Sisters S & E Baldwin, King, Sherman, Ayres, Johnson, Perton, A Pocock, Gilbert, Parsley, A Halsey.
Mr Palmer made suggestions that a young peoples Class be held on Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 Conducted by the Student who comes down. It was decided that this should be carried out.
It was decided That a monthly Social be held every month the first Monday.
The Committee to consist of Mr Palmer, Br Baldwin, Evans, Miss E Baldwin, Miss Parsley, (Miss Gilbert) a preparatory Class for young people every week.
It was decided to hold a weeks Mission the 2nd week in January Messrs Powell and Thompson to be the Missioners.
The principal Prayer Meeting to be held on Tuesday evening and another one Saturday evening for those who desire it.
AB Palmer
[ Mr Allan Burnett Palmer, an Australian by birth, joined NBC as a 24-year old student pastor for 8 months before going to the (Belgian) Congo as a missionary.
His missionary interests seem evident even in the time he spent at NBC. In the Congo he met and married, Lily Clara, another missionary. he stayed in the Congo until 1946, eventually dying in 1960 at the age of 75.]
1908 Annual Church Meeting Dec 31st
Present Mr Palmer Student Pastor
Br Evans, Delderfield, Baldwin, King, Parsley, Dealey
Sisters Perton, E Baldwin, King, Parsley, Mrs G Pocock, A Pocock, Gilbert
After Prayer The Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings which were accepted.
The Secretary read over The Table Money A/c which was accepted.
The Treasurer read over Financial A/c for the past quarter which were accepted.
As the weather was so severe and several of the members were kept away it was decided that The Ballot Papers should be handed in on Sunday and the results made known.
A short Prayer Meeting was held and Special Prayers made on behalf of the Coming Mission.
1909 Jan 3rd
Mr Palmer read out results of Ballot papers as follows.
Messrs Sherman, King, W Baldwin, Evans - Deacons
Secretary King
Treasurer W Baldwin
Sexton W Baldwin
Chapel Keeper Mrs Perton
Feb 6th Church Meeting Sunday night
Present Mr Palmer
Br Sherman, King, Baldwin, Evans, Dealey, Delderfield, Parsley
Sisters King, S Baldwin, Reading, Ayres, Mrs Pocock, A Pocock, G Pocock,
Sherman, Skidmore, Parsley, Gilbert, Perton, Blyde.
Mr Palmer read over a letter from Herts Baptist Union of Churches soliciting help for its funds, after some discussion Mr Palmer proposed we as a church are not in a position to increase our Annual subscription of 10/-. Br Delderfield seconded
Carried unanimously.
Mr Palmer read extracts of letter from the Baptist Missionary Society appealing for help also pamphlets and Envelopes were sent for self denial week from Feb 21st to Feb 25th. when it was hoped every member as far as possible would give according to their means.
Mr Palmer suggested that we as a church should give a definite sum annually to the Missionary Society say 1 twelfth of the income which would be about 1.6.0 a year.
Br Delderfield seconded carried unanimously
The result of self denial week from Feb 21st to Feb 27th by our Church congregation was £1.8.0.
March 7th Church Meeting after evening service
Present Mr Palmer superintendent Pastor
Br W Baldwin, Evans, Parsley, King
Sisters Johnson, S Baldwin, Reading, King, Mrs Pocock, A Pocock, G Pocock, Ayres, Perton, Gilbert, Halsey, Skidmore.
Br King, W Baldwin brought in a report of their interview with Mr G Baker who was desirous of becoming a member of this Church from the statements made by the said person with regard to his conversion they had no reason to doubt but that he was a proper person to be received into our Church.
Mr Palmer supplemented his interviews with Mr Baker proposed that he be accepted as a church member Br W Baldwin seconded carried unanimously
The name of Miss Lizzie Reeves was then referred to who was also desirous of joining our Church. Mrs King and Miss Baldwin were the visitors appointed and they brought in their report which appeared satisfactory and Mr Palmer added a few words. Mr Palmer proposed Sister Reading seconded that we receive Miss Reeves into our Church Fellowship carried unanimously
It was decided that we as fellowship procure an additional 12 Chapel hymn books.
A B Palmer
On Sunday evening April 11th Lizzie Reeves and George Baker were Baptized by Mr Palmer and on Sunday evening May 2nd were received into Church Fellowship.
1909 Chapel Anniversary was held on Sunday and Monday May 23rd , 24th
Mr Palmer conducting Sunday Services, Revd Thomas Phillips of Bloomsbury Preached Monday afternoon with a Public Tea and Meeting in the evening.
[ Rev Thomas Phillips B.A. 1868 – 1936 joined Bloomsbury Baptist Institutional Church in 1905.]
July 11th
Mr Palmer Superintendent Pastor took farewell of us previous to going out to Congo as a Missionary.
[He was to stay there at least 28 years, helping amongst other things to translate the New Testament into Heso]
Oct 10th and 11th1909
Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held on Sunday Oct 10th.
Mr T Powell of Regents Park College conducted Services which attracted a large attendance on Sunday evening. OnMonday Revd Wright Robinson conducted a Service, Miss Robinson singing. Public Tea at 5 o clock at which a good number sat down. A Public Meeting at 6.30 over which Mr Powell presided and Revd W Robinson, Revd G Wood and Mr Powell, a good gathering considering the wet weather. The Collection taken with the proceeds from sale of vegetables etc were for defraying expenses connected with the Church.
Church Meeting Sunday evening Oct 17th
Mr Holding [?] presiding
Present Br W Baldwin, Evans, Parsley, King
Sisters Johnson, Perton, King, Reading, E Baldwin, Gilbert, Parsley, Blyde, Halsey, Skidmore.
The Meeting was called to consider a letter received from Mr Thompson secretary Regents Park College P S S with regard to selecting a new Superintendent Pastor and suggesting the name of Mr T Powell for that Office.
Br W Baldwin said he had great pleasure in proposing that Mr Powell become our Superintendent Pastor, Sister Parsley seconded carried unanimously.
On Oct 18th Mr Powell sent a letter accepting the request of the Church.
1909 Church Meeting Sunday evening Oct 24th
Present Br Sherman, Baldwin, Evans, Parsley, Baker [first meeting], King
Sisters Sherman, S Baldwin, Ayres, Johnson, Perton, King, Parsley, Gilbert, Reading, Skidmore, Halsey, Blyde, Mrs G Pocock.
After singing and Prayer Br King read letter received from Mr Powell accepting the Superintendentship of this church and suggesting a Social Meeting to be held on Nov 11th.
Br Sherman proposed Sister Skidmore seconded That we have a social gathering on Thursday evening Nov 11th to welcome Mr Powell .
carried unanimously
T Powell
Church Meeting Nov 11th
# The Meeting called to Welcome our New Superintendent Pastor Mr T Powell and to have a talk as to the future work of our Church.
After singing and Prayers Mr Powell said he was glad to meet with us and hoped under the Divine blessing we should go forward in the Lords work, he was most desirous that the work should prosper, that there would be a large increase in the attendance on the Lords day, he saw no reason if we all worked together why the Chapel should not be full on Sunday evenings, each one must do their part.
# Present Delderfield, King, Parsley, Baker, Baldwin, Evans
Sisters S & E Baldwin, Reading, Parsley, King, Blyde, Johnson, A Pocock, Ayres, Skidmore.
Br King read over the minutes of the past Meeting. Br Baldwin read over Treasurers a/c Br Delderfield proposed Sister Parsley seconded the minutes as read and Treasurers a/c be accepted. Carried
Mr Powell suggested that a Special Monthly service should be held on Sunday evening with Solos handbills procured and distributed in the neighbourhood.
With regard to Social gatherings Sister Skidmore proposed Sister Parsley seconded that the same should be held monthly the 1st one to be held on Monday evening next , commencing at 7. carried
Mr Powell said he was desirous of starting a Bible Class on Sunday afternoons for young people from 3 to 4 oclock the Meetings that had been held previously were well attended and he thought much good would result.
It was decided that a Band of Hope should be started and that Mr Evans be the president with the following committee, Mr Baker, King, Sisters S & E Baldwin, Ayres, Reading, Parsley. The Meeting be held on Thursday evening from 6.30 to 7.30.
Br Baldwin said the old Chapel gates had fallen down, he had got as estimate for new iron gates, the cost was £4.10.0 he thought it would be a good plan to ask friends for donations to defray the expense.
It was decided that new iron gates should be erected at the cost of £4.10.0
Feb 7th 1910 T. Powell
[The Band of Hope was a temperance organisation for working-class children, founded in Leeds in 1847. All members took a pledge of total abstinence and were taught the "evils of drink". Members were enrolled from the age of six and met once a week to listen to lectures and participate in activities. Music played an important role and competitions were held between different Band of Hope choirs. Members of the local Temperance Societies also organised outings for the children and with the growth of the railways, trips were arranged to the nearest coastal resorts.]
1910Annual Church Meeting Feb 7th
Present Mr Powell Superintendent Pastor
Br Baldwin, Evans, Baker, Dealey, Garment, King, Delderfield
Sisters S & E Baldwin, Gilbert, Reading, King, Mrs G Pocock, A Pocock, G Pocock, Perton, Reeves [first meeting]
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the Minutes of the past Meetings
The Treasurer read over finances for the past quarter which showed a deficit of £3.3.7¼ but a contribution was made by friends present, the amount was practically cleared.
Br King read over table money a/c which was adopted.
Br Evans proposed Br Baldwin seconded that a donation of 10/6 be sent to the widows and orphans of Missionaries carried
Mr Powell suggested that we as a Church should do more for the Missionarys and something in a regular way should be done. Br Delderfield proposed, Br Baker seconded that Br Evans be appointed as collector for Missionary Society carried
Br Delderfield spoke about Sunday school, he would like to see the Members of the Church take a greater interest in the Sunday school work and wished the Parents would send their children in the morning as well as in the afternoon. Mr Powell added some words about improvements to be made with regard to Cards and Prizes etc and would give a monthly address on Missionaries.
Br Evans spoke a few words in regard to Band of Hope work which was of an encouraging nature.
It was decided that a month tonight a Service of Song should be given, Bills printed announcing same to be distributed in the locality.
The Monthly Social was held at which there was a fair attendance.
T Powell
July 26th 1910
Church Meeting July 26th
Present Mr T Powell
Br Evans and King
Sisters S Baldwin, Johnson, Perton, Parsley, G Pocock, Reading
After Prayer Meeting Br King read over Minutes of past Meetings which were agreed to.
Br King read over Table Money a/c which were accepted.
Br Baldwin being detained in hay work, Mr Powell mentioned that finances were about square.
Mr Powell desired that Thanks were due to those who arranged and carried out the Treat at the Monument yesterday and that we as a Church show our appreciation to all workers.
On Sunday and Monday Oct 2nd and 3rd Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held Mr Powell speaking special sermons on the Sunday and a Sermon on Monday afternoon Preacher Revd Brooksbank of Chesham. Public Tea at 5 and Public Meeting in the evening Presided over by Mr H Smith supported by Revd Brooksbank, Johnson and Powell. There was a good attendance. After the Public Meeting a sale of fruit, vegetables etc was held the result being a profit of about £5.0.0.for the Church fund.
Quarterly Church Meeting Oct 25th /10
Present W Baldwin, Evans, Dealey, Parsley, King
Sisters S Baldwin, G Pocock, Reading, Parsley, Gilbert, Ayres, Perton, Johnson
After singing and Prayers The secretary read over the minutes of the past Meeting and the table money a/c which were agreed to.
The Treasurer read over Finance a/c which were accepted.
Insurance suggestion etc to be further considered.
Lantern Lectures after Sunday evening service to be further considered.
1910 Church Meeting Sunday evening Oct 29th
Mr Keyse was chosen in as Superintendent Pastor
Passed H HKeyse 2/1/1911
1911 Annual Church Meeting January 2nd
Present Mr Keyse Superintendent Pastor
Br Baldwin, Evans, Dealey, Parsley, Baker
Sisters Perton, Parsley, Reading, Gilbert, S & E Baldwin, Ayres
After Prayer the minutes of the past Meeting were read and accepted.
The Treasurer read over Finance a/c accepted correct
After some discussion Br Baldwin proposed seconded by S Baldwin That of the 18/9 in the Missionary Secretarys hand 5/- be put to the 5/- from table Money a/c and sent to The Baptist Missionary Society for Widows and orphans of Missionaries, 10/- to be sent to Baptist Missionary Society leaving a balance in hand of 3/9 for general expenses carried
Mr Keyse suggested That a Missionary Circle be formed with a Missionary secretary and Committee whose objects would be to induce members and friends to contribute ½d each per week. Br Baldwin proposed Sister Reading seconded That Mr Evans be Missionary Secretary carried
Mr Keyse referred to the Rules of the Church especially to rule 6 and hoped the Members would attend the Ordinance of The Lords supper also that more should contribute to the weekly offerings and more seats should be let so that finances were more flourishing.
Mr Baldwin referred to the urgent Necessity of repairing roof of Chapel and heating also to having Notice board done up repainted a name written etc
It was proposed by Mr Baldwin seconded by sister E Baldwin carried
It was proposed by [blank]
Seconded by [blank]
That the Chapel Anniversary be held on Sunday April 2nd and April 5th.
The following names were selected, Mr Keyse to take Sunday services.
On Wednesday afternoon sermon by Mr Pratt of Wealdstone at 3.30
Public Tea at 5.
Evening service Chairmen Messrs H Marnham, Mr H Smith speakers Revd
J E Barton, Percy George, Mr Pratt and Mr Keyse.
1911 Church Meeting Sunday evening Feb 19th
Present Br W Baldwin, Evans, Parsley, Garment
Sisters S Baldwin, Ayres, Mrs G Pocock, A Pocock, Perton, Parsley, Gilbert, Blyde.
The Secretary read letter from Mr Keyse Superintendent Pastor with regard to the desire of Alfred Rolf to join our Church. Br King Proposed Sister Ayres seconded That Br Baldwin and Evans be the visitors and bring us a report of interview.
With regard to Mr & Mrs Rolf becoming members it was argued that Br King call upon them and bring in report of his visit.
Br King said he had seen Mr Rolf and he desired to think over the matter further.
H H Keyse
Church Meeting Sunday evening March 5th
Present Mr Keyse Superintendent Pastor
Br Baldwin, Evans. Baker, Parsley, Dealey, Garment, King
Sisters Johnson, S Baldwin, Reading, Ayres, Perton, Blyde, Halsey, Skidmore,
Mrs G Pocock, Miss A Pocock.
Mr Keyse called upon Br Baldwin and Evans to report how their interview with Mr
A Rolf as regards his fitness to become a member of our church. The report was very satisfactory which was endorsed by Mr Keyse. Proposed by Br Baldwin seconded
Br Evans carried
Baptism to take place Easter Sunday.
Baptist Union May Meetings in London, Br Baldwin was appointed Delegate to attend the Meetings.
Herts Union of Baptist Churches
It was proposed by Br Baldwin seconded by Br Garment that 5/- be the sum to send as the annual contribution from our church carried
Revd C M Hardy was the representative selected to represent us in the Baptist Union Society.
Mr Keyse proposed a Plan for visitation of the people in the village and district with tracts inviting the inhabitants to attend services at the Chapel etc dividing the village into districts, the following volunteered as visitors Br Garment, Baker, King, Sisters Gilbert, Skidmore.
Br Garment to act as secretary.
Proposed Br Baker seconded by Br Dealey carried
Br King offered to provide 100 Tracts “Monthly Visitor” for distribution.
HH Keyse
Minutes of Quarterly Church Meeting held April 4th 8 p.m.
[A different minute taker in the absence of Brother King]
Present: Sisters Parsley, A Pocock, G Pocock, Reading, Gilbert, Johnson, Perton, S Baldwin.
Bros. Baldwin, Evans, Keyse
Minutes previous meetings read and confirmed.
Arising from minutes Mr Keyse drew attention to the precedent that two friends be appointed and interview and report on those coming forward for church membership and asked that this precedent might be adhered to.
Table A/c showed balance in hand of 12-2½
Financial a/c showed balance in hand of £3-9-7
Receipts £15-0-2 Expenditure £14-10-7
Missionary Report
Mr Evans reported excellent progress the collection for quarter amounting to £2-4-0½
Mr Keyse read letter from B.M.S. asking us to endeavour to contribute a fixed sum to work at the Yakusu station on Congo.
Mr Evans Proposed Miss Reading Seconded “That we locate and endeavour to raise the sum of £8 to this station” Carried Unan
“Also that the 2nd Tuesday in each month be set aside as a special missionary evening for prayer”
Mr Keyse proposed that a hearty vote of thanks be given to Br and Sisters Baldwin by this meeting, as an expression of appreciation for their excellent services of entertaining students for week ends. This was carried unanimously
Visitation Mr Keyse reported that it had been started with already known results.
Miss S Baldwin, Ayres, Mr Evans had consented each to take a district.
Proposed passed unanimously that a vote of thanks be recorded to Mr King for his kind offer to provide month by month 100 copies of The Monthly Visitor.
Pastors Report Mr Keyse drew attention under Rule 6 to the repeated absence of Mr and Mrs Barlow from the Lords Table and other meetings. No satisfactory explanation being given after 2 personal visits and correspondence. Mr Keyse suggested that the Church ask Mr and Mrs Barlow for a definite statement as to their intention to continue in fellowship with us in accordance with the conditions in our church rules.
Proposed Seconded
That Mr Keyse be asked to do this on behalf of the church
Carried Unanimously
Church Renovation
Mr Baldwin drew attention to condition of doors, windows etc of chapel and proposed that a fund be started to raise the sum of £15 for renovation, fitting new blinds and lamps, notice board etc. Mr Baldwin seconded and carried Unan:
The diaconate were asked to act as select committee for this fund. Pastor thanked friends for loyal support and Meeting closed in prayer by Mr Keyse.
H H Keyse
1911 May 7th Church Meeting Sunday evening
Present Mr Keyse superintendent Pastor
Br Evans, W Baldwin, Dealey, Parsley, Garment, King
Sisters King, Johnson, Mrs G Pocock, G Pocock, Ayres, Blyde, Parsley, Skidmore, Halsey.
The right hand of fellowship was given to Brother Rolf.
Mr Keyse said an Estimate of £7.0.0 had been received for renovating the outside of Chapel etc Miss Reading proposed Miss E Baldwin seconded that the same be accepted carried unanimously
Mrs Skidmore proposed Mrs Ayres seconded that 18 hymn books be purchased 12 to lend to visitors and 6 in hand for anyone desirous of purchasing Carried unanimously
Mr Evans proposed Mr Garment seconded that Messrs King and Baldwin be the delegates to the Herts Union of Baptist Churches to be held at Berkhamsted Baptist Church on June 6 & 7th carried unanimously
The following were nominated to serve on the Committee of the Herts Baptist Association of Baptist Churches Messrs Keyse, King, Baldwin, Evans.
[faintly] Mr Rolph recvd H H Keyse
Quarterly Church Meeting July 17th 1911
Present Sisters Johnson, Perton, Bly, Parsley
Bros Keyse, Baldwin, Evans, Baker
Meeting open by hymns and Mr Baldwin led in prayer.
Minutes for previous two church meetings were read and confirmed
Arising from Minutes
Re Mr and Mrs Barlow. The Pastor reported that he had written to Mr and Mrs Barlow in accordance with the wish of the church. Expressing deep regret at their continued absence from fellowship and pressing them to return into our midst. At the same time pointing out that membership could only be retained in accordance with church rules.
No reply had been received and no wish to continue in fellowship had been expressed.
Mr Evans proposed Mr Baldwin seconded
“That their names be removed from the church roll of membership”
Regret was expressed by all at the necessity of this resolution which was unanimously adopted.
Herts Union Meetings Mr Baldwin gave brief report on those meetings
Table A/c a balance in hand of 18/7
Finance Receipts £15-12-6 Expenditure 12-2-9
Balance in Hand £3-9-9¾
Renovation Monies had been received for this fund amounting to over £6-0-0
The work being now funded this a/c £7 be paid
Missionary Report
Mr Evans remarked that its sweetness was as great as its brevity. The contributions had exceeded those of last quarter and there was now a balance in hand of £4-19-2
Prop. Mr Baldwin Sec. Mr Baker
“That the half yearly contribution of £4 be now forwarded to the B.M.S. for the Yahusu station” Carried Unan.
The Pastor asked the friends to make known the appreciation of the church to all who had so nobly carried out their duties as shareholders.
Pastors Report
Register of Attendance at Lords table showed that Mrs Dealey had now been absent for 6 consecutive months. This was deemed to be unsatisfactory to the spiritual welfare of the church and as testimony to those outside the church.
Mr Baldwin prop. Miss Parsley Sec.
That the Pastor write to Mrs Dealey as from the church and point out the necessity of continuous fellowship and the regret of the church that this should have been lax and make reference to the rules of the church on this matter. Carried Unan
Harvest Thanksgiving
Meetings to take the form of previous years.
Student pastor be preacher for Sunday Services.
Monday Preacher to be Mr Millar Johnson
Evening Chairman Messrs A Marnham and McClew
Evening Speaker Revd Illiot (Cong. Berkhamsted)
Sisters Perton and Johnson were asked to undertake their duties in regard to decorations as on previous years.
The Pastor expressed his appreciation of the cooperation of the church and after emphasising that church business was strictly confidential, closed meeting in prayer.
H H Keyse
1911 Special Church Meeting Sunday evening Oct 15th, Mr Martin presiding
The Meeting was called in respect of to a letter recd from the Hon Secretary of Regents Park College intimating that Mr Keyse year of Office as Student Pastor with us had expired and giving the names of Messrs Percy and Nelson as the men available to that office.
The following members were present
Br Evans, Baldwin, Garment, King, Parsley
Sisters S & E Baldwin, Reading, Ayres, King, Gilbert, Parsley, Johnson, Perton, Skidmore, Blyde, Mrs Pocock, G Pocock.
After the Secretary had read the letter Br Baldwin proposed Sister Skidmore seconded That we as a Church ask the College Authorities to let Mr Keyes remain for a further period of another year as superintendent Pastor carried unanimously
Br Baldwin called attention to the serious falling off of the weekly Contributions and urged every Member to do their utmost to increase the weekly offering.
As there appeared to be some doubt as to the Evangelistic Services Br Baldwin proposed, Sister Skidmore seconded that the matter be postponed until Mr Keyes come down carried.
H H Keyse
Minutes of Church Meeting Oct 6/1911
Student Pastor
Present: The Misses Baldwin, Reading, Gilbert
Bros. Baldwin, Evans, Parsley and King
Re Financial Report given by Mr Baldwin which proved satisfactory.
Re Harvest Thanksgiving. Mrs Johnson and Perton were cordially thanks for their splendid services in this connection.
Missionary Report sharedbalance of £2-15-7½
Carried unanimously £2 be sent to B.M.S.
Bible Class good attendance, it was reported that Mr Evans had been unanimously appointed leader by members.
Re Fence attention was drawn to its need of repair, Mr Evans generously offered to set this right giving his labour free.
Re Lamp Committee Appointed of Mr King and Mr Baldwin to see to this and select a suitable lamp.
Attention was drawn to the necessity of taking out insurance against accident.
This had been agreed upon at a previous meeting and Mr King was asked to take this in hand.
H H Keyse
Minutes of Annual Church Meeting held Monday Feb 5th 1912
Present : Student Pastor in chair
Sisters Baldwin, Reading, Mrs Pocock, Miss G & A Pocock, Mrs Perton
Bros Baker, Evans, Baldwin
Meeting opened in prayer by Bro Baker.
Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed
Arising from minutes Mr Evans reported that material had been obtained for repairs to fence and would be executed as soon as possible.
Scrutineers Messrs Baker and Evans were nominated as scrutineers.
Missionary Report
Mr Evans reported a successful year
Receipts £12-3-2½
Sent to B.M.S. £8-0-0
Dacca Fund 1-0-0
[for needy Christian students in Bengal]
Widows and Orphans 10-0
Demonstration and Ex2 2-0-4
In hand 12-10½
Mr Evans expressed his thanks to all the shareholders who had so nobly done this work.
Bible Class progress was reported the attendance keeping good
Treasurer reported on Finances
And a balance in hand of £5-19-6
The student pastor expressed his thanks to Mr and The Misses Baldwin for their excellent services to students throughout the past year.
Table Money Balance of 14/4
Re Heating Attention had been called to the excessive low temperature of the chapel during the past cold weeks. As this interfered with the attendance of many friends. Messrs Evans and Baldwin were asked to experiment with the furnace during the coming week to see whether the present heating apparatus could be made efficient.
Church Anniversary
Proposed date April 14th subject to alterations
Sunday Preacher Mr H H Keyse
Weekday Meeting It was thought that the afternoon sermon might be dropped unless the preacher was such as would draw a large gathering. Also suggested that the aft. Meeting be later and the evening meeting earlier with some suitable attraction – Tea for people to remain.
Preacher for Afternoon. Rev Chas Brawn DD
Rev Newton Marshall
Revd Hughes, Luton
Evening Speakers Local Ministry
Chairman Mr H Hawkins
Mr King Smith
Mr Edwards
Meeting closed in prayer
Election of Officers resulted as follows
Treasurer Wm Baldwin
Sec W D King
Sexton Wm Baldwin
Deacons W D King
Wm Sherman
J Evans
W Baldwin
Miss. Church Sec J Evans
The matters of now screening the curtains which had been thought advisable was then brought forward, but time being advances the matter was stopped until a subsequent meeting.
Passed as correct
H H Keyse
1912 May 2nd Sunday evening Church Meeting
Charles Pocock was elected a member of our Church
July 21 Sunday evening Church Meeting
Mr Keyes reported that Miss Frances Halsey had handed in her name as a candidate for Baptism and asked that 2 members might be appointed to see her and report to the Church. Mr Keyes proposed Mr Baldwin seconded that Mr Evans be one of the visitors Carried Mr Baldwin proposed Miss Baldwin seconded That Mrs King be the other visitor carried
Baptist Union Meetings to be held at Cardiff. Mrs King proposed Mr Baker seconded that Mr Baldwin be asked to attend and report to the Church, no other nomination coming forward this was unanimously agreed to.
5/- was then voted for Baptist Union subscription.
The Meeting was closed with Prayer
H K Keyse
Harvest Thanksgiving Service Sunday Sep 22nd
Preacher Mr Keyes Student Pastor
Tuesday Sep 24th Preacher Revd T F Hughes ofLuton. Public Tea and Public Meeting when a good number attended all the services and with a financial net result of £4.8.5½
1912 Quarterly Church Meeting Sep 30th
Present The Student Pastor Mr Keyes
Br Baldwin, Evans, King, Delderfield, Parsley
Sisters Johnson, Ayres, King, Perton, S & E Baldwin, Mrs Pocock, A Pocock, Parsley
After Prayer the Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings. Br Baldwin proposed Miss Ayres seconded and carried
The Treasurer read over a/cs for the past 2 Quarters Miss Reading proposed Mr Keyes seconded carried
Br King read over Table Money a/c carried
The Secretary read circular from Herts Baptist Union regarding coming Meeting to be held at Beechen Grove Chapel Watford on Wednesday Nov 27th /12 on launching … fund for Herts. Miss Baldwin, Miss Parsley, Mr Evans and Mr Parsley were selected as delegates to attend the Meetings.
Miss Gertrude Mothersole desires to have her transfer from Hampstead Church to our Church. Mr Keyes proposed Mr Baldwin seconded That her transfer be written for carried
S School Teachers had met had considered a scheme for making the Sunday School work more up to date and efficient this involved the formation of cradle rolls, primary department, intermediate Bible Class which are to meet at the same time in the afternoon. The cost should be raised by a fund.
The cutting up room would need renovating. The schoolroom gas arrangements etc should be altered a stove put in to warm Schoolroom, curtains etc required etc. At the same time mention was made of improving the light in the Chapel many have complained about the poor light. A Committee was elected comprising Mr Keyes, King, Baldwin, Evans to obtain information and the best Methods on thesematters and report to the Church at an early date.
Mr Keyes asked for the permission and cooperation of the Church to raise £20-0-0
to carry out the above mentioned works and improvements. This was granted.
Mrs King Mr Evans brought in report of their interview with Miss F Halsey.
Br Baldwin proposed that she be received into our Fellowship carried
1912 Oct 18
I sent Miss Gilbert’s transfer from our Church to Baptist Church Wealdstone.
Oct 20th Church Meeting after evening service
Present Br Baldwin, Evans Parsley, King
Sisters Johnson, Ayres, E Baldwin, Garment, Reading, King, Parsley, Skidmore,
Mrs G Pocock, A Pocock, Blyde, Perton.
Br King Presided.
Br Baldwin proposed Sister E Baldwin seconded That Mr Keyes be asked to continue Student Pastor for another year carried
Br Baldwin proposed Sister Reading seconded That if Mr Keyes was unable to accept Student Pastorship then Mr Perry be asked to become Student Pastor carried
Br King promised to write to Mr James Secretary of the College Preachers Committee tomorrow.
The Meeting concluded with singing The Doxology and Benediction.
A E Perry
Student pastor
1913 Annual Church Meeting Jan 7th
Present Mr Perry Superintendent Pastor
Br Baldwin, Evans, Baker, Parsley, and King
Sisters Perton, King, S Baldwin, Reading, Mrs Pocock, A Pocock, Skidmore, Blyde, Ayres
After Singing and Prayers The Secretary read over the minutes of the past Meetings.
The Treasurer read over the A/c for the past Quarter carried
The Scrutineers appointed for Ballot Papers were Messrs Perry, Baker and Parsley.
The following were elected as Deacons
Baldwin, Evans, Sherman, King
For Secretary Br King
For Treasurer Br Baldwin
For Sexton Br Baldwin
For Chapel Keeper Mrs Perton
Secretary for Missionary role Mr Evans
It was decided that 10/6 should be sent to Baptist Missionary Society widows and orphans fund from the Lords table A/c
The following names were selected for Chapel Anniversary for 1913
Br Evans, Revd W Cuff, Rev P George
Speakers for the evening Meeting
Revd Richie of Watford, Hobling Chorleywood, Johnson
Chairman Mr H Marnham
Sir CBailachie
Mr Manders of Luton
A general discussion on ways and means of raising the sum of £20-0-0
for improvements in the Sunday school took place.
Mr Baldwin suggested a testimonial should be given to Mr Keyes for his 3 years labour amongst us. It had been done with others Mr Evans was appointed collector.
Special Church Meeting March 2nd 1913
Present Mr Perry Superintendent Pastor
Br Baldwin, Evans, Parsley, King, Baker
Sisters Parsley, S & E Baldwin, Reading, King, Parsley, F Halsey [first meeting],
Ayres, Mrs Pocock, A & G Pocock, Skidmore, Garment, Perton, Blyde.
Br Baldwin Proposed Br King seconded that 5/- be sent to Baptist Union carried
Br King proposed Br Baker seconded that Br Baldwin be the delegate to B Union Special Assembly in London carried
Mr A E Perry proposed Br Evans seconded that Mr Herbert Smith be voted for on Baptist Missionary Society carried
April 7. 1013
A E Perry
1913 Quarterly Church Meeting April 7th
Present Mr Perry Superintendent Pastor,
Br Baldwin, Evans, King, Delderfield
Sisters S Baldwin, Perton, Parsley, King, A Pocock, Mothersole [first meeting],
After singing and Prayer The Secretary read over the Minutes of the past Meetings carried
The Treasurer read over A/c carried
Br King read over Table Money A/c carried
Mr Perry proposed that Mr W G Sanders transfer be written for at the Church of Berkhamsted to the Church at Northchurch Mr King seconded carried
Mr Perry suggested that Harvest thanksgiving be held about Sep 21st or 28th or Oct 5th that the following be asked to Preach on the week day Revd Ritchie Watford
Chairman Mr A King Smith
Revd Newton Marshall Hampstead
Herbert Marnham
And Mr Bailiss of Chesham
Chapel Anniversary 1914
Preacher Dr Ewens, Revd L Phillips
Revd C Brown, Newton Marshall, Cuff, Wilson
Chairman Cloutman, H Marnham
H Smith
Mr Perry moved That a Meeting of Church Congregation be held the first [gap]
in May to consider heating improvements for Chapel during the coming Autumn and Winter and lighting Estimates to be given.
With reference to raising £20.0.0 for various improvements in the Schoolroom Mr Perry asked if members would give something every week he himself would promise 1d per week
Sustentation Fund
It was suggested that a meeting be held during November carried
A sum of 20/- had been subscribed towards presenting Mr Keyes with a testimonial for his three years service as Pastor Superintendent. The matter was left in the Mr Perrys hands what the presentation should be.
[On 25 May 1913 William Sherman died aged 81. He had not been listed as attending a church meeting since October 1909]
Church Meeting Sunday July 6th
Present Mr Perry Pastor Superintendent
Br Baldwin, Evans, Baker, Parsley, & King
Sisters S & E Baldwin, Perton, King, Johnson, Halsey, Mrs G Pocock, A Pocock,
G Pocock, Blyde.
Mr Perry brought forward the names of Miss Ethel Cox as a candidate for Church Membership and proposed that Mrs King and Mr Baldwin be the visitors to her. Br Baker seconded carried
Autumn Assembly of Baptist Church is at Manchester.
Miss Halsey proposed Mrs King seconded that Mr Baldwin be the delegate carried
Sustentation Fund Meeting
Mr Perry proposed Mr Evans seconded that the date be Nov 3rd or 10th with preference for Nov 3rd names suggested as delegates Revd F Neal, Martin Ashly,
A M Ritchie, Mr P Michael carried
A E Perry
Nov 3 1913
Church Meeting Nov 3rd
Present Mr A E Perry Student Pastor
Br Baldwin, Evans, King
Sisters S & E Baldwin, Parsley, King, Reading, Perton, Ayres, A Pocock, Mrs Pocock
After singing and Prayers the Secretary read over the minutes of past meeting.
also Table Money a/c which was accepted as correct.
The Treasurer read over a/cs for the past 2 Quarters which were accepted as carried
A long discussion was had in regard to warming the Chapel.
Estimates and conditions were submitted from Bd Gas Co and on the proposition of Mr Perry seconded by Mr Baldwin it was agreed to ask the Co to experiment for 6 months to see if they succeeded. Carried
# The Missionary a/cs for the past 2 quarters were read by the Treasurer and accepted.
A E Perry
Jan 5. 1914.